Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1124: Use Hai Bodhi

Chapter 1124 Use Hai Bodhi

Chapter 1122: Use Hai Bodhi

Ding Hao put away the old Ya Xiaobi, stepped on the water fork, hung the water drop, and dived into the sea.

Song Chizi and Meizi also stepped on the diverging fork, following closely behind.

The three of them are like three blisters, in the deep ocean, the deeper they dive.

While diving, Song Chizi introduced, “The deep sea canyon is the most dangerous place in this sea area. In the canyon, the sea monsters who live in the canyon are very powerful, so we must give Hai Kunpeng to Attract it."

The so-called giant monsters on the seabed.

The monsters on the bottom of the sea are unimaginable on the land.

The monsters on the land are quite large at a height of ten feet. But the bottom of the sea is different, just say Hai Kunpeng, it can stand hundreds of people on its back. Moreover, the seabed is even bigger than Hai Kunpeng, so it can't be taken care of.

Ding Hao said, "Should we use Hai Bodhi outside the deep sea canyon?"

"That won't work." Song Chizi said, "If you use it directly like that, it's likely to attract all the powerful old monsters in the deep sea canyon, which is troublesome."

Ding Hao doubted, "Is there anything else in it?"

Song Chizi laughed and said, "The best way is to release a little bit of Hai Bodhi near the area where Hai Kun Peng is active. In this way, only Hai Kun Peng can be attracted, and it will not cause much impact."

"That's it." Ding Hao nodded, secretly, thanks to Song Chizi, the old rivers and lakes, if someone came here to use Hai Bodhi rashly, it would really be dead.

The three of them dived slowly. Although the water was very clear, the deep-sea canyon was too deep.

When entering the depths of the deep sea, it has become dark and vast, and nothing can be seen with the naked eye. However, all three of them are monks, invisible to the naked eye and still have divine consciousness, which can easily penetrate the water curtain.

Ding Hao's cultivation base was the strongest, and his divine sense was the farthest. He watched the nearby waters vigilantly to prevent any danger from happening.

The monk's divine consciousness, the fish in the sea can all be sensitive to it.

Therefore, ordinary fish will escape from the area of ​​spiritual consciousness, swimming farther and farther.

As the diving deepens, the spiritual consciousness will also be under the pressure of the water, and begin to be oppressed, and the coverage area becomes smaller.

This kind of dive lasted three days, and when Ding Hao's foot fell on a rock, they had already reached the bottom of the sea.

"My spiritual sense was pressed one meter outside of my body!" Meizi was shocked, that is to say, she didn't even know the danger that occurred outside the range of one meter outside of her body! In this kind of place, she, a little monk in the early days of Golden Core, is very dangerous.

Song Chizi said, "It's okay, you will have nothing to do with us." He said again, "The range of my current sense of consciousness can reach two hundred meters outside the body!"

After all, he is already in the late Yuan Ying stage, and the penetrating ability of divine consciousness is still very strong. The distance of two hundred meters is enough for him to avoid some fatal attacks.

He asked again, "Ding Hao, how many meters can you perceive with your cultivation level?"

Ding Hao said, "I can still perceive the appearance of four kilometers."

"Four thousand meters!" Meizi stuck out her tongue in fright.

Song Chizi smiled bitterly, "This is the gap of cultivation level, four kilometers, enough for you to avoid all attacks." Even the strongest Sea-Monster, within the range of Ding Hao's perception, there must be a safety distance of four kilometers. , Ding Hao has a chance to escape.

Ding Hao said, "You still have to be cautious. Some monsters can use spells and move fast. For them, four kilometers may be there in no time."

"If I encounter such a monster, it would be a death at all."

Song Chizi led Ding Hao to fly forward based on his memory.

After flying for a while, Ding Hao first opened his mouth and said, "I perceive it. The current in front seems to have changed." His knowledge of the sea perceives further, and first discovers the underwater canyon.

"Come with me." Ding Haofei was in front, Song Chizi and Meizi followed.

Soon, they came to an underwater canyon.

"What a nice view!"

When she came here, her eyes suddenly brightened, and Meizi opened her beautiful eyes.

The huge trench and canyon in between is like a deep sword mark, and the flat seabed has this shocking crack. And on the two walls of the inner side of this gorge, there are dots of light.

There are so many dark lights, most of them are blue, and at first glance, it is a blue canyon.

And on both sides of the rift in the canyon, a variety of magnificent corals grow. The huge coral, showing brilliant colors, is even more beautiful against the blue light.

Ding Hao nodded when he saw it, "Sure enough, there are many sights."

Song Chizi said, "Those blue star dots are actually a kind of creature called Blue Luo jellyfish."

Mei Zi said, "What a beautiful creature."

"Although beautiful, it is also very dangerous." Song Chizi said, "The Blue Luo jellyfish is an electric creature. After the monk touches it, it will overflow a very powerful current! After this current is released, the life of the Blue Luo jellyfish It came to the end, but the monk who was hit by this electric current was likely to be paralyzed and fell directly into the deepest part of the deep sea canyon."

"So!" Meizi's face turned pale, if she didn't know to touch it, it would be really dangerous.

Ding Hao used his own spiritual knowledge to explore, and the deep-sea canyon was really deep. With a perception range of four kilometers, nothing can be explored at all.

"San Patriarch, where does Hai Kunpeng live?"

Song Chizi said, "Follow me."

The three of them flew forward on the periphery of the deep sea canyon.

"Hai Kunpeng is very big, so it lives in the most open position in the middle of the deep sea canyon."

The deep sea canyon is very long, thousands of kilometers long. Ding Hao and the others flew for a short time before Song Chizi stopped. It can be seen that the cracks in the canyon here are very wide, like a terrifying huge mouth, but the huge mouth is not bottomless, and I don't know what is underneath.

Song Chizi observed for a while, and then confirmed, "It should be here. I saw Hai Kunpeng return to the nest, and I got down from this position."

Ding Hao said, "Three Patriarchs, coming here with your cultivation base is already quite an adventure."

The range of his perception is only two hundred meters. If a powerful monster attack, it will quickly attack him, which is very dangerous.

Song Chizi smiled bitterly, "Who is Dao Zongqiong? Here, sometimes I can encounter some elixir on the bottom of the sea." While speaking, he pointed to the inner side of the canyon and said, "There is a deep-sea Ganoderma lucidum there, but look. It’s only a few hundred years since it went up."

Ding Hao nodded, "The more inaccessible places like this, the more the elixir will grow."

"Who would say no, if it was an intersection where people came and went, someone would have picked it up a long time ago."

Finding the position is to attract Hai Kunpeng out.

Ding Hao raised his hand and took out Hai Bodhi.

This is a plant that looks like a golden bergamot, but it is very dry and hard, just like hard golden firewood, even in water, it has a very special smell.

"I'm coming." Song Chizi took Hai Bodhi over, released a sharp spirit treasure weapon, and cut off a thumb-sized piece from the top, "It's such a big piece, it can already attract a certain range of monsters."

While he was talking, he vomited another mouthful of infant fire and lit this small piece.

After being ignited, white smoke flowed out.

But the smoke from Hai Bodhi is very peculiar. It does not float upwards, but sinks downwards.

From the small piece of Hai Bodhi, white eyes rolled down.


Song Chizi handed back the ignited Hai Bodhi, and Ding Hao released Xiaobi.

Xiaobi turned one of its hands into a vine, grabbed Hai Bodhi, and stretched down the edge of the canyon.

They are like fishing, wanting to catch Hai Kunpeng like this.

But obviously, this strategy is not perfect.

When Xiaobi's arms had grown to reach a kilometer, it attracted an astonishing number of strange fish. These strange fish rushed to **** the Hai Bodhi that Xiao Bi was holding, and Xiao Bi was not welcome. From her branches, several branches stretched out and drew fiercely towards these strange fish.

These strange fishes got a whip and suddenly a bloodstain, so painful to escape.

However, the taste of Hai Bodhi was too strong, and more and more deep sea monsters were alarmed, and finally caused a pile of strange monsters underneath, and Xiao Bi's arms could no longer be extended.

"It seems that I am the only one going down." Ding Hao frowned.

"That's dangerous." Song Chizi quickly reminded.

Mei Zi also said, "Senior Ding Hao, or forget it, you can't put you in danger because of my business, in case..."

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Nothing in case, I have my own means, don't worry."

Ding Hao asked again, "Three Patriarchs, if you meet Hai Kunpeng, how can you absorb its bile?"

Song Chizi took out a slender silver needle and said, "Put it into Hai Kunpeng's parotid gland, and you can take away its bile."

"Then you wait here." Ding Hao was afraid that they would encounter an attack, and let the crow out again, and then took Xiaobi and flew into the deep sea canyon.

After deepening several hundred meters, Ding Hao hid directly into the star-absorbing stone. With the protection of the star-absorbing stone, he didn't need to be afraid no matter how deep he dived.

After diving for five kilometers, the surrounding blue jellyfish became denser, and the rocks on both sides were densely packed, bright as day.

However, Ding Hao also noticed that there were large and small caves on the stone walls on both sides.

From these caves, from time to time, there are monsters like fishes and turtles with strange shapes, coming and going back and forth, looking like they are about to become monsters.

"These are cultivation holes." Space Monkey said, "There should be a very good spiritual vein in the deepest part of this canyon. Spiritual power overflows from the rock. These monsters will drill holes here to increase their cultivation."

Ding Hao smiled and said, "If it's really as you said, there is a spiritual vein deep in here, then I'll have an accident."

Ding Xiaokong shook his head and said, "Even if there is, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you, Master."

While it was talking, a very powerful mental power suddenly swept across the star-absorbing stone.

Ding Hao's eyes moved, "Sure enough, there is the mental power of the great demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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