Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1173: The practice of space monkey

Chapter 1173 Space Monkey Training

Chapter 1171 Space Monkey's Training

"This golden horn!"

Ding Hao has taken this golden horn in his hand.

I saw that the golden horn was very sharp, with layers of subtle bulges in circles, and Ding Hao's fingers pulled on it.


Ding Hao's finger suddenly broke!

"So sharp!" Ding Hao's face was shocked, but his fingers were fused with an astonishing number of strengthening crystals, which were strengthened in the Demon Tomb strengthening room.

But even so, on the bulges of the golden horn, the fingers were still broken!

"The sharpness of this thing is already equivalent to Dao Qi!"

Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

"Good thing, if you take it back to the Great World of Immortal Refining and reach the Nine Heavens, you still don't know what sky-high price you will sell!"

The treasures of the underworld are extremely precious in the great world of immortality. Moreover, it is still this kind of treasure equivalent to Taoism, if it is used to refine some magic weapon, its power is simply scary!

"Good, good." Ding Hao was ecstatic in his heart, but he didn't expect to come down from the crack this time as the right one.

The triangle beast fell on the ground with three golden horns on its head.

Ding Hao only got one and wanted to dig down the remaining two.

However, the other two triangle behemoths are still fighting frantically, fighting all over the sky with a ghostly atmosphere.

Ding Hao couldn't go out temporarily, so he had to wait patiently in the star-absorbing stone.

"Beat, beat, and beat the other one to death!" Ding Hao, the kid is gloating, if the strongest Nether Beast kills the other one, he will have three more golden horns!

But people are not as good as the sky, and when another dark beast is about to be killed...

In the sky, with a bang, a big hole split.

A large white lightsaber shone from the opening, and you can clearly see that behind the opening are several black-skinned Asuras in the underworld.

These Underworld Shura looked down and saw the underworld beast that had just broken through at a glance.

"Haw, wow." Underworld Shura looked very happy and talked to each other for a long time, and then one of them threw a golden chain from the crack!


One end of the golden chain was held in the hands of Underworld Shura, and the other end with a golden collar, set against the giant triangle underworld beast.

Of course, the triangle ghost beast was not willing, turned his head and ran.

But these were all in vain. The golden collar followed like a shadow and flew with the triangle underworld beast, and finally stuck on the triangle underworld beast's head. After putting it on, the few Shura in the upper gap pulled the triangle out of the dark beast like a tug of war.

Ho Ho Ho!

The triangle underworld beast uttered a stern roar, but it was no match for those underworld Shura, and soon saw its huge body being pulled up in the air.

Amidst the rustling of golden chains, its body got higher and higher, and was pulled out from the crack in the sky.

The triangular underworld beast was dragged away, and several underworld Asuras swept down with mental power, but found nothing unusual.

Afterwards, the huge white light cracks in the sky slowly disappeared.

On this small plain of Baili, the original quiet was restored.

Ding Hao stood in the star-absorbing stone and could see clearly. He nodded and said, "I guess it’s correct. This place is specially used to raise these triangular corpses! These carrion corpses were fallen down for these triangular corpses. Food for beasts! These triangular underworld beasts eat the carrion and start practicing, and when they are strong to a certain level, they will be pulled away by these underworld Shura!"

Ding Hao asked, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Xiaobi said in the same way, "Dad, I see, what you mean is that this is a pigpen, and these dark beasts are pigs raised in the pigpen."

Ding Hao almost vomited blood when he heard this sentence. Could it be that he came out of the pigsty?

Space Monkey said, "Even if it’s a pigpen, it’s a pigpen where precious pigs are raised! These triangle underworld beasts are very powerful, especially the one that broke through just now, and it’s even more powerful! Produce a large number of these underworld beasts and train them into an army. What a powerful army this is."

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's impossible for the army. The speed of these triangular behemoths is not so fast. To form a strong army, I am afraid it is not enough."

Space Monkey said, "It's okay to be a bodyguard."

Ding Hao nodded and smiled, "That's okay. Anyway, we still get our treasures the best."

However, Space Monkey hesitated and said, "Master, I have an idea, but I'm afraid of that, you don't want me."

"Don't want you? What's wrong with this, did you learn from Xiaobi?" Ding Haoqi said.

Xiaobi Nai said with a voice, "Dad, I didn't teach him these difficult things."

Every time Xiaobi is disobedient, Ding Hao will say that Dad doesn't want you anymore, and Xiaobi eats one set. But I did not expect that now Ding Xiaokong also came to this sentence, saying that he was afraid that Ding Hao would not want it.

Ding Hao smiled. "How is it possible, Xiaokong, just say what you have to say."

Space Monkey said, "That's right. I just went out and sensed that their ghostly aura is good. I want to refine a little. In this way, my combat effectiveness will be much stronger!"

"What, you want to refine these ghostly breaths?"

Ding Hao was really about to faint, these ghostly auras were so disgusting that people in the Immortal Refining World couldn't avoid it, but Ding Xiaokong, this guy, actually asked Ying to refine the ghostly aura. Ding Hao thought for a moment, and said, "If you refine these ghostly breaths, I will really not want you."

Normal humans have a strong aversion to the nether aura, and feel nauseous when they smell it, and monks are no exception.

If the Space Monkey refines a lot of this ghostly aura, and then stays with Ding Hao all day, it will be Ding Hao's life!

Ding Xiaokong said, "Master, just let me go out to practice. Don't worry, as a space monkey, I naturally have a space to store these ghostly breaths, which will not leak out, and will not make you feel any discomfort. !"

Ding Hao thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

This time to the True Dragon Palace, Ding Hao did not give Space Monkey a meal of the true dragon's internal organs.

So this time the Space Monkey took the initiative to refine the ghostly breath, but Ding Hao couldn't stop it.

He opened his mouth and said again, "It's okay to go out, but you must store them, and don't give off a peculiar smell on your body all day, which is hard to accept."

"Master, it won't."

The space monkey slipped out of the star-absorbing stone.

There is no aura of a living person in its body, so the underworld beasts turned a blind eye to it, and Ding Xiaokong just sat down on the spot and began to refine these underworld qi.

Ding Hao was also quite moved. He did not expect that Space Monkey finally cultivated the breath of the underworld.

Speaking of which, Ding Xiaokong did this for a reason.

When the True Demon King created it, it was not used to treat him as a thug, so there was no fairy root for cultivation in him. In the Great World of Immortal Lian, it is impossible to cultivate without immortal root, so Space Monkey cannot cultivate.

But when he came here, the breath of the underworld made Ding Xiaokong see hope.

He could actually cultivate by absorbing the nether aura, which is tantamount to opening up a path for himself.

"But this road is not easy to walk." Ding Hao sighed, "Netherworld breath is not so easy to find. In the future, when you go back to the Great World of Immortal Refining, where do you go to find the Netherworld breath to practice?"

Ding Xiaokong said, "Let's take one step and count one step, so that I have enough strength to help the master fight when the time comes, and I don't need to hide behind alone."


Let Ding Xiaokong practice quietly, Ding Hao dug the remaining two golden horns and flew around on the star-absorbing stone.

"It's another one!" Slowly, Ding Hao's Purple Emperor Armor was retrieved one by one, and the one worn on Ding Hao became more and more handsome.

In this space, as time passed day by day, Ding Hao had slowly felt the law.

Every day, these underworld Shura will throw down a large pile of carrion; every other month, a triangular behemoth will break through and form; soon, the sky will crack, and a golden chain will fall, and it will be placed on the giant. On the head of the beast, take it away.

"There is one last piece, where is the battle helmet of the Purple Emperor Armor?"

Ding Hao has been here for more than a year, and the full set of Purple Emperor Armor is almost ready. Now the only thing lacking is the battle helmet of the Purple Emperor Armor.

"The only possibility right now is to be there!" Ding Hao's gaze shot towards a corner of the plain.

There, a groove like a swimming pool, surrounded by strange black boulders, with a layer of black liquid.

The triangle behemoth prefers to stay in the black pool. There are often several triangle beasts in the pool, one male and multiple females.

The black liquid was very disgusting, Ding Hao never went in, and the triangle monster that occupied the pool was also very careful, not allowing anyone other than them to occupy it! Ding Hao once tried to fly over, but when he approached cautiously, he was discovered by these triangular behemoths.

"Damn it, how can I go to find a helmet?"

Ding Hao stood in the star-absorbing stone, and he was already in almost the full set of Purple Emperor Armor at the moment.

This suit of armor is very domineering and handsome, with two black dragons painted on both arms, and the dragon head is on his shoulder pads! The dragon head is raised, made of metal, and very powerful. Two dragon bodies extend downward along the arm guard and the arm guard. The dragon tail is also shaped to protect the back of Ding Hao's hand.

The chest of the battle armor has four huge mirror-shaped armors, the mirror surface is black, which is covered with dense veins, strange and fierce.

Besides, the battle skirt, belt, leggings and a pair of boots, all worn on Ding Hao's body, felt majestic.

The only fly in the ointment is the lack of a battle helmet.

And the most important thing is that the whole set of armor has not been refined, and the master has not been recognized. The most important key is the helmet of this armor.

All the settings for recognizing the master are in the battle helmet.

Ding Hao must obtain a helmet to completely refine this armor! Only then can he truly become the master of this set of Purple Emperor Armor.

At this moment, Ding Xiaokong took the initiative to ask, "Master, let me go over there to find out in the water."

(End of this chapter)

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