Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1202: Angry Festival Tendai

Chapter 1202

Chapter 1200

"what happened?"

"Will you be transformed after being killed?"

All the four Tai are speechless.

The strength of this Demon of Joy, Fury, Sorrow, and Joy is stronger than imagined!

The three ancestors' complexion changed drastically, and he quickly spread the voice to the other three people, "Everyone, we are probably encountering an opponent! I really didn't expect that there should be such a powerful monster in the lower realm! This Demon King of Joy, Fury, Sadness is not only very strong, but also difficult to kill. Death! With us, he can only be trapped temporarily!"

"Damn it!" Fifth Ancestor Yun Nishang's face was annoyed, and the sound transmission said, "Speaking of our Ninth Ancestor Lower Realm, it is really shameful that none of us can kill a Lower Realm monster!"

The fourth ancestor said, "Five sisters, don’t be angry. This demon of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy is indeed very strong, and it is extremely difficult to kill! It’s better to save people and leave, then invite the strong from the Nine Heavens to come down together, and then It was captured in one fell swoop!"

The meaning of the fourth ancestor is also the meaning of the third ancestor, and the third ancestor said, "I think so too. Just leave him for a while, and we can find some helpers in the middle stage of the fit in the upper world, and then we can capture him alive."

Jiu Nu interrupted them, "But waiting for your upper realm to find a helper, time is too late! Now God's will is still waiting for Ding Hao and the Devil of Joy, Fury, and Devil to decide a victory or defeat."

"This way..." The third ancestor thought for a while, and then said, "The four of us dragged the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sadness and Music, and let Ding Hao take people to the Mountain of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and smashed his worship platform! In this way, the Demon King of Joy, Anger, Sadness and Joy His application will be invalidated, and God’s will will not recognize him as an applicant, so Ding Hao is the only one left, and he will definitely become the devil!"

Jiu Nu felt that this also made sense.

"Ding Hao, this demon is very strong, we are afraid it will be difficult to kill him today!" Jiu Nu immediately transmitted to Ding Hao.

"What, you can't kill him!" Ding Hao was shocked.

But think about it, this is no surprise, after all, this demon of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy is a demon from the heart of the seven emotions! That is a fairy! The demons left behind before the immortals became immortals became monsters after tens of millions of years.

This demon of joy, anger, sorrow and joy is really amazing!

Therefore, with three, four, five ancestors and nine slaves, it is very difficult to kill this demon of joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

Jiu Nu transmitted the sound again, "The best way now is to hold him, and then you take people to the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain, and smash his Demon Lord's Sacrifice to the rooftop! Then God will not recognize him, and then only you An applicant, you are the only demon master!"

Ding Hao nodded immediately, "Alright, then you guys be careful!"

Now that this decision is made, the third ancestor raised his hand, threw out a golden light, and said, "Boy, I think you are pleasing to your eyes, Yunlang Baozhou will lend you to use it."

Ding Hao raised his wrist, took the golden light in his hand, and opened his palm, which was a piece of paper.

The function of the paper talisman is to pass the permission of Yunlang Baozhou to Ding Hao, just like a car key. Ding Hao can control the Yunlang Baozhou after refining this paper talisman!

"Four seniors, be careful."

After Ding Hao refined the paper talisman, he waved to the monks in the valley, "Everyone, follow me."

At this time, the righteous monks had nothing to say, throwing out flying treasures one after another, and followed Ding Hao to fly.

Tang Pengcheng Yewen and Ding Wanling also used their flying treasures to fly into the air.

Ding Hao looked back and found that Ye Wen was still using the Promise Shuttle, which was so touched that he didn't want it.

At the beginning, his Promise Shuttle was divided into three parts, one for Ye Wen, another for Leng Xiaoyu, and the third for himself.

After so many years, the flying treasures of him and Leng Xiaoyu have been updated.

In other words, he doesn't use Promise Shuttle himself!

But Ye Wen is still using it!

What does this show?

Does Ye Wen really have no money to buy a better flying treasure?

The answer is obviously no.

Ye Wen still uses this Promise Shuttle because she still has that attachment in her heart! Stick to that one!

But at this moment, Ding Hao didn't know what to say, and it was more important to smash the temple of the Demon King of Joy, Fury, Sadness and Music first.

Soon after, Ding Hao's figure moved, jumped off the Shadow Pirate Shuttle and stood on the deck of Yunlang Baozhou.

"This treasure boat is amazing!" Tang Peng Cheng Ye Wen and the others were all surprised when they saw this treasure boat.

But what is even more enviable is that this treasure boat is the treasure of the three ancestor Zhou Tongtian, and it is actually loaned to Ding Hao at this moment. With Ding Hao's cultivation base, he couldn't control Baozhou at all, but with the three ancestor's amulet, Ding Hao could use it normally.

When Tang Pengcheng and the others fell, many monks stood on the Baozhou.

These monks all went to Ding Hao Zongmen to observe the ceremony, there is a right way and a magic way.

Tang Pengcheng and the others were jealous of hatred. When they saw old opponents like Tu Lao Mo and Li Lao Mo, they all stared at each other and did not speak.

Fortunately, there are still many righteous people on the boat, including Miao Xuanyue of the Jiulie Dao Sect and others on the boat.

Tang Pengcheng, Ye Wen and others hurriedly walked to the righteous camp and saluted Zhengyuan Patriarch.

Patriarch Zhengyuan and the others already knew what was going on, he said, "Ding Hao, you go to Qiqing Liuyu Mountain to sacrifice to the rooftop, I'm still here to help the third ancestors."

A person like Grand Master Zhengyuan would go wherever there is danger. Now the third ancestor doesn't seem to be able to suppress the Demon King of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, so he wants to stay and do his part.

"Alright." Ding Hao nodded.

At this time, Ding Hao thought that he was just going to Qiqing Liuyu Mountain and smashing the roof of the sacrifice, and he didn't know that there was a huge danger waiting for him. So he nodded and watched Master Zhengyuan fly away from Yunlang Baozhou, and then he controlled Yunlang Baozhou to fly to the mountain of seven emotions and six desires.

While the Yunlang Baozhou was flying, Leng Xiaoyu walked over with a smile and giggled, "Little Y thief, who is that beautiful female monk?"

Ding Hao knew that she was asking Ye Wen and replied, "It is my fellow in the small world, just like Shang Yun, Min Qingqiu and others."

"Really?" Leng Xiaoyu chuckled again, "How did I hear that she has a different relationship with you? And when she came up just now, she used the Promise Shuttle, as if I also have one here."

Ding Hao's face was immediately embarrassed.

It is said that Ye Wen has always been in love with Ding Hao, and no Taoist couple will accept it these years. Originally, Ding Hao thought that this rumor was only circulating in the right way, but obviously, this kind of gossip news, the magic way will not be spared, and it has long been passed to Leng Xiaoyu's ears.

"This..." Ding Hao couldn't answer for a while.

"You kid." Leng Xiaoyu sipped, then smiled slightly, and walked towards Ye Wen.

Ding Hao was manipulating Yunlang Baozhou, but he was a little frightened.

Leng Xiaoyu and Ye Wen, it was a rivalry meeting!

Moreover, two people are the right way, and the other is the magic way! One is jealous, the other is decisive! The two of them are like an ice and a fire. When they meet together, they will definitely have an unusual chemical reaction!

But waited for a while, as if things were not what Ding Hao thought.

Leng Xiaoyu and Ye Wen didn't know what they were talking about, and they both laughed.

"Illusion, this must be an illusion." Ding Hao was a little startled, and said in his heart, it's really a needle in a woman's heart, I can't guess it.

In the clouds and waves of Yunlang Baozhou, it was not far from Donglin City to the Seven Emotions and Six Desires. It was almost instantaneous, and soon, he saw a high mountain appear below.

Seven emotions and six desires mountain!

Ding Hao is no stranger to this place, and most of the demon monks on the boat are no stranger to it.

Just fifty years ago, Ding Hao won seven games in a row here, created a myth, and won the title of the star of the magic way!

But in just fifty years, nothing here is nothing, neither are people!


Ding Hao was dumbfounded, the Red Dust Palace on the top of the Seven Emotions and Six Desires disappeared!

Instead, it was a pointed tower that looked like a turret!

And on the whole mountain of seven emotions and six desires, there are all kinds of beasts of seven emotions, big and small! Among these strange beasts of seven emotions, there are many flying beasts, an astonishing number, and they rushed towards the Yunlang Baozhou in black!

Although this Yunlang Baozhou flew at a terrifying speed, it didn't even have any defensive measures.

Ding Hao immediately shouted, "Everyone, be careful!"

"Second brother, don't worry!" Zhang Shasha and others immediately jumped up, released their treasures, and slashed and killed the Seven Love Beasts!

Those monks who were righteous, did not idle, and began to slash the Qiqing Beast.

After these beasts of seven emotions are killed, they will shed tears of seven emotions!

After being refined, this thing is a kind of heaven and earth treasure that has a great effect on mental power and soul. The refining pill is even more effective and a good thing. Everyone killed the beast of seven emotions and snatched the tears of seven emotions, it was a great joy!

Ding Hao said again, "Everyone, after killing the Seven Love Beast, remember to throw down the corpse and don't dirty the treasure boat of the third ancestor."


Although Ding Hao could control Yunlang Baozhou, he had insufficient authority to put it away.

So he stopped the treasure boat in the air, Ding Hao turned around and shouted, "Who would like to go with me to smash the rooftop of the Demon King of Joy, Fury, Sadness, and Joy, and follow me!"

This will be the old Demon Li and the others coming out, "Sect Master Ding, we are doing things about smashing, smashing and looting! This hateful demon king of happiness, anger, sorrow, joy, and demon of seven emotions and six ways of demon Snatch it, hit his grandma!"

Ding Hao said, "It's okay, then go down."

At the moment, Ding Hao and Tu Lao Mo Li Lao Mo and a few old demon heads flew down to smash the lower sacrificial platform.

The other monks didn't go down either, everyone was busy killing Qiqing Beast.

Everyone didn't feel any danger. After all, the Devil of Joy, Anger, Sadness was not at home, and he smashed his prayer roof. How easy is it?

Soon, Ding Hao and the others fell on the mountain of seven emotions and six desires.

In the past, the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Mountain had restrictions and could not directly land. Now the entire mountain is destroyed, and there are no such rules.

Ding Hao and the others stood at the foot of the high altar. It seems that although this altar is a bit simpler than Ding Hao’s altar, it looks quite tall and mighty. The whole body is black, and it looks like a demon lord. .

Old Demon Li scolded, "What is it, what is he, he wants to be the devil too, smash it!"

(End of this chapter)

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