Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1230: Shakui

Chapter 1230 Sha Kui of Slaughter City

Chapter 1228

The speed of the warp cylinder was so fast that it reached the limit of calculation, and finally burst open at the last moment!

But at the last moment of this explosion, the real Samsara had already got the result.

Countless billions of trillions of light of wisdom rose in the sea of ​​his knowledge, and they were finally destroyed.

After various precise judgments and eliminations, only this light of wisdom is left!

"This is the result!"

At this moment, the real person of Samsara was almost completely paralyzed, and he couldn't bear all his brain power and overloaded operation.

He didn't even look at the location in the light of wisdom, so he flicked his finger, and the light of wisdom popped out like a firefly.

Then, he completely weakened, "You all go out, I need three months to cultivate, and also, give me the law guard..."

"Obviously." Ding Hao held a light of wisdom in his hand, and a dazzling glow came out of his eyes. He walked out with Jiu Nu and Lei Ting Ting, and bowed respectfully, "Elder Samsara, thank you! Neither Ding Hao nor Jiu Tian Shenzong will forget your achievements. Take a good rest, and I will leave Jiu Nu behind. I will protect you."

After speaking, the three of them walked out. At this time, the reincarnation real person's brain was injured, and he couldn't bear to say one more sentence and one more word. He waved his hand at Ding Hao, then lay down on the spot, first calming his chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

After Ding Hao and the others went out, they closed the door.

Both Jiu Nu and Lei Ting Ting looked at the light of wisdom in Ding Hao's hand with joy, "Location, is there?"

Ding Hao opened his palm and saw the light of wisdom falling on his palm like a firefly, and then disappearing into his palm like ice and snow melted.

"I see." Ding Hao nodded, this place has already passed into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Having obtained this location, Ding Hao immediately said, "Jiu Nu, you are here to protect the Samsara elders. Unless the Samsara real person needs it, no one should enter his room."

Jiu Nu nodded and said, "In a moment, I will set up an array to seal off the surroundings of this room. Any noise outside will not alarm the Samsara elders."

Ding Hao nodded again, "Then I will notify all the elders of the sect to open the mysterious gap in space 52!"

Thunder Ting also became excited, "I will go with you."


At the moment, Ding Hao led Thunder Ting to the area where Zhang Shasha was responsible. At the same time, Ding Hao used the Zongmen token to issue an order, "Attention all elders, give up all search tasks in your hands, and go to the location of the mysterious Shahe. Wait for me there!"

All the elders of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect, all put down their tasks and rushed to the position of Shahe.

At this time, no one knew that Ding Hao had already counted the position.

Everyone thought that Ding Hao rushed over this time to save the missing Li Shaotian Zhang Shasha and Peng Guan!

In a certain city, a tavern.

"Hey, have you heard that the people of the Nine Heavens God Sect who dig and dig near our big city all day left yesterday."

"Walking well, I will be annoyed when I see them! Digging and digging all day, looking for Xianfan City, dreaming!"

"Oh, don't say that. I think the Nine Heavens God Sect is also miserable. You know, they all evacuated because the three elders of the Nine Heavens God Sect were involved in Shahe, and they don't know their life or death!"

"I'm asking for trouble! I said they couldn't find it, okay now? This Ding Hao, when he first came to Jiuzhongtian, he was coaxed, and he was also a gift from the nine ancestors and the Palace of True Dragon. I thought it was one. The powerful sect is about to be born. Who knows, this Ding Hao is a stupid. First he inexplicably pays the elders of his sect, until the sect goes bankrupt; then he comes up with a faint trick to find Xianfan City. Haha, it’s good now, Xianfan City didn’t find it, but killed a few of its own people, haha, funny!"

The monks in the tavern are all casual cultivators, and they are very unpleasant.

Many of them held an attitude of gloating, wishing that the Nine Heavens Divine Sect was reduced to a third-rate sect.

In King Kong City.

Qin Dongfang who got the news also laughed, "Good, good, great!" When he said this, he gritted his teeth and said, "This Ding Hao, he wants to play himself!"

"Come on, a toast." Bai Wen held up the wine glass in his hand and smiled, "Ding Hao, little beast, you have done too many bad things, this is retribution!"

Qin Dongfang said gloomily, "There are only three Huading elders, it's not enough, just die a few more to kill my heart!"

Bai Wen took a sip of the wine and said with a smile, "I heard that Ding Hao ordered all the elders to rush over. It seems that they want to enter Shahe together and rescue the three disappeared elders."

"Idiot, it's better to die more!" Qin Dongfang said with a smile, "That Shahe, I have studied a few years ago, I have a few blood diamonds died in the river, if the guess is correct, the one of the Shahe There is a Nine-Tailed Shakui!"

"My God, that's a monster beast in the legend." Bai Wen's expression changed dramatically.

Sha Kui was not simple, it was a creature that appeared before humans had occupied the entire sky. Later, humans began to colonize in the first layer, and there was also the incident of Shakui attacking the city, and even in the ancient books, there is a record of the entire city being slaughtered by Shakui overnight! Among them, Nine-Tailed Shakui is the strongest among Shakui!

Under the persevering struggle and destruction of mankind, Sha Kui has become extinct, but the strongest one has disappeared without a trace.

"It should be the one!" Qin Dongfang said with a gloomy look, "I wish Ding Hao's men would go down, and then all of them would die below!"

"Then they are finished, what Nine Heavens Divine Sect, they are all finished!" Bai Wen ecstatic, "Nine Heavens Divine Sect is finished, even if the little animal is not dead, he and his sect will be reduced to a third-rate sect."

Qin Dongfang became happy now, his face grimly said, "This is the best way. Then I can find the place from this third-rate sect!"


Ding Hao and Lei Tingting moved forward at full speed. When they rushed to the side of Shahe, there were already a lot of elders and disciples of the Nine Heavens Sect.


"The Sovereign is here."

The disappearance of Li Shaotian, Zhang Shasha and Peng Guan, was a huge blow to everyone. Everyone's expressions were quite solemn, and the atmosphere was as low as the wind and sand around them. Even seeing the unexpected acquaintance of Thunder Tingting, everyone was in no mood to greet him.

"Sect Master, you must save Big Brother Peng." Black Wind Witch walked up with wet tears on her face.

"Don't worry too much, they are at least alive at the moment." Ding Hao comforted, everyone's tokens have the function of measuring life and death, and they have not sensed that these three are dead.

Leng Xiaoyu has also arrived. Faced with the current situation, her pretty face can't smile at all.

She has always completely agreed with Ding Hao's decision.

But now in the dark, many people have already begun to doubt Ding Hao's plan to find Xianfan City.

Although everyone has a generous salary, because of the consideration of the sect, everyone always feels that the plan to find Xianfan City is not reliable. Is there really Xianfan City? Can you really find it? Ding Hao even wants to give up the assessment of the mad alliance in order to find Xianfan City?

This is extremely stupid.

Many people had these ideas, and they didn't dare to reflect to Ding Hao. In the end, they all reflected to Leng Xiaoyu.

Leng Xiaoyu can only try to comfort everyone's emotions, but now something has happened, Li Shaotian and Zhang Shasha have disappeared, followed by Peng Guan.

As a result, this suspicion reached its peak.

"Sect Master, let's give up this senseless search!"

"Be down to earth!"

"Does Xianfan City really exist? Even if it exists, we can't find it at all? Sovereign, let's do a small business, run a business to make a little money, and slowly develop is..."

"Yes, I don't want to be the next Deputy Sect Master Li."

Among the crowd, someone finally started to question Ding Hao directly.

Ding Hao's gaze moved, and it was mainly the disciples who came to King Kong City to speak, and some disciples who were close to them.

"These people are not their own, and they can't support their families." Ding Hao's expression was cold. In fact, he had heard all these voices, but he would never allow this kind of public questioning and challenging the authority of his suzerain.

"I know that many people are still questioning my decision. I have said many times the importance of finding Xianfan City! For the Nine Heavens God Sect, let alone missing a few elders, even if it is really dead, even if I am Ding Hao dead. I’m going to find Xianfan City too! Do a little business and run business. You are naive. Our Nine Heavens God Sect was so grand when we were in the upper realm. Do you think those ninety-nine big cities are sincere congratulations? I dare to fight Assure you, if you go out for business, you will be restricted by them for various reasons! So finding Xianfan City is our sect's first priority. If you don't agree with this, hand over the sect token, and get out of here now!"

Ding Hao said, his eyes swept over everyone here.

No one dared to speak anymore.

At this moment, a figure crawled out of Shahe.

It was Soldier Mei who had been tracking for several days that came out. He turned into a form to track in the Shahe, and finally chased after the prey.

"Elder Mei, how is it?" Black Wind Demon Sect quickly stepped forward and asked.

"Running, that thing is too fast." Soldier Mei sighed, lifted his wrist, and took out a jade ribbon. "I found this. Sect Master, you can see it."

Looking at that piece of jade, Venerable Yingbian immediately said, "That is what Deputy Sect Master Li put on the head of the Sand Demon to record."

Ding Hao took the Yucca and used his spiritual power to activate it, and the time curtain was released.

Inside is a recorded scene of the sand monster leader entering the sand river. Nothing happened at first, the sand monster leader sneaked into the depths of the sand river.

But at this moment, a huge black shadow, a monster with eight tentacles engulfed the sand monster leader...

"What kind of monster is this?" Ding Hao's expression was huge. This black figure is big and fast, and it is invincible in Shahe!

Thunder Ting said, "I have studied the ancient monsters, this should be the ancient monster Nine-Tailed Shakui!"

When he said this, many people felt pale when they thought of something, "Is it the Sha Kui who killed the city overnight?"

The previous chapter said that today is a good day, some people say it is a day of outbreak... Khan, Mantou did not say that. The reason why I say it is a good day, hehe, is because today is my ancestor’s birthday. If you must ask me how old is my birthday, I will answer you...18 years old!

(End of this chapter)

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