Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1285: Refining the soul (550 votes plus more)

Chapter 1285 Refining Soul (550 votes plus more)

Chapter 1283

"It hurts!"

Amidst Ding Hao's heartbreaking roar, a figure wearing a purple armor rushed to the highest point in the sky, and slammed to the ground again and again.

With the sensitive hearing of the powerful monks, standing far away, you can even hear Ding Hao's roar.

It may be that God's will discovered Ding Hao's weakness.

Now those ligers, tigers, dragons and phoenix formed by thunder and lightning all made a harsh howling sound.

With this voice, even Teacher Ji and the others in the distance felt that their heads were torn apart.

It seems that there is a big hand that covers the sky reaching into the depths of your sea of ​​consciousness, and then it seems like this, tearing up your sea of ​​consciousness!

"What kind of attack is this?" The faces of several teachers changed drastically.

They have seen many people crossing the tribulation, but they have never seen such an abnormality.

"This day the catastrophe has found Ding Hao's weakness, and I will play him to death!" Although the female teacher didn't like Ding Hao, she still felt shuddering in her heart when she thought that Ding Hao would be tortured to death by this electromagnetic sound wave. .

Teacher Ji looked at the scene in the sky in the distance, and said, "This electromagnetic sound wave is much stronger than ordinary sound attacks. Everyone, although we are far away, we must not be hurt by it."

After speaking, he sat down on the spot with his knees crossed and started to meditate, using his will to push these sound waves out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

After he sat down, the other teachers and nearby spectators all meditated cross-legged.

Teacher Ji and the others must fight against this kind of sonic attack. Ding Hao is in the center of countless sonic attacks, and the pain can be imagined.

Countless large invisible hands reached into Ding Hao's sea of ​​knowledge, tearing back and forth.

Ding Hao had practiced the Colorless and Phaseless Sword Art, but under such a powerful attack of heaven, he couldn't condense into a sword of wisdom!


Boundless pain!

Compared with the physical pain, the mental pain is the most intolerable!

Ding Hao's Sea of ​​Consciousness has been completely chaotic, frantically torn, almost crushed into a few pieces!

However, in the pain that caused him to faint countless times, there was a little clarity, and he kept his last bit of wisdom.

A ray of light shot down from the highest point of the sea of ​​consciousness, like a pin light.

Go straight to the deepest part of the dark sea of ​​consciousness.

Go to Dantian!

The so-called dantian is a point between the eyebrows of a person, three inches inward! There is an acupuncture point here, which corresponds to the Qihai Dantian below, here is called Shang Dantian! Also called Zifu! Also called Tiangong! Also called Qiongshi!

The upper and lower pubic fields are divided into two, which are all acupuncture points. The lower pubic fields give out the golden pill, and the upper pubic fields give out the soul!

Although Ding Hao's sea of ​​consciousness was violently shaking and tearing, it made him desperate for life.

But he sucked the star roots, but released a little light to protect his Shangdantian!

And while Ding Hao was completely out of control, the primordial spirit in his dantian was slowly absorbing power from the violent vibrations around him!

At this moment, somewhere in the first heaven.

A blood-haired monk was looking up at the sky.

"According to time calculations, the master should also be transformed in the last few days?"

"The master walks along this path, every time he makes a breakthrough, he uses the ancient ways of cultivating. This time he transforms the gods, God should also use the ancient gods of the catastrophe?"

"The ancient gods, the ancestors are too far away, so I won't talk about it. Let's talk about the mythological era. The way to transform the gods at that time was to refine the soul! Alas, time has passed so many years. People now only know about God is the law of perception, the golden ding inscription, but who knows that the real god-transforming powerhouse wants to refine the original god! Only the original **** can be the true god! So the current gods and ancient gods Respect, can't be compared!"

"Of course, refining the soul may be painful, and any armor can't stop it. Master, I didn't tell you, I just hope you can refine the strongest soul, so that you can get the best Dao law. !"

How did Ding Hao know that God's torture was not so much torture, it was actually helping him refine the soul!

As the years go by, the will of heaven is changing.

The way of transforming gods in the age of ancestors and the age of mythology is also slowly changing.

From the original refining primordial spirit to the present Jinding inscription, the way to transform the spirit has become simple, but the strength of the gods has become weak.

It's rare this time that there was a monk with ancient cultivation methods suddenly, so God's will had a very happy time this time!

That kind of weird howling, crazy raging.

As a result, many people in the Seventh Heaven, sitting cross-legged on the spot, began to resist the interference of this strange sound wave attack!

Looking at the distant sky, surrounded by several electric dragons and electric tigers, a figure wearing a purple armor had given up struggling, just hanging in the air like a corpse.

"Ding Hao, is he not far from death?"

In the dense forest, Emperor Wudao glanced at Ding Hao, then quickly closed his eyes, and began to resist this sonic attack.

To be honest, he was quite relieved!

For what Ding Hao did, it is impossible for Emperor Wudao not to hate him, and Emperor Wudao can't wait for him to die!

However, Emperor Wudao was very worried, Ding Hao was really dead, so the space where the fairy artifacts were hidden might really be missing!

But subconsciously, Emperor Wudao hoped that Ding Hao would die. The worse his death, the better, so he was quite relieved to see Ding Hao's "death" lying in the air.

Time passed like this, an hour has passed.

Gradually, Di Wudao suddenly felt something was wrong.

If Ding Hao had already died, the catastrophe cloud in the sky would have disappeared!

Now that Ding Hao is going to die, hanging in the sky, what is going on?

Emperor Wudao finally opened his eyes again...


He opened his eyes again, almost biting his tongue in shock!

It turned out that Ding Hao had already sat cross-legged in the midst of the crazy screams of those electric dragons and electric tigers, and then sat in the void, meditating cross-legs!

"My God, he's not dead!"

Teacher Ji and the others all had the same expressions as they saw a ghost.

The terrifying sky thunder before, killed more than a hundred monks at once, Ding Hao did not die.

With such a terrifying sonic attack, every teacher must meditate and fight. Ding Hao sat in the middle of the attack and was about to die, but he actually came back to life again!

"Is this kid from Xiaoqiang?" the female teacher blurted out and asked.

Everyone thought that Ding Hao was over. This kid had been hanging in the sky like a corpse for an hour, but even so, he actually sat up again, it was a corpse!

But Teacher Ji couldn't help laughing.

Originally, he took care of Ding Hao because of Uncle Ding's advice.

However, after several exchanges, he found that Ding Hao is an evil guy, who often brings surprises to people!

He couldn't help but like this kid.

Seeing Ding Hao sitting up, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "If Ding Hao can survive this catastrophe, he should be able to get the Tianjiu Avenue."

The ancients summed it up, Tianjiu Avenue, Dijiu Avenue and Renjiu Avenue.

In every ninety-nine avenue, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one avenues.

There are nine heaven, earth and people, there are a total of 243 avenues!

Except for the 243 avenues, the avenues are weak avenues with little combat effectiveness.

Among these 243 avenues, the 81 avenues in Tianjiu are the most powerful!

The first nine of these 81 avenues are the strongest in Tianjiu and the strongest avenue considered by the ancients.

Sky gold, raw wood, pure water, extreme fire, earth, boundary wind, sting thunder, dark light, distant star.

These nine avenues correspond to the nine elements, basically the power to control a certain element, which can be regarded as the strongest avenue law in the world!

For example, if you get the Extreme Fire Dao, it is the purest fire power that controls the Fire Dao law.

This is already a great law!

Teacher Ji smiled and said, "Ding Hao, he is the fairy root of the flame beast. I think that he should open the extremely fire-level Dao law, and get the corresponding divine space!"

"Are you so optimistic about this kid?" the female teacher smiled.

Another teacher next to him said, "I also think this should be the case." The teacher pointed to the sky and said, "According to the general rules, the more terrifying the catastrophe, the more extraordinary the roads that result from it! This time, Ding Hao, the robbery in the sky can be said to be unprecedented, so the law of the great road he opened should also be unprecedented!"

The female teacher sighed, "What you said is even more susceptible. It has never been seen before. Is it possible that Ding Hao really did not succeed in setting out the law of surpassing Tianjiu?"

Generally speaking, the 81 avenues of Tianjiu, especially the first nine avenues, are already the highest.

But is there still a way beyond Tianjiu?

It really does!

For the monk, the most powerful person is the person who controls the elements.

The nine major elements in the world, being able to control any of them, already gained one-ninth of the power of Providence.

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, this is not the case.

For example, if you control the water element, you can keep people all over the world from drinking water, but is this useful for your fight?

So this is still a garbage avenue.

Therefore, there are really many avenues beyond Tianjiu Avenue.

There is Huawai 64 Avenue, just like Huawai Zhibao. Although Huawai Avenue is not in the sequence of the law, its power is always leveraged; there is also Feijiu Avenue. , Persisting to the end, 80% can fly into immortals; there are also the legendary avenue, the seven real magics, and the five myths. These are even more awesome!

The so-called Seven Ways of the True Demon means that there were seven people in the age of the True Demon who had comprehended the seven ancient great avenues, and since then, no one has comprehended these seven great avenues. The same is true of the five myths. In the age of myths, five people have felt the five great principles, and since then, no one in history will understand these five great principles.

These are the avenues beyond Tianjiu, even if they are true geniuses, they don’t dare to express these avenues, so they are basically a joke.

But Teacher Ji looked up at the sky, and suddenly he laughed, "Listening to what Teacher Ying said, I actually have higher expectations for Ding Hao."

"Cut, I don't believe that this kid can start any earth-shattering avenues. It's amazing to be able to make the first nine of the nine!" The female teacher and another male teacher held a negative attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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