Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1309: Triple war exploits

Chapter 1309 Triple Battle Merit

Chapter 1307

610 base city.


When Ding Hao and the others came out of the teleportation formation, their only feeling was chaos, the ground was shaking, and the monks rushed out crazy.

And from outside the teleportation hall, there was a bang, bang, explosion, a fight, and a heart-piercing roar from the fairy clan!

"The battle has already begun."

Teacher Ji took the lead and walked out of the teleportation hall.

Ding Hao and the others followed.

When I went out and took a look, everyone's blood was boiling!

The 610 base city is much larger than the 609, and at this moment, a corner of the base city has been breached!

An astonishing amount of life of the fairy clan is crazily pouring in!

These celestial beings were a bit different from the celestial beings that Ding Hao saw before.

The life of the celestial spirits I have seen before is either elephant wolves, or ligers and the like; and the life of the celestial spirits here are all in the form of alien animals, some are giant apes several meters tall, and some have countless tentacles on their bodies. The giant elephant, and others, are even more covered with blades. When it spins frantically, the flesh of the nearby monk is directly torn apart!

"Kill!" The human monk was not to be outdone either.

The monks who came out from various teleportation points released their magic weapons, some of them released various spells, fireballs flying, swords and shadows.

It was also mixed with the screams of some monks, "Haha, today is a rare mission of triple combat achievements, kill!"

"It turns out that it was three times the battle exploits today!" Ding Hao's expression moved. The 610 base city was broken, and the battle achievements were greatly improved, which attracted a surprising number of monks.

Seeing the blood boiling in the battle, Ding Hao also felt a little itchy in his hands.

Teacher Ji's gaze turned, and soon he saw a very tall and mighty monk among the crowd who almost made others think he was a demon cultivator.

"Big Brother Yingzheng!"

That mighty monk turned out to be the No. 1 on the current military merit list, and the Yingjia Yingzheng with 70 million military merits that no one can surpass!

Ying Zheng is currently the person in charge of the 610 base city, and is instructing people to close the breached gap.

"You, open up the second defensive formation..."

Ying Zheng gave orders and walked over.

Ji Boyang smiled and said, "I didn't think I came here today by a coincidence, haha, it just so happens that I can earn a little exploit!"

Ying Zheng laughed and said, "If you want to be shameless, you are already a full member of the Mad League, and you are still fighting against our peripheral members."

Ji Boyang cursed, "I want to help you defend the city, but you don't know what it is, don't want me to help me and I will go."

Ying Zheng laughed again, and then he did not continue joking, after all, the situation is not easy now.

He went straight to the topic, "Are these three new people just joined?"

He looked at Ding Hao and frowned, "This is too tender!"

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." Ji Boyang said with a smile, "You have been here for too long, and you don't know the situation of Sixth Heaven. These three young people are all the hottest geniuses of Sixth Heaven! Emperor Wudao, the godson of Zhenxie Zhenxian and Zining Zhenxian, the first genius of Ningzhenxian; this is Ding Bajiu, the disciple of Wudi Zhenxian, the contemporary genius of the Ding family firm!"

Finally, Ji Boyang patted Ding Hao again, "This is Ding Hao."

Teacher Ji didn't introduce Ding Hao much. Obviously, Ding Hao's name and situation had already been discussed with Ying Zheng in advance.

"Good boy, not bad." Sure enough, Ying Zheng did not pay attention to the two, but patted Ding Hao.

Ding Hao clasped his fist and said, "Brother Yingzheng, what can we do to help?"

Ying Zheng was very satisfied with Ding Hao's quickness to fight, and nodded, "When you get here, you have automatically entered the third stage of the assessment test! You don't need anyone to arrange, and you don't need to be responsible to anyone, you There is only one thing to do, and that is to kill! Kill the lives of these celestial spirits and retake our stolen homes! Don’t give them any chance. Be kind to them, which means that your parents and relatives will one day Become their slave!"

These words of Brother Yingzheng were full of enthusiasm. Ding Hao and the newcomers, including Di Wudao and Ding Bajiu, were upright and said loudly, "We know!"

Ying Zheng nodded his head and looked at the three people, waved his hands and said, "Go out and kill, new people, I'm waiting for you to explode the number one position in my military exploits!"


The three were about to leave, and Ying Zheng said again, "Be careful! Remember, you can only explode my chrysanthemums by living!"

The three couldn't help laughing.

Watching these three newcomers run away, rushing out to attack the fairy clan.

Teacher Ji smiled, "Big Brother Yingzheng, how are you doing?"

Ying Zheng shook his head and said, "The fairy tribe has really advanced by leaps and bounds in the past few thousand years. Not only have more weird forms of life evolved, but also more spells! If we humans do not work hard to suppress them, the end result is very likely. They are fighting back! At that time, let alone the Seventh Heaven, I am afraid that the Sixth Heaven will be taken back by them."

"So severe!" Teacher Ji was shocked.

"En." Brother Yingzheng nodded and said again, "But our 610 base city is still well built, which is pretty solid."

Ji Boyang smiled bitterly, "Isn't this all breached? It's still a golden soup."

Ying Zheng laughed and said, "Actually, I opened the corner deliberately. One is to test the internal two defensive formations, and the other is to attract this group of fairy tribes, close the door and hit the dog! You see, we open the door. Kill a batch, put another batch in immediately, and kill again! These fairy tribes rushed in and were besieged!"

"So that's the case." Ji Boyang said with a smile, "No wonder you let the three newcomers directly rush out to kill the Immortal Spirit Race. It turns out that there is a chance of winning."

Ying Zheng laughed and said, "If it's really dangerous, how can I let them go? Especially that Ding Hao, or the genius of our five big families, I will take care of him."

"In this case, then I won't compete with you, I'm leaving."

Ji Boyang sent Ding Hao and the others, the mission was completed, and he left the 610 base city immediately.

"Kill!" Ding Hao released the Purple Emperor Armor. With a black light and shadow on the Slaughter Spear in his hand, he pierced out a leopard-shaped life of the fairy clan directly through his body, killing him!

Immediately, he turned his head and smashed it again, smashing a white wolf-type fairy spirit who wanted to attack him.

At this moment, there was a sudden, earth-shattering roar.

The white wolf-shaped fairy spirit clan's life exploded, and the roar just now came from its belly!

A monster full of tentacles and sharp blades swelled up!

"What a cunning Faerie Spirit Race, hiding in the body of a small Faerie Spirit Race!"

Seeing this giant beast appeared, a group of Taiyi in the Integral stage all swarmed up, "Use the formation! End the formation!"

All of Taiyi's divine realm space was released, layer after layer, to suppress this monster again and again. At the same time, they pinched out the tactics in their hands at the same time to form a huge formation. This monster with tentacles and sharp blades all over its body. It can't distinguish the north, south, east, and west. It will only roar, "Humanity, death!"

"You just died!"

All of them pressed down violently, and the power formed by the formation was like an invisible giant mountain, violently suppressed!


The ground violently moved, and this monster-shaped fairy spirit clan life was suppressed and could not move!

"Kill!" All of you Taiyi released sharp swords and treasures and killed them!

The life of the fairy clan is also valuable, and the higher the life of the fairy clan, the higher the value. Many parts of their bodies are treasures of heaven and earth! There are also some peculiar fairy clan, who will be dedicated to the mad league after being captured alive, and get more points!

But now is three times the time for combat exploits, kill them to get more combat exploits!

Watching Tai Yi seniors share their exploits, Ding Hao stood in the distance and did not make a move.

Ding Hao knew very well that his strength was not enough. He would rather let go of the immortal spirit race that was too powerful. He only killed the immortal spirit race that he could kill!

"It's only a short while, and I have more than one hundred combat exploits! Haha, I am coming soon too!"

Ding Hao looked at the mad alliance waist card in his hand, once again rushed into the life of the fairy clan, and slashed.

What he didn't know was that in the distance, within the two defensive formations, several monks in the combined phase were looking at Ding Hao's back with their cold eyes.

"This kid is the order that the hoeing team gave this time?" A Taiyi threw a pill into his mouth.

"It seems that the level of God Transformation should have the strength of the middle and late stages of Transformation." Another Taiyi relentlessly evaluated.

"If you send a killer of Huashen Dzogchen, I believe this kid can escape by chance."

"So, now it seems...only we will do it ourselves!"

The few Taiyi real people who were in the fit period all looked outside mercilessly. These people are all members of the Ding family's treacherous team, and they are not all outside the Ding family, so they don't have a big beard.

But Ding Bajiu knew them. Ding Bajiu looked back at these people, and then at Ding Hao, who was alive and well.

Ding Bajiu’s face showed a cold smile, "Ding Hao, although you are a human genius, it is a pity that you have offended our Ding family! A genius, no matter how capable, is not used by our Ding family, and even become our Ding family. The enemy of the family! What reason do we have for you to survive? Ding Hao, there are a few Taiyi real people who have come out, how do you live?"

However, the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

In the battle against the fairy clan, the three young geniuses also tried their best!

After most of the battle was over, with the big brother Ying Zheng yelled, "The outer city gate is repaired! The formation is opened! The crisis is resolved!"

This battle in the city finally ended, and the array light curtain in the sky kept ringing, "The mission is complete! The mission is complete! The mission is complete..."

The mission was completed, and the triple combat exploits stopped.

There were still a lot of corpses on the scene, and monks ran to collect them, and these corpses could also be sold for money or exchanged for military exploits.

It will be bought by the cultivators of Blood Dao and Corpse Dao.

Di Wudao’s white shirt was stained with a lot of foreign blood. He looked at his waist card and smiled at the corner of his mouth, "I got more combat exploits than Ding Hao and Ding Bajiu, not bad."

At this moment, a cultivator from the Ningzhen Fairy Society came up and spoke a few words with him.

(End of this chapter)

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