Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1319: Devotional time (1)

Chapter 1319 Devotional Time (1)

Chapter 1317 Spiritual Time

Entering the second floor of Huashen, there are only two white apes left under Ding Hao's hands.

These two white apes can't **** anymore, and Ding Hao will become the commander of the polished rod after they finish sucking.

Day by day, Ding Hao also had very clear feelings as the spiritual time approached.

"Obviously, the fairy aura in this valley has become rich."

These celestial beings do not choose their habitat randomly.

Why stay in this valley for a long time?

The main reason is that this fairy spirit is stronger than other places, which is convenient for the fairy spirits to cultivate.

And as the spiritual time approaches, the fairy aura in the valley begins to slowly improve!

"It seems that this devotional time is not just the spiritual practice in the fairyland, but the entire fairy clan, who can get certain improvements and benefits!"

Because the fairy spirit in the valley became rich, the fairy spirits also reduced the frequency of attacking humans.

Ding Hao felt that this so-called spiritual practice time was like "hibernation" every five years!

Every time it is this "hibernation" time, the fairy clan seldom go out and practice, hiding in the valley.

For human beings, having mastered this law can just use the time of "hibernation" of the fairy clan to take the opportunity to do something!

What Ding Hao didn't know was that the 610 base city had already started a lot of construction work.

Under the leadership of Brother Yingzheng, the monks of the five major families plan to double the size of the base city in the near future!

On this day, Ding Hao was lying there, using his sharp fingers to draw white marks on the cliff.

"Ape, you are really comfortable lying down." White wolf Barlow came over.

This guy is one of the few immortal people that Ding Hao knows.

"Great fairy." Ding Hao complimented and asked, "Lord Barlow, come to me..."

Barlow, a white wolf-shaped fairy tribe, said, "Lord Dirk wants you to go, it is said that we are going to the fairy land!"

"Really?" Ding Hao howled excitedly, then said, "Baluo, are you going too?"

Barlow said, "Yes, this time I also have my place. I can see the great fairy, I am excited just thinking about it."

Ding Haoqi said, "Can you really see the fairy?"

The so-called celestial spirits are the ancestors of the celestial spirits, the people who created the celestial spirits. However, humans are not sure about this person. More humans believe that this is just a fictional ancestor of the fairy tribe.

But Barlow said, "It is said that a person with good luck can see a fairy, even if it is bad luck, he can get the gift of a fairy."

"Oh, great fairy." Ding Hao praised, and he was more determined in his heart to go and see what the ancestor of the fairy clan was.

Barlow said again, "Lord Dirk is waiting for us, we still don't let him wait long."

"Then go."

The two quickly came to the row of stone houses.

"come in!"

Walking into the stone house, in addition to Lord Dirk, there are five celestial beings standing.

Two of them are humanoid beings, one is a monster with many tentacles, and the other is Ding Hao and Barlow.

Lord Dirk said, "Great fairy."

Ding Hao and the others followed him with a compliment.

Lord Dirk continued, "The time for this spiritual practice is approaching. Our territory is about to send you five geniuses to the fairyland. You must practice hard and get more fairy inheritance! Don't let down I’m giving you expectations! I’m telling you that I wanted to go, but because of my plan to attack humans, I didn’t go! Especially Yuan Da, you are nominated by Princess Billie, listen. Saying that you have received guidance from the fairy, you must strive to see the fairy!"

"Yes, Lord." Ding Hao responded, but his heart was pounding.

"Plan to attack humanity!"

Lord Dirk has just said that he has a plan to attack humanity! Generally speaking, this kind of devotional time will not have such a plan. Is it possible that the fairy clan will uncharacteristically attack humans this time?

The more Ding Hao thought about it, the more he felt possible, and the more he was frightened!

Human beings have become accustomed to doing something during the spiritual cultivation time of the Fairy Spirits. If this time the Fairy Spirits takes advantage of this, a sudden attack... the consequences are simply unimaginable!

After Lord Dirk finished speaking, Barlow asked, "Lord Lord, what should we pay attention to in the past?"

Lord Dirk said, "When the time comes, Princess Billie's attendant will take you there. If there are any precautions, she will explain to you."

Another humanoid fairy clan asked again, "I have been to the land of the fairy spirits several times, but I haven't seen the fairy. Did you see the fairy?”

Lord Dirk said, "There are tens of thousands of spiritual souls who go to the fairyland every year, and only a few people can see the fairy. I haven't had the opportunity to see the great fairy."

The monster with tentacles said, "I really want to see the fairy. If I can see the fairy, I can die immediately."

Lord Dirk encouraged, "Everyone's hard work, there should be the day when you see the fairy, the great fairy is fair and kind..."

But at this moment, Ding Hao suddenly spoke, "But Lord, I want to stay and accompany you in the battle! Great fairy, I also want to see him. But I haven't fought for too long, I think I have to contribute to the territory! Those **** humans, I haven't killed them in a long time, so please let me stay, Lord!"

Lord Dirk was very satisfied with Ding Hao's request. In his opinion, this white great ape was able to understand the reward of grace, which was a good quality.

He walked up with satisfaction. Because of his height, he could only pat Ding Hao's arm and said, "Ape, you are very good. You want to stay and help me kill the enemy! But this time, I don’t have to. Your mission is Go to the fairyland to practice! Don't worry about the others! Let us kill the **** human beings. This is a great plan, a plan from the fairyland!"

"Really?" Barlow was also attracted by this question and asked, "Lord, what is the big plan to kill humans? I really want to hear."

Lord Dirk said, "This plan is confidential. It is not convenient for me to disclose too much to you. I won't go into the details. In short, when you come back, our side will definitely win! At that time, we will use human blood. , To welcome you all these geniuses back!"

After Lord Dirk’s encouragement, Ding Hao and the others were promoted.

Ding Hao is now a spiritualist, and Barlow is a spiritualist.

Coming out of Lord Dirk's stone house, Ding Hao thought about this plan.

"This is definitely a big plan, a massacre plan organized by Fairy Land!" Ding Hao became more and more worried.

In previous history, the fairy clan rarely launched attacks during spiritual cultivation, and this kind of crazy large-scale sneak attack was not even once! So if the fairy clan really does it once this time, humans will have no defense at all!

"No, I must send this news back." Ding Hao thought.

Space Monkey said, "But now you have nothing to say, do the fairy clan really want to carry out a sneak attack, how large, from which direction, and which day it will be? You don't know at all. You go back and report to those people. I won't believe you either!"

"You said so."

Ding Hao frowned. He is currently on the second floor of God Transformation, and he ranks last in battle!

He has no use for words at all. Could it be that he has been in the fairy clan for five years and has become a small official of the fairy clan... these, no one on the human side will believe it!

Just now Ding Hao even thought about asking Space Monkey to report a letter.

But thinking about it now, this is simply impossible. He went back and said, I'm afraid no one would believe it, who would the Space Monkey go back to?

Moreover, it is also far away from the nearest human 610 base city. If Ding Hao goes back to report, he will probably lose the opportunity to enter the fairyland here!

"What to do?" Ding Hao felt a little hard to choose.

On the second day, the entire valley was filled with whiteness. These mists, like soft veils, flowed in the air, very ethereal, graceful and celestial, precious and rich fairy aura, condensed into mist, covering the valley. , Xianling people are addicted to it, fascinated.

This kind of phenomenon, called the fairy mist, is a rare opportunity for cultivation.

From the trail, a female fairy tribe came along, the female entourage who followed Princess Billie last time.

"Great fairy, I have seen Lord Lord."

The fairy clan woman said, "Take me to see Lord Dirk."

"Lord Lord, please come with me." Ding Hao took the woman into Lord Dirk's stone house, and the female Lord handed Lord Dirk a jade ribbon.

Lord Dirk said to Ding Hao, "Go and call all the other four people."

After calling the other four people, the woman and Lord Dirk were chatting.

"Lord Dirk, your luck is so good that you actually got the fairy mist. It is said that practicing in this super rich fairy aura, there is a little chance that it will mutate!" The female lord laughed.

For the fairy clan, mutation is the greatest joy!

At this moment, the scene of the fairy misting, although the chance of mutation is not great, but using this time to practice, there are more or less opportunities. And even if it is not mutated, it is also very good for the cultivation of the fairy clan!

Lord Dirk nodded and said, "I really didn't expect that there was no sign before, and it really was the great fairy's favor."

The female lord said, "Lord Nadek, please use this time to practice. I will take these five people to the fairyland."

Lord Dirk said, "Why go in such a hurry? The opportunity of the fairy mist is not necessarily encountered once in tens of thousands of years. You simply practice, and when the fairy mist disappears, you will take them again. set off."

The female lord sighed, "I have to take a detour to Lord Karg, and have a plan to give him. If this is delayed, time will be too late!"

"Send plan, good opportunity!" Ding Hao, who had not spoken, felt that the opportunity had arrived, and he quickly walked out, "Great fairy, I am willing to help Lord Lord deliver things, Lord Lord, you can practice here."

Both the female lord and the dirk lord were surprised, but they didn't expect Yuan Da to come out.

The female lord frowned suspiciously, "Your thinking is so complicated, who are you on earth?"

Forty more today, the rhythm is like this.

Now I will change one chapter first, and then there will be 19 chapters at 12 noon today, and the remaining 20 chapters will be saved until 12 midnight tomorrow.

Some people say that the forty chapters are not divided into two days? Mantou doesn’t know how to say it. The editor informed me today. Don’t scold me. Just scold him. He is called a cookie. Smile.

But to be honest, I only have 35 chapters saved now, and I can't publish the next 40 chapters. If you divide it into two days, it will be divided into two days. In short, this month will make everyone happy, and there will be small outbreaks in a few days!

Some people say that you are not on the road with steamed buns. Why don't you send it out in free time for everyone to see... The steamed buns are hard work, let the steamed buns make a little money.

Finally, let's talk about the plot. The last few chapters of these forty chapters will enter a brand new plot, which is a good pit. I hope everyone is satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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