Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1321: Cancel plan (3)

Chapter 1321 Cancellation Plan (3)

1319 Cancel the plan?

"Shen Xingdao Palace! Look at it!"

"My God, isn't it forbidden for real immortals to come here? How come there are gods driving the Shenxingdao Palace with great fanfare?"

The monks were talking about it, and a huge palace fell outside the 610 base city.

At the same time, in the formation.

Ying Zheng and the others also frowned. The place where the Shenxingdao Palace stopped was exactly where they were going to expand. Therefore, they just happened to see this Shenxingdao Palace coming.

"Which real immortal is here in this Shenxingdao Palace?" a monk from the five major families asked curiously.


Everyone saw that after the Shenxingdao Palace stopped, it did not put it away.

The door of Dao Palace opened, and a young figure hurriedly walked out of the door.

The figure of this young man is Ding Hao.

Time was urgent, he jumped out of the Dao Palace, did not put away the Dao Palace, and came to the formation of the 610 base city.

With a photo of the token of the mad alliance, he can enter the formation.

But behind the formation, there is a big iron gate.

A layer of inspection formation is arranged outside the iron gate. This formation is to conduct a preliminary inspection of the incoming monks to prevent the spies of the fairy clan from mixing in.

Ding Hao stood in the middle of checking the formation, waiting for the formation to scan, and then he could enter through the gap opened by the iron gate.

"It's him!" Ying Zheng frowned when Ding Hao came in.

In the blink of an eye for five years, Ying Zheng has basically forgotten this person.

Because of Ji Boyang's relationship, Ying Zheng began to care about Ding Hao.

But who knows that after Ding Hao came to the 610 base city, he escaped without a word.

It feels like Ding Hao has disappeared like a deserter, and in the past five years, there has been no increase in combat achievements at all! Who knows what this kid has been doing for five years?

"Brother Yingzheng, do you know this person? How did he use the Shenxing Taoist Palace in the early stage of transforming the gods?" a monk from the five major families asked.

"Oh, he is a disciple of Tianxin Zhenxian, and Tianxin Zhenxian passed the Shenxing Taoist Palace to him."

What Ying Zheng said, several people next to him understood, "Oh, he is the Ding Hao who perceives the infinite road among the five myths!"

Ying Zheng nodded and said, "This young man has good aptitude, and he has been appreciated by Tianxin Zhenxian. He seems to be a talent. It has been five years since he came to 610 Base City. Although his military merits have not increased, it seems that his cultivation level has improved. It’s not bad."

Ying Zheng also noticed that Ding Hao's cultivation level had been upgraded from the first level of transformation to the second level.

As a monk in the stage of transforming the gods, it is already quite fast to upgrade to one level in five years.

"After all, he is a genius, and his cultivation level has improved very quickly. It would be great if his combat achievements can also be increased." Another Taiyi said.

Ying Zhengdao, "You can't ask too much, he is in the early stage of the transformation, and he is very dangerous here."

Seeing that Ding Hao's cultivation base has increased, Ying Zheng's view of Ding Hao has also improved a lot.

Even in the moment, Ying Zheng had some ideas in his heart to help Ding Hao cultivate and obtain military exploits.

"Brother Yingzheng, Ding Hao wants to see you."

At this moment, a monk walked in.

"He wants to see me?" Ying Zheng frowned, and said in his heart that this kid came back in a hurry. Is there something wrong?

"Let him in."

In a blink of an eye, Ding Hao hurried in.

"Ding Hao, I haven't seen each other for five years. What have you been doing in the past five years? The cultivation base has increased by one level, not bad." Ying Zheng smiled and walked up.

Ding Hao didn't have time to greet him, and hurriedly said, "Brother Yingzheng, are you going to take advantage of the spiritual cultivation of the fairy clan to carry out large-scale construction recently?"

Yingzheng was not surprised, because the outer foundation has been laid out, and many people can tell at a glance that the 610 base is going to be built.

"Not bad." Ying Zheng nodded.

Ding Hao hurriedly said, "Brother Yingzheng, we must cancel the plan! Now that the Fairy Spirit Race has received the information, the core of the Fairy Spirit Race with the Land of Fairy Spirits has formulated a huge plan to be built in the human race, Launch a sneak attack!"

"No!" Ying Zheng's face was shocked.

The construction plan this time is huge, and there are many human beings mobilized. If there is a sneak attack by the fairy clan, it is very likely that there will be heavy casualties.

Ding Hao said, "It's true! These days, I have mixed into the Faerie Spirit Clan, and their spiritual practice is about to begin! I have already got a quota to enter the Faerie Land to participate in the spiritual practice! However, there are also many Faerie Spirit Races. The strong, they gave up spiritual cultivation just to attack humanity this time!"

"You got the quota to enter the fairyland? How is it possible?" questioned a monk from the five big families present, "our families, how many spies have been sent to enter the fairyland in the past few years, none of them can enter Fairy land!"

Ding Hao said, "This is not the point, the point is Brother Yingzheng, you must cancel this plan!"

Ying Zheng's expression became serious, and Ding Hao's words were not unreasonable. If the Immortal Spirits really attacked, then humans would definitely suffer heavy casualties!

But now everything is ready, Yingzheng is absolutely unwilling to do nothing!

Thinking of this, he asked, "How sure about where did you get the news?"

Ding Hao said, "I got the news from the lord of the fairy clan royal family in the fairy land! I am 100% sure that Lord Dirk and Lord Kag will all participate! In short, this time is a huge attack plan, they even I gave up spiritual cultivation just to attack humans!"

"Have you heard it with your own ears?"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I heard it with my own ears!"

Ying Zheng frowned, and everything was ready now. Could it be because of Ding Hao's words that he gave up his huge plan?

At this time, it is really embarrassing.

A cultivator next to him asked, "Ding Hao, since you heard it with your own ears, do you know what day it was and what method was used for the sneak attack?"

Ding Hao sighed, "It's because I don't know, that's why I let you cancel the plan! Otherwise, I will only remind you to be careful in one aspect! But now the situation is not that simple, the fairy clan is likely to move this time. Really! So I would rather cancel the plan than take the risk!"

"This..." Ying Zheng still hesitated.

If Ding Hao asked him to pay attention and be careful, he would definitely be able to listen.

But Ding Hao asked him to cancel the plan as soon as he arrived. He was quite resisting in his heart! He has been preparing for this for a long time, and you give up when you give up?

Ying Zheng thought for a while before he said, "Ding Hao, in short, I am very grateful for you to remind me of this matter. Our previous defense work is indeed a bit imperfect! Don't worry, we will be very careful this time. Do a good job of defense, and the fairy clan won't succeed!"

Ding Hao was in a hurry to hear him say this.

He hurriedly said, "Big Brother Yingzheng, you still don't understand what I mean! This time, the fairy clan royal family of the fairyland is dispatched. Lord Dirk and Lord Kag who are mobilized are just small shrimps! They are definitely big. Action! It's useless if you do a good job of defense. You must cancel the plan. Let me do it!"

A cultivator next to him was stunned and said, "But we are all ready here. Besides, before, the fairy clan knew that we did not sneak attacks while they were building spiritual cultivation, so we can't just say anything because of you..."

Ding Hao said, "The immortals are very clever. They just used your psychology. Their secret work is very strong this time, and your spies can't get news at all!"

"Impossible, we have spies refined by real immortals..."

Seeing his subordinates arguing with Ding Hao, Brother Yingzheng interrupted, "Okay, OK, let's just listen to Ding Hao, cancel this time, cancel."

Yingzheng stopped their disputes, and then smiled, "Ding Hao, when you come back this time, I have helped you figure out your training plan, as well as military achievements. Our five major families have several good teams. You can join in. Combine your combat achievements first, don't be too ugly."

Ding Hao waved his hand and said, "Let's talk about those later, I am sending a letter to the lord of the fairy clan, that is, to send part of the content of this sneak attack plan to the lord of Kag.

"What, what letter, show me!" Ying Zheng's face was shocked when he heard that there was a letter.

Ding Hao said awkwardly, "I don't understand."

With that, he took out the jade card.

Ying Zheng originally thought it really had any important information, but when he took it over and explored it carefully, he suddenly laughed a little.

The Taiyi real people of the five big families next to him also took a look, and all couldn't help smiling.

Ding Hao said, "Don't laugh, this content must be encrypted! It's not something we can understand, but their sneak attack plan is definitely real! You just believe me once!"

Ying Zheng perfunctorily said, "Okay, we will listen to you this time and cancel the plan! Okay? That... aren't you going to deliver the letter? Hurry up, don't delay! When you are free, come back to the base city, I Help you improve your cultivation base and combat achievements for a while!"

Ding Hao looked at Ying Zheng's expression, obviously perfunctory and obviously improper.

But until now, he hasn't had much choice. He has said the situation. If people don't believe it, what can be done?

"In short, you must be careful!" Ding Hao exhorted again, and then walked out.

When he walked out, everyone in the hall waited and laughed.

"This kid is so funny. He made a garbled jade card and said to send a letter to the fairy clan. He hasn't appeared for a long time, so he can attract everyone's attention."

"Tianxin Zhenxian actually accepted such a disciple. He was full of nonsense, without any evidence. He told us to stop planning with one bite. Are you sick?"

"Yes, our carefully prepared plan cannot be stopped just because of him!"

"This kid also said that he has the opportunity to enter the land of the fairy spirits. It is this lord, that lord, and the royal family of the fairy clan have spoken to him. This is bragging!"

"Haha, it turns out that what he felt was not the Infinite Avenue, but the Bragging Avenue, hahaha."

Although everyone thinks this Ding Hao is funny, Brother Yingzheng is still very serious. He said, "The plan will continue as usual, but we must do a good job of defending, and then double the number of defending monks!"

(End of this chapter)

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