Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1336: Ding Hao's revenge (18)

Chapter 1336 Ding Hao's Revenge (18)

Chapter 1334 Ding Hao's Revenge

The dense crowd of lantern shadow monsters, coming out from the spirit lamp, is endless, dense, endless!

Ding Hao's side was instantly covered with this kind of lantern monster!

Qian Wen's strategy is very simple, it is to use these endless lamp shadow monsters to hold Ding Hao.

After Ding Hao exhausted his strength, he shot again to capture Ding Hao alive!

What's very unfavorable for Ding Hao now is that the monks who flew in the distance have already discovered the battle here.

"There seems to be a Daoist friend over there fighting with the life of a fairy clan! It's a coincidence, let's help this Daoist friend!"

If these people all come over, it will be a little troublesome.

Ding Hao can't hurt the innocent, right?

Along the way, he killed many enemies, but he didn't want to hurt anyone who was innocent!

"Before these people rush over, you must kill this Ding's running dog!"

Ding Hao didn't know what this person's name was.

"You, die!" Ding Hao waved his long sword and plunged into the group of lantern shadow monsters.

"Looking for death!" Qian Wen's eyes were cold.

His Lantern Monster is very powerful in close combat! If Ding Hao used the means of far-reaching combat, he would be tricky.

But Ding Hao unexpectedly chose to rush into the strange group stupidly, it must be said that he was looking for death!

However, what happened next made him dumbfounded.

I saw Ding Hao rushing into the group of lantern shadow monsters, not defensive at all, the silver knife light in his hand was flying all over the sky!

With a single slash, all the lantern monsters in front of them were split apart, no matter where they were split, the result was a fracture!

"What a sharp weapon!" Qian Wen didn't worry too much. Ding Hao's fighting style could not last for long.

Because Ding Hao is not defending, it is inevitable that the lantern monster will attack Ding Hao's body. As long as the lantern monster attacks Ding Hao's body, Ding Hao will be injured!

Finally, a Lantern Monster got an unprecedented opportunity and punched Ding Hao on the back...

"Okay!" Qian Wen burst into a loud shout, but the next second, there was another exclamation, "What?"

It turned out that Ding Hao was not injured when that Lantern Ghost punched Ding Hao's back! On the contrary, it was the fist of the Lantern Ghost, which immediately exploded with a bang!

"How is it possible, is he really a mutated life of the fairy clan?" Qian Wen's eyes shot a light of panic.

If Ding Hao is really a mutated being of the Immortal Spirit Race, then it cannot be measured by cultivation base, then his Qianwen is not Ding Hao's opponent!

Sure enough, after Ding Hao smashed the fist of the lantern monster, his body spun quickly.

This attack method is exactly the same as the mutated life of the fairy clan!

He spins fast, and the lantern monsters next to him, one by one, all burst open! Tear!

"Ding Hao, you turned out to be a spy of the Fairy Spirit Race!" Qian Wen looked at Ding Hao with horrified eyes.

After discovering this, Qian Wen didn't want to fight Ding Hao anymore.

If Ding Hao is a mutated being of the Immortal Spirit Race, he can't beat it at all!

"Ding Hao, well, well, I finally found your true face! You're done!" Qian Wen smiled sullenly, and with a big hand, he directly took the World Tripod back, and the Divine Realm Space was also taken back!

When the divine realm space was recovered, the situation on the battlefield here became clearer. It was a human being facing a mutated life of the fairy clan.

In the distance, several human monks were already rushing here, and they shouted, "This fellow Daoist, support and live, let us help you!"

Qian Wen laughed loudly, "Ding Hao, you are done! It turns out that you are a beast of the fairy clan, you will be ruined, and you will never join the human race!"

However, Ding Hao was not nervous, holding the silver war knife in his hand, and walked over step by step, "The running dog of the Ding family, first worry about your life!"

"I have nothing to worry about, I won't play with you! I just need to send this news back, and you Ding Hao will be dead!" Qian Wen sneered, and moved directly into the Yunlang Baozhou.

Qian Wen teleported into the control room in Yunlang Baozhou, and he immediately ordered, "Start at full speed, throw this guy out of Baozhou! Let's leave him alone, we just need to return to the 610 base city, He is finished!"

Ding Hao stood on the treasure boat of Yunlang.

Baozhou is speeding up, and the innocent human monks not far away are coming...

The situation seemed critical, but Ding Hao was not worried.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Ding's lackey, you can't escape!"

Immediately, the saber in Ding Hao's hand moved up and down!

Don't forget, this is the weapon transformed into the Yishen Soldier, which is invincible. How can Yunlang Baozhou's little defensive means stop the Yishen Soldier?


It was almost inaudible!

The long-striped Yunlang Baozhou, like a cucumber, was easily split into two pieces with a single knife!

The front part flew out with a whirr, and the back part stopped helplessly in the air!

Ding Hao used to ride the Yunlang Baozhou and knew exactly where the control room was.

So this one cut through, just from the center of the control room!

It just so happened to cut across from the front of the money pattern. In the cut surface of the incision, the dumbfounded money pattern appeared in front of Ding Hao again.

"This..." No one is more frightened than Qianwen!

Such a knife was too terrifying. He cut the Yunlang Baozhou in half, and the light of the knife swept past him. The detection array and light curtain in front of him flew away instantly, exposing him to the air again!

"The running dog of Ding's family, you can't escape!" Ding Hao rushed forward, mercilessly, with another knife!

"Ding Hao, you can't kill me!" Qian Wen yelled sharply.

At the same time, on his body, various defensive armor, runes, and ancient treasures all emerged, wanting to save his life!

But Yi Shenbing is too sharp!


That silver knife light, perfect!

Those monks who flew in the distance couldn't help but stop flying!

Shocked! Absolute shock!

They are not people who are afraid of death, but the breath of air carried by this blade of light, that kind of perfect beheading, is simply appalling!

What armors, runes, ancient treasures... all of them are useless. This sharp silver light is like death's punishment. There is no hiding and defense!


Everything was cut in half.

The body and the world's tripod have been cut off!

One word, death!

A real Taiyi who fits on the second floor was cut to death with one blow, two pieces with one blow!

The out of control Yunlang Baozhou fell from the sky spinning.

The human monks who flew in the distance were shocked. Originally, they wanted to help, but after discovering that this guy's strength was terrifying, everyone had only one word in their hearts, "Run away!"

Ding Hao floated in the air, looking up at them.

Suddenly, a golden monkey paw appeared in the air, grabbing Ding Hao's hair...

Then, there is no more.

"This is..." The human monks looked stupid, feeling that they didn't play cards according to the cards.

"This mutated life of the fairy tribe didn't even chase us? Or was it the monkey hand, what kind of ghost?"

boom! Half of the Yunlang Baozhou slammed on the ground with a huge bang, which reminded them that it was not a dream just now!

"But it's not a dream, there are so many impossible!"

The life of this mutated fairy clan is too peculiar, is it specifically to kill this monk? Why doesn't it kill others? How did it leave?

One doubt after another.

But there were also monks who suddenly seemed to think of something, "Did you hear the words that human fellow Daoist said before he was killed? He said, Ding Hao, you can't kill me!"

As soon as this person said it, others sighed, "You got it wrong, I got it wrong, Ding Hao is a great hero of our human race, if it weren't for Ding Hao, we would have died! It has nothing to do with Ding Hao!"

Although, the simple human monks thought that this matter had nothing to do with Ding Hao.

But soon, when the news reached Ding's house...

"Ding Hao absolutely did it!" Ding Tianchou said with a gloomy face, "This Ding Hao is tricky, he must be disguised as a mutated life of the fairy clan and killed our gangsters!"

Zhenxian Dangjian shook his head and said, "You can't talk nonsense. First of all, a human being disguised as a mutated being of a fairy clan is very difficult to do. How did the skin outside his body mutate? Second, Ding Hao It's just a second-tier god, how can he easily kill the money pattern on the second-tier combined body?"

Ding Tianchou said, "I don't understand these questions, but this Ding Hao, he is really very cunning!"

At this moment, Ding Tianchou's brows twitched, and the Ding Family Scraping Team sent the latest report.


Dangjian said, "What's wrong?"

Ding Tianqiu said with a gloomy expression, "Our other member of the Rape Team in the 610 base city, not far from the gate of the base city, was also killed by a mutant life of the fairy clan! Life didn’t kill anyone else, it just killed our member of the Rape Team! Moreover, this Faerie Spirit Race mutant life also used a silver saber in his hand. When he left, he was also dragged away by a monkey hand. !"

"What?" Dangjian Zhenxian looked surprised.

If Qian Wen's death was an exception, then this member of the treacherous team would die strangely.

"What a good Ding Hao, are you still related to the fairy clan?" Dangjian Zhenxian looked gloomy, took out the communication token, walked to the backyard, and sent a message to Ding Canghai, Ding Hao's revenge, coming!"

Soon after, the invincible immortal Ding Canghai's message came back, "Check me immediately! Check Ding Hao's past battle scenes. If this matter really has something to do with Ding Hao, I have to take this at the Mad League Conference. The kid is exposed! Collusion with the fairy clan and massacre of human compatriots, he is not challenging our Ding family, but the entire human world!"

After receiving the order, Zhenxian Dangjian acted immediately, "Order everyone to start checking Ding Hao's previous battle records, focusing on the silver saber and the monkey paw that dragged him away!"


(End of this chapter)

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