Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1339: 300 testimonies (21)

Chapter 1339 300 testimonies (21)

Chapter 1337 300 People Testify

"What? A big traitor appeared in the Mad League!"

Invincible True Immortal said this sentence, all four were shocked.

The spies of the fairy clan have penetrated into the human race, but there is still the last side, the mad alliance!

Currently, none of the members of the Crazy League has been identified as a spy of the fairy clan!

True Immortal Fuji stood up and said, "Invincible True Immortal, do you have any evidence for this? Everyone knows that entering the mad alliance is not a real body, but our spiritual power! But the spiritual power of the fairy clan , Can't pass the detection of the mad alliance, so they can't come in, how can a traitor appear?"

Everyone nodded and said, "Yes, the spiritual power of the fairy clan cannot enter the mad alliance. It is difficult to establish the traitor."

Invincible True Immortal nodded and said, "If you are not two, I agree! But don’t forget, the immortal clan can’t enter today, doesn’t mean that they won’t be able to enter tomorrow! Our methods and spells are improving, and the immortal clan is improving. Faster! According to our interrogation of the lord who caught the mutant Faerie Spirit Race, it is already clear that the next goal of the Faerie Spirit Race is to use spies to break into our Mad League!"

"It turned out to be like this!" The monk present suddenly exclaimed again.

Invincible True Immortal's words are quite reasonable, even the Tian Brahma who is sitting at the center nodded and said, "The progress of the immortal spirit race is really changing with each passing day. You don’t know if you didn’t go to the Jiuzhongtian! Actually, the Jiuzhongtian is now. , The fairy clan has established a civilization that you cannot imagine! The next step is to break into our mad alliance, it is not impossible!"

"My God!" The members of the Kuang League felt heavy.

Faeries, hostile races, if they are allowed to develop, mankind will be devastated!

However, at this time, the true evil and true immortal of Ningzhen Immortal Club made a sound, "Ding Wudi, everyone knows that the immortal spirit family wants to get into the mad alliance. It is no secret. You use the true immortal summoning order today to summon us all. Come, I believe it is not such a general question, right?"

"Not bad!" Invincible Zhenxian nodded, looked around, and then said, "Our Ding family firm, after five years of investigation! It is found that we are a very promising peripheral member who gives high hopes, and is our true fairy disciple! He! It is the latest generation of spies from the Fairy Spirit Race!"

"What!" The members of the mad league suddenly looked surprised, especially the true immortals, watching each other.

It is not uncommon for members of the mad alliance to be infiltrated.

But if it is the kind of genius who gives high hopes and is a true fairy disciple, such a member is infiltrated, it is very serious!

But Zhenxie Zhenxian still frowned, "Even so, there is no need to use the summoning order, right? My deity is still busy. If it's such a small matter, I'm going to have something."

"Wait!" Invincible True Immortal said loudly, "The reason I used the True Immortal Summoning Order to call everyone is because this fairy clan spy is too concealed! Too sinister! He used brand new methods to deceive us all The true immortal! It has even become a hero in the minds of many of us! So I think it is necessary for me to use the precious true immortal summoning order to get this person out! Let him be exposed to all eyes and see his truth face!"

"Using a brand-new method to blind all the true immortals? Or is it a hero in many people's minds?" Zhenxie Zhenxian's wife, Zi Ning Zhenxian, frowned and asked, "Ding Wudi, who are you talking about?"

Invincible True Immortal looked around, and finally his gaze fell on Tianxin True Immortal's face, saying every word, "It's Tianxin True Immortal's disciple, Ding Hao!"

"What? How could it be?" There was an uproar all around!

Ding Hao first used his aptitude to alarm the mad alliance, and then became the lone hero in everyone's mind because of providing news of the fairy clan. How could he be a spy of the fairy clan?

"It is absolutely impossible, Ding Canghai, you are slander!" How could Tianxin Zhenxian bear it? No matter how good his temper, he stood up and said angrily, "Invincible Zhenxian, you are too much! Because of your private enmity between the Ding family and Ding Hao, Just slander Ding Hao again and again! You even convened such a big meeting, called so many true immortals, and slandered Ding Hao in public. As a senior, you are simply shameless!"

"Stupid!" Ding Canghai sneered, "Tianxin is so immortal, you are deceived! You are still talking to a spy of the fairy clan! He is using your fame to get higher and higher and penetrate into our human beings. ! And I believe that he already has the means to break through the wild alliance detection, and will enter the wild alliance in the future! Think about it, if such a spy from the fairy clan enters our wild alliance, it would be a terrible thing!"

Tianxin Zhenxian was really angry this time, pointing at Invincible Zhenxian, "You are too much! If it weren't for Ding Hao, all our peripheral members will die and be clean! Ding Hao is the real hero, you slander the hero, if you can't take it If you show evidence, I want to ask the crazy alliance to punish you!"

After he finished saying this, one of the three great powers sitting in the middle of the room sounded, "Invincible True Immortal must show evidence, otherwise, Kuang Meng must accept the proposal to punish Invincible True Immortal!"

True Immortal Fuji sneered, "Ding Canghai, I used to respect you very much. Although you are not very refreshing, you are also the crowning pillar of the human race! But now it seems that your mind is so small that it makes people hateful. , If you cannot produce evidence today, I agree to punish you!"

"Yes, it should be punished. Invincible True Immortal is too much this time!" Many people supported Ding Hao. If it weren't for Ding Hao, the genius disciples of their clan would have died at this moment!

"You idiots, of course I will produce evidence to convince you!" Wudi Zhenxian said again, "Since I want to show evidence, I need certain authority to allow the mental power of some witnesses to temporarily enter the crazy alliance! From beginning to end , I can't speak, I let these witnesses use their mental energy to record for you to see!"

The three in the middle of the third stage looked at each other, and one of them nodded, “Then make an exception and let these people’s spiritual power enter the mad alliance! But the invincible fairy, we remind you that if these people’s Evidence is not enough to prove Ding Hao’s suspicion, or it is just a matter of pretentiousness, you will accept heavier punishment!"

"I will make everyone here believe it!"

Invincible Zhenxian looked gloomy, "Ding Hao, you are done!"

Immediately, his mental strength was recovered and he went to the backyard of the Ding's business and asked, "Are you people ready?"

Among the people present, some came from the lower realm, some from the devil's grave, some from the first heaven, and some from the 610 base city, and there were 300 people in total!

"We are ready, we are willing to prove Ding Hao!"

These people have gotten the promise of benefits from the Ding family!

As long as Ding Hao is proved, the Ding family will give them unimaginable benefits! Of course, these also know that they will face the third stage of powerful testing, and they dare not tell lies!

A middle-aged monk said, "The ancestors of the Ding family, we are all telling the truth. We can accept the test and testify!"

"Ding Hao, you are really done this time!" Invincible True Immortal, Ding Tianchou, Ding Bajiu and others all had a cold smile on their faces.

"Then join me in the mad alliance!" With a move, Wudi Zhenxian extracted a trace of the soul of everyone present, and then entered the mad alliance through the mad alliance token together.

Wow! More than three hundred people all immediately entered the mad league!

The inside of the mad league is a virtual space, and all these three hundred people are standing in the position of the invincible true immortal, but it is not crowded.

Heavenly Brahma True Immortal said, "In the history of the mad alliance, there has never been so many members of the flying mad alliance! Invincible true immortal, we will give you face this time, but we hope you will show the truth!"

"You will see the real evidence!" Ding Canghai said loudly, "Everyone, I will not judge Ding Hao in a word, but let the images recorded by these people's mental energy make you see clearly! First of all, Let's take a look at the spiritual power record of this monk Chu. He clearly saw the process of Qian Wen being killed!"

A lot of historical images are recorded in the spiritual power of the monk. As long as they are not erased, the scene can be reproduced through certain illegal means!

Soon, all the monks in the mad league saw the process of killing the monk named Qian Wen!

When seeing a mutated figure of the fairy clan using a silver saber to sever the Yunlang treasure boat, all the cultivators present were dumbfounded, "What kind of weapon is this, too sharp?"

"My God, smash the Yunlang Baozhou with one sword! This sword is stronger than the fairy jade sword of the fairy clan!"

Then, I saw that the fairy clansman made another cut!

Qian Wen exclaimed, "Ding Hao, you can't kill me!"

Then, Qian Wen died!

Then the weird scene appeared, it was the golden monkey hand!

After reading these, all around was quiet.

Invincible Zhenxiandao, "There is also this Chen Taiyi, Bai Taiyi, they are all witnesses on the spot!"

Tianxin Zhenxian coldly snorted, "What does this mean? Just relying on Qian Wen's dying sentence, do you believe that this mutated life of the fairy clan is Ding Hao?"

"Of course not a word!" Invincible True Immortal smiled faintly, "Now let's talk about the golden monkey hand and listen to this disciple from the Three Heavens Youyue Heavenly Sect. He has seen this one in the Demon Tomb. Monkey hands!"

Soon, the disciple of the Youyue Heavenly Sect walked out, and when he came here, he was a little scared and spoke trembling.

Tianxin Zhenxian said angrily, "Do you know where this is? If you talk nonsense, you will be put to death!"

This Youyue Tianzong disciple tremblingly said, "Seniors, we swear that there is absolutely no nonsense, if there is a word needed, I am willing to be executed!" He then continued, "In the demon tomb, there is a secret place, It's called the Medicine Garden, and there is a very strange scene inside, that is, a bronze monkey..."

Following his talk, a herbal garden with fragrance of herbs appeared in front of everyone. This was a record in his knowledge of the sea. It could not be faked. Everyone saw that there was a golden bronze monkey standing in the light curtain. Peeing during...

(End of this chapter)

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