Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1341: Full flip (23)

Chapter 1341 Full Turnover (23)

Chapter 1339

Listening to what the old man said, the three third-level players can look at each other.

"Pretty old, we will act impartially."

Although the old opinions need to be considered, if Ding Hao really can't justify, they have to give an explanation to the Ding family and all the members of the crazy alliance here! If Ding Hao is really a fairy clan, then there is nothing to be polite.

Tianfan Zhenxian said, "Tianxin, you can send a message to Ding Hao and let him come."

Official members of the mad alliance can use tokens to communicate with each other.

Tianxin Zhenxian immediately sent a message to Ding Hao with his heart, "Ding Hao, your authority has been temporarily elevated. Now there are some situations in the mad alliance that you need to explain! Don't worry, just tell the truth!"

At this time, Ding Hao happened to be in the 610 base city.

"What, how does my Crazy League token show that it is an official member of the Crazy League?"

Ding Hao was dumbfounded, looking at the token in his hand.

At this moment, he received a message from Tianxin Zhenxian.

"Temporarily increase my authority and let me enter the mad league to explain the problem?" Ding Hao saw this message and his eyes moved!

He knew very well that what he was waiting for was finally here!

"Invincible Zhenxian and Ding Family, you want to identify me, it's just a dream!"

Ding Hao came to the corner of the tavern in the 610 base city and sat cross-legged. No one would disturb him here.

Then, he sinks into the mad alliance token with his mind.

Under the high dome, there is not a huge hall that is very bright.

The figure of a young man is slowly emerging.

Seeing Ding Hao slowly appearing, Ding Canghai, Ding Tianchou, and others, all saw cold smiles in their eyes.

When Ding Hao appeared, Invincible True Immortal suddenly yelled, "Little beast! You haven't honestly explained how you colluded with the fairy clan, how you became a spy of the fairy clan, how to betray humans, you quickly recruited!"

Ding Hao's figure became more and more substantial, and the scene in front of him surprised him.

However, the attitude of Invincible True Immortal was what Ding Hao expected.

If there is one thing Ding Hao didn't expect, it is that Chai Gaoyang is here!

"Laosan Chai!" Ding Hao said in amazement, "Why are you here? How can a person like you enter the mad league?"

Chai Gaoyang gritted his teeth and said, "You call me Chai Laosan again, I will fight with you!"

Seeing them talking, Tianxin Zhenxian interrupted, "Ding Hao, I called you today because someone identified you as a spy of the fairy spirit clan! They said that you were transformed into a mutant fairy spirit clan and killed the two members of the Ding Family Scoundrel Team member!"

Ding Hao waved his hand and said, "It's pure nonsense! I will never admit to these silly false accusations! Seniors, you all know the relationship between me and the Ding family. It is not a day or two for the Ding family to harm me. All kinds of despicable means are exhausted, why do you continue to believe them?"

Ding Tianqiu, the Patriarch of the Ding Family, sneered, "What you said is light and flirty, but today, the evidence is solid, and you can't afford it!"

Ding Hao grinned and said, "I don't believe it, you show me the evidence!"

Invincible True Immortal took the trouble and said, "You show the evidence again, I convince him!"

Soon, many witnesses present testified against Ding Hao again.

Waiting for the completion of all these demonstrations, True Immortal Wudi glared and said angrily, "Ding Hao, let me see how you quibble!"

Ding Hao was not impatient or impatient, and began to retort one by one, "First of all, let's talk about the big killer of the Ding family, Chai Gaoyang. Although I walked up with him all the way, he has always been in a jealous position! There is one. The master once said that men are generally not jealous, but they are more terrible than a jealous woman! Over the years, he has black me out again and again, and he can’t believe it! If you don’t believe it, you can. Investigate this person’s life and deceive everyone! In the Lower Realm, he helped Big Brother frame the Demon Dao genius; in the Third Heaven, he helped the Yu Yao tribe to frame our various monks! He even came to accuse me, do you have a face?"

"What? This Chai Gaoyang himself has been a traitor? What qualifications does he have to teach others?" A mad league elder frowned and said.

Invincible True Immortal frowned, and said, "How do you explain the golden monkey hand and the universal mirror?"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Golden monkey hands, what's so difficult to do? You just bring a piece of 100-hardened copper, and I can make exactly the same monkey hands in minutes! Seniors, don't you see it? Since the last time I sent back information, the Faeries suffered heavy casualties, I am now the most hated human beings by the Faeries, and none of them! So in this matter, it is obvious that the Faeries deliberately framed me!"

"It seems to make sense." Many people nodded again.

For a monk, it is really easy to refine a monkey hand that is exactly the same. As long as a small piece of copper is refined, it takes a few minutes to make one exactly the same.

At this time, the Little Demon Lord Manatee shouted sternly, "What's the matter with the Universe Mastery Mirror? Why did the fairy clan disappear instantly, obviously using the Universe Mastery Mirror!"

"Yes, how do you explain this?" Wudi Zhenxian stared.

"What's the explanation for this matter?" Ding Hao asked back, "Little Demon Lord Manatee, the Universe Mastery Mirror is with me, but I want to ask you, how far is the radius of your Universe Mastery Mirror can be used?"

The little manatee said, "The range of my Universe Mastery Mirror is a thousand miles!"

"That's good!" Ding Hao said, "You just let me go, and I will show you the driving records of the Shenxingdao Palace! The time when the two members of the Ding Family Scraping Team were killed, my distance was more than a thousand away from them. in!"

"What?" The Manatee Little Demon Lord was stunned.

When the Universe Mastery Mirror was with them, it did use a radius of one thousand miles. And they are not space monks, and they don't know that the Universe Mastery Mirror can increase the distance!

Hearing Ding Hao’s defense, Tianxin Zhenxian opened his arms this time and couldn't help but smile, "I said Ding Hao was framed. Those immortal people don’t know how much they hate Ding Hao!"

Zhenfan Zhenxian and the other two third-stage great powers looked at each other, and then nodded, "Ding Hao, go and return quickly, but I warn you! If you modify the route record in the Shenxingdao Palace formation, we You can see it!"

Ding Hao said, "I won't."

Soon, Ding Hao left the mad alliance, then released the Shenxingdao Palace, took out the detection formation from inside, once again urged the mad alliance token, and submitted the formation to the Tianfan Zhenxian and others.

Tian Fan Zhenxian and others took a look at the formation, and quickly nodded and said, "Ding Hao was a thousand miles away from the victim at the time of the crime!"

"What?" Invincible True Immortal was also a little confused this time.

"Invincible True Immortal, you can see for yourself." Ding Hao took the formation and threw it to Invincible True Immortal.

Invincible True Immortal first saw the person who was killed for the second time. At that time, Ding Hao was nearly five thousand miles away from this person!

If the distance of the Universe Mastery Mirror was a thousand miles, then Ding Hao would not have the distance to commit a crime at all!

However, in the murder case of Qianwen, Ding Hao was only 1,500 miles away from Qianwen, which was already quite close!

Invincible True Immortal frowned, "Fifteen hundred miles, although you have no distance to commit the crime, but you are also very close! I just want to ask, in such a remote place, why did you happen to encounter the money pattern there? Have you seen it? Qian Wen was killed by the mutated fairy clan?"

Ding Hao said, "I don't know, I suspect that the money pattern is following me, trying to kill me, because it happened to be killed by the fairy clan."

Invincible Zhenxian furiously said, "You are talking nonsense again! Obviously you killed the Qianwen, do you have other spatial methods besides the Universe Mastery Mirror?"

Ding Hao immediately retorted, "Invincible True Immortal, if you want to be shameless, first say that I am using the Universe Mastery Mirror. Now it proves that it is not. Are you arrogant again?"

Tianfan Zhenxiandao, "You don't need to be entangled with this question. Neither the golden monkey hand nor the universal mirror can prove that the life of the fairy clan is Ding Hao!"


There was an uproar at the scene. The so-called evidence of Invincible True Immortal was conclusive, and the two most critical pieces of evidence in it were directly rejected by Ding Hao!

Just now, everyone still completely believed that now all the wind directions have turned back!

However, there is another evidence in the hands of the invincible true fairy!

The real evil and the real fairy said gloomily, "Ding Hao, you have a sharp mouth! But it seems that you still have one undeniable fact, that is the silver saber you used to kill! Someone has seen that you have used it with your own eyes. , How do you explain?"

"Nonsense!" Ding Hao's momentum suddenly became fierce, his eyes swept across the crowd, and he shouted, "Who said I used this saber before, you come out for me!"

At this moment, Lai Yizhenxian suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart!

But at this time, no matter how bad it is, you can only bite the bullet.

He shouted, "Tie Qingyun, tell us about the situation at that time."

"Yes." Tie Qingyun walked out.

More than a thousand members of the mad league looked at Tie Qingyun. If this accusation is established, Ding Hao still can't break away!

However, in the next second, something unexpected happened to everyone.

I saw Tie Qingyun walking out, suddenly knelt and cried, "I was wrong, I dare not lie!"

"What?" All the members of the Mad League present were stunned!

Invincible True Fairy's eyeballs are about to fall to the ground, count them, but don't count them falling here.

Zhenxian Lai Yi roared, "Tie Qingyun, you have something to say, what are you doing?"

Tie Qingyun turned around and cried, "Senior Lai Yi, I am afraid, I dare not!"

"What's the situation?" Tianfan Zhenxian frowned, and said in a low voice, "Tie Qingyun, don't be afraid! Honestly, I am crazy to protect you from death! No one dares to threaten your life. !"

Tie Qingyun said with tears, "Predecessors, in fact, I haven't seen Ding Hao use any silver sabers at all. They are all fake! My memory in the sea of ​​knowledge is that the immortal Lai Yi spent five years to refine it. Yes, it’s specially used to deceive everyone! Lai Yi Zhenxian also said that even the third power of Soul Removal Dafa cannot be found at all! And all the witnesses here have benefited from the Ding family, who knows Was the evidence they showed was also created by Soul Transfer Dafa..."

"You..." Invincible True Immortal felt a blockage in his chest, and a true immortal was so angry that he vomited blood.

Everyone in the Ding family felt as if they had eaten a fly at the moment, they were speechless, unable to say a word at all!

(End of this chapter)

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