Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1346: Surprised Sea Chicken Picture (28)

Chapter 1346 Surprised Sea Chicken Picture (28)

Chapter 1344

Ding Hao looked down at the mad alliance token he had put on the jade, and he had lost 11,000 of his battle exploits.

Adding five thousand military exploits for tickets, Ding Hao has already spent 16,000 military exploits!

"Name: Ding Hao."

"From: One Heaven and Nine Heavens Divine Sect."

"Military exploits: 1040768."

"Rank: 3011."

After losing 11,000 in combat achievements, the ranking also dropped to after 3,000.

Because there was a virtual auction room in front of him, the items were not delivered immediately, so Ding Hao had to wait.

Next, a variety of natural treasures are being auctioned.

The fairy jade was also auctioned!

The fairy spirit jade is something useful to Ding Hao. With the help of the fairy spirit jade, Ding Hao can incarnate into a mutated fairy spirit clan, and become very powerful!

The most important thing is that after Ding Hao killed two of the Ding Jiao gangsters, there was no one piece of fairy jade in his hand!

Ding Hao wanted to buy such a piece of fairy jade.

However, he did not buy it in several auctions.

"This fairy jade is quite expensive!"

Ding Hao frowned. The fairy jade that Ying Zheng gave him last time was worth 500,000 military exploits!

At that time, he took it from Yingzheng, and he didn't feel much at all. Only now did he know that the eldest brother Yingzheng gave him a really generous gift!

In this way, it is too expensive.

Ding Hao had one million combat exploits on hand, and he was a little stretched.

If you buy a piece of fairy jade with 500,000 combat exploits, what if the refining light appears at this time?

Don’t forget, Ding Hao offered a reward in the Kuang League’s military exploits store, one million to buy Refining Light!

So Ding Hao had to leave at least one million exploits on the mad alliance token!

Perceiving Ding Hao's thoughts, Ding Xiaokong, the space monkey, hissed, "In this case, the master you can use is less than 40,000... Then buy a fur!"

Ding Hao was a little ashamed.

Ding Xiaokong was right, what he can use now is forty thousand battle exploits!

It seems that here, forty thousand combat exploits are a bit careless!

"I'll just pick and miss."

Ding Hao came today and didn't want to buy any important things, he just wanted to pick out some things. The cheap, no one wants, just what he can use, then he will offer a cheap price and buy it in his hands! If the price is too high, for example, a few pieces of fairy jade, although he wanted it very much, he finally gave up!

After watching it for a while, although there are tens of thousands of cheap goods appearing, they are not good ones.

Ding Hao couldn't use it, so there was no bid.

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer people in the auction house, and many people buy what they want and leave.

Ding Hao frowned, feeling a little bit of retreat.

He can't afford what he wants, but he can't afford it.

But just when he stretched out his hand to pick up the mad alliance token in front of him, Elder Meng on the stage suddenly took out a square slice.

When Ding Hao saw this thin slice, his eyes suddenly brightened!

"That is……"

Old Meng said, "This is a painting of ancient fire phoenix, which contains a trace of fire phoenix aura! Fire phoenix is ​​the fire beast second only to Suzaku among the fairy beasts, even if it contains a trace of aura, The cultivator also has a great effect! This object was painted on a boulder, and it was cut from the boulder by a strong man. Now it is put out for auction! Those cultivators who want to understand the law of fire can buy it back and watch it. If you want to feel, the chance to feel the most pure law of the fire element avenue will increase a lot!"

Listening to Meng Lao's introduction, Ding Hao's eyes brightened.

At this time, the Space Monkey also guessed what it was, "Master, this is the picture of the sea chicken that was taken away on the bottom of the sea?"

Ding Hao nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, this is the sea chicken picture! It's luck, I didn't expect to see the sea chicken picture here!"

The sea chicken picture is very important to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao's Suzaku fairy root, when it was upgraded, thanks to the colorful glow on the sea chicken map!

Space Monkey said, "This thing is a good thing, and most importantly, you have a good relationship with the owner!"

"More than fate?" Ding Hao said, "I have Suzaku immortal root, the best fire immortal root, but I have not been able to understand the law of a fire system! This is really a pity! If I can get this sea chicken picture , I have 90% certainty that I will feel a great law of fire in a short time!"

At this time, Xiao Bi said, "Dad, if you understand the second law, you can enter the middle stage of the transformation!"

"Yes, I must get this sea chicken picture!"

Although Ding Hao wanted to get it very much, the price of this sea chicken map was 200,000 yuan!

Moreover, the competition is still fierce!

There are too many monks in Huo Dao!

Who doesn't want to feel the law of a fire road again? And if it contains a trace of the fire phoenix breath, if it can be extracted, it will be more than 200,000 combat exploits, okay?

"I pay 300,000!"



"Damn! Damn! Damn!" Ding Hao had the urge to grab his ears and cheeks.

On the one hand, it is to leave a million on the Yao Kuangmeng jade brand to buy refining light, and on the other hand, the price of the sea chicken map is rising...

"Which one to buy?" Ding Hao sometimes had a hard time choosing.

Space Monkey thought about it, "Master, I can't do this kind of thing."

"Forget it, let's buy sea chicken pictures!"

Ding Hao thought very clearly at this moment.

Refined Chemical Light cannot be bought this time, but you can buy it in the future! But the sea chicken map, I only have one chance!

This sea chicken picture can suddenly appear in front of oneself, this is fate!

Besides, after spending hundreds of thousands of combat exploits, one can perceive the law of a great road, break through the bottleneck, and enter the middle stage of the transformation!

Is it worth it?

What a great value!

Thinking of this, Ding Hao said directly, "500,000!"

Increase from 330,000 to 500,000 in one go!

Many monks began to think about the value of buying this painting for 500,000 yuan. If you can’t understand it, isn’t it in vain?

But despite this, there is still some dispute.

After all, there are too many monks in the fire road. Everyone thinks that if I spend hundreds of thousands of military exploits, if I can understand the law of the great road, I will earn it!

Ding Hao was determined to win this treasure, so he had to bite the bullet and shout.

It was called until 800,000, and no one called anymore.

"This ancient fire phoenix stone piece was purchased from the seat of 44898. The military exploits have been deducted. The treasure will be delivered to the seat of the seat later."

Ding Hao looked down again, only two words in his heart, "It's over!"

It's really over, the battle exploits cost 800,000!

"Name: Ding Hao."

"From: One Heaven and Nine Heavens Divine Sect."

"Military merit: 240768."

"Rank: 4118."

There are only 240,000 battle exploits left, and the ranking drops directly to 4000!

However, Ding Hao is still very happy!

"Sea chicken map! This thing is definitely related to me! You can earn more after 800,000 battles, but if you miss this sea chicken map, you will really regret it for a lifetime!" Ding Hao actually secretly said that if the sea chicken map is the last More than one million military exploits were sold, which was beyond his ability to bear. Seeing the sea chicken map being bought by others, it is estimated that he has the heart to kill people!

"Forget it, don't watch it, come out."

Ding Hao didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to look at it, and directly reached out and picked up the mad alliance token.

When he picked up the token of the mad alliance from the jade, the rune light curtain surrounding his body dissipated instantly, and he also left the virtual space and returned to the small room in the backyard of the firm.

"Today, I am satisfied!" Ding Hao was in a good mood.

Hang the waistband around his waist, open the formation, and walk out of the room.

Along the stone path, to the front yard, the shop owner is idle.

Seeing Ding Hao coming, he hurriedly greeted him, "Senior Ding Hao, your items have been delivered."

"So fast!" Ding Hao was surprised.

The two sitting women stood up and saluted, "Guest officer, we are at the illicit auction. This is the item you photographed."

The shop owner said with a smile, "It is better for you to accept this thing yourself."

Ding Hao took it, it was a small box.

After opening it, there was a jade ribbon in it.

"It turns out that it was the exercise that I took first." Ding Hao nodded, took out the jade ribbon, and swept it with his mind. It turned out to be the blood-sucking technique of Taiichi Hei Leech.

The two women said, "Senior, if you confirm that it is correct, you will even sign for it."

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Yes, it is correct."

"Thank you for your patronage." The two women turned and left.

Ding Hao said, "I also took other things, how long will I have to wait."

"Senior, you wait an hour to half an hour, and it will be delivered."

"Okay, then I'll wait."

After the two women left, Ding Hao did not brag and beat the shop owner, but sat in a corner and watched Taiyi Hei Lee's exercises word by word.

This is a practice for Xiaobi, Ding Hao wouldn't care about it. Of course, he had to examine the practice of his daughter carefully.

"This technique is quite suitable for Xiaobi, who **** blood to refine and coagulate blood. In the end, he melts blood into blood and uses blood to enter the Tao. Although this technique still needs improvement in the back, but the front is already here. To the point where there is no need to modify a single word at all, this black leech Taichi's knowledge in the blood path is indeed perfect!"

Ding Hao originally wanted to improve, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't change a word of this technique!

"It's amazing. There are too many powerful people and too many strange people. This black leech Taiyi was able to compete with Big Brother Yingzheng for the first place. It is really amazing!"

In that case, Ding Hao didn't need to bother to modify, let Xiaobi practice first.

As for the areas that need to be revised later, it is still very early. When the time comes to see the teacher, Tianxin is really immortal, please ask the teacher to take action.

In short, Xiaobi must get the best practice technique!

"Xiaobi, you can practice." Ding Hao thought, and put this jade card of exercise technique into the star-absorbing stone.

After putting it in, Xiaobi jumped up excitedly, "Dad, thank you Dad! I finally have my own practice!"

Seeing Xiaobi's excitement, Space Monkey frustrated and said, "Master, can you help me find a suitable exercise anytime? I also call your father, can you?"

Ding Hao scolded, "Go to death, you will be my son. People will ask, who will give birth to the monkey for you?"

Ding Xiaokong sighed, "Oh, people are really more popular than others, I'd better practice my fighting spirit."

(End of this chapter)

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