Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1358: Please look out for the wind (40)

Chapter 1358 Please look out for the wind (40)

Chapter 1356

"Brother Ding Hao, when I enter the treasure hunt, you will watch the wind outside!"

"If you find any changes in the fairy clan, immediately notify me with a messaging token!"

"We'll go in!"

Yan Lingkang confessed a few words and walked into the depths of the cave with Huatianxiao Gao Tingting and the demon Xiu Jiang Kun.

"This..." Ding Hao looked at the backs of these people with a stunned heart.

Dare to take him here, in addition to serving as a veteran driver, just to look out for the wind.

You too don’t use bean buns as dry food, right?

Ding Hao said with a deep expression, "Brother Yan, if I don't participate in the treasure hunt, then my share..."

Yan Lingkang turned his head and smiled, "Brother Ding Hao, you can rest assured that we have all signed a contract with the demon, how could we covet your share?"

At this time, don’t be embarrassed, Ding Hao said coldly, “What you mean is to find the treasure. The four of you took turns to choose. Will you finally throw the remaining garbage to me? Brother Yan, you come out to explore the treasure, that’s it. Is it arranged?"

Huatian laughed and stared, "Ding Hao, you don't even look at your cultivation base! Do you know what is dangerous in the immortal legacy? How much risk are we going to take? You look outside and want to get the best. Treasures? We can leave you a copy, not bad!"

Ding Hao was furious, "If you all mean that, then let's break up this time!"

"Don't!" Yan Lingkang is determined to win this time, and of course he doesn't want to see internal fighting happen.

He quickly laughed and said, "Brother Ding Hao, otherwise, let's go in first. If there is nothing too dangerous, I will call you with a communication token, and then everyone will enter the treasure hunt together." He said, he raised his hand again. , Took out the piece of refining light, and smiled, "I will give you this thing first! You can refining and refining when you are idle here!"

Ding Hao received the refining light, and then gave up temporarily, staring at him with a big smile.

"You kid, look out for the wind!" Huatian smiled coldly.

"Okay, okay." Yan Lingkang pulled Huatian smile and entered the huge cave.

When their figure disappeared completely, Ding Hao let the space monkey out with a thought.

After the space monkey Ding Xiaokong came out, he laughed loudly, "Master, I can't think of your role as a driver to increase the wind, haha, they really look down on you."

"Then I will be happy." Ding Hao took the Shenxingdao Palace, came to a hidden cliff, sat down, then patted his side, "Xiao Kong, sit down!"

Ding Xiaokong also sat down.

Ding Hao said, "Release the Universe Mastery Mirror."

"Master, you are monitoring them!" Ding Xiaokong suddenly understood.

It turns out that Ding Hao is not a person who is relieved to let the wind go outside, but has already thought about it and uses the Universe Mastery Mirror to monitor them!

"These guys are not good things!" Ding Hao coldly snorted, "Yan Lingkang seems to be sincere, with lies in the truth; Huatianxiao doesn't have any good feelings for me; and the female monk is also not kind to me; The last demon Xiu Jiang Kun also has a cunning look! These people, I can't believe them! Since they look down on me, that's okay! Then I will let them go to the front station and wait until I find some ruins, and then I will go in again, in time. !"

"Hey, Master, you really are much more cunning than them."

Ding Xiaokong smiled, opened the space mirror on his belly button, and suddenly a light ball appeared.

Adjusting the direction slightly, they saw Yan Lingkang and his group walking in the cave.

"I want to see, where is the ruins of the so-called Kongkong clan?" Ding Hao took out a pot of Ding Mo wine, drinking while looking at the light curtain in front of him.

In his mind, he had never figured out where the ruins of this Kongkong clan were.

Ding Xiaokong’s Universe Tongda Mirror has already seen the ground and underground. There are no ruins, so where is the location of the ruins?

Yan Lingkang and the others didn't know that Ding Hao was watching them. They went deeper and deeper. On the way, Yan Lingkang had been watching the sky carefully.

Demon Xiu Jiang Kun asked, "Lao Yan, where is the so-called ancestor ruins this time? You made it clear before, how can you keep it secret this time?"

Yan Lingkang said with a smile, "Because the location of the site this time is really unexpected! To tell you, I have been here dozens of times, the longest time I lived here for sixty years! I don't know if I saw it. How many broken classics were left behind, and I don’t know how many classics I went back to check, and finally finally determined the location of the ruins and how to enter!"

"I knew this kid came in and explored." Ding Hao snorted coldly.

In the ruins before, he found that many places in the ruins had been searched for! It now appears that it is Yan Lingkang's deeds!

Ding Xiaokong said, "It's just that I am also very curious now, where is his so-called ruins? If it is a self-contained space, where is the entry point?"

"Just look at it."

In the light curtain, the four people are still talking.

Huatian smiled, "According to my observations, there will be no ruins on or under the ground! According to my experience in treasure hunting for so many years, this ruins..." He moved his gaze left and right, and finally dropped his gaze into the air. , Said every word, "The biggest question in this cave is the air! If it's mining, you can dig down. Why do you want to dig such a big sky? If I guess right, the door point should be in the air! "

Hearing what Huatianxiao said, Ding Hao's eyes lit up, "I didn't expect Huatianxiao to look like this dandy, there are indeed two brushes."

Judging from the work records obtained by Ding Hao, what the ancient monks mainly excavated was the sky above!

"Over the sky?" Gao Tingting frowned and looked up in the air. "The sky is full of space cracks, and anyone who touches it will die! Where is there any space door here?"

Yan Lingkang laughed loudly, "Gao Tingting, you are the master of the formation of Tianyuan Formation Sect! Everyone knows Xuanyuan who created the Nine Trigram Formation, but who knows that Tianyuan Formation Sect also has a master Gao Tingting who broke the formation! Please be careful. Look at the arrangement and location of these spatial gaps in the sky!"

"Oh?" Gao Tingting raised her brows, "Let me take another look."

Ding Hao could see and hear their conversation.

"Unexpectedly, this woman is still a master of breaking the formation!" Ding Hao muttered to herself, and then said, "Could it be that the entrance of the Kongkong clan ruins has something to do with these spatial rifts in the sky? If you explain this way, the ancient monks will not die. It's justifiable to dig a space crack here."

Gao Tingting did not immediately come to a conclusion. She observed for a while, and then took out a lot of array flags.

Then, against the air, she arranged the formation flag and the formation plate one by one on the ground.

When she was halfway through the arrangement, Ding Hao could see that the fame was coming.

"The space rift in the air is indeed a complicated formation!"

At this time, in the cave, Hua Tianxiao and the demon Xiu Jiang Kun also looked shocked, "Use space cracks to arrange formations! My God, who can do this formation? As far as we know , Only the real immortals in the third paragraph can tear the space! But they need to do their best to tear the space in the battle! And the space they torn will soon heal automatically! Like this, cut the space as you like, To make it impossible to heal, in the end it is a means of forming a formation... even the third stage of great power cannot be digging!"

In shock, Yan Lingkang had a smile on his face.

He looked at Gao Tingting's array flag, "Your array layout is still flawed, because there are spatial cracks in the sky, you can't see it at all!"

Gao Tingting nodded and said, "Yes, there are too many space cracks in the sky, and some are too hidden, you can't see it with the naked eye."

"I'm coming." Yan Lingkang thought, and from the back of his head, a giant seven-treasure wheel appeared.

"This is my fairy root space-time wheel, which can help you see all the rifts in space."

The huge treasure wheel rotates, and all kinds of radiance shoot into the sky.

In this way, it is much clearer.

Those spatial cracks that are invisible to the naked eye are refracted by the light of Baolun!

"Okay! With Brother Yan's fairy roots shining, it's much clearer now." Gao Tingting was like a fish in water, her figure swaying among the array flags, and new array flags and eyes were placed continuously.

Hua Tianxiao nodded and sighed, "It's amazing, if it wasn't for Brother Yan who happened to be a fairy root like time and space, otherwise, even if he knew that this was the gate point of the formation, he would have no choice."

Demon Xiu Jiang Kun is a strange way, "This great ability, who can deploy such a formation, does not know what kind of master it is."

Yan Lingkang didn't conceal it, and smiled, "People say that the Nine Heavens came from a foreign race, and compared to the ruins in this formation, they are also foreign races from Outland!"

"An alien ruins in Outland?" Jiang Kun said with a shocked expression, "Is there no danger in it? Or is there no alien dead?"

"It's very possible that there are all dangers inside!" Yan Lingkang said with a deep face, "As a treasure hunter, as a treasure hunter, no matter how much you gain, you must take so much risk! Although our trip is very dangerous, but if it is true We can get the treasure of the alien race, or the inheritance of the alien race! Hey, then we may have the strength to aspire in this world!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the few people present are full of madness.

The world in which humans live is not a very powerful world. If the inheritance and methods of another world can be obtained, the world will be the king and hegemony here, then maybe it is!

Thinking of this, Huatian smiled grimly and said, "If this is the case, then our trip is really posted!"

Yan Lingkang's smile was even more weird. He laughed and said, "There must be foreign heritage and treasures. When we go out from here, it will be different from when we entered! Haha, it is very possible to go in and fit together, and it will be true when we come out. Immortal!"

"Haha, this is good." Everyone laughed.

Demon Xiu Jiang Kun also laughed along, but at the moment there was a jade medal on his waist but it moved.

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Some people say that today’s minimum guarantee has not been issued, so we should be owed it to everyone, rest tomorrow, and return it to you the day after tomorrow!

Next update, 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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