Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1366: Capture Jiang Kun alive

Chapter 1366 Catching Jiang Kun alive

Chapter 1364: Catching Jiang Kun Alive

In front of him, there was a vast cloud.

The gray clouds are constantly surging, and in the irritability, it seems to have a strange aura.

Yan Lingkang, Hua Tianxiao, Gao Tingting and Jiang Kun, who were the first to enter this world, stood together and watched nervously.

"If this is the site of the ancestors of a foreign race, I am afraid that no one has come in for at least 50 million years! Everyone be careful!" Yan Lingkang exhorted.

"50 million years!" Gao Tingting stretched out her tongue in fright.

For these treasure hunters, thousands of years are considered antiquity!

Fifty million years is simply unimaginable!

Huatian smiled and sighed, "In my life, I have explored a lot of ruins! But it has reached 50 million years, and I have never explored it! According to the chronology of the Great World of Immortals, this ruins should end in the age of true magic Soon after!"

Yan Lingkang nodded and said, "Yes, this site has gone through the entire era of great ascension, and the dark age of 10 million years. The time is really too long. In short, everyone should be careful. Jiang Kun, you go and explore the gray area. Mist."

"it is good."

Jiang Kun is a demon repairer with thick skin and fleshy skin, so he is the only one to do this kind of path-finding work.


Jiang Kun's figure moved and transformed into a weird tentacle monster.

This is a kind of water monster, a bit like an octopus, but his body is very hard with a carapace. And each of his tentacles has a pair of eyes!

Hard body and many eyes are the characteristics of Jiang Kun, so Yan Lingkang always takes Jiang Kun with him every time he explores treasures.

After Jiang Kun illusioned the prototype, he came to the gray cloud and first released some treasures into the exploration.

After finding that there is no danger, he will reach into one of his tentacles and use the eyes of the tentacles to see if there is any danger inside the cloud.

"There should be no problem. I will go in and take a look. You are waiting for me here." Jiang Kun turned back and exclaimed, and his whole body went into the mist.

"There is no problem on the ground, the cloud is not poisonous, and there is no attack..." Jiang Kun and these people are veterans of treasure hunters. After entering this cloud and fog, various testing projects are carried out at the same time.

Soon, he was sure of safety.

Continue to walk forward, and soon, he has walked out of the clouds.

There are five intersections in front of him!

The five intersections are exactly the same, without any hints, and without any stone monuments.

"What do you mean, five paths?"

Jiang Kun hesitated for a moment, and did not choose to enter, but turned his head and walked back.

Soon, he walked out of the gray clouds.

But when he just walked out, the scene in front of him almost shocked his dozen or so pairs of eyeballs to the ground!

"Ding Hao!"

It turned out that Ding Hao had already entered this world when he entered the cloud exploration.

Seeing Ding Hao coming in, Yan Lingkang and the others were a little surprised, but after thinking about it, they felt normal.

"Ding Hao, did the immortal spirits come after hearing the news?" Yan Lingkang asked quickly.

Ding Hao didn't tell the truth either, just said, "Yes, the movement is too loud! The fairy spirit tribe is alarmed, at least there are two mutant lords of the fairy spirit tribe! I can't do them at all, come and let you know!"

"What? Two mutant fairy spirit clan lords!" Huatian laughed, his face pale.

Gao Tingting was even more surprised. She was a woman, and quickly said to Yan Lingkang, "What to do?"

Yan Lingkang's face was also ugly, he didn't expect that there would be such a big movement when opening this space, but now he can't close the door of this space!

"Since we are all here, let's enter the ruins first. Be careful everyone!" Yan Lingkang finally made up his mind. The treasure this time is of extraordinary significance to him!

No matter how big the risk is, even if the people here are dead, I will inherit it!

Yan Lingkang shot Li Mang in his eyes and nodded, "Since Ding Hao is here, follow us to explore the treasure. Everyone should go faster and try to get the treasure and inheritance before the fairy clan arrives!"

"it is good."

When everyone nodded, Jiang Kun walked out of the clouds.

Seeing Ding Hao, Jiang Kun was shocked, saying that this kid hadn't been killed by Yuan Ti yet? Why is he here again? Or Yuan Ti didn't make a move?

Ding Hao saw Jiang Kun, his eyes shot cold.

On the way, this demon cultivator sent news all the way to attract Yuan Ti, if he wanted to kill himself!

This grudge must be reported!

However, Yan Lingkang was there, and now was not the time to shoot, Ding Hao pretended not to know.

Seeing that Ding Hao didn't say anything, Jiang Kun was relieved: It doesn't matter whether he is dead or not. Hmph, he doesn't know the best, even if he knows that I'm telling the news, I'm not afraid of him, I am not afraid of you because of a small fourth-level god! Besides, Yan Lingkang and the others are here. Isn't this kid still going to shoot me?

Thinking of this, Jiang Kun was relieved, transformed into a human form, and his face returned to normal.

"How is it?" Yan Lingkang said urgently, "The time is urgent, is it safe or not?"

Jiang Kun said, "Safe."

There was an army of the fairy clan behind, Yan Lingkang was anxious, and when he heard the word safety, he took the lead and rushed into the clouds.

As soon as he entered, Hua Tianxiao and Gao Tingting also followed.

In this way, only Ding Hao and Jiang Kun were left outside the clouds.

"Ding Hao, it's fine if you are here, let's go in too." Jiang Kun pretended that nothing happened and said hello.

However, Ding Hao's expression suddenly turned cold, "Jiang Kun, who are you constantly sending messages to?"

Jiang Kun's face changed suddenly.

Ding Hao said again, "Do you know Yuanti?"

Jiang Kun's face changed again.

Then, as soon as Jiang Kun's figure moved, he wanted to change his original form and attack Ding Hao!

Start first to be strong, since you Ding Hao knows, then I will kill you first!

However, since Ding Hao spoke, he was prepared.

Raising his hand, ten thousand golden rays shot out, facing Jiang Kun like an octopus!

"Ten thousand line pocket!"

This is also an extraordinary treasure.

True fairy treasure!

Ning Zhenxian will be the treasure of true evil and true immortal, lent to the apprentice Emperor Wudao to use, who knows that it would drop when Ding Hao crossed the catastrophe, and was finally picked up by Ding Hao.

Ding Hao wanted to kill Jiang Kun at this time, it would probably take some effort and time was too late.

Therefore, it is the best choice to use the Wanxian pocket and catch it alive first!

The lords of the True Immortal Treasure Ten Thousand-Line Pockets catch the Immortal Spirit Race, and it is easy to catch Jiang Kun's demon cultivation.

"What kind of treasure is this? Damn, Ding Hao, you..." Jiang Kun didn't even have the ability to resist, so he was covered by Wan Xian Bao.

While struggling frantically, he cursed, "Ding Hao, you little beast, would you dare to shoot at me? Death! You are dead! Yuan Ti will definitely kill you!"

"I don't know how to repent!" Ding Hao sneered.

This Jiang Kun, secretly sending a message to Yuan Ti along the way, is a capital crime!

When things are revealed, even wanting to take the initiative, it is even more sinful!

If you leave it behind, you must send a message to Yuan Ti in the process of treasure hunting, so you must kill it first!

"Incoming star-absorbing stone, Xiaobi, leave it to you!"

Ding Hao grabbed it with a big hand, picked up the ten-thousand-wire pocket, and threw it directly into the star-absorbing stone.

Then, strode into the gray cloud in front of him.

After catching Jiang Kun alive, Ding Hao followed Yan Lingkang and the others in just a dozen breaths.

At this moment, Yan Lingkang was standing in front of five small roads and pondering.

Huatianxiao looked back and saw Ding Hao walk in alone, frowning, "Ding Hao, where is Jiang Kun?"

Ding Hao said, "I don't know."

"How is it possible?" Huatianxiao rushed back, took a look, ran back, and pointed at Ding Hao, "Ding Hao, where did you get Jiang Kun?"

Yan Lingkang was choosing in front of the five small roads. He frowned when he heard the movement behind him. He turned his head and said angrily, "What is the noise?"

Huatian smiled, "Brother Yan, Jiang Kun is gone, I suspect Ding Hao did it."

"Ding Hao?" Yan Lingkang looked gloomy, looked back at Ding Hao, and asked in a bad tone, "What did you do?"

At this time, the treasure is right in front of you, and it is also the moment when infighting occurs. Now there are some strangers, Yan Lingkang and Hua Tianxiao are all on guard, ready to take action.

Ding Hao calmly said, "What did I do? I didn't do anything! I entered Yunwu first, and what Jiang Kun did behind, I don't know!"

Huatian smiled and said angrily, "You are talking nonsense, you are obviously ten breaths slower in coming in! Where did you get Jiang Kun? Did you kill him?"

Ding Hao sneered, "Brother Hua, you are all Tai one in the fit stage! Jiang Kun is a demon cultivator with thick skin! Do you think that in these ten breaths of time, I am a **** of transformation, can kill him? Huatian laugh, do you have a brain?"

What Ding Hao said is also true. The strength of the two is quite different. Even if Ding Hao is a true celestial disciple, even if Ding Hao has some means, it is impossible to kill Jiang Kun in this way. What's more, Huatian laughed out to see, there was no sign of fighting outside.

"Then where did he go?" Gao Tingting glared and angrily said, "We are five people in this line, and now we are inexplicably missing one person. This makes us very insecure!"

Ding Hao said, "Where did he go? He is such a big person, how do I know where he went?"

As they spoke, the clouds behind suddenly moved.

Ding Hao's expression changed, and he quickly said, "Think about it for yourself, Jiang Kun has been communicating with people with a messaging token along the way! I think he is colluding with someone again! If you don't go, I will go!"

When Ding Hao moved, he rushed into the rightmost one of the five passages without hesitation.

"This..." Hua Tianxiao and Gao Tingting looked angry, "This Ding Hao is too much!"

Yan Lingkang looked back at the turning gray clouds.

He observed carefully. If it was Jiang Kun, he must have been walking out of the clouds and mist; but now the clouds and mist are turning, it shows that there are people walking and exploring, walking and exploring!

"Someone is here, not Jiang Kun!" Yan Lingkang's expression changed, and he immediately judged, "Let's go quickly!"

Huatianxiao couldn't care about what else to say, and asked, "Which one shall we go?"

"The one on the far right!" Yan Lingkang said, his face suddenly turned ugly, and then followed the direction Ding Hao flew, and rushed in.

When the three of them disappeared at the intersection.

A light-armed monk who seemed to be wrapped in electric current walked out, "Five paths, which one?"

Two shifts today, two shifts tomorrow, and an outbreak next Monday.

(End of this chapter)

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