Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1379: Guardian Beast Ape Yao (Four Bursts)

Chapter 1379 Guarding the Beast Ape Yao (Four Bursts)

Chapter 1377 Guarding the Beast Ape Yao

The power of the fairy jade was sucked in madly.

As Ding Hao's whole body became magnificent, his power to resist suppression has increased significantly!

"I got it!"

Ding Hao's right hand suddenly clenched, and he held this black iron sign in the palm of his hand!


The armored ape roared just right at this moment!

"Run! Run away!"

In the next second, Ding Hao's figure was like a sharp arrow, a blast of wind.

At the moment when the two spaces were about to be completely missed, with a snap, Ding Hao pounced on the ground of the square space.

"Huh!" Ding Hao let out a long cold breath, turned over and sat up, looking back.

I saw the small mountain space with the armored ape, slowly flying to the rear space, flying farther and farther.

Ding Hao looked at the armored ape, and the armored ape also looked at Ding Hao.

In the eyes of the armored ape, there was a shrewd smile like a human, as if to say that everything was in its calculations.

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao raised his brows. "Is it true that its real purpose is to let me take away this small black brand?"

Ding Hao looked down at the small black sign in his hand and became interested.

"This little black brand must have something famous."

This small black brand is quite heavy, wide and flat, slightly larger than the palm of a human hand, and weighing a thousand pounds!

If you are an ordinary person, you will be crushed to death with this small sign.

However, Ding Hao was a monk in the middle stage of transforming gods, and he would not be crushed, but he also felt quite heavy.

On this small sign, several immortal words "Fengzhen Xingchen Pavilion" were engraved in a positive way.

Conversely, there are also several immortal inscriptions on it, "Guardian Beast Ape Yao"!

Seeing these words, Ding Hao suddenly understood.

"This is a beast card!"

The beast card and the beast circle have certain similarities.

The so-called animal circle is to put it around the neck of the alien animal, and the owner achieves the purpose of controlling it.

And the beast card is also used by the owner to control the alien beast.

However, the difference between the beast cards is that they are hidden in the body of the alien beast and generally do not appear. The range of the alien beast's movement is also very large, and the owner does not need to appear frequently. As long as the alien animal does not do excessive behavior, the animal card will not appear; if the alien animal has any excessive behavior, the animal card will come out to suppress it!

At the same time, the beast card has another function, that is, after refining, you can control this strange beast.

"That's it!"

Ding Hao recognized that this was a beast card, and understood the purpose of the armored ape.

"This armored ape is called Ape Yao! It is subject to this beast card! If someone takes the beast card and cannot control it, it will be completely free!"

Ding Hao suddenly realized.

Now that he took away this beast card, Yuan Yao had absolute freedom.

"Just in this situation, even if you get absolute freedom, what can you do?" Ding Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Yuan Yao got rid of the control of the beast card, but now it is trapped in a small space, it still cannot get its own freedom!

However, the fat bug said, "Master, yearning for freedom is the gene of every life, and it cannot be changed! Even if you know that you are about to die, you feel so lucky to get a moment of freedom before you die!"

"You are right." Ding Hao nodded.

This Ape Yao's IQ is comparable to that of humans. It also knows that it is trapped in a small space, but even so, it still has to let go of its control over the animal card! This is nature!

Ding Hao thought about it and said again, "If I get this beast card and refine it, wouldn't I become the master of Yuan Yao? Alas, if I knew it, I won't be back! I will rely on that small mountain space. , Refining this beast card!"

The fat insect said, "Master, I feel that with your strength, I am afraid that it is not easy to refine this beast card."

"That's true." Ding Hao nodded.

Yuan Yao saw this. Ding Hao's cultivation level was impossible to refine the beast card in a short time, so Ding Hao got the beast card, and then scared Ding Hao back.

Ding Hao shook his head and sighed, "It turns out that my thoughts are all in the calculations of this monkey. This guy's shrewdness has far surpassed many human beings."

Fat insect said again, "Master, I always think this ape is different from other Kongkong clan animal pets."

"Not bad."

Ding Hao also felt this way.

None of the Kongkong clan animal pets I have seen before are so strong!

And more importantly, this ape Yao is obviously a human fairy to suppress here!

Why does this human immortal want to suppress Yuan Yao here?

"Guardian Beast Ape Yao, what is guarding beast?"

"Fengzhen Xingchen Pavilion, what do you mean?"

Ding Hao frowned, "There are so many secrets in this space, these are ancient secrets!"

The fat insect nodded and said, "The inheritance of the Kongkong clan and the Devil Kong Realm seem to be just a portal! The vast darkness in front of you is the real ancient secret! If you didn't come here in person, who would know it, it is in Jiuzhongtian Will there be such a mysterious world in the world?"

Ding Hao also nodded secretly. Although Fat Worm is only a worm, it has lived for too long. It has always been more unique in terms of things!

"You are right, the vast darkness in front of you is like an endless starry sky!"

"In the words of Mo Kong's departure, this is the bottom structure of Jiuzhongtian!"

"If it is not for personal experience, who can believe that Jiuzhongtian still has such a mysterious place!"

This is indeed the case, even for the powers of the third stage, they only know to explore the ninth heaven, but they don't know that there is actually the lowest structure of the ninth heaven!

"Dad, I'm so ugly." Xiaobi suddenly jumped out.

Xiao Bi lost a lot of body while attacking Yuan Yao, now his hands are short and his feet are short, just like a small meat ball.

Ding Hao laughed, "It's okay, you will grow back slowly."

He held Xiaobi in his arms, and then Fat Bug asked again, "Master, what are you going to do?"

Ding Hao said, "Where I am here, I don't have any ideas, so I just practice cultivation, and then this beast card, although the guard beast has already run away, I still want to refine it and see what the secret is inside!"

Although the guardian beast Yao Yao no longer knew where he was going, Ding Hao still wanted to refine this beast card to see what the secret was in it.


Time is hurried, a hundred years in the blink of an eye.

610 base city.

Compared with a hundred years ago, the 610 base city is twice as big!

Amidst the cheerful music, people stood in front of the Great Alliance Stone Tablet Hall.

Everyone is waiting, today is a big day!

The third stage of the assessment of the peripheral members of the crazy alliance, the 500-year selection, is confirmed today!

In fact, the top ten has no suspense!

Picking up the mad alliance token and looking at it, the strong people ranked in the top ten are a lot higher than the people behind!

Especially ranked first, Ying Zheng! He has won over 100 million wars!


Ying Zheng gave up eight times because he was second, and this time, he finally got his own first!

Over 100 million military exploits, proud of the heroes!

Watching the monks here glowing, watching the base buildings here, watching the crazy alliance tokens in his hand, Ying Zheng felt that these 4,500 years had been so fulfilling!

When he came, the 610 base city was still very small, and now it is the most important supply station for mankind in the seventh heaven!

"In 4,500 years, I haven't wasted!"

Ying Zheng can say so proudly.

"Crazy League Examiner is here!"

The examiner of the outer members of the third stage is not a monk like Ji Boyang, but a true real immortal powerhouse, no real immortal!

Fuji Zhenxian arrived in person, with the decision of the mad alliance.

"The five-hundred-year assessment has yielded results again. I am here to announce the decision on behalf of the Mad League. Welcome Ying Zheng, the Holy Army, Ding Wuhe... and others to become members of the latest generation of the Mad League! From then on, your responsibility, It is to protect the human race! Your mission is to eliminate foreign threats! Your mission is to hold on to the honor of the mad alliance!"

"Our responsibility is to protect the human race!"

"Our task is to eliminate the alien threat!"

"Our mission is to stick to the honor of the mad alliance!"

Ying Zheng and others swear loudly.

Then the Fujin Immortal walked up to them one by one and took the Peripheral Token of the Mad Alliance that they handed over.

Then Fuji Shinsen swept across the token with his palm.

This ceremony is called joining the alliance!

After the real alliance, that is to become a real mad alliance member, the so-called mad alliance member, that is, the mad alliance elder!

An organization that can determine the highest affairs of mankind, becoming an elder in it, represents the ultimate authority of the human race!

"Yingzheng, the Mad League welcomes you. As the first place, you have one percent of the voting rights!"

"Thank you."

When the palm of Fujin Zhenxian was swept across Yingzheng's token, the top ranking list disappeared.

Only very simple is left.

"Name: Ying Zheng."

"The elder of the mad league, one percent of the voting rights."

"Military merit: 110983768."

This is the real mad alliance token, the whole token is lit, all functions are turned on, Ying Zheng can communicate with other mad alliance members, and at the same time, he can enter the mad alliance hall at any time. Discuss and vote on meetings in the Mad League!

"Thank you!" Ying Zheng took the token, eyes ecstatic.

True Immortal Fuji said again, "Ying Zheng, I recently accepted a disciple, and now he has passed the second stage of the crazy league assessment, and he has also begun to participate in the third stage of the crazy league." The honest young man smiled and said, "This is my new disciple named Huang Hao."

The true immortal Fuji introduced Huang Hao to Ying Zheng, and then gave the other monks to join the alliance.

Ying Zheng smiled and said, "Huang Hao, I really envy you. I don't know how many cultivators are so envious to become a disciple of the true immortal."

Huang Hao smiled very honestly. After he finished smiling, he asked, "Brother Yingzheng, let me ask you about someone. My eldest brother entered here to participate in the third stage of the assessment more than a hundred years ago."

Ying Zheng smiled and said, "What is your name? There is no one I don't know in 610 base city."

Huang Hao said, "My eldest brother is called Ding Hao."

Four explosions, there is still a chapter in the afternoon.

This week is the second time it’s been five explosions. The steamed buns are already very hard. Don’t save your monthly and recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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