Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1386: The strength of the true fairy disciple

Chapter 1386 The strength of the true fairy disciple

Chapter 1384 the strength of the true fairy disciple

"Use the Kongkong clan's alien beast to deal with me, Yan Lingkang, you are really good!"

Ding Hao's expression changed, and the seven strange beasts surrounded him.

These seven different beasts are different, among them there are Pokongya who is good at launching surprise attacks, there are also birds of prey who are good at aerial attacks, and there are several strange beasts that Ding Hao has never seen before!


The alien beasts have obviously been trained by Yan Lingkang and have a certain degree of cooperation with each other.

In the square, they first surrounded Ding Hao in the center, and then they were not in a hurry to attack. They looked at Ding Hao with scarlet eyes, obviously looking for opportunities.

"If you want to find an opportunity, don't think about it."

Ding Hao thought, the purple emperor's helmet closed, the lavender chip fell, and his whole body was protected in the strict purple emperor's armor.

Then, he grabbed it at random with his big hand, and a black spear appeared in his hand out of thin air.

The seven strange beasts couldn't find any flaws or opportunities at all.

Since there is no chance, the alien beasts will create it!

Almost silently, Po Kongyan suddenly disappeared!


That's right, it's a surprise attack, and Po Kongzhen used its ability to break through the sky, and stepped forward, and Ding Hao came behind!

Roar! Po Kongzhen opened his big mouth, and the smelly Harazi shed in his mouth, biting Ding Hao's head unceremoniously.

At the same time, the other six alien beasts all pounced at the same time!

"Hahaha, Ding Hao is over!" Huatian laughed loudly.

He was a little worried just now.

The animal trap on his neck is a life-saving talisman. If Yan Lingkang gave this animal trap to Ding Hao, Yan Lingkang would definitely kill himself!

Fortunately, this idiot Ding Hao refused!

Yan Lingkang sat cross-legged in the hall, his face still, he wanted to see Ding Hao's true strength!

What he hoped was that Ding Hao was killed by seven strange beasts, and then he could get all Ding Hao's treasures.

In the next second, a smile appeared in his eyes.

Ding Hao's situation at the moment is not good.

Because Po Kongjiang appeared too suddenly and the position was too tricky, Ding Hao did not react at all, and was bitten by Po Kongjiang's head!

At the same time, the other six strange beasts rushed forward, some bit out Ding Hao's leg, some grabbed Ding Hao's hand, as if Ding Hao was about to be divided by these strange beasts at any time!

"Haha, little beast, Ding Hao, what else is crazy about you, in the hands of the seven alien beasts, you can't even do a single trick!" Huatian Xiao has never been able to understand Ding Hao. He sees the scene in front of him very much. Is happy.

However, in a blink of an eye, the situation suddenly changed in the square in front of him.

"You bit me, didn't you?" Although Ding Hao's head was bitten, his face in the helmet didn't have a trace of worry.

"If I don't let you bite, can you bite me?" Ding Hao sneered.

Although Po Kongzhen was bizarre, he could move in space at any time, but as long as he was prepared, Ding Hao would not be bitten on his head like this.

However, it is also difficult for Ding Hao to kill Po Kongzhen, because it can move arbitrarily in space.

So the best way is to let Po Kongzhen bite.

In this way, Po Kongzhen bit Ding Hao without snorting, but Ding Hao has the best chance to kill it!

"Po Kongzhen, among these seven strange beasts, you are the most flexible!"

"So I choose to kill you first!"

Po Kongzhen bit Ding Hao's head at the moment, tearing it desperately, trying to tear Ding Hao's head off.

However, the defensive ability of the Purple Emperor Armor made the idea of ​​Po Kongyan become elusive!

Next second!


A black light flashed!

This black light is very sharp, forming a black light and shadow from the bottom up!

Light and shadow entered through Po Kongjian's chin, and then rushed out from the top of Po Kongjian's head!

"One shot pierced!"

"What?" Hua Tianxiao, who was sitting on the mountain watching the tigers fight, almost somersaulted on the ground.

Ding Hao, who was bitten by the head of Po Kongjiang, actually took advantage of this opportunity to pierce the head of Po Kongjiang with the Slaughter Spear in his hand!

"Damn it, so cunning!" Yan Lingkang's eyes were full of joy and turned gloomy.

With his mind, he wouldn't fail to see that Ding Hao's bite was actually a trick to lure the enemy, the purpose is to pierce a shot!

"I didn't expect this kid to have some tricks." Huatian smiled sneer, and said again, "Po Kongzhen has a strong character and is not so easy to deal with! Before killing that Po Kongzhen, it is the master, you, me and Ding Haosan. Personal cooperation, I don't believe it, Ding Hao killed a Po Kongzhen so easily by himself?"

Previously, the three of them had killed a Po Kong Jie in the Devil Kong Realm.

At that time, the three of them took advantage of the weakness of Po Kong-Jan to kill Po Kong-Jan.

And now, it was Ding Hao alone, and there were six other ferocious animals.

However, Yan Lingkang's face was gloomy.

"Idiot, don't you see that Ding Hao's strength and cultivation have improved?" Yan Lingkang sneered.

"What?" Hua Tianxiao went to see Ding Hao, and suddenly a horrified light shot in his eyes, "He has been promoted from the fourth level of the transformation to the sixth level! My god, there is no aura in this space, how is he? Cultivator? He broke through two levels of cultivation at once! This kid's cultivation is too weird to grow!"

"It's a true celestial disciple, it's not something we can compare." Yan Lingkang said with a cold face, "You can go and prepare for the impact!"

Huatian smiled and said, "No, there is still no point in this victory or defeat."

He just said this sentence.

Seeing the square space on the opposite side, Ding Hao turned over and broke away all the strange beasts, and his head was also pulled out of Po Kongyan's mouth.

The black iron spear in his hand is still holding Po Kongjiang's head.

But Po Kongzhen was not dead. Its chin was pierced to the top of its head, but it still had a strong vitality. It struggled crazily and wanted to throw away Ding Hao's spear!

If Ding Hao's spear is thrown away, it is still very effective.

But Ding Hao would never give it such an opportunity.

"You want to leave after biting my head? You stay!"

Ding Hao let out a violent shout, and the Immortal Slaughter Spear in his hand suddenly resembled a black dragon. The black dragon turned over in midair, and then it exploded again.

Gun flower!

Black gun flowers the size of an iron basin!

Out of thin air!


When this gun flower was shot, bright red blood and white brain plasma sprayed around, forming a bigger strange flower.

This feeling is like watching New Year's fireworks!

"So strong!"

Yan Lingkang and Hua Tianxiao on the other space debris were completely stupid.

Ding Hao shot a spear, and directly smashed Po Kongyan's head to pieces!

"My God, this Ding Hao's strength..." Huatian Xiao couldn't say anything.

Originally, he looked down on Ding Hao, a small **** of transformation, and he was a real person who was a realm greater than Ding Hao!

But seeing this shot, he suddenly discovered that the combat power of a monk is useless just by looking at his cultivation base!

With a strength like Ding Hao, leapfrogging challenges is not a problem at all!

"True immortal disciple, genius cultivator, really amazing!" Even Yan Lingkang couldn't help but praise.

Or the true fairy disciple is awesome, or the genius is taken care of by all parties? This is the strength of genius!

Although Yan Lingkang and Hua Tianxiao are a realm higher than Ding Hao, they are both second-rate geniuses, and they are really incomparable to top geniuses like Ding Hao.

After Ding Hao killed Po Kong-Jan, he directly collected Po Kong-Jan's body into the Star Absorption Stone.

Xiaobi really wanted to taste the blood of the Kongkong clan alien beast, and just had the opportunity this time, hoping that Xiaobi would be improved by drinking this alien blood.

There are still six alien beasts. Although these alien beasts are ferocious enough, they don't have the weird piercing skills of Po Kongzhen. Ding Hao only needs to kill them one by one!

"Blood Rain Record!"

"A lot of blood rain!"

Ding Hao was unceremonious, relying on his control of the avenue in his hand, he hit a shocking attack like blood and rain.

This kind of attack is played out, and the entire small space of hundreds of squares is filled with terrible gunshots!

Indiscriminate attack!

There is no way to hide the six alien beasts!

Bang bang bang!

With one move, six alien beasts were all injured!

"This... is too fierce!" Yan Lingkang's eyes changed from resentment to fear!

A real Taiyi person in the late stage of the union would fear a **** in the middle stage of the transformation? That's right, it's really right!

The avenue that Ding Hao controls, the martial arts he uses, the armor on his body, the spear in his hand!

These are all the top in the world!

His combat effectiveness is definitely more than the normal fit period too! Far more than the!

Besides, Yan Lingkang is a treasure hunter.

Yan Lingkang suddenly felt that he was just a sheep and he wanted to murder a tiger?

"I care if you are a dragon or a tiger. Anyway, you are dead for everything this time!" This feeling of satisfaction and excitement suddenly appeared in Yan Lingkang's mind.

He didn't deny that he was just a sheep, but because he was a sheep, he felt excited to kill a tiger at this moment.

"Huatian laugh, use our second step plan! Isn't Ding Hao vigorous? Isn't he awesome? Haha, if we let him die, he still wants to die!" Yan Lingkang laughed, and the laughter was full of hideousness. meaning.

"Yes, no matter how awesome you are, Ding Hao will die in the end!" Huatian smiled coldly and looked over there, and said again, "Master, all my collision angles have been built! I spent eight full years, Refining all the northeast corner of our space debris into a thick layer of ancient treasures! These treasures are extremely sharp and strong, haha, colliding with the ground of his space debris is like cutting tofu with a knife! "

"Haha, hahaha!" Yan Lingkang laughed loudly, "Very good, very good! No matter how powerful Ding Hao is, he can't exist in the void. As long as we smash the square under his feet, he will naturally be suppressed to this place. The bottom step in the dark world, you can't stand up forever!"

"Master, what are you waiting for, let's start while six strange beasts are holding him down."

"it is good!"

Yan Lingkang was in a good mood, waved his sleeves with both hands, and shouted violently, "Start the formation, adjust the angle for me, and break his space!"


In the dark void, a large hall space accelerated into Ding Hao's square space.

It's too cold today, everyone pay attention to keep warm, let's watch three changes, there is a chapter in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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