Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1390: Looking for Ding Hao

Chapter 1390 Finding Ding Hao

Chapter 1388: Looking For Ding Hao

610 base city.

When Xiangying moved on the teleportation formation, a woman in a white dress came here from other places.

"In a blink of an eye, I have been away from here for nearly 150 years!"

Gao Tingting came to the 610 base city and was quite moved.

Since the last time she went to treasure hunting, she has obtained a lot of materials and treasures from other worlds, and more importantly, a large number of Kongkong clan formations.

These formations are quite novel, especially for the space formations that open up territories.

As a disciple of the Tianyuan Formation Sect, Gao Tingting is obsessed with the formation method, not to mention that she is still an expert in the formation!

So she left the Devil Kong Realm and waited outside for a while. Before Yan Lingkang laughed at them, she left by herself.

She left for more than a hundred years, and went to the Tianyuan Formation Sect in the fifth heaven to retreat for more than one hundred years.

I have gained a lot recently, definitely come out and relax, so I returned to the 610 base city.

"I don't know what treasures they harvested later?" Gao Tingting took out her communication token, and there were several messages sent to Huatianxiao. These messages were sent out more than a hundred years ago and some have been sent out recently, but there was no reply.

"No, don't they come back yet?"

Gao Tingting frowned and ran directly to Huatianxiao's Dongfu residence in 610 base city.

When she came here, she punched a golden bell, but there was no answer. She waited for a while, when a monk walked by on the street, who happened to be a monk living nearby. He smiled, "Huatianxiao hasn't seen a figure for more than a hundred years, and I don't know if it is a retreat or some treasure."

"Really." Gao Tingting's face was shocked.

"Could it be that..." Gao Tingting thought of this, and then quickly took out her crazy alliance peripheral token.

"My God, for so many years Huatianxiao and Yan Lingkang's achievements and rankings have not moved at all!"

"Couldn't they all come out?"

Just as she showed surprise on her pretty face, she didn't know when a simple young man came by her side.

The young man was a little rustic, dressed very plainly, and smiled honestly.

"Hello fellow Taoist, I am Huang Hao, do you dare to ask Senior Huatianxiao?" the young man smiled honestly.

Gao Tingting frowned. She was young and beautiful, with good cultivation skills, so there were often some young men from Meng Lang who wanted to talk to her.

She turned to look at this rustic young man, and a sneer suddenly appeared in her eyes, saying that you, this fellow, don’t look at herself, just like this. If you want to have no ability, you want to look but look, you want to talk to me. ? You are really overwhelmed!

She was a bit snobbish at first. Seeing Huang Hao's ordinary appearance, she suddenly rolled her eyes and said three words, "I don't know."

"Okay." Rhubarb walked over in embarrassment.

This is how many times he has come here, he has been inquiring about Ding Hao all these years.

Ding Hao heard about Yan Lingkang, and later learned that Yan Lingkang often went to explore treasures with a person named Huatianxiao, so he would come here every three and a half to see if Huatianxiao came back.

When the figure of Rhubarb walked by, someone behind them whispered.

"Have you seen this Huang Hao, don't look at the simple appearance, but the aptitude and ability are quite good! He is still a disciple of the true immortal!"

"Oh, he is the disciple of the true immortal, it's amazing, he can be regarded as the most outstanding generation of the younger generation!"

"It's amazing!"

Gao Tingting was stunned when she heard this, and she said no, just this ordinary and rustic appearance, she turned out to be a true fairy disciple? Or a disciple of the famous real **** like Buer Zhenxian? Oh my god, I turned down his touch-up just now?

At this moment, beside her, a handsome young man in a white robe walked over.

The young man in Confucian shirt didn't even look at Gao Tingting. He followed Rhubarb and smiled, "Huang Hao, come to Hua Tianxiao again to find out about Ding Hao?"

Rhubarb looked back, smiled and said, "Yes, there is a lot of people on the side of Emperor Wudao, and help me inquire."

"Haha, that is, I have been asking about it all the time." A harmless smile appeared on the face of Emperor Wudao, who was on the first floor.

"They are indeed of the same level!" The snob Gao Tingting suddenly smiled, and hurried up to shout, "Two geniuses, I know some news about them."


Rhubarb and Emperor Wudao, both eyes shot dazzling lights.

Rhubarb has been inquiring about Ding Hao over the years, of course he wanted to find Ding Hao; but after a hundred years of integration, Emperor Wudao's first thing to do was to look for Ding Hao! Emperor Wudao was worried about Ding Hao's immortal weapon. If Ding Hao died, this secret would be lost forever!

It was also a coincidence that Da Huang and Di Wudao met on their way to find Ding Hao.

Rhubarb was so simple and honest, he was deceived by Emperor Wudao, thinking that Emperor Wudao was really Ding Hao's former friend.

"What do you know?" Da Huang said nervously.

"That's right, when we went to explore treasures together, it was more than a hundred years ago..."

Emperor Wudao smiled, "It's not convenient to talk on this side of the road. Let's go to the tavern in front and have a drink and chat."



For 33 years, in the dark world, it seems even more long.

But for Ding Hao, it was okay.

After all, he has something to do, and it takes more than one day or two to perceive the law of the great road on the back of the golden book page.

To use Shuqing Enlightenment Technique, it takes a lot of time to figure out the thousands of Dao patterns on this law one by one.

It took 33 years, and Ding Hao has only figured out about half of the lines on this avenue rule.

Ding Hao was in the midst of feeling that he was afraid that the big tripod laughing would disturb him, so he let Xiaobi out to protect himself.

Huatianxiao's World Tripod is idle every day, playing with Xiaobi all day, and the two get along well.

On this day, Huatianxiao did not fight with Xiaobi uncharacteristically, but stood in the corner of the space, quietly observing, and constantly calculating in her heart.

Yan Lingkang, who was sitting in the hall, also began to slow down.

"Yes, stop!" Hua Tianxiao suddenly shouted.

Immediately, Yan Lingkang waved his sleeves, and all the runes in the entire hall space lit up, and then dimmed, and the hall space just stopped quietly in the air.

Ding Hao also woke up, put away the jade ribbon and golden pages, and stood up.

"How is it?" Ding Hao stood beside Huatianxiao's big tripod.

There was a smiling face on the big tripod, and he said, "If I didn't make a mistake, the space where you and Yuan Yao crossed should be here! You can judge the direction of the space flight of Yuan Yao!"

Ding Hao's brow wrinkled, this vast void, there is no reference at all, how to judge.

He thought for a while, "I only remember the angle of my square space when it intersects with its small hill space! Yan Lingkang, you adjust the angle of the main hall space now to the original square space angle."

Yan Lingkang said, "Master, the angle and posture of the hall space now are the same as the angle of your square space at the beginning! It's exactly the same!"

Ding Hao nodded, walked around the main hall space, and finally confirmed, "That small mountain space is wiped up from this corner, and after staggering, it will fly in that direction!"

At this kind of time, it is entirely based on feelings, the position one hundred and fifty years ago, and also in this vast void, really can't tell.

Huatian smiled, "I can only try it! Ding Hao, even if we find the right route, it will take more than 40 years to arrive!"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "I know, everything here is very long! But this is our only straw, I think everyone wants to leave here! All want to go out! So we should work together! I can't find it. In our entire life, I'm afraid we will be abandoned in this dark and endless world!"

Hua Tian smiled and said, "I'm so irritable to death, if I can never get out, I would rather commit suicide."

Soon after, the main hall space adjusted its direction, and once again drifted to the deeper part of the dark void...


One heaven, Xianfan city.

On the high wall of the city, a banner with the Ji family logo was flying high.

With this banner, no sect has dared to provoke and disturb the Nine Heavens God Sect for more than 100 years!

After so many years of development, the Nine Heavens Divine Sect has grown into a super huge sect, and Xianfan City has also become the busiest city in the whole day, not one of them.

Now all the monks in the lower realm choose Xianfan City for entry and exit!

There is no one to use the upper realm of the ascending immortal rank at all, and even many young monks have forgotten that there is something called ascending immortal rank.

The connection between the upper and lower realms is more frequent. Now it is not a new thing for the monks from the lower realms to go shopping in the city of Immortal in the Nine Heavens.

And those big cities that set up business in Xianfan City are making a lot of money, and the monks who come and go in this city every day are like running water.

"Are Li Shaotian and Tu Bafang leaving?" A charming woman walked into the inner teleportation formation of Xianfan City.

With the development of the Nine Heavens Sect, Xianfan City has simply become a commercial city, and the Nine Heavens Sect has completely moved to the former King Kong City.

The current King Kong City has been renamed Jiutian City, where the sect of the Nine Heavens God Sect is located. There is a set of special teleportation arrays that connect the two cities.

Leng Xiaoyu walked into the teleportation array, and the light and shadow flashed, she had already arrived at King Kong City.

Over a hundred years have passed, everyone's cultivation has improved!

Every monk has entered the stage of transforming gods!

Slowly, some people are already uncomfortable staying in the Jiutian Shenzong!

At first they were some disciples of the sect, but now, even Li Shaotian and Tu Bafang are leaving.

"Sister-in-law Xiaoyu, they are leaving our Nine Heavens God Sect. If they are ordinary disciples, forget it, Li Shaotian is the Deputy Sect Master..." Zhang Shasha rushed up, as Ding Hao's hard-core brother, he did not want to look at the Nine Heavens God Sect. There are fewer and fewer people.

(End of this chapter)

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