Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1410: Fluke

Chapter 1410 Lucky Escape

Chapter 1408: Lucky Escape

"Oh my God!"

"Your uncle!"

Ding Hao and Fat Worm exclaimed at the same time, this fairy puppet is too powerful!

The corpse of Great Immortal Jiang Wen actually smashed the apse of Shenxingdao Palace in half with a palm!


In the control room, chaotic sounds kept ringing. This is the sound of the alarm sounded by the Shenxingdao Palace suffering heavy damage!

The little fox, Koyuki, jumped desperately on the light curtain, trying to control the flying posture of the Shinto Shrine.

However, the flight speed of the Shenxingdao Palace is still flying slowly...

"Are we going to finish this? The fairy hunts and kills!" The timid fat insect has lost his fighting spirit at this time.


The alarm is still ringing, and Daxian Jiang Wen has another palm behind him!


There was another broken sound.

The apse of the Shenxingdao Palace, the whole shattered!

In this way, the speed of the Shenxing Taoist Palace is even slower, and the little fox Xiaoxue wants crazy remedy, but it is obviously too weak!

"It's useless, Xiaoxue is back!"

Ding Hao knew that the ultimate escape method must be used at this time.

The little white figure flashed, Ding Hao controlled Xiaoxue's income.

Then in the next second, Ding Hao's Palace of the Gods' Walk was also taken into his bag. In the middle of the air, Ding Hao stood in the air, wearing a purple armor!

Facing Jiang Wen's immortal corpse who rushed up frantically, Ding Hao's eyes flashed sharply.

Fat insect said desperately, "Master, we are over, we can't escape!"

"No, I still have a means of escape!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, a little silver light shone from behind him, getting brighter and brighter!

"This is..." The fat insect looked dumbfounded.

"Yes, this is a magic weapon!"

Not only can Yi Shen Bing be transformed into combat weapons, but also into a pair of wings!

Ding Hao has already mastered one-half of the spirit weapon, and he can barely turn it into wings!

"The Wings of Yi Shen Bing, open it to me!"

With a bang, the silver wings of the spirit soldier are as thin as a cicada, with a wingspan of ten meters!


The Yishen Bing shook frantically, Ding Hao was like a big bird with silver wings, flying across the sky quickly, the silver perfect glow illuminating the sky!

"My God, Yi Shenbing can still be used like this, Master, you are so handsome!"

The fat insect who was desperate just now became excited again.

In the distance, Qingluo watched the silver light run away in the distance, she gritted her teeth and furious, "This kid has so many methods!"

But after finishing speaking, her face was again a vicious look, "However, my Great Immortal Jiang Wen is out, no matter how much you use, you can't escape!"

Immediately, she hurriedly threw a square jade block with powerful celestial energy to the rear, and shouted, "Open the Ten Thousand Immortal Palace to control the formation!"

Wanxian Mansion currently has no owner, but it's not that the formation cannot be used.

Every time you use the formation, you need to use the fairy jade!

The immortal jade left by Daxian Jiang Wen is not much, so Qingluo has not been willing to use it.

But at this time today, Qingluo has gone crazy, desperate!

"Boom!" Xianli soared into the sky, turning into a semi-circular light curtain, which enveloped the entire Qingluo City.

"The idiot formation, I am not opening the protective cover of Qingluo City, and closing the entire Ten Thousand Immortal Palace!"


Ding Hao took advantage of the speed brought by the wings of the Yishen Soldier to throw away the body of Daxian Jiang Wen.

He soon came to the door of Wanxian Mansion, his eyes shot a light of surprise, "Escaped!"



Ding Hao's body slammed against the gate of Wanxian Mansion!

"what happened……"

If it weren't for wearing purple emperor armor all over, Ding Hao's collision would probably be to pieces.

But even so, Ding Hao felt dizzy and his bones broke.

"Master, it's not good, the gate of Wan Xian Mansion is locked!"


Ding Hao suddenly came to his senses. The gate of the Ten Thousand Immortal Palace could be passed directly before, but now it has become an insurmountable wall!

"It's Xianli, the gate is full of Xianli!" Ding Hao quickly jumped up, touched the wall with his hand, and suddenly understood that he didn't want to leave here.

The light curtain formation formed by Xianli protects the gate, so Ding Hao doesn't even want to escape from here!

Behind, the body of Daxian Jiang Wen looked like a big white kite, which had already flown up.

Daxian Jiang Wen showed a gloomy smile on Qingluo's face, and Qingluo gritted his teeth, "Thief, die!"

After speaking, in midair, Daxian Jiang Wen stretched out his hand...

The terrifying momentum was crazily suppressed.

The immortal, the monk, can't be compared at all!

In front of the immortal aloft, even if it is a lifeless corpse, it is easy to kill a monk in the lower realm!

Ding Hao's face turned pale.

Xiaobi cried, "Dad, we're done."

The fat insect sighed, "This time it's really over, hide in the star sucking stone."

"No! Hidden in the star-absorbing stone, the star-absorbing stone will be caught by Qingluo. If I get trapped again, I don't know how many years it will take to get out of the trap!

Looking at the dying corpse, Ding Hao's eyes fell cold, and he took out the small black tower, "Now there is only the only way!"

"What? Master, do you want to urge the small black tower here, is it too late?"

Fat insects clearly know that it is not easy to activate this small black tower, it takes a long time and strength!

"At this time, I only have to pay some price!"

Ding Hao urged him with spiritual power first.

However, this is a small tower of immortal people, Ding Hao's spiritual power is very difficult to mobilize, starting from the bottom of the tower, layers of fairy power runes are slowly lit up!

The circles of Xianli runes, like the silk thread at the bottom of the black tower, are lit up in circles...

"Thief, you want to escape, it's too late!" Qingluo's eyes, through the eyes of the corpse, looked at Ding Hao sharply, and then coldly shouted, "It's too late for you to urge you to move! Die! !"

At this time, Great Immortal Jiang Wen was about to fly in front of Ding Hao!

Almost just raising your hand can grab Ding Hao and pinch it to death!


Ding Hao suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood!

"The little black tower, although you look down on my blood!"

"But don't forget that I am already part of your master!"

"Moreover, this is my heart's blood! I don't mind using injury in exchange for your activation!"

If Ding Hao has a quiet and quiet place, he can start slowly, it doesn't need to be so.

But now the situation is urgent, Ding Hao does not have time to start slowly, only use it once, blood sacrifice!

Sure enough, when all the essence and blood of this heartfelt spit out, the little black tower felt like it did not dislike it like last time, but absorbed all the essence and blood of Ding Hao!

Then, more runes were lit.

The base of the entire black tower was lit up, the black tower body, golden rune light!

"Master, really lighted up the base!" Fat insect was ecstatic.

Xiaobi also smiled, "Dad, we can go back!"

But Ding Hao knew that even though it was lit, it was still difficult to open the way back!

It is one thing to light up the Xumi Tower of the stars. To use the above functions, you need more power!

"Open the channel for me and use all my power and spiritual knowledge!"

Ding Hao held the hand of Xingchen Xumi Tower, and violently vented inward with all his strength!


The small black tower is like a water pump. All the power in Ding Hao's body, even all the power in the sea of ​​his consciousness, are all sucked into the small black tower!


A black black light shot out from the base, and a black light gate appeared in front of Ding Hao.

At this moment, Ding Hao, as weak as a baby, staggered, fell into the black door of light, disappeared...

"Ran away!"

Qingluo watched Ding Hao escape with anxious and angry eyes.

But she couldn't control the entrance of the corpse of Great Immortal Jiang Wen. If she entered, she would have no control over the corpse of Great Fairy Jiang Wen!

Just after she hesitated for a second, she coughed and the black light door disappeared instantly!

"Damn it! This thief!"



Xianfan city, corner.

Baojia Danyaofang.

As the business of Xianfan City becomes more and more prosperous, the entire city has become a huge shopping mall.

Except for the main and secondary roads, which are crowded with people, even the corners and corners of Xianfan City have been developed and become shops.

Baojia Pill Medicine Workshop was originally a very humble shrine, but it was later developed by Nine Heavens God Sect.

The pill family Baojia, who was in the middle of his family, rented a store here to sell the pill. The business was not booming, but it was not bad.

But recently, the Bao family has encountered some big troubles...

In the backyard of Bao's Pill Pharmacy, a cute-looking girl is worrying.

"Father, the young master of Qingdan City already has a Taoist companion and wants to marry me as a concubine. How can I deal with this kind of thing? What's more, the young master of Qingdan City, he just wants to steal all kinds of things from my family. Dan Fang!"

As a father, Lao Bao didn't understand this.

The purpose of Qing Pill City is obvious, it is to take a fancy to the several pill recipes treasured by his Bao family, and want to seize the past, produce it on a large scale, and make a fortune!

"Xiao Xiaobao, I also understand this, but Young City Lord has power in Xianfan City! We can't afford it!" Old Bao sighed.

The little girl Bao Yujing is well-behaved, and her nickname is Xiaoxiaobao. The neighborhoods within a few blocks like her.

Xiao Xiaobao said, "What power does he have? We rented the store of Nine Heavens God Sect. What's the matter with him in Qingdan City?"

"Young City Lord is really powerful, he can drive us out of Xianfan City, and our livelihood will be ruined!" Old Bao sighed and walked out of the hut.

After getting out of the hut, Xiao Bao was distressed.

Suddenly she remembered that there was a shrine tablet in the cabinet at home.

The tablet was left by Lao Bao when Jiu Tian Shenzong developed it. Lao Bao always felt that he was disrespectful of the ancestors by throwing away the ancient tablet, so he kept the tablet and kept it in the cabinet.

In desperation, the little girl, Xiao Bao, took out the tablet, put it in her boudoir, bowed down and prayed.

"The great **** enshrined on the tablet, if you hear it, please help us cover the house, don't let the evil people succeed..."

While I was praying in the small packet, suddenly the black tablet suddenly lit up.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Xiaobao paled with fright.

Two changes today, it will break out on Monday tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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