Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1413: Sect corruption (three explosions)

Chapter 1413 Zongmen Corruption (Three Explosion)

Chapter 1411 Sect Corruption

"Haha, you stinky boy, I am not afraid of you at this level of your cultivation. I will tell you clearly that I and Elder Liu and Elder Sun of the Nine Heavens Sect are good friends! I usually secretly don’t know how many spirit stones have been smashed. , I ask them to help, how could they not help? I just need a word to let the Baojia Medicinal Workshop go out!"

Seeing Young City Master's triumphant look, Ding Hao's expression finally turned gloomy!

If only this Young City Lord bullied the market, Ding Hao only had to drive Qingdan City out of Xianfan City.

But the problem now is that there is a thief inside the Nine Heavens God Sect!

Under Ding Hao's arrangement, the Nine Heavens God Sect adopted a high salary policy for the sect disciples and elders!

Their income far exceeds that of monks from other sects of the same level, but is there such a thing happening?

This made Ding Hao furious!

"Young City Lord of Qingdan City! Don't brag! The elders of the Nine Heavens God Sect, the salary is extraordinary, how can people ask for your money?" Ding Hao said passionately.

Young City Lord laughed, "No matter how high their salary is, how can anyone who doesn't love spirit stones? As long as they have enough spirit stones, they can buy them! As long as you give them a lot of spirit stones, they can help me with things!"

"Good, good!" Ding Hao turned blue with anger, took out a small box, and opened it.

Suddenly, Baoguang shot again!

"My God, it's another spiritual level pill? This young man..." Lao Bao and Xiao Bao were so frightened that they couldn't say anything. They asked what the young man came from, this level of pill. , It's like no money, one left, one right!

"You still have one!" The Young City Master of Qingdan City was also dumbfounded, too shocked to speak.


Ding Hao closed the box and said, "Now you bring me the Elder Liu and Elder Sun you mentioned, this medicine is yours."

"What?" The Young Master of Qingdan City was overjoyed!

Although he also had the idea of ​​looting, Xianfan City prohibits the use of force and strictly controls it. He also said that he did not dare to use force.

Now this young man actually said that he would give this medicine to himself for nothing...

He suddenly shot a sharp light in his eyes, "Is it serious?"

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "I never lie!"

"it is good!"

"Elder Liu, Elder Sun, come here in a hurry, just do me a favor, brother. Be quick!"

The Young City Lord of Qingdan City directly issued two summoning runes.

After a while, I saw two veterans walking in, one tall and one short.

"Young City Lord, what's the matter?"

"Haha, we will definitely come to help with the matter of Young City Lord!"

The two of them usually took too many bribes from Qingdan City, and they were just hitting shoulders with the Young City Lord of Qingdan City, and they were embarrassed!

Ding Hao looked gloomy. He had lived for hundreds of years, and he could tell at a glance that Young City Lord's words were true!

However, Ding Hao didn't know these two infants, they should have been recruited into the Nine Heavens Sect!

The Young City Master of Qingdan City said proudly, "Boy, do you see clearly, this is the elder dispatched by the Nine Heavens Divine Sect in Xianfan City. They are all here! Then, should your medicine be given? Where am I?"

"You take the pill first, we will calculate it after we have the account!" Ding Hao's face was gloomy, as if throwing garbage, he threw the pill box in his hand to the Young City Master of Qingdan City.

"Haha, Baodan! I have made a fortune! This one Baodan is worth all the properties of my Qingdan City in Xianfan City!" The Young City Master of Qingdan City was ecstatic with the Baodan.

The two elders stared in admiration and said, "This kind of good medicine, Young City Master, you have to treat you!"

"Hey, of course."

This group of people want to leave.

But Ding Hao raised his hand, "You two stay!"

"I will stay with you?" These two elders were both in the middle stage of the infant change. Seeing that Ding Hao's tone was so unceremonious during the foundation construction stage, his face suddenly became unhappy, "Where is the kid, if you have no education, we Don't mind helping your elders teach you!"

Old Bao quickly said, "The two of you calm down, the young man said nothing light or heavy."

Lao Bao knows very well that these two people must not be offended. In Xianfan City, they are in control of life and death!

Young City Lord of Qingdan City didn't dare to do anything in Xianfan City, and these two people had the power to shoot in the city!

"Wild boy, be careful!" The two elders snorted coldly.

However, Ding Hao said indifferently, "You two kneel down and report your name! Tell me honestly, when will you enter the Nine Heavens Sect? How many bribes have you received over the years?"

"What?" Old Bao and Xiao Xiaobao both turned pale with fright, and said that Ding Hao wanted to die?

The two elders were finally angry, no one in Xianfan City dared to talk to them like this!

"Little beast, look for death!" The mental power of the two of them was completely suppressed!

Although Ding Hao's spiritual consciousness was damaged, he would not be suppressed by them.

He couldn't make a move at the moment, and he let Xiao Bi out with a thought.


Seeing a twelve-year-old girl suddenly appeared in the room, everyone was taken aback.

This little girl is also very cute, with white skin and blonde hair. What made Xiao Xiaobao even more envy was that the little girl was holding a dragon head and lion body in her arms, she was old and cute!

"Dad, these two people are too hateful, I'm going to kill them!" Xiaobi was angrily, and she couldn't bear it when she saw that these two people used mental power to suppress the injured dad.

Ding Hao waved his hand, "Let them kneel down first!"

"This little girl wants us to kneel down? Hahaha, funny!" The two elders were in the infantile stage. They were not afraid to see this little girl with delicate skin and tender meat. Haha laughed, "Little beast, neither Knowing where the unruly **** came from, you now kneel and kowtow to us and pay us for the little beast in this little girl's hand. We can save you from death!"

Seeing that these two people had the idea of ​​the lion's again, Xiaobi was furious, and the little lion's hands instantly turned into two vines, and green lightning shot out!

Regardless of the fact that these two people are both the cultivation base of the infant change stage, under Xiaobi's shot, the two have no power to fight back!

In just an instant, the two were **** firmly by the green vines, and Xiaobi waved his hands, and the two knelt at Ding Hao's feet.

"This..." The Bao family's father and daughter were dumbfounded. They didn't expect this weak little girl to be so strong, and immediately captured the two elders of Xianfan City.

"Boy, are you really going to shoot us in Xianfan City? I advise you to think about the consequences!" The two elders were controlled, and their tone was still very hard.

An elder said, "Boy, no matter how powerful you are and how big your backstage is, this is Xianfan City. The powerhouse of the Nine Heavens Sect can come over at any time. I advise you to think clearly! Let us go. This has been revealed!"

Lao Bao was also scared to death. This kind of thing happened in his house, so don't the Nine Heavens God Sect destroy his house?

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "The powerhouses of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect come over at any time, that's the best! Three hundred years have passed, and this sect has also gathered an astonishing amount of rotten body, and it seems that the time has come to clean it up!"

"Then you wait to die!" An elder with a grim expression suddenly shot a fire from his body.

The fire light is composed of spiritual power, directly breaking through the roof of the house and exploding in the sky!

"This is the distress signal of the Nine Heavens God Sect!" Lao Bao looked pale, and pleaded, "My ancestor, where can we offend the Nine Heavens God Sect for a small shop like this? Right away, all the powerful Nine Heavens God Sect will come. Now, our Bao family is going to be unlucky!"

Seeing him worrying, Ding Hao smiled, "Old man, don't worry, I also know a few people from the Nine Heavens Sect, it will be fine."

Lao Bao is speechless. Xin said that during the small foundation building period, how many masters of the Nine Heavens God Sect can you know? Even if you know him, can someone forgive you if you commit such a big thing?

At this moment, seeing the signal, all the guards in Xianfan City moved.

"Elder Liu and Elder Sun have been captured, and now they are trapped in the Baojia Medicinal Pill Shop, life and death are unknown!"

"Immediately surround the Baojia Pill Fang!"

"Everyone is forbidden to go in or out, otherwise it will kill you!"

The sound of tidy footsteps sounded, and there were a lot of flying treasures in the sky. Hundreds of nine-day Shenzong guards all gathered, knives and guns lined up, surrounding the little pill workshop!

Looking for trouble in Xianfan City, want to die?

"This, this... how did it get to this point?" Old Bao felt like crying when he saw the situation outside.

The situation has deteriorated too quickly.

This young man is too capable of making things bigger!

Originally, the young city lord of Qingdan City took a fancy to his family's alchemy and wanted to force the marriage to take advantage of it. But now things have developed to the arrest of the two elders of the Nine Heavens God Sect. This is simply a hornet's nest and death!

However, Xiaoxiaobao shot a different look in her big eyes. Is it possible that the tablet is really showing up, and a powerful person is sent to help our Baojia solve the problem?


One Heaven, Nine Heavens City, Nine Heavens God Sect.

The little monk at that time, the Taoist monk, was somewhat contented over the years.

Who could have imagined that a small little Taoist who was not looked up to by others at the beginning is now the master steward of the Nine Heavens God Sect, so many people will crawl in front of him.

His words can determine whether a business in Xianfan City opens to welcome customers or closes in a blink of an eye!

With the rise of Xianfan City, how many people sent him an amazing number of treasures.

However, the Xianshi Taoist is still very cautious.

Because he can't forget Ding Hao's methods!

"Although Sect Master Ding has not returned for hundreds of years, I believe this little evil star will return one day." The Taoist Xianshi thought of this, his enthusiastic eyes calmed a lot.

At this moment, a monk ran over and reported, "It's not good. Elder Liu and Elder Sun are arrested and controlled by a business."

"What?" The Xianshi Taoist was furious.

Although Ding Hao has not been in these years, the Nine Heavens God Sect has been a little bit depressed these years, but he has not dared to start in Xianfan City!

(End of this chapter)

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