Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1420: Help from the sea (three explosions)

Chapter 1420 Help by Canghai (three explosions)

Chapter 1418

Divine Realm Skills are unique skills for monks in the fit period.

On the walls of the Union City, the monks looked pale.

Facing this kind of wind and snow slash, I am afraid that thousands of monks on the entire city wall fell into the divine realm space of the kamikaze elder, and eventually they were all beheaded.

"So strong!"

However, the old crow in the battlefield, he is not an ordinary monk, nor an ordinary true dragon.

He is the Dragon Emperor!

He has the inheritance of the Red Emperor!


Lao Ya let out a dragon chant.

This dragon chant was completely different from the dragon chant he made before.

The previous Dragon Yin was violent and domineering.

But this dragon chant is so calm, so calm, so solemn!

That kind of feeling, as if the king is over the world, the emperor is still in front of him, when he uttered this dragon roar, the entire Alliance City and the various spirit beasts, pets and monsters within a radius of thousands of miles all gave a feeling of worship from the bottom of my heart!

There are also demon repairs on the walls of the Union City.

The number of these demon cultivators is still quite large. When they heard this dragon chant, they all knelt down at the same time, kowtow to Lao Ya!

In fact, let alone these beasts and monsters, even if the humans present heard this dragon chant, that noble voice fell into the deepest part of my heart, and it was quite shocking!

"This fire dragon!"

Elder Yun of Baihe Tianmen, in his spirit beast bag, there are several flamingoes and cranes kings, but at this moment, all of them shuddered!

Elder Yun was stunned, and Yuan Zhongzhou, which was next to the long spring gate, was also stunned. The beautiful and graceful elder Xinlian was also stunned. I don't know why this fire dragon has such an amazing emperor's domineering!

Soldier Mei, who had not spoken, answered everyone.

"Because he is the Scarlet Emperor among the eight existing emperors in the True Dragon Palace!"

"What? The Dragon Emperor of the True Dragon Palace, my god!" On the wall of the Alliance City, the humans with low cultivation base all knelt down!

The Dragon Emperor of the True Dragon Palace, amazing, this is the Dragon Emperor angry!


The old crow roared loudly again, which was different from the one made by King's Landing just now. In this sound, there was a lot of rage, rage, and rage!

Then he spit out a mouthful of flame.

This flame momentum is basically a volcanic eruption.


The fierce flames not only enveloped all those wind and snow cuts, but even the kamikaze elder's world tripod was also crazily refined in the dragon flame!

"My God!" The elder Kamikaze heard the first dragon chant and knew it was not good.

With the second dragon chant and his world tripod surrounded by flames, he was stupid at once!

"What position are you in the True Dragon Palace, what is your honor? Fire Dragon, you let me know a little bit!"

Lao Ya didn't care about him, the flame in his mouth was even worse, and the dragon flame in his mouth was divided into several colors.

In the outermost part of the dragon flame, there is a red color; toward the center, it is red and yellow; toward the center, there is a blue flame; but in the center of the flame, it is a dazzling gold!

Wherever this golden flame went, it ignited and burned!

"No! Don't burn it, my tripod of the world, come back!"

Elder Kamikaze finally felt scared. If his world tripod was burned, his cultivation would be over!

"I regret it now, it's too late!"

Elder Kamikaze and Youyue Tianzong offended Longdi Tianyan, this is already a capital crime, and the old crow didn't want to forgive him!

However, Elder Kamikaze still had a life-saving method in the end.

Seeing that his world tripod was about to be burned, he quickly took out the jade medal on his waist, raised his head high, and called out loudly, "Invincible Immortal, help!"

At this moment, the world tripod of the kamikaze elder was lit, and the surrounding divine space disappeared.

But there was a huge figure standing up there between the sky and the earth. Ding Hao also knew this huge figure. It was the invincible immortal Ding Canghai!

After Ding Canghai appeared, he waved his big hand first, and a majestic force surged out to protect the world tripod of the elder Shenfeng.

Afterwards, he swept his eyes and found the position of Emperor Mo.

I saw him turning his head and smiling at Emperor Mo, "Master Mo of the True Dragon Palace, it's been a long time since I saw him. The younger generation is polite."

"What, he is Lord Mo from the True Dragon Palace?"

The walls of the Alliance City were crazy again. Those middle and low-level cultivators, who had seen a character like Emperor Mo, all knelt down.

Even the elder Yun of Baihe Tianmen knelt down one after another!

Indeed, Emperor Mo of the True Dragon Palace has too many legends!

Kneeling to Emperor Mo, this is not humiliation, but true respect!

Mei Mo said, "Ding Canghai, you still don't want to come out, this person has committed the Dragon Emperor Tianyan, he should die!"

Ding Canghai smiled, "I will come out without coming out. After all, I promised him to save his life! Lord Mo, please give me a face! Besides, the so-called ignorant is not guilty, Lord Mo, you did not express your identity. Of course, Elder Kamikaze is a bit disrespectful. I'm afraid Lord Mo will be used by the villain in this matter!"

As Ding Canghai spoke, he looked at Ding Hao, which meant that Ding Hao used Emperor Mo to deal with the elders of Shenfeng.

Mei Mo said coldly, "Ding Canghai, if you continue to sow discord, we will have nothing to talk about! This matter, from the beginning to the end, I can see clearly, Mei Mo has lived for so many years, is there anyone Use a junior like you to remind me that it won't work?"

Ding Canghai was able to bend and stretch, and quickly changed his words, "Well, I guessed it wrong, Lord Mo, you were not taken advantage of. But then, the elder Kamikaze is not guilty, even if it is guilty, it will not die! Please also Lord Mo is out of law!" After speaking, he turned around and shouted, "Kamikaze, do you still apologize to the two dragon emperors Mo Emperor Chi Emperor?"

At this time, Elder Kamikaze was also scared to pee.

He knelt down and cried quickly, "I'm wronged, two dragon emperors, if I know that it is you, I really dare not offend you! I am wrong, I am really wrong! Please forgive you, Kamikaze I am willing to accept All punishments!"

Elder Kamikaze didn't care about kowtow to the Dragon Emperor in front of everyone. After all, it would not be a shame to kowtow to the Dragon Emperor.

Ding Canghai said again, "Lord Mo, you can't kill but nodded. Kamikaze has sincerely admitted his mistake, and he is a very important subordinate on my side. Please give me some face. I heard that Mr. Mo will soon be again. On behalf of the Ding family, I welcome to Liuzhongtian Exploration Camp. It is an honor!"

When Ding Canghai said this, Emperor Mo had nothing to say.

If this kind of face is not given, Emperor Mo would be a bit too aggressive, after all, Ding Canghai is one of the pillars of the human world!

However, Emperor Mo did not want to forgive the elders of the kamikaze easily, so he turned around and said, "Ding Hao, this matter was caused by you. If you still feel dissatisfied, then even if I offend Ding Canghai, I will kill him here. !"

Emperor Mo's words are quite powerful, although he gave Ding Canghai a thin noodle, but 90% of his face was given to Ding Hao!

In other words, the True Dragon Palace can offend Ding Canghai without any scruples for Ding Hao!

The entire Alliance City, and the elders of the ancestors of the double heavens, all took a breath of air.

Du Xin said, this Ding Hao's face is really big. I heard that the True Dragon Palace supported him a long time ago, but he didn't expect to support him to such a degree!

Could it be that Ding Hao is the illegitimate child of Emperor Mo?

Of course, this idea is just a secret thought in some people's hearts. If you say it, Soldier Mei will definitely tear his mouth.

Emperor Mo gave all the face to Ding Hao, and Ding Hao certainly couldn't make him embarrassed.

"This matter." Ding Hao walked out and said, "This matter was originally a matter between me and Elder Kamikaze. Emperor Mo and Emperor Chi are also at the right time! Since Lord Mo will not pursue the offense. Sin, then I have nothing to say!"

Ding Hao's original intention was to solve the elder kamikaze and solve it with his own hands, without using artificial hands.

However, Soldier Mei was unwilling. He hurriedly walked out and said, "Sect Master, how can you ignore the matter of You Yue Tianzong occupying my Xuanwu Tianmen and snatching my Xuanwu tortoise shell?"

Elder Kamikaze almost vomited a mouthful of blood, and said in his heart that Xuanwu Tianmen and Xuanwu turtle shells, when will they become yours?

But at this moment, Ding Canghai is unwilling to avenge the True Dragon Palace!

Ding Canghai hurriedly scolded, "Then you should withdraw from the Xuanwu Tianmen and return the Xuanwu tortoise shell to Ding Hao? What did you do?"

Elder Kamikaze wanted to cry without tears, so he had to kowtow again, "Don't worry, Sect Master Ding Hao, I will immediately order the sect to withdraw from the Xuanwu Tianmen and leave the Xuanwu turtle shell."

Although Soldier Mei came out to speak and did not discuss with Ding Hao, Ding Hao felt that this was also good.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "If this is the case, then you immediately exit the Xuanwu Tianmen, and I just happen to take the Xuanwu turtle shell!"

The Xuanwu tortoise shell is a defense against long nights and dreams, so Ding Hao is going to collect it immediately.

"Kamikaze obeyed."

When the matter reaches this point, it can be considered as a complete solution.

Ding Canghai laughed and fisted at everyone. In front of outsiders, he was very courteous, and even gave Ding Hao a fist and nodded.

"Everyone, see you in the sixth heaven." After speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared.

"This old fox." The Crimson Emperor Crow has turned back to its original shape and landed on the city wall. If Ding Canghai hadn't appeared, he would have to kill the kamikaze elder.

"Leave a thread in doing things, and you won't suffer in the future." Mo Di laughed and asked, "Ding Hao, what is the situation with this Xuanwu turtle shell you are talking about?"

Ding Hao said, "It's a tortoise shell left by an ancient giant beast. It is probably left by the fairy beast Xuanwu..."

Before he finished speaking, Emperor Mo's eyes lit up, "Oh? Go and have a look, it just so happens that I also want to make a quasi fairy!"

Ding Hao almost didn't cry when he heard these words.

He said in his heart that he really just got out of the fire pit and fell into the wolf den again!

This Xuanwu tortoise shell is of great use, so he brought it back from the elder Kamikaze. If he is shown by Emperor Mo again...Your uncle, what's the matter?

Although Elder Kamikaze still felt resentful Ding Hao in his heart, and even more resentful Ding Hao, he did not dare to show it at this moment.

"Everyone, are you going to Xuanwu Tianmen now? Then I will take you there, don't worry, I will let everyone leave Xuanwu Tianmen today and let the place out..."

Ding Hao scolded in his heart: Let you uncle! I want you to have a fart in the Xuanwu Tianmen, I want Xuanwu turtle shells! I hope that Emperor Mo will not take a look, otherwise, I will offend Lord Mo again!

(End of this chapter)

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