Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1434: Unexpected trigger conditions

Chapter 1434 Unexpected trigger conditions

Chapter 1432 Unexpected Trigger Condition

"Flying true fairy cave mansion!"

Ding Hao and his group of more than twenty monks all brightened their eyes.

As the earliest human monk who pioneered the Ninth Heaven, Feiyang Zhenxian is also one of the eight surnames in ancient times. His reputation and cultivation are the pinnacle of human monks!

"If you can get the treasure of Flying True Immortal, it will definitely be the most precious treasure in the world!" Ji Yushan couldn't help but excited.

After he finished speaking, the monks present nodded one after another.

The prestige of Feiyang Zhenxian is too high. If he can get his treasure, even an ordinary treasure can be called the most precious treasure!

With the four words "Flying True Immortal", no matter how precious treasures other people are, they can't match it!

"Yes, if you can get the Liubao of Flying True Immortal, the Black Flame Bell of Emperor Wudao can't be compared at all." A **** monk couldn't help but speak.

Everyone knows that when you come here today, one is to get a treasure from the holy forest, and the other is to become a disciple of Yuhua Zhenxian.

If you can get the Liubao of Flying True Immortal, you can definitely surpass the Black Yan Bell of Emperor Wudao.

"I hope that the conditions left by True Immortal Feiyang match me!" Many monks prayed in secret in their hearts, and then flew over.

The thoughts in Ding Hao's heart, like other monks, are also secretly praying in his heart, hoping that True Immortal Feiyang can save the holy forest to himself!

A group of more than 20 people flew under the huge statue of flying true immortal.

Although the statue in front of me is not as huge as the statue on Feiyang City Square, its expression and momentum are thousands of times stronger than that statue!

"Ding Hao, True Fairy Feiyang is really alike to you!" Ye Wen couldn't help but said.

When she said that, everyone next to her was paying attention.

"Really elephant!" The twenty-odd true immortals next to them took a look, and they found that Ding Hao and Ding Fei were raising elephants, and they looked more and more like each other.

Soldier Mei watched back and forth, nodded and said, "Ding Hao, you are the most pure blood descendant of Ding Feiyang, so the treasure left by the true fairy Feiyang is probably for you, you have great hope!"

"It's possible." Ji Yushan nodded.

But Ding Hao slowly shook his head.

"Although I look like a flying fairy, and my bloodline also has a pure bloodline of flying true fairy, but this treasure is not necessarily left to me!" Ding Hao understood in his heart that he looked like Ding for millions of years. There are too many descendants of the Feiyang Ding family!

There are too many descendants of the Ding family with the blood of Ding Feiyang!

But none of these people got Ding Feiyang's treasure!

And Ding Hao understood even more that although he had Ding Hao's body, his soul came from the earth!

He is not the real Ding Hao, and speaking of it, he is not the purest descendant of Ding Feiyang!

Therefore, the chance of him getting Ding Feiyang's treasure is very small!

"Look, Ding Hao has passed." From a distance, Ding Bajiu and several Ding family geniuses stood still and looked here.

"This kid also wants to get the treasure of Flying True Immortal?" Ding Bajiu's eyes shot contemptuously, "A little beast from the lower realm, how could he get the treasure of Flying True Immortal?"

A genius of the Ding family frowned and said, "It's hard to tell, that kid looks like a true fairy, and he should have pure Ding Feiyang blood!"

"If you have Ding Feiyang's pure blood, can you get the treasure of Feiyang True Immortal?" Ding Bajiu sneered. "For millions of years, the blood is much more pure than Ding Hao, but they didn't get the treasure. Why Ding Hao? Can you get it?"

"That said, it's true."

Everyone nodded. In the long history, the Ding family has too many powerful descendants, too many aptitudes, and too many pure bloodlines!

But none of these people got the treasure, so why can Ding Hao get it?

While Ding Bajiu and the others were watching, Ding Hao and others had already arrived in front of the statue of Ding Feiyang.

When more than 20 of them came under the statue, the cave house flying with the real fairy under their feet did not react at all.

"Haha, I'll just say!" Ding Bajiu laughed.

In fact, when Ding Hao and the others walked up, Ding Bajiu was quite nervous.

Although he spoke lightly, he was still worried in his heart.

When Ding Hao and the others walked over and did not inspire Feiyang True Immortal Cave Mansion, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Go, there are some True Immortal Cave Mansion ahead, let's continue!"

At this moment, in front of the statue of Feiyang Zhenxian.

"The aura of this statue is really different from the statue of Feiyang True Immortal in Feiyang City Square!"

Although Ding Hao didn't inspire Dongfu, he was curious about the statue in front of him.

Because the two statues are almost identical in appearance.

But why is there so much difference in momentum?

A **** genius who was a winner of the five big families, he understood this well, he laughed and said, “That’s because the material is different! On the square of Feiyang City, the statue is made of high-quality blue and white jade, and the one in front of you This statue is made of a piece of rare Tathagata jade, which has a powerful aura."

"That's it." Everyone nodded to understand.

Tathagata jade is a very precious species of jade, and the entire Jiuzhongtian is scarce!

Generally, this kind of jade is a very small piece, made into a jade pendant, and hung on the body to enhance your aura. After gaining momentum, whether it is surrendering a monster or fighting an enemy, it can have a psychological deterrent effect!

And using such a huge piece of Tathagata jade to make a statue of Feiyang True Immortal is the only one in the entire holy forest. In fact, this is created by Feiyang Zhenxian, which shows that Feiyang Zhenxian has strong financial resources!

Because of the aura of Feiyang Zhenxian, everyone dare not approach.

Seeing that he couldn't activate the cave below, Ji Yushan sighed, "Big Brother Ding Hao, it seems that you are a descendant of Ding Feiyang and it is useless, not to mention that there are too many descendants of Ding Feiyang here, and it is normal to not activate."

Right now, everyone is ready to leave.

But Ye Wen was not reconciled, she hoped that Ding Hao would get Ding Feiyang's treasure.

"Everyone, do you feel that because this statue is too powerful, people who come here will stand far away unconsciously. Will this affect the sense of the treasure?" Ye Wen reminded.

Everyone looked down, "Sure enough, we are very close to the other true immortal statues, but the statue of the flying true immortal is far away without knowing it. Maybe it's really because of this reason, we are close Go up and have a look!"

Everyone wanted to get the treasures of flying true immortals, so they resisted the aura overflowing from the statue and continued to get closer.

When they came to a place very close to the true fairy of Feiyang, the flying equipment under their feet had already issued a warning, "It is forbidden to get close to the holy forest, otherwise the treasure hunting qualification will be cancelled immediately.

Everyone has come to the statue at this moment, you can say that you can touch it with your hand.

However, there is still no movement in Zhenxiandongfu...

"Forget it, it seems that Feiyang True Immortal Cave Mansion is not going to open it for us." The winner **** shook his head and turned to leave.

"I know, if you want to open the Dongfu of Flying True Immortal, I am afraid that you will be a hundred times more brilliant than Emperor Wudao!" Everyone sighed with emotion and turned to leave.

"Brother Ding Hao, it seems that you have not been favored by Feiyang Zhenxian." Ji Yushan patted Ding Hao and turned to leave.

Everyone turned their heads, but Ding Hao had an idea in his heart.

"Tathagata!" Ding Hao's eyes shot frantic.

Tathagata jade can enhance monk's momentum, and a small piece can enhance a lot of momentum!

"If I can absorb some momentum from the large piece of Tathagata jade, then I will refining the spirit soldier, or refining the star Sumi Pagoda, will get twice the result with half the effort!" For Ding Hao, the momentum is too important!

"What to do, do it or not?" Ding Hao hesitated for a second before deciding to do it.

"Things like Tathagata jade are too precious, such a big Tathagata jade is almost the only piece of the Nine Heavens. If you miss today, you will never have a chance in the future!"

"Moreover, even if I was disqualified from the holy forest treasure hunt, then I was worth it!"

"I don't expect to get any treasure anyway!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao quickly swept his eyes and found that everyone was ready to leave and walk.

"Good opportunity!" Immediately, Ding Hao suddenly stretched out a hand, and at the same time he thought, "Suck the Star Magic Technique, suck!"

With powerful momentum, madness surged from Ding Hao’s palm...

"Good fellow!" Ding Hao shot a strange glow in his eyes.

Doing this kind of thing, Ding Hao was also quite nervous, too risky!

So he took a quick inhalation and quickly withdrew his hand.

But when he looked back, no one noticed it!

"I just sucked a little bit...There is still a chance to **** again..." Ding Hao stretched out his clutches again!

At the same time, in the darkest depths of the cave, an old gaze was staring outside.

"Damn it, this despicable little guy, what kind of magic does he cultivate, how can he steal the power from the master's statue!"

"Wow, this little gangster, if I can rush out of the cave, I must tear him apart so that he can taste the anger of the spirit of the cave!"

"Don't smoke!"

"Oh my god, he actually sucked again a second time!"

"It's over, if he absorbs it like this, the statue will be destroyed. When the master breaks through one day, how can I face the master?"

"Can't let him suck!"

The spirit of the cave mansion, watching Ding Hao's constant sneak attack on the power in the Tathagata jade, he was really furious, but he was helpless!

"No matter, this kind of despicable and shameless child, give him the treasure left by the master and let him go!"

Thinking of this, the spirit of the cave mansion moved in his heart, "Dong mansion, open!"

At this moment, Ding Hao had already smoked a second one, and he was probably addicted to it, so he wanted to smoke another one and left.

But who knows, at the moment when he stretched out his hand for the third time, the light under his feet was bright, and a straight beam of light rose into the sky!

"Your uncle's!" Ding Hao himself was stunned. What happened to his mind, I sucked his spiritual power, and he opened the cave. Is this the trigger?

Isn't this cheap?

(End of this chapter)

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