Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1449: Don't let one go (four bursts)

Chapter 1449 Don’t let go (four explosions)

Chapter 1447

"You can't kill me!"

In the heart-piercing roar, Chu Biyu's body was chopped in half!

At the same time, a quaint big bronze cauldron emerged, trying to escape.

"Chu Biyu's tripod of the world, do you still want to leave?" Ding Hao sneered. The dragon fish shuttle under his feet moved faster and was already blocking the bronze cauldron.

"Die humble!" A gray light swept across, and Chu Biyu's world tripod broke!

"Ding Hao, you are too much!" A white light appeared out of thin air, and then fled away. There was an old man's angry face on that white light.

"The sense of impermanence!"

This divine sense was on the life-saving jade card, and when Chu Biyu died, the life-saving jade card was also broken, this divine sense returned to report the impermanence true immortal.

Ding Hao didn't stop this divine sense from leaving. He killed Chu Biyu in public, and he didn't have to hide the impermanence.

Seeing that white light escape, Ding Haoyun regained his spiritual power and shouted again, "Impermanence senior, Ding Mou executed Chu Biyu today. It is my act alone, and has nothing to do with the Ji family! You can use whatever tricks you have. Come out, I took it all!"

Hearing this sound, the monks present all secretly said in their hearts to relieve their hatred!

"Ding Hao is really domineering, amazing!"

"Yes, Ding Hao is a disciple of Yuhua Zhenxian. You can challenge Zhenxian without borrowing the reputation of the Ji family."

"My thoughts are different. Ding Hao didn't borrow the name of Yuhua Zhenxian! It was his own strength. Any of you can see the two great principles in a battle! Who do you see? Ever?"

"It makes sense, Xiaoyao Taiyi just said that Ding Hao has infinite possibilities, infinite god, I think it is true!"

"Infinite God, Ding Hao!"

Amidst the noise, everyone looked at Ding Hao with admiration, and no one looked at Chu Biyu's body again.

These so-called second generation ancestors of geniuses deceived people so much, they have been angering people for a long time!

Ji Boyang said, "Ding Hao, I'm really sorry. After you joined the Ji family, we didn't protect you. At this time, you have to help us clear the relationship. I am really ashamed! But don't worry, no matter what , Our Ji family will not give in, we will stand on the same line with you, no matter who he impermanently finds, we will not let him threaten you!"

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Big Brother Boyang, Ji family and Teacher Tianxin's love and justice for me are all in my heart. I have my own opinion on this matter." After finishing speaking, Ding Hao pointed to Leng Xiaoyu and Zhang Killing them again. "Brother Boyang, they have just arrived in the sixth heaven, please take them into the exploration camp and settle them down first."

Ji Boyang wondered, "Then what's the matter with you?"

Ding Hao's expression flashed gloomily, "I was bullied by the Nine Heavens Divine Sect before, and there are several other great geniuses. Chu Biyu was killed, but these people have to be punished accordingly!"

"What? Ding Hao is going to make more trouble?" The monks who were watching were all secretly surprised, "This Ding Hao, this Nine Heavens Divine Sect, really can't be offended! This Ding Hao, the revenge heart is too strong! It will be repaid, I will wait, Don't provoke this person and his sect!"

Ding Hao's Nine Heavens Divine Sect had just entered the realm, and his purpose was to establish his prestige so that everyone could see his own person clearly!

"Don't provoke me, or you will pay the price!"

Ding Hao snorted and asked back, "Which fellow Taoist has a treasure to collect souls, borrow it for a use."

There are so many treasures to collect souls. Although Ding Hao had it before, it hasn't been upgraded for a long time, and the grade is too low.

Zhang Shasha first took out a blood-colored bead and said with a smile, "This thing is called the Li Soul Orb. After collecting the soul, as long as the bead is turned, his soul will be in pain! Even if the bead is not turned, his soul will be Will be refined and die in seven days!"

"Good stuff." Ding Hao grabbed the beads and turned back to Leng Xiaoyu. "You take the elders and disciples, and settle down in Ji's house first. After a few days, I will take you to the Seventh Heaven's House!"

Seeing Ding Hao alone, Leng Xiaoyu was a little worried.

However, Zhang Shasha let his heart go, and whispered, "Sister-in-law, the second brother is really amazing now! I can eat here! I kill and kill, publicly understand the law of the two avenues, and repel the eighth layer. , I’m not polite in the face of real immortal pressure, my second brother is my idol!

Seeing Ding Hao's prestige and prestige, Leng Xiaoyu was also happy in his heart, the corner of his mouth raised, and he chuckled, "This guy can't live without getting anywhere."

When Ding Hao saw Ji Boyang take his own people away, he felt a lot more at ease. He was a named disciple of Yuhua Zhenxian, so he didn't need to be afraid of anything. For him, the more people there are, the safer he is!

Without hesitation, he came to Chu Biyu's corpse, took out the Li Soul Orb and swept it back and forth, and collected Chu Biyu's soul.

"Ding Hao, you have already killed my physical body, what else do you want? You let me reincarnate, I beg you!" Chu Biyu's soul was condensed and formed in the Li Soul Orb.

Ding Hao sneered, "You really don't know whether you live or die, do you still look like asking for help?"

After speaking, Ding Hao loosened his palm, and the Li Soul Orb was spinning rapidly in the air, and Chu Biyu's soul suddenly roared in pain.

At this moment, those onlookers did not leave either. Seeing Ding Hao's methods, they were all secretly afraid: Ding Hao, the little evil star, Chu Biyu and others provoke Ding Hao, and they really have lost blood for eight lifetimes! When people die, they have to take out their souls to torture them, it's too cruel!

Ding Hao took out Chu Biyu's soul, but his purpose was not to torture.

When Chu Biyu was in distress, Ding Hao grabbed the Li Soul Orb and asked, "I'll give you a chance to confess all the evil youngsters with you. When I feel good, I will let you reincarnate. !"

Chu Biyu didn't think for a second, and quickly said, "I said, I said, their identities and names, I will tell you now!"

At the moment, he said everything about the harassment of the Nine Heaven God Sect and Leng Xiaoyu, there were four male cultivators, and two female cultivators!

After the names and identities of these six people were finished, Ding Hao faced the crowd watching the lively monks in front of him, clasped his fists and said, "If you know these six people or the elders of their sects, Ding Hao asks you to tell them all. I am Ding Hao. Explore outside the camp and wait for them for three days and three nights! They came to apologize within these three days and three nights, and I will spare them their death! If time passes, I will write down this enmity, and they will undoubtedly die!"

These six people had already escaped into the exploration camp, and Ding Hao could never enter the exploration camp to arrest people.

But these six people are not guilty of death, Ding Hao gave them a chance to apologize, but if they were stubborn, then Ding Hao would sentence them to death! They cannot stay in the exploration camp forever, as long as they come out, it is their death date!

At the moment, Ding Hao took Chu Biyu's body, came across from the gate of the exploration camp, and sat cross-legged.

By his side, the Li Soul Orb was still spinning, and Chu Biyu's painful roar continued to be heard, "Ding Hao, you said let me go!"

"Three days later, if they all come, I can let you go!" Ding Hao snorted coldly, "Leave the soul bead, speed up the rotation!"

"Ding Hao, you bastard, bastard, it hurts!"

Although Ding Hao has been in the exploration camp for hundreds of years, and his reputation has risen, there are still people who try to challenge him, provoke him, and even attack his relatives!

So this time, Ding Hao wanted to let the entire exploration camp know how good he was!

This time Ding Hao is really standing up, exploring the gates of the camp, and how many people walk in and out every day. When they go out, they will hear Chu Biyu's painful roar, and everyone's face changes.

"Ding Hao, don't go too far!" Finally, two true fairy figures walked out of the exploration camp.

One of the real immortals, who was young, was the image of a thin middle-aged man, Ding Hao knew him.

Dangjian is really immortal, Ding Baidang!

Walking side by side with Ding Baidang was a true immortal with a distorted face, Ding Hao didn't know who it was.

"Ding Hao, you have killed Chu Biyu, what else are you making? I warn you, don't go too far!"

In fact, True Immortal Sword Sword and the others originally wanted to rescue Chu Biyu, but they took a step slower, Chu Biyu was killed, and they did not appear.

Unexpectedly, Ding Hao refused to give up, and threw Chu Biyu's body outside the exploration camp, waiting to punish others.

Dangjian Zhenxian couldn't stand it anymore and walked out.

"It's the real fairy of Langdang." Ding Hao deliberately referred to the real fairy of Dangjian as the real fairy of Langdang, and then asked, "I violated the rules of the exploration camp? And this is not the exploration camp! Are you going to kill me?"

"You!" Dangjian Zhenxian really wanted to kill Ding Hao.

However, many onlookers here, Yuhua Zhenxian also said before, whoever dares to provoke Ding Hao is looking for death! Ding Bajiu's lessons learned were there, giving Dangjian Zhenxian a hundred courage, and he didn't dare to attack Ding Hao.

The true immortal next to the true immortal Dangjian said angrily, "Ding Hao, don't go too far! What kind of appearance do you put Chu Biyu's body here? Who are you showing this to, and who are you provoking? Chu? What would Biyu's relatives think when they saw it?"

Ding Hao raised his brows, and understood something from this demographic.

"This true fairy, even if you hide your face, I can guess that you are the true fairy of the Hua family?" Ding Hao had heard before that Chu Biyu is a relative of the Hua family, and this person's tone should be the Hua family. Really immortal.

The true immortal was seen through, and there is no need to conceal it. He fluttered his face to hide and said, "I'm the flower family!"

"Tianzi generation." Ding Hao sneered and said again, "Tianjue is true fairy, what do you hide your face for? Who doesn't know that your Hua family is in collusion with the Ding family. It has long been heard that the Hua family is a traitor to the five major families. It seems that something happened."

Hua Tianjue's face was blue and white. He hid his face because he was afraid of people saying that. He didn't expect Ding Hao to be so shrewd that he would recognize him at once.

"Ding Hao, be careful when you speak!" Hua Tianjue snorted coldly, decided to change the subject, and pointed to Chu Biyu's corpse. "He is dead, what else do you want? The corpse also has the dignity of a corpse!"

Ding Hao sneered, "I gave Chu Biyu the opportunity to die decently, but he chose to die humble, he has no dignity at all! And you can rest assured that in three days, I will give you this corpse for nothing!"

Hua Tian Jue angrily said, "No, I will take it away now!"

Ding Hao said, "Then you can shoot me!"

"You!" Huatian flushed with absolute anger, turned around and left, "Hmph, I'm going to see Yuhua Zhenxian!"

Fourth, there is a chapter in the afternoon. For the first time in the Year of the Monkey, anyone who has a monthly ticket recommended will vote for the steamed buns.

(End of this chapter)

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