Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1451: Evanescence sermon

Chapter 1451 Feathering Sermon

Chapter 1449

"Unexpectedly, among the descendant geniuses of the human race, such a bad atmosphere would spread!" Yuhua Zhenxian said furiously, "I just want to kill the chickens and curse monkeys, and blow this kind of atmosphere to him completely! I have been there all these years. Jiuzhongtian, I don’t know the situation below. These people are **** and **** it! It seems that I am wrong. The greatest enemy of mankind is not the fairy clan, but the mankind himself!"

Ding Hao said again, "In fact, these young monks are just ignorant, they can still teach well! The worst is the group of people who condone them!"

True Immortal Yuhua patted the table and said angrily, "It's He Juxin to spoil the descendants of geniuses like this, this is the foundation of my human race!"

Ding Hao said, "When I punish these people, there are some people who hinder me in every possible way and even threaten me!"

"Asshole! Who are these people?" Zhenxian Yuhua stood up furiously.

"Senior Yuhua, I was wrong!" Huatian looked absolutely indifferent, and fell to his knees.

Originally, he came to file a complaint with Yuhua Zhenxian, but he didn't expect that the style of painting would change too quickly!

Hua Tianjue wanted to cry without tears in his heart. He was really stupid. Ding Hao was a disciple of Yuhua Zhenxian. Of course, Yuhua Zhenxian helped Ding Hao speak for him, and he was insulting himself when he came to the door!

Ding Hao said, "Teacher Yuhua, he is the one who threatened me! He said that Chu Biyu who was killed was a person covered by his Hua family, his maternal relatives, and he was ready to avenge me."

"No, I don't dare!" Hua Tianjue paled with fright, and quickly kowtowed, "Senior Yuhua, I was oversight for a while. I don't know that Chu Biyu was so bad, and I don't know that God Venerable Ding Hao was so well-intentioned. I was wrong, I was so wrong, I apologized to God Ding Hao, please forgive me!"

If it is seen by outsiders at this moment, I am afraid it will be another uproar, and a true immortal actually knelt in front of Ding Hao and apologized.

Ding Hao saw that he was like this, so he just raised his hand and threw Chu Biyu's body out, "I said, it will be returned to you, and it will be buried."

After speaking, Ding Hao threw out a corpse and a storage box.

"This is Huatianxiao's body and his world tripod. I went to explore the treasure with him. His body was damaged in the middle. I promised to help him bring it back, and you will bring it back together."

Ding Hao hadn't recovered before, so he didn't hand over Huatianxiao's body.

Now that his cultivation base has recovered, he doesn't need to be afraid of anyone, so he fulfilled his promise and took out the body of Huatianxiao and the tripod of the world.

"Thanks to God Venerable Ding Hao, I'm leaving now." Hua Tianjue didn't dare to say anything, and quickly collected two bodies and left.

Seeing Hua Tianjue like this, Dangjian Zhenxian secretly applauded Xian, but fortunately, he didn't say anything just now.

Seeing Hua Tian Jue going to leave, Dangjian Zhenxian also wanted to leave.

But Ding Hao didn't want to let this person go so easily. He stared at him now, "Senior Long, you came to Yuhua Palace to warn me, right now my teacher is here, you have something to say!"

Dangjian really said, "I'll wipe it, you kid is really unforgiving!"

True Immortal Yuhua had seen True Immortal Dangjian come before, and saw that this guy didn't speak, and he didn't know what the servant was here for.

Only now did I know that it was against Ding Hao again.

Right now, Zhenxian Yuhua was really angry. He slapped the table suddenly, "Your Ding family is endless, isn't it? Last time Ding Bajiu shot Ding Hao, I have already said very clearly! You continue to refuse to follow suit. No forgiveness, is it because I haven't killed people for too long and you don't take what I said seriously?"

Zhenxian Dangjian was terrified, and he knelt down and said, "Senior Yuhua, this matter has nothing to do with me! It's the guy Hua Tianjue. He said that he was killed by Ding Hao outside his family and asked me to come forward. Including coming to you to file a complaint, Hua Tian Jue let me come! Senior Yuhua, I was wrong, and I will never dare anymore!"

Zhenxian Yuhua waved his hand, "Don't say anything, kneel outside the holy forest, let Ding Canghai come to pick you up!"

"Yes." Dangjian Zhenxian's face was pale, and he felt sad, and said that he was embarrassed.

Shenglin keeps getting in and out of real immortals, how will he behave in the future? Nima, isn't this the same as the genius teenagers kneeling outside the door of the exploration camp?

However, he didn't dare to refute, so he knelt outside the holy forest, and at the same time took out the transmission token, so that the invincible fairy came to pick him up.

After all these people had finished walking, in the Yuhua Palace, it was quiet.

Although True Immortal Yuhua punished these people, he still had to beat and beat Ding Hao, and immediately snorted, "Now are you satisfied?"

Ding Hao hurriedly said, "Teacher Yuhua, I still think I’m right. You have been in the Nine Heavens all year round and don’t understand the situation below! Now within the human race, let alone those second generation ancestors who are arrogant, just talk about the Ding family business and the five big families. , They are also fighting with each other! I once heard a word when the fairy clan was hiding, they said that human beings fight each other, sooner or later they will kill themselves!"

"Nonsense! That's because these foreign races never understand humans. Although humans are fighting internally, they can put aside all their prejudices and unanimously at the most critical moment!" True Immortal Yuhua does not agree with these foreigners' claims.

Ding Hao said, "My thoughts are the same as those of the teacher, but I have to say that internal fighting has indeed consumed a lot of our resources!"

Yuhua Zhenxian waved his hand and said, "These things, you will not participate in these things in the future. Although my generation speaks for the ethnic group, don't forget that we are all monks, and cultivation is the foundation! The real human pillar will always be a strong person who concentrates on cultivation! Those guys who fight all day, they can't decide the direction of the race, they are actually delaying their own cultivation!"

When Ding Hao heard what Yuhua Zhenxian said, he suddenly woke up, "Teacher Yuhua is right!"

Yuhua Zhenxiandao, "A monk, never forget, is cultivation, is breakthrough! Not breaking through others, but breaking through yourself! If you are entangled in internal fighting, blindfolded, you will lose the opportunity to break through! Fighting with the sky, fighting with the earth, and fighting with people, among the three, fighting with people is only the most inferior grade! You must enlarge your eyes and fight against the sky and the earth. Then you will find that there is no one. Dare to fight with you!"

"So that's it!" Ding Hao walked along the road and fought with many people, many of whom did not buy his account, making various difficulties and obstructing him.

Ding Hao couldn't figure it out all the time, but now he was awakened by Yuhua Zhenxian.

"Keep your eyes on it. Heaven and earth, laws, immortality, and upper realm are your pursuit! Don’t think too much about some things; don’t worry too much about your sects; even the entire human race. Put it all in your eyes! A true monk, the only pursuit is to feel the way of heaven, the more popular is, the upper realm becomes an immortal!" At this point, the feathered real immortal looked at Ding Hao and said, "The rest is in vain. , You know?"

"I see." Ding Hao nodded. Although Yuhua Zhenxian said straightforward and straightforward cruelty, it was a fact!

Yuhua Zhenxian said again, "When I say this, it is selfish to put it plainly. Our monks will always be the most selfish group of people! But this kind of selfishness is also a great selfishness. If our ethnic group, everyone is so selfish. , Then our ethnic group will be as strong as a forest! At that point, hundreds of millions of selfishness will converge into a powerful ethnic group, when all problems will be solved! Instead, it will become selfless!"

Listening to this speech, many questions in Ding Hao's heart suddenly became clear, "Senior Yuhua, your realm is really high. Coming along my way, your remarks are the most straightforward but sincere statement I have ever heard. It’s the realm of returning to nature!"

Zhenxian Yuhua couldn't help but laugh, and sat down and said, "You kid, there are two brushes for flattering. I heard that you just realized the two principles of the big way. What's the matter?"

Ding Hao felt the two avenue rules at once, it was a bit weird, so Yuhua Zhenxian couldn't help asking.

"Teacher Yuhua, this is the case." Ding Hao heard the words of Yuhua Zhenxian and felt the teacher's sincerity. Although Yuhua is not as ordinary as Tianxin, Yuhua is definitely a sincere teacher. Ding Hao didn't conceal it, and said, "I was trapped in the void last time and spent three hundred years to understand the two great principles. I used Shuqing and Enlightenment Technique to understand."

Ding Hao talked about controlling Dadao and Daofeng Dadao.

Then, he even took out Shuqing Wutianshu.

"This thing..." True Immortal Yuhua took Shuqing Wutianshu over and watched. He took a look and looked at it for a long time, and finally nodded, "It's a pity, if I get it when I'm young, I can practice dozens less Thousands of years! But the principles of the Great Dao I understand now are enough and useless for me."

With that said, he returned the Shuqing Enlightenment Technique to Ding Hao, and said, "Although the Shuqing God Venerable is the Four Wonders of the ancients, but after all, his cultivation base is the God Venerable. Many opinions and ideas are too naive, and some of them are content. , I just made a simple modification to make this exercise more perfect."

"Thank you teacher." Ding Hao was overjoyed. He already felt that the mood of Yuhua Zhenxian was very high. If the Yuhua Zhenxian was perfected, this technique would have better results!

Zhenxian Yuhua said again, "What are your plans next?"

Ding Hao said, "I have listened to the teacher's teachings. I can't wait to enter the assessment of the mad league and improve my cultivation level! Break through and make myself stronger!"

True Immortal Yuhua nodded and said, "I'm very satisfied with you. You are now in the eighth level of God Transformation, and the next step you need to do right away is the Conjugation Phase. In fact, the Conjugation Phase is a very special period. The purpose of the whole realm is In order to complete the integration, the integration period is divided into three stages: preparation, transformation, and fusion..."

While talking, a direct disciple of the Yuhua Zhenxian walked in and said, "Teacher, the invincible Zhenxian is here."

Zhenxian Yuhua roared furiously, "Asshole, didn't you hear me preaching to Ding Hao? Get out of me!"

His voice was loud, and it spread directly to the outside of Yuhua Palace.

Invincible True Immortal heard clearly, his face blushed and white, "Senior Yuhua is angry at me..."

(End of this chapter)

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