Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1478: Reaching the realm of black death

Chapter 1478 arrives in the realm of black death

Chapter 1476

"The prince-level powerhouses of the fairy clan, the day to fight humanity to the death is getting closer!"

"But what is lacking now, besides time, is your strength!"

"Those despicable humans are weak, but I forgot that they still have the guardianship of their ancestors, so our plan this time suffered some setbacks!"

"But I hope everyone will not be discouraged or discouraged, because I have prepared a gift for you, and that is the realm of black death!"

Before leaving, Ding Qi and other prince-level powerhouses of the fairy clan accepted the instructions of the spirit emperor.

He was injured in the battle with humans, but he couldn't tell from the outside.

The tall figure of the Spirit Sovereign stood at the top of the pyramid, and his voice and words were extremely provocative.

"My children, although we came to this world later than humans, the strongest live in this world! Our race is becoming stronger, and you are the most powerful force! Now our kings are still too few , So I created this black death realm in the most violent area to help you break through from the prince to the king!"

"From the prince to the king!" There are as many as tens of thousands of mutant fairy clans below!

At this moment, these 10,000 prince-level powerhouses all shot dazzling lights in their eyes.

"If you can become a king, you will have more training resources, and you can get the attention and training of the spirit emperor, and even one day, we can become a powerful person at the royal level!" The immortal spirit tribe worships the spirit emperor extremely. In their minds, apart from the fairy is the Linghuang!

They are also very yearning, want to become a strong like the spirit emperor!

The Spirit Sovereign said again, "This area of ​​black death was set up by me in the most violent area of ​​the fairy spirit. You can practice in it, or you can fight in it, kill other people, and improve yourself. I will forgive you! As long as you are not guilty! To improve yourself, you can use any method!"

"Is that so?" Ding Qi's eyes swept left and right, and all of these immortal spirits of the same kind would soon become enemies.

By his side, Prince Deportivo and Prince Ranchi are his senior brothers.

Prince Laco laughed in a low voice, "Prince Ding Qi, after we enter, the three of us will form a team to kill other princes!"

Prince Ranchi also smiled, "Those guys met the three of us, but it really fell out of luck, hahaha."

Ding Qi and Racolange get along well on weekdays, and they don’t know that these two have murdered themselves. They nodded and said, “Yes, there are tens of thousands of people anyway, I think the three of us will become kings together. of!"

Prince Laco laughed in a low voice, "Then I congratulate you in advance, King Ding Qi!"

Ding Qi also nodded, "Congratulations to you, King Raco, King Lanqi!"

Both of them also laughed gloomily.

Standing at the top of the pyramid, the spirit emperor said loudly, "You are all geniuses of the immortal spirit race, but the tempered genius is the real genius. After entering the realm of black death, you have only two choices! One is to become The king, leave the realm of black death; the other is to die in the realm of black death! There is no third option, not only you, but I will send more prince-level powerhouses from Jiuzhongtian to enter, either strong or dead! Great fairy !"

When the spirit emperor finished speaking, the princes of the fairy clan below all knelt down, calling out, "Great fairy!"

Ding Qi secretly said in his heart, "The assessment of the fairy spirits is really cruel. They kill each other and decide the strong from it. If they can't break through, they will die in it. This is far more cruel than the assessment of the human mad alliance. !"

Compared with the assessment of human beings, the assessment of the fairy clan is too cruel.

However, only under this cruel jungle law can the cruelest killer be produced!

After the lecture, a small pyramid was separated from the pyramid and fell in front of all the princes.

"Go in, our trio will definitely become kings!" Prince Laco patted Ding Qi, and the trio followed the crowd and walked into the pyramid.

Soon after, all the 10,000 princes present entered the small pyramid,

Then, the small pyramid flew out of thin air, flew out of the deep cave, and came to the dark night world outside.

It is not flying in a certain direction, it is actually flying to a certain place in the distant sky...

In the deep night sky, thunder and lightning raged, and a small golden pyramid could be seen flying higher and farther.

Against this background, the figure of a young man was standing among the boundless weird grass, looking at the sky.

"Could it be that the so-called black death realm is in the sky?" This was beyond Ding Hao's expectation.

Originally, he thought this black death domain should be somewhere in the Eighth Heaven, but now it seems that it is not the case.

"Shall we leave?" Rhubarb also walked out of the star-absorbing stone.

Ding Hao gave Rhubarb permission to walk in and out freely.

"set off!"

Ding Hao plunged into the star-absorbing stone, and Rhubarb walked back, and then saw a small stone flying higher and higher from the grass, rising into the sky.




The thunder and lightning in the sky were very violent. Sitting in the huge pyramid hall, Ding Qi could also hear the violent vibrations and sounds outside, as if this small pyramid could be torn to pieces in a thunderstorm at any time.

Thousands of geniuses of the fairy clan were sitting cross-legged, waiting for their destination.

"I don't know where the Black Death Realm is?" Ding Qi asked.

"I've heard something from King Weilan." Prince Lan Qi was also a guest on the bed of King Weilan. He said what he had heard from King Weilan. "It is said that it is the highest point in the sky. A certain fairy spirit is fighting with God's will. The most intense place, that place is very dangerous, which is the source of these thunderstorms, so you see, we are flying to the center of the thunderstorm!"

"It turns out that it is." Ding Qi moved his eyes and said, "It seems that this assessment is really very dangerous. Even if there is no massacre among the same race, it will be killed by the violent fairy spirit."

"No." Prince Deportivo nodded.

However, Prince Ranchi said again, "Danger is danger, but there are still many opportunities. Our fairy spirits cultivate fairy aura. Such a strong and strong fairy aura is good for us as long as we make good use of it!"

Ding Qi nodded, "What you said makes sense."

Hearing Prince Ranchi showing off his knowledge of secrets, another prince of the fairy clan couldn't help but speak.

"What do you know?" The prince of the fairy clan and Ding Hao are not friendly. He is a disciple of King Sword, called Prince Mingluo. Prince Mingluo is also the number one among the princes. When he spoke, many people focused their attention.

Prince Mingluo said again, "I heard that the King of Swordsman said, the war between our celestial spirit race and human beings is actually the war between celestial spirit qi and providence! As long as our celestial spirit race becomes stronger, it represents our fairy spirit. It will be strong, it will invade and control the will of heaven, this world is ours! But if human beings become strong, the will of heaven will fall to them, just like the Seventh Heaven, the will of heaven will change from supporting us to supporting them!"

"So." Ding Qi nodded, agreeing with this statement.

Comparing the phantom rain world, the phantom rain world is a unique kind of providence, and what he represents is the rain monster clan below!

The fairy clan is so powerful that it is difficult for humans to eliminate it, precisely because behind it, there are some providences to support them.

"The providence and the life under the providence always influence each other." Ding Qi thought to himself.

The small pyramids flew higher and higher, flying to a certain area of ​​the sky with the strongest thunderstorm.

But on this pyramid, no one knew except Ding Qi, there was a small stone flying behind the huge pyramid.


Thrilling thunderstorms, an electric whip formed by a sky thunder, whipped on the star-absorbing stone.

The electric current hit the top and suddenly flowed out again, pulling out a dazzling electric light.

"So strong!" Rhubarb looked outside, with a look of shock in his eyes, "This kind of electric current, if it hits an ordinary true fairy, it will kill!"

Ding Hao said, "Of course, this is the highest point in the sky, where Heaven’s Will and Immortal Spiritual Qi fight each other. Do you remember the electromagnetic thunderstorm area in front of the Heavenly Gate of the Sixth Heaven that leads to the Seventh Heaven? It’s the same as here, except for the thunderstorm here. , It has become more tyrannical hundreds of times!"

"That's it, you know so much, brother." Rhubarb looked at Ding Hao admiringly.

Ding Hao rolled his eyes and said, "Don't look at me like this, don't realize that Ding Hao Avenue comes out again, then I really can't bear it."

Rhubarb smiled and said, "How can there be such a big law."

Xiaobi hugged a little lion like a puppy, and asked, "Dad, why do those thunderstorms only hit us and not the pyramid?"

The star-attracting stone flies here, and thunder and lightning keep hitting it. However, the star-absorbing stone is a relic of the devil and does not buy it.

But what is strange is that the size of the pyramid is much larger than the star-attracting stone, but the lightning does not strike it.

Ding Hao smiled and said, "This makes it clearer, because these thunderstorms understand very well that the pyramids are their own, so of course they only hit us and not them."

"So that's the case." Xiaobi raised his head again and asked, "Dad, after entering the realm of black death, will there be thunderstorms hitting us?"

"This..." Not to mention, Xiao Bi Tong Yan Wuji said casually, but when I think about it carefully, this possibility is very likely to exist!

"Look at it then, anyway, after entering, be careful."

Just like this, I went on for three days and three nights. I don't know how high or which way I flew.

The lightning that the Star Attracting Stone suffered was even more terrifying. Almost every instant, there were hundreds of electromagnetic thunderstorms hitting it. Ding Hao was afraid of being discovered by the strong fairy clan on the pyramid, so he followed very far.

Finally, the pyramid stopped in the gap of electric current that constantly flashed like the sky grid.

Two more today.

(End of this chapter)

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