Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1482: Sands armor four forms

Chapter 1482 Four Forms of Sands Armor

Chapter 1480 Four Forms Of Sands Armor

"That kid hid in, you go in and take a look!"

Prince Mingluo was quite cunning. He was afraid that Ding Qi would lie in it, so he did not dare to go in, so he let two of his men go in and investigate.

However, the area of ​​the white nebula gas cluster is very large, and the two people went in to search for a long time, but did not find Ding Qi.

"Prince Mingluo, I can't find it." The two didn't find them, and they had to walk out.

"Damn it, how can you not find it?" Prince Mingluo waved his hand, "You two, also go in and look for it!"

In this way, there are four strong immortal spirit races into the search.

These four people are the weaker among the seven of them.

Soon after, all four of them returned, and Ding Qi was not found at all.

"Prince Mingluo, I didn't find it, this kid is too good at hiding!" the four said angrily.

"I didn't find it, idiot!" Prince Mingluo was furious, and then took out four small white porcelain bowls and said, "Since you haven't found the boy Ding Qi, you should approach that area and be responsible for collecting the fairy aura liquid!"

"What?" All four of them were secretly angry.

It turned out that Prince Mingluo asked them to search for Ding Qi. The real purpose is to let them collect the liquefied fairy aura!

You should know that collecting this thing is quite dangerous. Explosions continue to occur. If you are not careful, you may die there if you are bombed.

It would be fine if it was collected for themselves, but when they collected it, they had to give it to Mingluo.

"Prince Mingluo, although everyone is a disciple of King Boiler Sword, we have no reason to obey your orders!" One of the princes shouted angrily.

"Prince Leopard Blood, you dare to talk to me like this, you are looking for death!" Prince Mingluo waved his hand.

The other two powerful princes under his men rushed forward, slashing with the fairy jade long sword in their hands.

Although all the more than 10,000 people who came in this time were at the level of princes, there was a gap in combat effectiveness after all!

The leopard blood prince was not an opponent at all, and was hacked to death soon. After he died, he was suspended in the air, splashing with blood, like blossoming red flowers floating in the air.

"This..." Seeing the tragic death of the Leopard Blood Prince, the other three princes paled with fright. Their actual combat power was worse than the Leopard Blood Prince!

Prince Mingluo stared at this moment, "Hurry up and collect the fairy spiritual energy liquid?"

"Yes, yes." These three people did not dare to neglect, and flew to the constantly exploding area, looking for opportunities to collect the fairy spirit liquid.

Prince Mingluo snorted coldly, "Two brothers, the few of us were walking around, and seeing other people who were looking for liquid, we killed me and snatched the liquid from their hands."

"Where is the Seventh Prince?"

"This kid is too cunning, wait until you see him later."

Watching the crowd walk away, a small golden pebble flew out of the white clouds cautiously.

After Ding Qi entered the white flocculent nebula, he hid in the sandstone.

In this way, the search of these people is avoided.

"This Prince Mingluo is cruel," Ding Qi said coldly.

The hunched-backed slave lowered his head and said, "Master, there are so many people. Even if one of them is dead, we can't beat them. It's better to collect them in another place."

Ding Qi shook his head and said, "No, it's the best place here. It's here that explosions are relatively rare. If you change a place, it will be even more dangerous. Collecting immortal spiritual energy liquid is even more difficult!"

The slave frowned, "But we can't beat it again, don't try hard."

"There is no need to fight hard for the time being." Ding Qi sneered, "Now the three of Prince Mingluo and the three people who collected the liquid have been divided into two camps. I think those three people also miss Prince Mingluo very much. Die!"

"Do you want to unite those three people to fight back against Prince Underworld?" The slave thought for a moment, and then said, "I'm afraid these people can't be the same as you! And more importantly, even if you kill King Underworld, this The three will definitely turn around and kill you!"

"Then I have to plan well." Ding Qi retracted into the white nebula air cluster, hehe smiled, "And I want to improve."

The slave suddenly looked surprised, "Do you want to upgrade Jinshashi?"

"Not bad!"

Ding Qi felt that his current combat effectiveness was still okay. But if he is to fight against several people alone, another point is needed, and that is defense! If the Jinsha armor can be stronger, and the opponent's fairy jade sword can't kill him, then he can directly kill the Quartet!

"I already have a small bowl of Celestial Reiki liquid, so I don't need it for nothing."

Thinking of this, Ding Qi walked out of Jinshashi and sat cross-legged among a patch of white clouds.

Then he stretched out his left hand, holding an open small bowl in his hand.

The whole small bowl is brown, but the downward part of the center of the bowl is black. The fairy spirit liquid collected by Ding Qi is even less than the black circle.

"It looks a little bit small, but let me soak it first."

With that said, Ding Qi raised his right hand, grabbed the golden sandstone, and threw it into the small bowl.

The sandstone fell into the small bowl, like a sponge, and it sucked up all the fairy spirit liquid in the bowl.

"Your uncle, do you want to be so indifferent?" Ding Qi's face was stunned, the sandstone was sucked too quickly, I collected it for a while, but it was sucked dry by you in an instant.

"Ah, cool!" The master let out a refreshing cry, and it can be clearly seen that the area inside Jinshashi is also advancing and expanding rapidly!

"Haha, my judgment is not wrong. It is not just cultivation that can improve the sands and stones. As long as there is enough power, the devil's relic can be opened!" The slave was in a great mood.

"That's it." Ding Qi frowned.

The wills of Ding Qi and Ding Hao were synchronized not long ago, which is basically the same as Ding Hao's.

Hearing the words of the big slave, Ding Qi's heart shook.

Because he thought of the suction star.

"If you can open the golden sandstone with strength, this is especially true for the star-absorbing stone!"

"In the past few years, I upgraded the star-absorbing stone and input an amazing amount of power into the star-absorbing stone!"

"So where are these forces?"

"Also, every time I use the Star Absorption Magic Technique, the spiritual power I absorb is getting less and less, so where does this part disappear?"

Ding Qi or Ding Hao had always been puzzled about this question, and even asked Jiu Nu, but Jiu Nu could not tell why.

"Regardless of him, when I collect the nine demon relics and merge them together, maybe it will be when the answer is revealed!"

"Master, master, master, wake up."

Ding Qi woke up from thinking and found that his thinking had passed for several days.

As soon as he woke up, he heard the call of the slave.

Looking at the small bowl in his hand, there was already a drop of liquid in it. He asked, "How is it, big slave?"

The slave said with a smile, "Master, you can try out the sands armor."

"it is good!"

Ding Qi thought, and suddenly the golden rock-like armor grew from his body.

"This..." Ding Qi looked down at his body and arms, and his eyes were suddenly full of surprises.

The golden rocks before were all stone-like, but now some of them are beginning to become translucent, even forming a crystal-like structure!

"This is exactly what I want. If it becomes a transparent crystal, the defense of this armor will be terrifying!"

The slave said with a smile, "It's still very early to reach that step, but the sands armor has now reached the fourth layer form! The first three layers are called the sandstone state, which looks like sandstone and has weak defense; The layer is called the spar state, and finally can form a transparent spar armor with strong defense; the next three layers are called the diamond state, and finally form a shape that is not bad, and the defense is super strong!"

"Night, awesome!" Ding Qi couldn't help being shocked, and said, "If I can cultivate the Jinsha armor to the ninth level, standing in front of the Spirit Sovereign, he won't be able to kill me!"

The slave said with a smile, "In fact, there is the last layer of the sands armor, the tenth layer, that is the demon status! Up to that level will activate the rune left by the master of the sky **** in the armor, which is equivalent to the sky cracker. Respect possessing the body to protect you, not to mention the Spirit Emperor, even ordinary immortals can't hurt you!"

Ding Qi nodded and said, "It's amazing! The Sky Splitting Demon Sovereign is really amazing. The nine Demon Sovereign relics he left behind, each of which contains a shocking secret. Any piece of cultivation to the top can sweep the world. It really is. No! If I wait until I gather the nine demon relics, put them together, and get all the inheritance of the sky-splitting demon, then I don’t know how strong I will be!"

The slave chuckled and said, "I look forward to that day soon, slave."

Ding Qi took out the fairy jade long knife, and said, "Then let us see how strong the defensive power of the Golden Sands armor is after it reaches the fourth layer of spar state!"

When you are on the upper level, use the fairy jade long knife to cut, and there will be stone chips flying away.

Even when Prince Deco and Prince Ranchi attacked, they cut through the sands armor and injured Ding Qi's body.

And this time...

The immortal spirit jade sword in Ding Qi's hand slammed and chucked, with a sour sound, the blade was pulled across the surface of the semi-transparent spar-like armor.

"Almost no stone fragments are scattered, as if the blade is slashing across the glass surface, reducing a lot of damage!"

In Ding Qi's eyes, a strange glow was shot, and this golden sand armor was really good, but it only improved its form, and its defense power increased so much!

"Try slashing with force again." Ding Qi stretched out his arm, and then grabbed the immortal spirit jade sword in the other hand and slammed it off.

Huh! It was still the sour sound of toothache, and then there was another crackling sound.

This knife cut off a lot of armor spar, but it didn't hurt Ding Hao's arm at all.

"Haha, well, with this defensive ability, Prince Mingluo, you can die!"

There are still two changes today, and the manuscript is being saved recently, because there will be a big outbreak early next month.

(End of this chapter)

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