Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1485: Entering the fit phase

Chapter 1485 enters the stage of integration

Chapter 1483

"Prince Ding Qi, we brought you in." Walking into the white nebula aura, the three of them were quite embarrassed.

Even if Ding Qi was a fool, he knew that they had brought Prince Huluo.

"Yes, you can." Ding Qi sneered, and raised his hand, "Bring the fairy spiritual energy liquid over!"

"But your sands armor..."

"You take the small bowl first. With so many people, are you afraid that I won't run away?"


Although Ding Qi said that he would sell the Jinsha armor, he didn't even want to do it!

"Then you take it."

A small dark-brown bowl flew towards Ding Qi, Ding Qiyi raised his hand to collect the small bowl, and then, as soon as he raised his hand, he unceremoniously chopped the fairy spirit jade long knife!

"I was kind, but you were so to me, die!"

Only then did these three realize that it was not good, they betrayed Ding Qi, and Ding Qi would never spare them!

"Run away!"

Ding Qi is completely the temperament of Ding Hao's deity now, and Jai Xie must compare, these three betrayed him, and caused him such a big trouble, it is impossible for him to survive for these three!

"Fairy Spirit Race, die!" The shadow of the knife waved, and it could be seen clearly from the outside of the white flocculent cloud.

The screams inside also came clearly.

The strength of these three people is indeed weak. Ding Qi hacked and killed two people without any suspense. One of them fled out. Half of his body had already rushed out of the white nebula air mass. He shouted sharply, "Prince Tiger, save me. !"

"Prince Huluo, do we want to fight in?" By the side of Prince Huluo, the prince-level powerhouses all took out their long swords, and can go in at any time.

Prince Huluo watched with his arms folded, and said lightly, "Prince Ding Qi, kill this kind of trash at will, I won't save them, but I hope you can cash in on the deal!"

Although these three betrayed Ding Qi, Hu Luo did not take the three of them seriously, and died.

Ding Qi directly beheaded the last person before screaming inside, "Prince Huluo, you really have credit, but it takes three days for me to remove the sands armor!"

"I hope you don't play tricks, otherwise you will die miserably!" Prince Hu Luo said with a gloomy face.

"Don't worry, I will give you an explanation in three days."

Ding Qi returned to the white nebula air mass, sat cross-legged, released the small bowl, his eyes were greedy.

"Prince Huluo, this idiot, how can I give him the Jinsha armor?" Ding Qi sneered, speaking of faith to these immortals, I am afraid there is nothing more stupid in this world.

The slave said, "Master, do you want to upgrade the sands armor as soon as possible?"

Ding Qi nodded, "Yes, if the sands armor is upgraded to the fifth layer, I won't be afraid of them at all!"

The slave said, "Yes, but I'm afraid they will rush in ahead of time!"

"Then you hurry up, hurry up!"

Immediately, Ding Qiyi raised his hand and put the sandstone into the small bowl.

A small bowl of fairy aura liquid is filled with Jinshashi frantically absorbed!

Ding Qi sat cross-legged and released the Jinsha armor. He could clearly see that the armor was constantly changing and crystallizing!

He was not worried about Prince Huluo rushing in.

Because he is not a breakthrough in cultivation, and he is not afraid of being disturbed.

In fact, the sands armor entered the fifth layer without arriving for a day.

"Enter the fifth floor, so fast!" Ding Qi watched the spar armor outside his body become more and more transparent, like a transparent golden gem, the joy in his eyes became heavier, "It's not over yet. Go on and head towards the sixth floor!"

Prince Huluo was not stupid either. He didn't wait for three days at all. After the next day, he became impatient.

"Prince Ding Qi, I have always been optimistic about you and want to accept you as my little brother!"

"I was so to you today, and that's why!"

"I advise you not to play tricks on me, otherwise, you will definitely die here!"

Prince Huluo looked cold and waved his big hand to signal everyone to enter the white nebula air mass.

After Ding Qi's sands armor had entered the fifth layer, he stood up abruptly, collected the small bowl and the star-absorbing stone, "Master, ready to fight!"

In the white nebula air mass, the immortal jade long sword suddenly waved, and in the white flocculent air mass, blood suddenly splashed!

"Ding! Seven! Prince! King!" Prince Hu Luo was furious, "I believed you, but you deceived me, die!"

While talking, Prince Huluo slashed the fairy jade long knife in his hand!


The white nebula air cluster was torn open by a big hole, and Prince Huluo's already had an intermediate weapon mutation, cut it out with a single knife, and had a strong magical attack with celestial spiritual power!

"Xianling people, you are not at odds with you, how can there be any trust?" Ding Qi Jinsha's armor was upgraded to the fifth layer, even if he was hard hit by Prince Huluo, he would not die, and rushed out with the fairy spirit jade long knife.

Bang bang bang!

The two were fighting together.

In the midst of their fight, there were many younger brothers of Prince Huluo who attacked Ding Qi.

However, these attacks did not cause any harm to Ding Qi, and all of them were offset by the Jinsha armor!

"My real enemy is only Prince Huluo. Just kill him!"

Ding Qi's eyes widened, and the long knife in his hand swung frantically!

"Prince Ding Qi, you are good!" Prince Hu Luo couldn't help Ding Qi with a cold smile on his face, "Perhaps you only know that my weapon has been upgraded to an intermediate level mutation, but you still don't know, mine The body can also mutate a second time!"

Powerful of the mutated fairy clan, their bodies can be further mutated and become stronger!

For example, why the Spirit Emperor is so huge is because he has undergone many mutations!

The second mutation of a strong fairy clan means that he has taken another step forward from the height of the king!

"Second Mutation!" Prince Huluo let out a thunderous shout, an astonishing amount of immortal spirit surging in his body, and then he could see his body swell up.

"Dead!" Prince Huluo swelled in a circle and looked very tall. He raised the fairy jade sword in his hand.

Suddenly a magnificent light curtain crashed down!

"So strong!" Ding Qi's expression was shocked. He still made a mistake in his estimation. He originally thought that Prince Huluo was the weapon that reached the intermediate mutation, but he didn't expect his physical body to grow to the second mutation!


Ding Qi raised his sword to greet him, and was cut off by the sword of Prince Hu Luo directly!


The knife slashed on Ding Qi's chest, the spar shattered, and numerous spider-web-like cracks appeared on the Jinsha armor, and large pieces of spar that had been chopped up splashed everywhere!

"Thanks to the Sands Armor!" Ding Qi's expression changed drastically. If the Sands Armor hadn't been upgraded to the fifth layer, this knife might have killed him!

"Master, run away, can't bear his continuous attacks!" The slave roared in the sands.

"Escape!" Ding Qi dropped half of the fairy jade sword and turned to escape.

Dangdangdang, the attacks of ordinary princes couldn't hurt Ding Qi at all. He smashed into the crowd and escaped.

"Where to escape, Prince Ding Qi, you can't escape!" Prince Huluo showed a hideous look on his face.

The cut just now was a sure kill, but Ding Qi was able to survive, and Prince Hu Luo was even more interested in the sands armor on him.


"Escape! Where to flee?" Ding Qi was depressed. He did not expect that Prince Huluo would enter the second mutation, which was really surprising.

At this moment, where to escape became a problem.


At this moment, in the star-absorbing stone.

Ding Hao entered the stage of integration, and it was the most critical moment.

"There are two options when entering the fusion period."

"Many people convene all the avatars at the same time when they enter the fit period, and complete the fit when they enter the fit period! This kind of benefit is a one-time molding, Yuan Ying, Yuan Ding, physical body, spiritual power, etc. Combine, directly produce a small world! At the same time tell God, there is only this person in this world!"

"But I can't!"

"As Yuhua teacher said, I have too many clones, and the body is not strong enough. After such a fit, there will be great uncertainty about my immortal roots, qualifications and achievements!"

"So I have to choose the second one, first enter the merge phase, and not complete the merge!"

Ding Hao's entry into the fit phase is actually a way of compromise to enter the pseudo fit.

If he succeeds, even if it seems that he is already in the fit period, God will not approve it, because he still has a clone outside.

It is also beneficial to enter the pseudo-combination first and then complete the real-combination.

The biggest advantage is that he has improved his cultivation level, and he has the opportunity to further build his own body!

Then when his deity's physical body is in the best state, he will perform a true fit. At that time, it will be the most natural and perfect fit!

"It is precisely because I am a fake fit, so the difficulty is much smaller!"

If it is a true fit, there are a lot of preparations that need to be done.

However, it is much easier to fake a body.

"The key is to expand my mental power so that my spiritual power and Yuanding can meet the requirements of the combined period, that is, I have entered the combined period!"

At this moment, in Ding Hao's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the tide surged crazily, and the boundless huge waves slapped across the shore, trying to expand the scope of the Sea of ​​Consciousness again.

And in his sea of ​​qi, the world's tripod was also spinning crazily, and spiritual power crazily gathered around it.

"Spiritual power enters the world's tripod and absorbs it!"

The crazily rotating world tripod is like a water pump, absorbing spiritual power. It can be clearly seen that the world tripod is growing a little bit, and on the world tripod, the four golden tripod inscriptions and the four main principles are also more shining. Hui!

"Now that the world's tripod has grown and reached the requirements of the fit period, all that is needed is to know the sea and open it for me!"

Ding Hao’s Sea of ​​Consciousness was completely boiled and evaporated, and the number was astonishing. There were untold hundreds of millions of trillions of light of wisdom appearing madly. At the same time, the Sea of ​​Consciousness was opened again, booming!

From Ding Hao's body, a circle of spiritual power rippled suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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