Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1516: Pray to enter the king

Chapter 1516 Prayer to enter the king

Chapter 1514

In the dark void, the magnificent blade light turned into a huge light curtain.

The long knives of Ding Qi and Nanbian clashed crazy, with loud noises and flames flying all over the sky!

No one dared to enter the area where they were fighting.

Those immortal people were all scared to escape thousands of miles away.

Of course, although they escaped far, their eyes remained intent. For the immortal people, watching the battle of masters is also helpful to their future breakthroughs and mutations!

"It's amazing, Prince Ding Qi was so powerful, and he has been underestimated before."

"I think the prince of Nanbian is quite equal, and the two are really equal!"

"I don't know who will win or lose in today's battle, but I feel that if they continue to fight like this, it will not be easy for any one to win. It may be a hard fight!"

These people's guesses are not wrong. If two people are evenly matched in a battle, then this battle is definitely a protracted and difficult battle.

"Prince Nanbian, do you think this battle will be very difficult?" Ding Qi shot a dazzling light in his eyes.

Clang clang!

The two long knives collided again, and a big gap suddenly appeared in the immortal spirit jade long knife in the hands of Prince Nanbian.

"Junk stuff." The Prince Nanbian threw it away, raised his hand and took out another one. They had killed many people over the years, and they had a lot of immortal spirit jade swords in their hands.

Prince Nanbian continued to fight Ding Qi and said coldly, "Do you think it will be easy for me to win?"

In the battle between the two, they constantly used words to attack each other's will.

"I think you are going to lose." There was a hint of teasing in Ding Qimu, as if he didn't care about this battle at all.

"Hahaha." The Prince Nanbian laughed, "but I think you are only losing. Have you ever thought that I will probably enter the king class in the battle?"

"The beauty you want!" Ding Qi snorted coldly, not believing that the Prince of Nanbian entered the king class so quickly.

The Black Death Realm was given great magical powers by the Spirit Emperor, and it can only exist at the Prince level. If you enter the King level, it will be teleported to a specific location!

"That might be too." Prince Nanbian laughed, "In fact, I will win this battle! Because the first powerhouse to enter the king level will eventually be me! Prince Ding Qi, you are the best Be polite to me, wait until I become the key training object of Lord Spirit Sovereign, and even train me as a future emperor, it will be too late for you to fawn on me."

"You are so dreaming!" Ding Qi's expression changed with anger, and the offensive in his hands became domineering.

Ding Qi is not an ordinary fairy clan. He and Ding Hao’s deity share the same will, that is to say, Ding Hao’s enlightened Dao law, Ding Hao’s learned attack methods, spells, combat skills, experience, and combat experience, these All can be used!

"Let you **** newly developed method!"

A lot of blood rain!

Ding Hao's blood rain record has now reached the level of blood rain ten thousand points. In Ding Qi's hands, using the fairy spirit jade long knife, it also hit the blood rain ten thousand points!

Although it is not a long spear, but a long knife, but there is no sense of contradiction when used!

Bang bang bang!

In the black void, thousands of magnificent flowers suddenly appeared!

These are all sword flowers, made of sword light, and because they are immortal spirit jade long swords, the tens of thousands of blood rain produced are even more magnificent and weird.

"My God, what kind of combat technique is this? We immortal people don't have this kind of combat technique yet, right?"

All the fairy clansmen who watched around were shocked.

The immortal people have developed rapidly in recent years. Various new weapons and various new combat techniques are being studied and pondered. They have learned from human physical training and developed many combat techniques. But Xueyulu is still quite tall, making them amazed.

"This combat skill is amazing!" Many of the fairy clan people present also took out their own fairy jade long swords to follow along with them.

But they can beat a hundred spots of bleeding and rain, it’s amazing, and they can beat a thousand spots of bleeding and it’s terrifying to the world, and thousands of spots of blood and rain are simply out of reach!

"It's amazing, Prince Ding Qi has even researched his own combat skills! We may ask him for advice in the future!"

"Yes, we don’t know what to do. We can only fight blood and rain. If Prince Dingqi can personally guide me, I should be able to fight blood and rain. If I practice for a long time, I will be able to fight blood and rain. !"

While everyone was talking about it, the prince of Nanchang clearly felt pressure.

He did not expect that this Prince Ding Qi was not only amazing in strength, but also amazing in his methods. Suddenly sending out this **** rain was impossible to prevent!

At first sight, a few sword flowers among the ten thousand points of blood rain fell on the body of Prince Nanbian.

What people did not expect was that suddenly a bright golden rune appeared on the body of the Prince of Southern Transformation, and a huge human text appeared, blocking the light of the knife!

"This is..." The people next to them were all in a daze, and then they understood that this is a defensive rune for humans.

As I said before, the immortal people have learned from humans over the years, and they have also excavated many ancient immortal relics of humans and used the treasures and runes in them. The rune on the Nanbian prince is also a coincidence. He has always envied the golden sand armor on Ding Qi. Not long ago, he met a former friend, and he exchanged the leftover coffin and the fairy jade liquid with him for such a rune.

This kind of rune is affixed to the body, can be hidden into the body, appear when encountering danger, and resist three attacks.

Seeing this huge rune, Ding Qi sneered, "Prince Nanbian, I used to think you were a gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be shameless. Let me swear not to use sands armor, but you use defensive charms. Wen, it is actually a human rune!"

The Prince Nanbian looked embarrassed and retorted, "Take the strengths of the enemy and make up for the weaknesses of yourself! With human runes, what's so great! Besides, your sands armor is damaged, what do you do with me? You have the skills Take it out and use it!"

"Shameless!" Ding Qi sneered, "I see that your human rune can stop me from attacking several times!"

After speaking, Ding Qi used blood rain again.

When he used it again, he had another idea.

Before Ding Hao used the blood rain ten thousand points, it was used in aura; but now Ding Qi is a fairy clan, and he uses it in a rich fairy aura. The method of use and the method of force have also changed accordingly!

So using Ding Qi again, the effect is amazing!

"This attack..." All the fairy tribesmen present were horrified again.

I saw the ten thousand points of swordsmanship in the darkness this time. The moment after it appeared, it turned into ten thousand points of black holes, frantically inhaling the fairy spirits nearby... Just when everyone was horrified, those ten thousand points of black holes, Full of immortal spiritual energy, it is restored to a bigger and more magnificent sword flower!

This momentary change is fleeting, but the aura in it is amazing.

Of course, the power is instantly stronger several times!

Bang bang bang!

Thousand points of huge knives exploded in the air, and the scene seemed to be that of thousands of points of fireworks exploding in the sky, spectacular and magical.

"This Dingqi prince..." The immortal people who watched the battle had nothing to say, there was only one word in their eyes, "serve"!

Look at the prince of Nanbian, and he is finished.

Originally, the prince of Nanbian could not stop the rain of blood, but now he can't stop the rain of blood after the improvement!

No, I had to take out the second defense of the defensive talisman!

boom! A huge human rune exploded in the sky again. Speaking of which, this defensive talisman was at least a real fairy, otherwise the defensive ability would not be so strong!

Prince Nanbian blocked the attack again, but his face was hard to see.

Because his defensive talisman can only be used three times, he has used it twice now, and one more time!

What made him even more shocked was that Ding Qi's strength and means really surpassed him!

The prince of Nanbian can also be regarded as a gentleman among the immortal spirit tribe, but in the face of the future and becoming stronger, he can't restrain his heart at all. He screamed wildly, "No! The person with the best qualifications in the black death field is me! The one who enters the king and is valued by Lord Spirit Sovereign should also be me!"

Ding Qi sneered, "Really?"

He did not rush to attack, seeing the sternness of Prince Nanbian, this guy had almost collapsed.

But what Ding Qi didn't expect was that the Prince Nanbian had a last resort, and that was his prayers.

The Prince Nanbian is the darling of the fairy, his special ability, others do not know!

He tries not to use it as much as possible, he is afraid that it will not work if he uses too much!

He didn't even want to use it in front of others, but today, it's time to use it.

"Great fairy, I am your loyal servant. I am willing to use everything I have to offer to you. Just beg you, give me the opportunity to enter the king!"

"What? Pray to the fairy and ask to enter the king? Can it be the same?" All the people present were dumbfounded.

Before, I had never heard of such a thing. I prayed for the help of the fairy to let him enter the king.

"Can this be successful?"

Ding Qi was also stunned. He didn't expect that Prince Nanbian would have this trick. He didn't know if Prince Nanbian could succeed.

But an unbelievable phenomenon appeared. After the prayers of the Prince Nanbian, the fairy spirit madly gathered on the head of the Prince Nanbian!

Just in a blink of an eye, a cloud of fairy spirit appeared on the head of Prince Nanbian!

From the center of this fairy qi cloud layer, a magnificent light curtain was set up to illuminate the body of Prince Nanbian.

It can be clearly seen that the magnificent patterns on the body of the Nanbian prince began to twist, changing the lines, forming more dense and strange patterns.

"My God, it's really possible!" All the fairy clans who were watching the battle also learned the same way, and they all knelt down and prayed on the spot, "Great fairy, please help me mutate again!"

These people are not the darlings of the faeries, and most of them cannot be blessed by the faeries.

But the most shocked was Ding Qi, who thought he would win the battle, but who knew that at the last moment, the Prince Nanbian had this trick!

(End of this chapter)

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