Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1529: Desperate battle (six explosions)

Chapter 1529 Desperate Battle (Six Bursts)

Chapter 1527 Desperate Battle

"Asshole! Ding Qiwang, you really attracted humans!"

The spirit emperor was already furious at the moment, and screamed, "King Ding Qi, why can't my spirit emperor sorry you! What's wrong with becoming the emperor of the immortal spirit clan! You want to do this to me, die!"

Bang bang bang!

The loud noises continued, and the Spirit Sovereign was already extremely angry, and just before the Yuhua True Immortal and the others killed them, there was another violent attack on Ding Qi.

Facing the powerful Spirit Sovereign, Ding Qi didn't even have the ability to resist. He now only relied on the nine-layered Golden Sands armor to defend.

But under the attack of the furious spirit emperor, the runes on the sands armor were also shattered piece by piece!

Finally, there was a boom.

Ding Qi was knocked to the ground, lying on the ground without knowing his life or death.

"Kill, kill them!" At this moment, Zhenxian Yuhua and others had already killed them.

The Spirit Sovereign yelled at King Xingyi, "You go in first to accept the fairy inheritance!"

The current celestial inheritance has fallen in the center of the two altars, which is a thick and powerful atmosphere.

How can Yuhua Zhenxian make the fairy spirit succeed, roar, release the quasi-immortal weapon, stand against the spirit emperor, and shout back, "Tianfan, hand it over to you!"

"Roger that!"

Tianfan Zhenxian immediately took the second team and attacked King Xingyi.


On the altar, swords and swords suddenly danced back and forth.

For this battle, mankind has already made sufficient preparations.

In this battle, humans did not expect to kill the spirit emperor!

Because the spirit emperor is already the emperor, the strength is too strong, it is not so easy to kill; but the star meteor is not the same, she is still the king!

If you kill King Xingyi, there will be no successor to the fairy clan!

So all the powerful attacks of mankind are all placed on King Xingyi.

"Kill her!" With the strongest power, the Tianfan Zhenxian attacked King Xingyi with all his strength.

But what they didn't expect was that the strength of King Xingyi was also very strong!

King Xingyi is also a strong man who has mutated ten times. It can be said that he is only one step away from becoming the emperor!

"You want to kill me, you dream!" A gloomy smile appeared on King Xingyue's face, "Maybe you don't know yet, in this space, my fit is even higher than that of the Linghuang! In other words! , Here, I am not weaker than the Spirit Sovereign, nor easier to die than him! You want to kill me, how easy is it to say? Die!"

King Xingyi screamed, his figure as fast as lightning.

This world is basically the world of immortal spirits, and she has lived here for a long time, this is her home field, she has the right time and place!

Bang bang bang!

Except for a few quasi-immortal weapons that caused some damage to King Xingyi's body, the human attack did not find anything good. In the huge earthquake, on the contrary, all the powerhouses were shaken off!

"This Star Meteorite King is so strong!" The third stage of the human beings were all dumbfounded.

Although they were mentally prepared, the strength of King Xingyi still shocked them.

"Fools, you are all going to die!" King Xingyi looked at these humans contemptuously, and then plunged into the suffocating air of inheritance.

"Never let her enter the emperor!" Li Mang shot out from the eyes of the real fairy, "If we let her become the emperor, we and our children and grandchildren will all be finished!"

All the humans present are very clear in their hearts that this is not a lie!

When Xingyiwang was the king, she was already so powerful, if she waited for her to become the emperor, she would be even stronger than the spirit emperor!

"Fight!" the real **** of Tianfan shouted, "Everyone's quasi-immortal weapon is ready, and I will bombard that group of inheritance with all my strength for a while!"

"Received!" All the three-stage true immortals and most of the second-stage true immortals present have quasi-immortal weapons in their hands. By this time, everyone no longer has to hide their clumsiness, and they all release the strongest attack.

Ding Canghai also brought out his ancient quasi-immortal weapon. Although this thing is expensive, it is also powerful!



More than a dozen quasi-immortal weapons blasted past from all directions. On weekdays, it is difficult to see a quasi-immortal device, but today, more than a dozen are all directed in one direction. With a loud bang, the energetic air suddenly swayed away, turning into countless pieces of luck! In the exploding cloud, the figure of King Xingyi was revealed!

"Damn it!" King Xingyi's face was furious.

She is accepting the ultimate inheritance of the fairy, and can enter the emperor class at any time, but at this moment, she was shattered by others and stopped accepting the inheritance!

"You want to die!" King Xingyi rushed out with a roar, slapped a real human immortal to death, and then ran to another altar.

There are two altars in total, two of the same heritage.

Her side was shattered, and now she ran towards the inheritance that originally belonged to Ding Qi.

Of course they knew the purpose of this woman, and they immediately shouted, "The inheritance point over there was also blown up by him!"

Whoosh whoosh, a series of silver long swords cut through the space and ran towards the fairy spirit air mass on the other side.


There was another loud noise, and the fairy inheritance on the other side was also shaken into many fine clouds.


Seeing that she is about to become the emperor, that is the last step to take, but at this time, a lot of humans came and destroyed her party! Now that the faerie inheritance on both sides is shattered, she basically wants to break through, and there is no chance!

"Humans, you are too bad!" There was coldness and hatred in King Xingyi's eyes, and she walked over step by step.

Tian Fan Zhenxian said loudly, "While she is not the emperor, kill!"

The battlefield is divided into two groups. One side is to encircle the Spirit Emperor, mainly by siege; and the other is to attack the Star Meteorite King. This side is much more tragic. Many true human beings were beaten off their heads by the Star Meteorite King and broke their bodies. Too much!

However, at this time, everyone is no longer concerned about life and death at any cost.

As they were fighting, a small stone flew over.

It's not that Ding Hao didn't help, but that he couldn't get involved in this kind of battle!

Soon the little stone flew to the altar and came to Ding Qi's side. Ding Hao's voice came out, "Ding Qi, are you still alive? If you can't, hide in the golden sand stone!"

Ding Hao is now in the star-absorbing stone, unable to synchronize with Ding Qi's memory, so he can only communicate with Ding Qi by voice.

But obviously, Ding Qi was injured too badly, and even Ding Hao's shouts could not wake Ding Qi.

"What to do?" Ding Hao frowned, the fighting outside was so fierce that his deity couldn't come out at all.

Fat insect said, "Master, you got so many healing spirit fruits from Hanshan's spiritual field. You don't use it now. When will you wait?"

Many of Ding Hao's millions of spirit fruits have healing properties and are very effective.

"Try it." Ding Hao waved his hand, dozens of bright red spirit fruits had appeared in front of him, and then Ding Hao let out another mouthful of flame!

Yes, it is refining!

In the flames, dozens of spirit fruits were all refined into liquid, and then began to condense, and finally they were condensed into a small drop!

"This drop is so pure!" Xiaobi looked at such a drop of blood-red liquid, sniffed it with his nose, and said, "It smells so good! I really want to eat it!"

"Don't make trouble, save people!"

Ding Hao waved his hand, and this drop of liquid flew out of the star-absorbing stone, and it just landed on Ding Qi's lips.

In just an instant, this drop of liquid penetrated into Ding Qi's mouth and disappeared.

After a while, Ding Qi's eyes moved, and finally he woke up.

At the time Ding Hao rescued Ding Qi, the fighting situation changed again.

"The fairy spirits are inheriting, and they are gathering again!" You Zhenxian exclaimed.

The two groups of fairy inheritance that had been broken up by the true immortals with all their strength just now were slowly gathering towards the center. The two groups of inheritance came together to form one group of inheritance!

King Xingyi looked at the cloud of gas with joy on his face!

"There is still a chance!" The Spirit Sovereign shouted loudly, "Xingyue, seize the opportunity to become the emperor. These ant-like humans are all dead!"

"Yes, this is my chance to become the emperor, I can't miss it!" King Xingyi showed a decisive look on his face.

The real **** Brahma over there also screamed, "Attention everyone, concentrate all your strength, and pass on that group of celestial spirits again!"

"No!" Xingyiwang's face became crazy.

Although the inheritance of the faeries can be reunited, each time they converge, they become scarce. If they are broken several times, they will disappear completely!

"I must become the emperor!"

Suddenly, King Xing Meteo rushed out of the battle circle, came to the sky above the hill, bit his wrist in one bite, and let the blood flow wildly.

At the same time, she said something in her mouth, "Sleeping fairy, open your eyes and see! These humans have already entered your residence, killed your people, and shattered your heritage! Great fairy, I use mine Blood, come to wake you up!"

"Pray for bloodletting!" Ding Hao saw this scene from a distance and knew it was going to be finished.

No one knows the effect of prayers from the fairy clansmen better than him!

And on such occasions, the fairy sleeps here and prays for bloodletting. This kind of prayer is absolutely effective!

Sure enough, the hill trembled, and then cracked with a bang. From the crack, the power of the faeries gathered madly, and finally these powers quickly formed a figure! The whole body of this figure is wrapped in a magnificent light curtain. He is even more weird than the average fairy clan. He is not an entity, but is made of fairy aura, and the power of the whole body carries a crazy aura.

"Dead!" The figure suddenly rushed towards the real **** of heaven.

"Go!" The Heavenly Brahma Real Immortal and the others did not show any weakness, controlling the quasi immortal weapon, and rushed forward.

This figure and the real fairy and the others met in mid-air. Just after a few tricks, the face of the real fairy changed drastically, and he shouted sharply, "Retreat!"

But it was too late.

With a bang, the ground shook the mountain, and the entire space seemed to be torn apart.

This huge figure exploded out of thin air, no one thought that this was a super huge humanoid bomb!

Ding Hao clearly saw that Heavenly Brahma True Immortal and others, including Invincible True Immortal, were all torn apart by this powerful explosion!

"My God, it's over!"

(End of this chapter)

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