Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1536: Unknown power (50 monthly pass plus more)

Chapter 1536 Unknown Power (50 monthly ticket plus more)

Chapter 1534: Unknown Power

"So strong!" Ding Hao finally felt the pressure under the suppression of True Immortal World.

When a true fairy is born, a small world will appear in him!

It was like the small world of Kyushu where Ding Hao lived at the time, it was the small world left by the fall of a certain ancient true celestial powerhouse.

Since the real fairy Lai Yi is a real fairy, he also has his own little world!

Although his small world is not very complete, and there is no life in it, it is a small world after all!

When he released his little world to suppress, this kind of power was simply overwhelming!

"No!" Ding Hao screamed, suppressed by a small world, he simply couldn't move!

Although he has a powerful mind weapon in his hands and a treasure dragon fish shuttle at his feet, his body and will are still suppressed to death!

"Is this the power of the true fairy?"

"Haha, yes, this is the power of the true immortal!" Li Mang shot out from the eyes of the true immortal Lai Yi, "Ding Hao, you are very strong. As a combined three-layer Taiyi, even a perfect fit is not your opponent. You are really strong! But it's useless, because you met me, I am a true immortal! True immortal and Taiyi are not at all a level of powerhouse, the power and means of true immortal, and the control of the law, you cannot Understand!"

Speaking of this, Lai Yi Zhenxian shot a dazzling sharp light in his eyes, and shouted again, "True Immortal World, open it!"

This is amazing!

The so-called real fairy world is his little world.

The small world is different from the virtual world. Although the real fairy Lai Yi is the master in the virtual world, Ding Hao also has the strength to fight against it! But the small world is different, the will of heaven in the small world is arranged by the real fairy! Entering the small world, Ding Hao is the ant under the sky, and Lai Yi is the sky! It's heaven!

"Haha, Ding Hao! After my small world is refined, there is still no life in it! The main reason is that my small world is poorly refined, and it lacks great motivation! But now with you, I will suppress you In the small world, let you become the great demon of the town, draw strength from you, and then develop my small world, haha, this idea is really good!"

Lai Yi is a real fairy, laughing out loud.

"What?" Ding Hao turned pale.

The town demon, the purple-gold demon bull beast that was suppressed at the foot of Xuefu Mountain was the town demon! It was suppressed there forever, and all the power needed by Xuefu Mountain was drawn from it! Even earlier, the soil on which the jasper golden silk demon vine was raised was the purple golden demon bull beast!

"If I become like Zijin Yao Niu Beast..." Ding Hao didn't dare to think, he was furious, "You dream, you want to suppress me, there is no door!"

In the next second, Ding Hao's figure disappeared instantly, and only a small stone was suppressed by the small world of Lai Yi!

Ding Hao hid in the star-absorbing stone, no matter how awesome Lai Yi was, he could not suppress the star-absorbing stone!

"This small world seems to be a time and space treasure." Thinking of this, Lai Yi shot greed in the eyes of the real fairy and waved his hand. "Even if he hides in a small stone, he must be included in the small world! Take it!"

His little world seemed to open his mouth wide, and he wanted to swallow the star-absorbing stone.

But at this moment, Liu Nu, who was standing in the distance, couldn't help it, "Haimei, I don’t know how to do it. I have an inexplicable anger in my heart. I can’t help but want to help that little stone, I I always feel that little stone has a great relationship with me!"

Haimei said strangely, "Yes, I always think you have a soft spot for pebbles, do you remember? The first time we met was when you were looking for pebbles on the bottom of the sea."

Liu Nu scratched his head vigorously, and said in pain, "Yeah, I remember I lost a small stone, and then I can't remember everything else, my head was broken."

"Don't be like this, Liu Lang!" Hai Mei hugged Liu Nu vigorously, "Liu Lang, is it yours that the little stone in Ding Hao's hand?"

"I don't know, it's a bit like mine!" Liu Nu scratched his head vigorously, "Actually, I followed him these days, on the one hand because of the purple emperor armor, and on the other hand, I want to verify that he has The little pebble is not mine!"

At this moment, the star-absorbing stone is flying in front, and the small world of Laiyi behind is chasing behind...

Suddenly, Liu Nu spit out a violent cry, "No matter what, I must help Daoist Ding Hao. This little stone has a great relationship with me and must not fall into the hands of others! Haimei, wait for me here, I will go. Help Daoist Ding Hao!"

"OK, go ahead."

At this moment, if you look beyond the realm of Lai Yi Zhenxian and take a look, you will definitely find that the area inside the eye of the storm has begun to violent.

"Friend Ding Hao, I'll help you!"

Liu Nu turned into a black demon wind and threw it over!

"Brother Liu Nu, don't come!" In fact, Ding Hao is in no danger at this moment.

The real immortal Lai Yi is a real immortal after all, and Ding Hao can't kill Lai Yi; but the real immortal Lai Yi wants to kill Ding Hao, it is impossible. Ding Hao hides in the star-absorbing stone and just escapes!

But when Liu Nu came, it was different.

Zhenxian Lai Yi's face became cold, "Damn it, where's the Feng Yao, let me take him first!"

In the rift in his small world, an astonishing suction suddenly occurred, pulling the black demon wind, and wanted to bring the black demon wind into the small world!

"The power of the true immortal...very strong..." The black wind turned into Liu Nu resisted hard, but the suction seemed to be great, and half of the black demon wind was sucked into the small world...

Lai Yi laughed loudly, "You have to use this method to get ahead, you really want to die!"

Right now, he pressed his big hand again, and a thrust was generated out of thin air in the virtual realm!

This **** and pushes at the same time, and the black wind that Liu Nu has turned into will be collected into the small world...

Haimei over there was anxious, crying, "Liu Lang, Liu Lang..."

"It's really Nerd Guo for helping. The more you help, the more you help!" Ding Hao was about to escape from the virtual realm. Looking back, Liu Nu was taken away.

To be honest, Ding Hao has no affection for Liu Nu. This guy is very annoying to follow along. But there is no ill feeling, although the chatter is endless, but judging from Liu Nu's attitude towards Haimei, this person is not bad.

"But he is good or not, what does it have to do with me?" Ding Hao was about to leave now.

But looking back, Liu Nu has entered the small world as a whole, and the small world is closing...

"Your uncle's!" Ding Hao scolded, and finally killed him. After all, Liu Nu made the move for himself. It was too unnatural to run away at this time.

Real Immortal Lai Yi saw Ding Hao flying back and laughed suddenly, "Haha, you idiot, you have a good relationship with this wind demon, then come together!"

As he spoke, the star-absorbing stone also entered the small world. The small world of Zhenxian Lai Yi hadn't been refined, everything in it was barren and incomplete, there was no world, no sun, moon and stars, and it was just like a desert inside.

Ding Hao didn’t have time to admire the scenery inside. His figure flashed, and he walked out of the star-absorbing stone and said loudly, “Liu Nu, go! When his little world is closed, we will be suppressed by his little world’s providence. I can't leave now!"

The small world is a self-contained space, with independent providence inside, trapped in it, the laws are all controlled by the real fairy Lai Yi. Even True Immortal Lai Yi could forcibly suppress Ding Hao and the others in the small world, so Ding Hao and the others would not even have the power to fight back!

So the top priority is to leave here quickly.

But when the black wind moved, Liu Nu turned back into a human form and smiled, "What's afraid of, I can guarantee that his small world can't be closed! Do you think I'm really that bad, so he took it?"

Ding Hao didn't expect this, but he didn't want to take the risk with this person, frowning, "Your strength is not stronger than me, I can't stop his small world from closing, what can you do? Don't take the risk, go out with me first! "

Liu Nu said, "No, I entered his little world just to go deep into the tiger's den! Isn't he a real immortal and awesome? I will break the foundation of his little world, even his Dao foundation, I see him How awesome!"

Ding Haoxin said, this Liu Nu's idea is really ferocious, I like it!

But liking is different from actually doing it. It only takes a few seconds to close this small world.

By then Ding Hao and Liu Nu will be the turtles in the urn, let alone breaking the foundation of Lai Yi, then both Ding Hao and Liu Nu will lose their freedom!

"Brother Liu Nu, come out with me first..."

"Ding Hao, don't believe me!"

While they were talking, Lai Yi Zhenxian's face changed over there.

"What, being suppressed by a powerful force, my little world can't be closed?" Lai Yi Zhenxian's face was pale, and when he looked at his void, he was suddenly more frightened.

"The sky has changed, what's the matter?"

I saw the storm around the eye of the storm spinning frantically. In the calm eye of the past, it was like a pot of boiled water, the sea bubbling constantly, and a blue mist appeared on the top of the sky. In the mist, a majestic force seemed to be suppressed by a giant hand!

And it is this powerful force that makes Lai Yi Zhenxian's small world unable to close.

"What's the matter, someone is suppressing my little world?"

Lai Yi Zhenxian was inexplicable, and his face was frightened.

He used a small world to suppress Ding Hao and Liu Nu, but at this time, there was a stronger force to suppress his small world!

"Brother Liu Nu, let's go!"

"Brother Ding Hao, haven't you seen that his small world can't fit in!" Liu Nu smiled proudly.

"What?" Ding Hao looked back and found that the crack in this small world was indeed stuck there, unable to close. Ding Hao was stunned, "What's the matter? You did it? How did you do it?"

"I won't tell you." Liu Nu said again, "If you lend me the Purple Emperor Armor, or help my Taoist couple collect 100,000 wind blades, maybe..."

Ding Hao almost fainted when he heard him repeat the old saying, and said quickly, "Brother Liu Nu, should we do something now?"

"Right, right, right!" Liu Nu suddenly thought of something, "Then let's break his foundation, it's better to break his small world. If he is a real fairy without the small world, haha, I see him What it's like to become a bereaved dog!"

Three shifts today.

I thought about it yesterday. It took too long to erupt once every ten days. Everyone was waiting very hard. So I changed it back to the previous one, a small burst every Monday, and the other is 50 monthly tickets plus one more! I hope you all vote and support!

(End of this chapter)

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