Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1543: Destination Fenghai Core

Chapter 1543 Destination Fenghai Core

Chapter 1541: Destination Fenghai Core

"Get out! Leave the storm, go back to the Seventh Heaven Camp first, keep a low profile, and wait for my news."

"Yes." Cao Taiyi knocked Ding Hao again and entered the storm.

When the puppet worm entered his body, Ding Hao didn't have to worry about him turning back against the water, just waiting to activate the flag in the future.

After finishing Cao Taiyi's affairs, Ding Hao returned to the cave of Shuiyi Taiyi.

"You finally came back, haven't you caught up with him?" Shui Yi Taiyi felt relieved when Ding Hao came back.

Although she knew Ding Hao's strength, after all, Ding Hao's cultivation was only the initial stage of the fit, she was still a little worried.

"How could it not catch up." Ding Hao said.

Shui Yi Taiyi said in surprise, "You killed him?"

"No. When he saw me catching up, he immediately kowtowed his head and begged for mercy. When I saw that he was pitiful, I gave him my life."

Shui Yitai suddenly said, "Bag again. If you didn't catch up, you didn't catch up! After all, people are fit and perfect, and you have to fight with you in death. How can you kowtow to you?"

Ding Hao said, "Really, he knelt in front of me before I acted, begging me for my life."


Seeing Taiyi Shui Yi's disbelief in his eyes, Ding Haoxin said, "Yes, no one believes the truth these days."

"Okay, I didn't catch up." Ding Hao could only follow her words, and then said again, "Shui Yi Taiyi, I'm leaving for the core of Fenghai, I think you will go with me."

"Why, I lived here well." Taichi Shui Yi frowned and said.

Ding Hao said, "When Cao Taiyi kneeled down to beg me for mercy just now, I searched his soul and found that the people who came to chase my father this time were very prepared! Not only did they have a detailed map, but also The acquaintances that Dad has known over the years and the places he passed have been found out! So I suspect that Ding Baidang and Ding Tianqiu will probably also find your place!"

"What?" Shui Yitai showed a look of panic on her face. She was only in the fifth stage of the fit stage, and the combat effectiveness was not strong. If a group of true immortals really came, with the treasure of her formation, she could not hide for long.

Ding Hao said, "The safest way now is for you to follow me to the core of Fenghai to find my dad, and when you get there, you can also practice."

Taiyi Shui Yixiu frowned. She is the immortal root of the pure water system, and does not want to go to Fenghai core to practice, for fear of changing the immortal root. But now it is indeed dangerous. Many people know her relationship with Ding Lang. As long as the news reaches Ding Baidang and their ears, she will be doomed!

"Okay, I'll go with you." Taiyi Shui Yi quickly made up her mind. In fact, she wanted to see Big Brother Ding Lang again in her heart.

"Then Sister Shuiyi, go and prepare, we will set off now."

Taiyi Shuiyi turned around and went back to the Dongfu to clean up, but just turned around, then turned back, and asked, "Cao Taiyi really knelt down to beg you just now."

Ding Hao said, "Yes, how else would I search for his soul?"

Taiyi Shuiyi really believed it this time, and Zhanyan smiled, "You are really amazing!"

Soon after, two figures flew out of the eyes of this quiet storm, Ding Hao stepped on the wind blade shuttle in the storm, while Shui Yi Taiyi was in the water, like a white mermaid, running towards the sea of ​​wind core.


Just over a month after they left, two monks, a man and a woman, also came here.

"This time is really risky, thanks to you Liu Lang."

"It's okay, but Haimei, you still have to be careful in the future! Especially when you encounter Fenghai zombie, don't stare at them."

"Liu Lang, don't say anything, I was wrong, I know."

"that's fine."

These two people are Liu Nu who rescued Hai Mei. After unremitting communication, Liu Nu finally woke Hai Mei's consciousness.

Then they quietly escaped from the troop of wind and sea walking corpses, slowly leaving, and finally left quietly.

Immediately came here to meet Ding Hao.

But as soon as Liu Nu and the others entered the eyes of the storm, they were locked in by a powerful consciousness.

"There is a real fairy!"

Liu Nu and Haimei were both surprised, looking at the sea ahead.

Shuiyi Taiyi’s cave had been blasted away, and several true immortals were going in and out of the cave, looking for something.

"Not good!" Liu Nu felt a shock, he already understood what these people were doing.

"Who is it?" One of them was a real fairy, standing on the island where the sound was half fairy and shouting loudly.

"Those who pass by, just pass by!" Liu Nu paled with fright, and quickly pulled Haimei into the wind curtain behind.

These people on the island are Ding Baidang and others.

Ding Hao could inquire about this, and Ding Baidang and the others could also find it, so they found the cave of Shuiyi Taiyi. Afterwards, the cultivators launched an attack with all their strength, directly forcibly breaking the Dongfu protection formation, and then entered the search.

"Dangjian Zhenxian, Heavenly Enemy Patriarch, has no gain." A Taiyi came forward to report.

"This Ding Lang is really cunning!" Ding Baidang said through gritted teeth.

Ding Tianqiu sighed, "We have been in this ghost place for half a year, but we still haven't found any news about Ding Lang! I think that at this time, Uncle Ding has become the real master of my Ding family! We really are Both sides are losing, the loss is big!"

"It can't be said to be a loss." Ding Baidang sneered, "Now that Ding's family has Uncle Ding, shall we go back and fight with Uncle Ding? We can't beat him at all! So the best way now is to find Ding Lang, and then Kill him! After all, Uncle Ding is neither the right channel nor the outer channel. His name is not right. If we kill Ding Lang in time, sooner or later our outer channel will still be in power!"

Ding Lang is the key to the battle for the Ding family.

Ding Lang is like a banner. With Ding Lang, he can immediately call his friends and friends on the ground. But if there is no Ding Lang, Uncle Ding and the others will make a fuss. In the end, it will be just a useless effort.

"Well, we still want Shading Lang!" Ding Tianqiu nodded and asked, "Then the sword ancestor, where should we go now?"

Ding Baidang's eyes were gloomy, and his pupils shrank, "Now Ding Lang has only one place to go! That is the core of Fenghai! I think he must want to hide there, and at the same time, he can cultivate his own immortal body and cultivation. Because they must be there."

Ding Tianchou nodded and said, "Okay, then we will go to the core of Fenghai. I heard that Yuhua Zhenxian got the adventure there in the first place, and we may also get some benefits."

"Go, go!"

After all of them had left, a black hurricane emerged from the storm curtain.

When they came out, everyone was gone, Liu Nu turned into a prototype and released Haimei.

"Hurry up and see in the cave."

When they entered the cave, there was a mess inside, and they had been turned over by the Ding family and others.

"Fortunately, it seems that Brother Ding Hao was not caught by these people." Liu Nu and Haimei breathed a sigh of relief.

Haimei worried again, "Sister Shuiyi has also left, and I don't know where they all went."

Liu Nu laughed and said, "Of course I went to the core of Fenghai. Brother Ding Hao is shrewd. They must have taken sister Shuiyi with them. Otherwise, it would be miserable to leave Sister Shuiyi behind!"

Haimei said, "Then let's go to the core of Fenghai."

Liu Nu touched her head and smiled, "Okay, there are almost 100,000 windblade pieces we collected along the way. We can help you refine the treasures of the suit while walking. I believe that the day you meet Ding Hao brothers , He might not recognize you!"


After flying for another six months, the scene in front of Ding Hao was completely different.

In the previous storms, there were waves and seas.

But now, there is no wave and no sea, just wind!

There is no sky, no ground, no ocean!

Up and down, left and right, flying in any direction, is a whistling wind.

The wind is raging, filling people's eyes, ears, nose and mouth!

Ding Hao wore a purple emperor armor, and Taiyi Shuiyi also had his own special water armor to protect his body. There was no ocean here, so Ding Hao asked her to stand on the wind blade shuttle, and the two stood side by side, walking along the way.

"Sister Shuiyi, how long is it from the core of Fenghai?" Ding Hao couldn't bear it for the entire six months of flying.

"It should be soon." Shui Yitai said, "I once approached the core of Fenghai once, and it should be right in front, but..."

Shui Yitai said that, he was already dizzy and crumbling.

Ding Hao frowned, "Sister Shuiyi, you haven't rested for too long."

Shuiyi Taiyi is a water fairy root, which is closer to water. Recently, there is no water element at all, and she has been flying in the wind for a long time, and the water shortage is serious, so the spiritual power is fading very fast, so when she is about to reach the core of Fenghai, she is a little weak.

Taiyi Shuiyi was held on her shoulders by Ding Hao and said, "My sister is really useless. It's in vain for Taiyi. After flying for half a year, she couldn't support it."

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Sister Shuiyi, this has nothing to do with you, because the armor of your water system is too laborious! The reason I can persist is because I am wearing purple emperor armor, which basically does not consume spiritual power. If I Just like you, I also wore a spiritual shield for half a year, I can't bear it!"

Shui Yitai's face turned red and said, "My sister has been in trouble all year round, how can you have a good armor like you?"

Ding Hao said, "Then you didn't say it earlier, in fact, the two of us can wear a set of purple emperor armor."

Sui Yi Tai's face turned redder suddenly, "We are both in a piece of armor, what does that look like."

Ding Hao smiled at her blushing face, "Two people wear a suit of armor. They don't drill together, but take turns to wear them. Sister Shui Yi, I found your thoughts so complicated."

"Bah." Shui Yitai took a sip, then said, "Then you wait for the flight, I'll stop and take a pill to cultivate."

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "Sister Shuiyi, I have some fruit here, you will be ready as soon as you eat it."

With that said, Ding Hao took out a small red fruit, which was exactly the spiritual fruit obtained from the spiritual field of Hanshan True Immortal, and he had never seen it outside.

"What kind of fruit is this?" As soon as Shui Yitai took it over, he smelled the fragrance and instantly melted away in the mouth, and the fragrance was extremely sweet, and the lost aura was restored with a crazy speed...

(End of this chapter)

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