Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1549: Are all going through (three shifts)

Chapter 1549 is all in the process (three more)

Chapter 1547

Ding Lang couldn't guess the person, so he stopped guessing and continued to practice.

Time passed day by day, and another year passed in a blink of an eye.

During this year, just when his bag of fruit was almost finished, he unexpectedly picked up a bigger bag again!

"Who is it?" Ding Lang turned his curiosity into confidence and impetus.

"I must work hard to practice. With this fruit, I can get twice the result with half the effort. Why should I not work hard?"

Ding Lang didn't know that these fruits were sent to him by Ding Hao twice.

For more than a year, Ding Hao has not been idle either.

They also began to train and practice near the Dingfeng Pillar on No. 550.

Of course, during Ding Hao's cultivation, he and Liu Nu also forged a deeper friendship.

In the storm, a teenager wore only a pair of shorts all over his body, and just sat hanging out of thin air.

He has been sitting for an amazing five hours.

With long-term training in the wind and sea, his body has undergone tremendous changes.

Ding Hao has already caught a glimpse of the sense of transparency that Shuiyi Taiyi mentioned!

If someone comes to give Ding Hao's pulse at this time, he will definitely be dumbfounded.

Because in Ding Hao's current body, there is no trace of spiritual power!

"This is quite dangerous, but it also shows my grasp of transparency!"

A monk, without a trace of spiritual power in his body, and in the core of this terrifying Fenghai, this is simply unimaginable!

But if you have a good sense of transparency, it's all right!

Because all the power and effects in Fenghai had passed through Ding Hao's body invisibly!

No matter how strong your wind is, it passes through Ding Hao's body, so now Ding Hao is sitting in the violent wind, but he can't feel the slightest wind.

As if he was a sieve all over his body, the wind passed directly through, and he sat in the air.

"This kind of feeling, this kind of etherealness, this kind of closeness to nature is something I have never felt before. Yuhua Zhenxian is right. This is really a good place for body training!"

Ding Hao refines his body, but he also wants to enter the fourth level of the combined body.

The combination of four layers, in Yuhua Zhenxian's opinion, is Ding Hao's transformation period!

Ding Hao's body is now condensed, and what is needed is the last step, which is to truly enter the metamorphosis period!

"It's just that I still have to understand this rule."

"This law is quite remarkable. After the past few years, I have used Shuqing to enlighten the sky to solve every Dao pattern in it!"

The biggest function of Shuqing Wutianshu is to use a large number of formulas to decode each Dao pattern, create its model, and unlock its secrets!

Now Ding Hao has untied all the Dao patterns on this Dao law, and knows everything!

Ding Hao didn't know, at the moment, on Tianmen Mountain, the Tianmen had just been repaired, and the grand Tianmen opened!

A spirited old man with a beard of a goat under his jaw fluttering, he looked back at the vast night sky and whispered softly, "Ding Hao disciple, the rule I gave you, the old man used you to give me the clearing and enlightening technique! This is the first time that I have entered the Tianmen and hit the nine levels. I wonder if you have ever felt this rule?"

Ding Hao once showed Shuqing Wutianshu to Yuhua Zhenxian. In these years of free time, Yuhua Zhenxiu used Shuqing Wutianshu to solve this great principle! Just before the Tianmen repair was opened, Zhenxian Yuhua finally realized this rule, which was also quite helpful for him to pass the nine levels.

He was also thinking in his heart, Ding Hao, as his disciple, was the first to discover Shuqing's enlightenment of heaven. When can Ding Hao unlock it?

"Haha, brother Yuhua, Ding Hao is in the fit period after all. Compared with us, he still doesn't know enough about the laws of the Great Dao. I estimate that in another ten years, he will be able to feel it." The law was discovered by Yuhua and Tianfan together, so after Yuhua realized it, he told Tianfan the secret.

Tian Fan Zhenxian felt that Ding Hao would have to understand this principle of the Great Way, I am afraid there are still ten years.

Zhenxian Yuhua smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true, haha, I've gone through nine levels first!"

The true fairy of Tianfan didn't know it, just when the feathered true fairy entered the Tianmen, Ding Hao had already reached the critical moment of enlightenment.


"Dad, that's..."

In the midst of the wind and smoke, Su Ling Xiaobi and the others are also cultivating, and cultivating here is also very helpful to them.

But just today, everyone present felt that Ding Hao's body had waves of power.

This kind of power is very peculiar, like a shock of spiritual power, but it is not the spiritual power released from Ding Hao's body.

"This should be the spiritual power in the air!" Taiyi Shui Yi felt it and said.

"But all the spiritual power in this sea of ​​wind has been sucked, and there is no spiritual power in this air that can ripple." Su Ling looked at her son curiously.

In fact, she still hasn’t figured out what adventure her son got. Not to mention that she entered the third level of integration at a young age. The most important thing is the ability and means of the whole body. compared to!

Liu Nu flew over and said, "This is not a shock of spiritual power. If I am not mistaken, this is the vibration of the law in the air!"

"What, the law of the Great Dao is shaking?" Hai Mei asked again in surprise, "Does Brother Ding Hao want to understand the law again?"

"It's very likely." Liu Nu nodded and looked at Ding Hao in the distance with admiration.

While they were discussing Ding Hao, something even more shocking happened. From around Ding Hao's body, countless Dao lines began to appear looming.

"Look, I'll just say that there are Dao patterns appearing, you must feel the law." Liu Nu was more convinced of his judgment.

Taiyi Shui Yi frowned and said, "What kind of Dao law is this comprehension? When we comprehend Dao law, there is no Dao pattern all over the body!"

Su Ling took a deep breath and said, "This is wearing a Dao pattern! What he feels is probably a great law of the great road, we should stay away!"

There will be no abnormalities in the general law perception, but there are some vital principles of heaven and earth. When people are comprehended, they can drive the power of the great power around the body, and even make one's body covered with Dao lines. There is a record!

The more remarkable the Dao Law, the more difficult it is to realize it.

Ding Hao didn't even notice that he was wearing a Dao pattern. In fact, in his sea of ​​consciousness, it was as if the sea had been boiled at this moment. Almost all had evaporated, and all the sea of ​​consciousness had turned into the light of wisdom! If you put your gaze into every light of wisdom, you can clearly see the road patterns, the formulas, and the models!

It can be said that for those low-end monks, being able to perceive one of the Dao patterns is even a remarkable gain.

What Ding Hao had to do now was to combine these countless Dao patterns to form an earth-shattering Dao law!

For monks in the fit phase, this is simply an impossible task!

"I can, I believe I can do it!"

Ding Hao couldn't hear the squally wind whistling; Ding Hao couldn't see the billowing wind.

He has been fully engrossed and wants to use all his power to solve this great principle.

"This great law is definitely an amazing great law. If I can understand it, I believe that I will be inexhaustible during the entire transformation period, and even in the future!"


Just when Ding Hao sprinted for the final comprehension, under the No. 552 fixed wind pillar, a strong and strong man also sat cross-legged and sprinted with all his strength.

"The true fairy of the Mahayana period!"

"I am now at the peak of the fit period. To enter the Mahayana period, the most important thing is to blur!"

"For a monk, the first thing to do is to turn the emptiness into reality. When he has enough ability, he will turn the reality into emptiness again, this is real Nirvana!"

Ding Lang has cultivated for so many years, and his perception is far beyond ordinary people.

"A monk, from refining qi to building foundations, and then to the Jin Dan Yuan Ying Huading...This journey is a process of turning the emptiness into reality! He will slowly condense his qi sea from nothingness to nothingness, and refinement to possession. Everything!"

"When a monk enters the integration period and completes the true integration, his small world finally merges into a prototype! With the small world, for the monk, this is the peak of realization! The small world is the real thing. !"

"But when you enter the Mahayana period, you will enter a new stage. It will once again turn the real into the virtual, return to the basics and return to the truth, and finally create a virtual world!

"Well, now let me conduct my first impact on the Mahayana Void Realm!"

The most important sign of the true immortal is the virtual realm, the real and the virtual, the virtual and the real, although the virtual realm is said to be virtual, but this kind of nirvana, this is an absolute virtual space! Some people say that after refining the virtual realm, entering the Mahayana is a matter of effort.

But Void Realm is not so easy to practice.

The virtual realm itself is the realm of Dao Laws. To put it more bluntly, it is to use all the Dao Laws you have felt to outline a world! This is the virtual world! The reason why the virtual realm is strong is because the principle of the great road is set by itself!

"Then, start refining!"

From Ding Lang's mouth, he spit out the great principles of his insight.

The export is a chapter. Every time a real strong speaks, all he spit out is priceless.

These great principles of their perception have been tested countless times, and it feels like creating a small universe! If the small world is just like a planet, then the virtual world is outside the planet, the vast Milky Way!

The Void Realm is to use the rules to compile an amazing and terrifying void world. This is the greatest place of the true immortal.

"Sprint with all your strength!"

Ding Lang spit out more and more Dao laws. These are the Dao laws that he has been comprehending for many years. Impacting the Mahayana period and refining the void has a great relationship with the number of laws controlled! The more Dao Laws you control, the more the void world that is compiled will be closer to the outside world, so for you, this world will be more powerful!

"Come on, the laws are condensed!" Ding Lang spit out an astonishing number of laws, all of which he realized, and there are also repetitions, but it doesn't matter! Ding Lang's eyes shot dazzling lights, "Ding family ancestors, I will definitely succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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