Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1552: Father and son meet

Chapter 1552 Father and Son Meet

Chapter 1550 Father and Son Meet

Originally, Ding Lang had quite doubts about this young man, but now that he saw this dragon fish shuttle, he was even more suspicious!

Ding Hao smiled and sneered through the dense thunder and lightning net, "Ding Lang is a real fairy, you have good eyesight, this is really the true fairy-level flying dragon fish shuttle left by Ding Feiyang!"

"Who on earth are you?" Ding Lang shouted violently, and then asked, "Are you descended from Ding Canghai?"

"Ding Lang is really immortal, you are really stupid." Ding Hao coldly snorted, "If I am the younger generation of Ding Wudi, why should I give you the fruit of healing from a hundred injuries?"

Ding Lang was right to think about it, and then asked again, "Then you tell who it is and where did you get the dragon fish shuttle?"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Arowana, I can tell you, this is what I gave to me when the Flying Immortal's Dong Mansion split when I was hunting for treasure in the holy forest!"

"What? You..."

Ding Lang was really stunned this time.

He also went there to hunt for treasure in Shenglin, but the result was nothing.

Although he is a very pure descendant of the Ding family, it is useless. Ding Feiyang's cave has never been opened, and the treasure left to future generations has never been born! And now, it was opened for the young man in front of him. Obviously, this person's aptitude is amazing and he is a first-class genius!

"Then who are you?" Ding Lang's heart was even more questionable.

Although he has not returned for hundreds of years, he still understands the internal situation of the Ding family. He feels that the Ding family does not have such a pinnacle genius!

What is the origin of this genius boy?

Ding Hao still didn't answer him, just smiled faintly, "It's still the same sentence, if you want to know my origin, if you show your true ability, I will tell you if I defeat it!"

"Okay!" Ding Lang moved his true anger, and said to his heart that you are a small four-layer combination that is terrific, bullying me a true fairy, right?

Thinking of this, Ding Lang's face was gloomy, and his hands began to play one by one!

"Longlei Avenue!"

"Yinlei Avenue!"

"Thunderbolt Avenue!"

In Ding Lang's hands, he kept pinching out the laws of the Great Dao, using the laws of the Great Dao to refine the sky thunder!

To say that the strength of the true immortal is different from that of the true immortal, like this method, the true immortal Lai Yi cannot do it.

Facing the powerful old man, Ding Hao showed satisfaction in his eyes, nodded and said, "Yes, refining the sky thunder according to the law of the great road, your method is equivalent to falling into the sky in your virtual realm! But! No matter how strong your calamity is, how can you hurt me? On the contrary, it's you, so be careful!"

Ding Hao was merciless, stepping on the dragon fish shuttle, swinging wildly in the thunder and lightning.

Dragon Fish Shuttle is definitely a super good treasure, suitable for fighting, even if Ding Lang hits one after another, but he can't hit him!

Bang bang bang!

There was a thunderstorm in Ding Hao's ears that was constantly blowing frantically, but his figure did not affect him, using a strange speed and angle to quickly approach Ding Lang.

"Ding Lang is really immortal, you are nothing but that!" Ding Hao slammed in front of Ding Lang in a blink of an eye, stabbing Ding Lang's face with a spear unceremoniously!

But seeing that this shot was about to hit, a strange smile suddenly appeared in Ding Lang's eyes.

"Boy, you are still too young!"

While speaking, Ding Lang shook his arms suddenly and yelled, "Thunder and lightning small world, appear!"

By Ding Hao's side, a small world appeared out of thin air, and Ding Hao was locked in it instantly!

"How is it possible, how can the small world appear out of thin air?" Ding Hao was a little dumbfounded this time.

No matter whose small world it is, it is a physical existence, and it can even feed hundreds of millions of mortals!

But Ding Lang's small thunder and lightning world turned out to be an empty thunder and lightning, appearing out of thin air, and then disappearing out of thin air. This is absolutely unreasonable!

Ding Lang laughed, "Boy, I will let you know that this small thunder and lightning world is not my small world, but the power projection of my small thunder and lightning world!"

When he said this, Ding Hao understood that what he was trapped was not the real small world of Ding Lang, but the power projection of the small world! In fact, in other words, Ding Lang used his own small world to suppress Ding Hao!

"Boy, you are stepping on the dragon fish shuttle, if I want to catch you, it's impossible! So I made a little trick to make you think I can't hit you, and then set up a small world power projection in this piece , When you enter, it is the moment when you are trapped!"

Ding Lang laughed loudly, "Boy, you are good at strength and aptitude, but you are too young!"

After speaking, his face changed, and he raised his finger at Ding Hao in the Thunder and Lightning World, "Quickly, who are you?"

Ding Hao ignored him, and the Immortal Slaughter Spear in his hand madly attacked, trying to break the projection of this small world.

"Boy, are you still struggling to death?" Ding Lang played several magic tricks in a series, and suddenly he saw this small world full of thunder and lightning began to shrink!

This small world shrinks and shrinks, and in the end it looks like a real prison, trapping Ding Hao in it alone.

"Boy, don't you tell me?"

Ding Lang actually didn't have a real killer. He felt that this young man had no malice towards him, so he had no idea of ​​harm at all.

"Beastfire Avenue! Control the Avenue! Blade's Avenue!"

Ding Hao released a few attacks at the level of avenue laws, and there was no way to break the cage.

Ding Lang came to the cage and hugged his arms, smiled and said, "You don't need to fight anymore. With your ability, you will never get out! You should tell your identity! Kid!"

Ding Hao tried a few times, but still couldn't open it, and finally gave up.

He took the Immortal Slaughter Spear in his hand, and also withdrew the Dao Treasure of the Divine Soldier, and then with a thought, the purple emperor armor’s helmet disappeared, revealing his face, and he said lightly, "You don’t know how I look. ?"

"you are……"

When Ding Lang saw Ding Hao's face, he was stunned at first glance, because this face was too much like him, it felt like looking in a mirror, as if he was from many years ago!

The Ding Family Zhengmai looks like Ding Feiyang, but the point is that the purest Ding Family Zhengmai has long been killed, and the only Ding Family Zhengmai that remains is Ding Lang! And the boy in front of him looks exactly the same, there is only one possibility...

Thinking of this, Ding Lang's eyes suddenly shrank into a needle beam, which was full of strong emotions.

But he still couldn't believe it, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Ding Hao!"

"Really..." The expression on Ding Lang's face is really quite complicated.

Shock, ecstasy, guilt, love...

It was too complicated. He had never expected that he would meet again at this sudden time after hundreds of years of longing and waiting!

"You!" Ding Lang was stunned for a while, the corners of his mouth moved and his eyes moved, and suddenly he said, "How do you prove?"

"This sentence came out after a long time." Ding Hao chuckled and snorted coldly, "What good is it to be your son? I'm fine, I have to pretend to be your son, Ding Lang is really immortal, use your mind. No way?"

Ding Lang almost fainted, his own son is not a good stubborn, he kept calling himself Laozi, and didn't know who was father and who was son.

But what made Ding Lang even more surprised was still behind when he saw Ding Hao trapped in the "thunder and lightning cage", lifting his wrist, releasing a silver round bead. Hunyuan beads transformed into a knife, Ding Hao held the knife, and then cut off the "thunder and lightning cage" in front of him!


Ding Hao's small world projection was trapped just now, and it was cut across.

Ding Hao took the Yishen Soldier and walked out, "Do you think you can really trap me?"

Ding Lang now understands, it turns out that every time he sends fruit, it is not someone else but his own son! The one who had a fight with himself just now was also his own son! And it seems that his son seems to be quite unusual, and his own means can't control him!

But Ding Lang would not admit his helplessness, he sneered, "Do you think this is my ultimate method? Ding Hao, I tell you, true immortal is true immortal, it is not you who can provoke Taiyi! Fuck outside, pay attention..." At this point, he taught again: "Also, if you know how to be polite, you are not allowed to call yourself Lao Tzu in front of me in the future. You have no concept of generation."

Ding Hao said, "If you don't say it, don't say it. Seeing your strength is pretty good, let you this time."

Ding Lang laughed, "This is my son of Ding Lang!"

The two chatted casually, and the relationship instantly got closer. Ding Hao laughed and said, "Father, you haven't given me a younger brother or sister or an illegitimate child for so many years?"

Ding Lang cursed, "Go to hell, you kid, kowtow to me."

"Then you can catch me first!"

"You kid, think you have a dragon fish shuttle is great?"

The two of them chased each other one after the other, rushing to the No. 550 fixed wind pillar.

No one thought that the first time the father and son met, it turned out to be a fight. They returned all the way. On the way, Ding Hao talked about his own situation and the situation outside, and Ding Lang was emotional.

Just when their father and son met and got along very happily, near No. 500 Dingfeng Pillar, Fenghai Core.

Several strong men sat cross-legged, their backs turned to the center, forming a circle, and in the center surrounded by them, a middle-aged true fairy sat quietly in the void, on his body, a figure appeared. A powerful protective light curtain, and on the protective light curtain, the face of the invincible true immortal appeared!

The scene in front of him was a scene where a strong man was about to retreat and break through, while others were protecting the law.

One of the protectors is Ding Tianchou, the Patriarch of the Ding Family!

At this moment, Ding Tianchou has also entered the realm of true immortality!

In the past few years in Fenghai, the people of the Ding family who came to hunt down have also improved their cultivation base and realm.

At the moment, it is Ding Jiazhen who is sitting in the center and realizing the breakthrough!

The aptitude of Dangjian Zhenxian is also great, he refines his body all the way to improve his aptitude! When I arrived at the No. 500 Dingfeng Pillar, I actually felt that I was about to break through and enter the second stage of true immortality! So he sat cross-legged on the spot and began to realize the breakthrough!

In order to prevent accidents, to protect him, in addition to the strong true immortals, there are also protective jade cards left by the invincible true immortals! That light curtain is to protect the formation of jade cards!

Ding Tianchou said to himself, "I hope that before the protective jade card power is exhausted, the true immortal Dangjian can enter the second-stage true immortal, then Ding Lang and Ding Hao and his ilk will be dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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