Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1556: Fenghai Chase (200 votes plus more)

Chapter 1556 Fenghai Chase (200 votes plus more)

Chapter 1554

Wanjun is the true fairy, Yulin is the true fairy, now there is another dragon from the true fairy.

In a blink of an eye, three true immortals appeared in front of Ding Hao and the others. It can be said that this time, the strongest group of people from outside the Ding family have all appeared in the storm, chasing and killing Ding Hao and them!

"Well, well, you really don't want to spend your money. In order to chase me Ding Lang, so many people were dispatched!" Ding Lang looked shocked when he saw another person.

Long Zizhen Xianyin smiled and said, "Ding Lang, father and son, this time is mortal! Do you know that not only us, there are more powerful ones behind! Don't be afraid to tell you that the true fairy of Dangjian is behind, he It is possible to enter the second stage of the real immortal at any time! At that time, I really can't see how you can survive?

"What? Ding Baidang is about to become the second-tier true fairy!" Ding Lang's expression was shocked again.

At the time Ding Baidang and he were also people of the same generation. The relationship between Ding Baidang and Ding Lang back then was ordinary, and there was no holiday. However, Ding Baidang is an admirer of Ding Canghai, and the most admired is Invincible True Immortal. Now these years have passed, he has been deeply influenced by Ding Canghai.

Long Zizhenxian proudly said, "Of course it is! If it is not for Dangjian Zhenxian to break through, otherwise, how can you have your free life in the past few years? Well, now is the time to end everything, Ding Lang, you can still see it before you die. Son, you can look down!"

Right now, he waved his big hand, released the treasure, and killed him.

"Asshole, you are looking for death!" Yuhua Zhenxian screamed, "The three of you, if you kill my disciple, I will never forgive you!"

The real immortal Wanjun laughed and said, "Stop scaring people, you are not the feathered old man, we are afraid that you have a sense of consciousness? Really funny! This is a storm, just defeat your sense of consciousness, and then you The remaining trace of power to report back will also be sucked into the depths of the sea of ​​wind! Therefore, the true immortal Yuhua will not know what happened here!"

True Immortal Yuhua would not know what happened here, which made the other three even more unscrupulous!

"The two of us can't beat the three of them!" Ding Hao's face was gloomy.

Even if it is the power of the feathered true fairy to protect yourself, there are three real true fairy in front of you!

What's more terrifying is that there is a True Immortal Dangjian, Er Duan True Immortal who can exit at any time behind!

"You can't fight, run away first!" Ding Hao immediately communicated to the Yuhua Zhenxian in front of him, "Teacher, there are three people here, you can help withstand the move first, my father and I will run away!"

Yuhua Zhenxian said, "My power is attached to your life-saving jade card, you can just drop the life-saving jade card! But you have to be careful, if you lose the life-saving jade card, I can't protect you!"

"Teacher, it's okay, you help me withstand them for a while."

At this moment, Ding Hao had to give up the life-saving jade card.

Although the life-saving jade card can be used three times, if you discard it, you can only use it once!

"Then use the power of the three times, this time to stimulate it!"

"Okay!" The feathered true celestial consciousness immediately divided the power in the jade card into three parts, forming three huge lights and shadows, "The true fairy of Wanjun, the true fairy of Yulin, and the true fairy of dragon, you eat me. trick!"

While speaking, the huge figure of the feathered true celestial being divided into three, attacking the three true celestial beings at the same time.

"Old stuff, we can't beat your deity, so we cut off your spiritual sense, it's fun!" Wan Jun Zhenxian and the others are in their hands, unceremoniously, and they rushed to kill!

"Father, let's go!" Ding Hao dropped the life-saving jade card and followed Ding Lang into the depths of the core of Fenghai.

"It's a pity that it's the token of the predecessor." Ding Lang looked back sadly and rushed to the depths of the core of Fenghai.

The two hurried to 551 fixed wind pillar.

Ding Lang said, "I don't know how your mother and them are, Chi Yan Zhenxian is actually the strongest among them! There is also No. 551 Dingfeng Pillar, which is Taiyi's ghost gate, so I really worry about them. "

Ding Hao said with a smile, "Father, Taiyi's ghost door is well closed, but Brother Liu Nu has the means to protect their safety."

"That's good." Ding Lang and Liu Nu have known each other for many years, but they don't quite know the origin of Liu Nu.

Soon after, they came to Pillar 551.


Here, they didn't see Liu Nu and the others, obviously, they had entered a deeper area.

"Keep looking forward."

Ding Hao and Ding Lang continued to fly forward, reaching the fixed wind pillar No. 552, Ding Hao's eyes moved, and he pointed forward suddenly, "Over there!"

It turned out that there was a corpse in the wind and sea, following the mighty wind and sea, spinning fast!

"This is outside the Ding family, Chi Yan's subordinate!" Ding Lang recognized this person as Taiyi of the Ding family at a glance.

They flew over, grabbed the corpse, and found that there were no wounds on the corpse, but their spiritual power was exhausted and died.

"It's Taiyi's ghost gate, drained of spiritual power! It should not be killed by someone, but died in the sea of ​​wind!"

Seeing the tragic death of this person, Ding Lang was still very worried, "Hao'er, which column of wind is Liu Nu going to take them to? This sea of ​​wind is too dangerous, even if no one is chasing after him. , Your mother can't support their cultivation base!"

"Father, don't worry, there are Liu Nu's methods, and the large amount of healing fruits I put in my mother's place, even if they go deeper, it doesn't matter!" Ding Hao is quite confident in Liu Nu, Liu Nu's ability It's just not developed, otherwise controlling this entire storm will not be bragging.


Ding Lang was still uneasy. After all, Liu Nu seemed to only have a late fit. Let him take care of so many people by himself, but also to avoid the chase of True Immortal Chi Yan. This is really an impossible task!

The two continued to fly forward, and along the way, they saw a few more corpses.

Ding Hao saw one of them. There were many holes in the body and the blood was drained. "This is Xiaobi's method. Here they have a fierce battle!"

Seeing this corpse, Ding Hao was also a little worried, and the two continued to go deeper.

Unknowingly, they had reached the Dingfeng Pillar No. 580, where they saw the last body of Taiyi.

"The ten subordinates of True Immortal Chi Yan in the fit period have all died. Fortunately, we did not see our own bodies!" Although Ding Lang said this, he was even more worried.

It is impossible for Su Ling Shuiyi and the others to enter the Pillar No. 551, but now they are at Pillar No. 580!

The wind here is simply crazy, and the draining effect is even more terrifying. Once Tai came here, it was no different from looking for death.

Even Ding Lang himself could not bear it.

"Hao'er, where will Liu Nu take them? It's a little too much for my father!" Ding Lang took out a healed fruit from his wounds and threw it into his mouth.

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Father, you can't eat it anymore, can the true immortal Chi Yan still eat it? I suspect that the true immortal Chi Yan is probably not far in front! Every further column of the fixed wind pillar You have to check the pit, maybe, we still have unexpected gains!"

Ding Hao asked Liu Nu to introduce these people into the sea of ​​wind. It was this advantage that dragged these people to death.

"Then let's hurry up." Ding Lang took a bite of the fruit healed from his wounds and immediately recovered his energy, and the two continued to move forward.

No. 581 fixed wind pillar, not found.

No. 582, still not found.

Ding Hao was surprised, "True Immortal Chi Yan has some abilities!"

Ding Lang said, "No, I can't move forward at all, I can't take a breath! Chi Yan is a little older than me, and was the best among us back then!"

After all, Ding Lang has just entered the real immortal, even if there is a fruit that is against the sky, he has reached the limit of strength!

He had just eaten a fruit, and the spiritual power in his body was crazily extracted, just like a water pump.

Only in the pit of the pillars can I take a breath.

"Father, wait for me here, I'll go ahead and take a look." Ding Hao settled Ding Lang in the pillar pit of No. 582 fixed wind pillar.

"Hao'er, how awesome is your armor?" Ding Lang looked at his son in surprise.

Because he found that Ding Hao has not eaten a single fruit healed from injury until now!

Ding Hao is a fourth-tier monk in the Integral Stage, and he can't bear a true immortal, but Ding Hao has nothing to do.

Ding Lang finally felt that his son was really extraordinary!

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Father, how awesome the Purple Emperor Armor is, I will only tell you one thing! When the Nine Heavens fell, all the **** above died! But the owner of this armor is Survive with this armor! Why do you fear the draining effect here with such a high defense power?"

"So amazing!" Ding Lang looked at his son's armor in surprise, and realized that it was precious.

But he said again, "But you can't be careless, the power of Fenghai's core can even exceed the greatest power of the mortal world!"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "Father, don't worry, even if it is the power of the immortal world, I can still survive."

After speaking, Ding Hao plunged into the depths of the core of Fenghai.

At this moment, in the pit of No. 583 Dingfeng Pillar.


A true immortal was exhaling in big mouths, and at the same time, a lot of various elixirs were stuffed into his mouth.

"Fortunately, there are a lot of pills this time. I really didn't expect this Liu Nu to have such a method!" The real fairy Chi Yan felt puzzled when he thought of this!

No. 583 fixed wind pillar, this is simply a terrible number, he can't bear a real fairy.

All of his subordinates in the Conjugation Phase Taiyi had already died, except for one being killed by Xiaobi, the other nine were all killed by the wind and sea here!

But Su Ling Shuiyi and the others are not dead, they are alive!

The reason is that Liu Nu turned into a black wind to protect them. In the black wind, they seem to be not affected by the draining effect at all.

"Damn it, there must be something weird about this Liu Nu. If I have a chance, I must capture this Liu Nu alive to see what his secrets are!" Thinking of this, the real fairy Chi Yan hated.

He didn't notice that a small stone had approached him silently...

Today's three watch, sent together, I hope everyone is satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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