Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1558: Cyan power

Chapter 1558 Cyan Power

Chapter 1556 Cyan Power

Ding Hao has never used the Star Absorbing Stone for fear of leaking his secrets.

The star-attracting stone is his biggest secret. He can get to this point without the star-attracting stone!

So even his parents, he didn't want to tell the truth.

What's more, there are people like Taiyi Shui Yi.

However, at this moment, if Ding Hao does not use the star-absorbing stone, Su Ling, Shui Yi and others will find it difficult to survive. Ding Hao is not the kind of person who will not save him. Even if it involves his own secrets, at the moment of righteousness, he Also take out your own star-absorbing stone.

"Hao'er, if this elder knew it, wouldn't it be against you? If so, don't take it out, we're okay." Su Ling's heart is more concerned about the life of her son, and she waved her hand to refuse.

Ding Hao was embarrassed when she said this.

He smiled and said, "Mother, as long as you keep me secret, this matter will be fine!"

"Then we must keep it secret." Su Ling nodded quickly.

Taiyi Shuiyi also said, "This senior must not be an ordinary person, nor is it an ordinary treasure for you, and it will cause you trouble if it spreads out, I understand all of this."

Now that they all said that, Ding Hao stopped hesitating and took out the star-absorbing stone.

Then he said, "Don't resist, let me put you in."

Immediately, Ding Hao put Su Ling Shuiyi Haimei and Xiaobi all into the star-absorbing stone.

"It turns out that this place turned out to be a self-contained space." Su Ling watched the space left and right, and then laughed, "This is a space treasure. Although it is more precious, it is not great! Hao'er is a bit exaggerated!"

Ding Haoxin said, I am the Demon Lord's relic, not an ordinary space treasure!

Of course, Ding Hao will not explain this matter. Su Ling and the others regard the star-absorbing stone as ordinary space treasures. This is a good thing and will not attract the attention of others.

Putting Su Ling and others away, Ding Hao and Liu Nu both relaxed.

Liu Nu said, "You are a good star-absorbing stone, and I don't know if the Wind Element Demon Venerable Relic to which I belong is also so magical."

"Of course." Ding Hao smiled. "Each demon relic is unique and extremely precious."

Liu Nu said, "Then let's get it back."

"I have to pick up my dad."

Ding Hao regretted it. He knew he was going to take out the star-absorbing stone. It might as well take it out earlier and put Ding Lang in it.

"Go, go back now."

When Ding Hao and the others rushed back to Dingfeng Pillar No. 582, Ding Hao was taken aback, because they happened to see Wan Jun Zhenxian and other three true immortals from the opposite side, and they rushed over!

Ding Hao was shocked, if he came late, his father would be in danger.

Thinking of this, he secretly decided in his heart that even if he wanted to expose some of his own methods in the future, he would not let his relatives stay in danger.

"Ding Hao boy, stop for me!" Wan Jun Zhenxian and the others also found Ding Hao and others at the same time.

"Father, come in quickly, don't resist!"

Ding Hao used the star-absorbing stone to bring his father Ding Lang into the star-absorbing stone, so that his family would be safe.

"Liu Nu, let's go!"

Right now, Ding Hao and Liu Nu rushed into a vast sea of ​​wind.

Seeing them disappear, Wan Jun Zhenxian and others are chasing after them.

When they caught up with Pillar No. 583, the three of them couldn't help it!

"I said don't chase it!" Yulin Zhenxian said with a cold face, "Come here, it is not good for us! We have not yet fight, we have already had difficulty breathing, spiritual power is like water, if it is Ding Hao. They attacked us with disastrous consequences!"

Wan Jun Zhenxian said strangely, "Accordingly, Chi Yan Zhenxian is in front of us, why haven't we seen him."

"I guess True Immortal Chi Yan has encountered an accident." True Immortal Long Zi muttered, "You see that boy Ding Hao looks unscrupulous, I think True Immortal Chi Yan may have really encountered an accident!"

"What? How could it be?" The other two true immortals were pale.

True Immortal Chi Yan is the strongest among them. If True Immortal Chi Yan is killed by Ding Hao, then the three of them will eventually become cannon fodder.

"You two, don't believe it, I think it's very possible." Long Zizhenxian analyzed, "First of all, this environment is very unfavorable for us, but you see Ding Hao and Liu Nu both act freely! If True Immortal Chi Yan is attacked by a kid like Ding Hao while his spiritual power is empty, he will easily be killed!"

At this moment, in the high-speed rotating wind sea, a few fragments flew.

Although Ding Hao killed Chi Yan Zhenxian near Pillar No. 584, because the explosion of the small world was too violent, some fragments of the small world revolved with the strong wind, and some flew to Pillar No. 583.

Real Immortal Wan Jun grabbed a fragment and swept it away with mental power, his face suddenly shocked, "Oh my God, it is really full of flame power, is the fragment of this small world left by True Immortal Scarlet Flame?"

Among the three, he was the most radical.

But now that the danger was discovered, it was him who retreated the fastest.

"Two, let's not chase after him. Ding Hao and the others will come out sooner or later anyway. We will keep guard outside, waiting for Zhenxian Dangjian to leave!

True Immortal Yulin and True Immortal Long Zi agreed in the same way, nodded and said, "Then let's step back and wait for True Immortal Dangjian to arrive."

Immediately, the three people turned and flew back.

Looking at their backs, from the void in the distance, a black wind hovered, and Ding Hao walked out of the black wind, and then the black wind turned into Liu Nu's figure.

"Unexpectedly, they are shrewd."

Originally, Ding Hao's idea was to wait for them to move forward a little bit, so that when their spiritual power was not able to pick up, they would shoot directly and kill the three!

But what I didn't expect was that the three of them were cunning, and when they arrived here, they didn't move forward but fled instead!

But looking at their escaped figure, Liu Nu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is the real fairy Yulin staggering?"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Ding Hao's eyes suddenly shot cold murderous intent!

When True Immortal Yulin faced him, he used the ferocity of weapons in the virtual realm to suppress Ding Hao. Later, Ding Hao released the life-saving jade talisman of the feathered true fairy, and the power of the feathered true fairy crushed all the weapons. In this way, the true fairy Yulin suffered serious internal injuries!

"This guy is looking for death. He was so seriously injured that he came to chase me down?" Ding Hao's eyes flashed murderously, "Chasing!"

The reason why the True Immortal Yulin dared to chase Ding Hao was because there were also the True Immortal Wanjun and the True Immortal Long Zizhen.

However, it was discovered that True Immortal Chi Yan had died in Ding Hao's hands. Both Wanjun True Immortal and Long Zizhen Immortal were frightened. They discovered that Ding Hao and Liu Nu were quickly catching up with them, and both of them ran away!

"Wait for me, wait for me!" Yulin Zhenxian looked terrified.

However, he was injured in the first place, and the spiritual power extraction speed in Fenghai was too fast, and he was flying slowly and slowly!

Zhenxian Yulin thought of a joke he had heard, saying that three hunters met a bear in the forest. The three ran away quickly, one of them was humane, no matter how fast you run, there is no such thing as a bear! The other two said, let's not run past bears, we only need to run past you!

At this moment, Yulin Zhenxian is the slowest hunter.

"Save me! The three of us work together, Ding Hao may not be able to beat us!"

Although the truth is like this, the Ten Thousand Army Immortals were so frightened that they did not dare to fight, but accelerated their escape!

Zhenxian Yulin breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that he could not escape, so he simply stood still and said, "Ding Hao, even if I am injured, it is not that easy for you to kill me!"

After speaking, True Immortal Yulin directly released his own virtual realm, and then released his own small world, yelling violently, "Small world suppressed!"

He wants to suppress Ding Hao with all his strength!

However, Ding Hao didn't want to waste any effort on him, and immediately let his father Ding Lang release.

Ding Lang laughed loudly, "Ding Yulin, it was originally yours who bullied us, but now it's our turn to bully you!"

Now it is Ding Hao, Liu Nu and Ding Lang, the three besiege Ding Yulin!

Ding Yulin's face was blue and gloomy, "Come on then!"

"You are dead!" Ding Lang's heart moved, and he released his virtual realm and small world, yelling, "Suppress!"

The two true immortals suppressed each other, and their spiritual power was lost in the air. Ding Hao was not idle during their stalemate phase. He threw at the true immortal Yulin and sneered, "You will be another food for me!"

At this moment, True Immortal Yulin knew that he was going to die. He gritted his teeth and exhausted all his strength, said with blood in his mouth, "Ding Hao little beast, if you want me to die, then I will die with you!"

It turns out that the true fairy Yulin has a heart of death, ready to explode!

The real fairy blew himself up, the real fairy Yulin wanted to find a pad to death, and wanted to blow up Ding Lang and Ding Hao! Even if it doesn’t blow up, it can cause serious injuries, that’s good!

But Ding Hao was not without precautions for this kind of self-destruction.

"What's so scary about self-destruction, I just need to put my dad into the star-absorbing stone."

Ding Hao can install Ding Lang into the star-absorbing stone, and Liu Nu can fly fast and can avoid the blow.

"It's just a pity that if this guy blew himself up, then my food would be gone..."

In the pity of Ding Hao, something unexpected happened. Suddenly, above the head of Zhenxian Yulin, the violent airflow in the core of Fenghai began to turmoil, and over the turbulent airflow, a majestic cyan appeared. Power, this power is very powerful and terrifying. When this power appeared, the surrounding wind and sea stopped rotating, and Yulin Zhenxian, who was about to explode, was also suppressed at the same time, and the suppressed ground could not move!

"This blue power!" Ding Hao was shocked again. The last time he dealt with the real fairy Lai Yi, this blue power appeared, and now it appears again!

Obviously, this power was specifically designed to protect Liu Nu. As long as his life was threatened, this power would appear out of thin air!

Knowing this, Ding Hao suddenly rushed forward, "Suck Star Magic Technique, suck!"

(End of this chapter)

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