Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1567: Wind and sea change

Chapter 1567 Wind and Sea Changes

Chapter 1565

"How should I choose?" Liu Nu was dumbfounded.

Before his memory was restored, he felt that life was easy.

But now he finally found his memory, but he didn't know how to choose.

Is it to return to the six slaves and become others' slaves; or to continue to be Liu slaves and strive to one day become the master of Tianfengshi?

This is a dilemma...

But at this moment, in Liu Nu's mind, Haimei's face drifted past.

"Our Sea-Monster clan lives happily in this sea area! But since the sea of ​​wind and sea, our lives have been disrupted! Our sea will never be peaceful, and our people will be swept into the sky. Brothers and sisters were all broken into pieces by the wind!"

"Now our brothers and sisters of the Sea-Monster tribe can only live on the bottom of the sea, for fear that they will be swept away by the storm if they are not careful."

"Our Sea-Monster Clan is a very weak race. We could have lived freely in the sea... My God, if the wind and sea here could disappear, it would be fine!"

Thinking of this, Liu Nu's head hurt again!

"No!" Liu Nu now knew why he thought of this and his head burst.

Because the deepest part of his will, he didn't want him to think about it, which means that there was a power in his heart that resisted this choice, so he was very reluctant to think about it, and very reluctant to make the final decision!

When he was seriously injured, Haimei rescued him, and he had lived in the Sea Monster Clan.

He knew the life of the Sea-Monster Clan clearly. These races that were originally free in the blue sea now only dared to crawl at the bottom of the sea. They are afraid of being swept away by the hurricane, afraid of being killed by the storm, and hiding in the darkest silt, so Haimei's body is quite weak.

"Am I going to end this?"

"No, I want to take control of my destiny!"

"But even if you really cultivate to the true immortal level, can you let Tianfengshi recognize the master?"

"But I want to try it!"

In Liu Nu's heart, there seemed to be two villains, one black and one white, fighting endlessly, both of them seemed reasonable, so Liu Nu couldn't answer at all!

"How to choose?"

Liu Nu stood in front of Liu Nu, stunned, staying still for a long time, unable to make a final decision.

But at this moment, suddenly not far from behind, there was a screaming and terrifying roar!

The howling is heroic, penetrating the storm, with new strength and joy, as if there is an infinite power!

"Hahaha, immortal wind body, I succeeded!"


Ding Hao shouted loudly. He was naked, standing in the sea of ​​wind and wind like a star ring, and roaring up to the sky!

The No. 998 fixed wind pillar, the closest place to the core of Fenghai, where Ding Hao made an immortal wind body, no one has come before!

This is definitely a legend, where even the three real celestial beings can't reach, and the area that the spirit emperor can't reach, Ding Hao is here, without any defensive power, just standing in the wind!

Despite the violent wind and sea, even the hard rock will be blown to pieces here, but Ding Hao's body will not!

This kind of flesh has reached the point where the flesh becomes holy!

Absolute physical sanctification!

"Only when you reach this level and fit in with other clones, will you not be affected by other physical bodies!"

His other physical bodies are all quite powerful. Ding Qi’s fairy mutated body, Xuangui’s fairy beast body, and Ding Wanling’s all-spirit clone, which is not a rare physical body in the world. And now the physical body of Ding Hao's deity is not inferior! Indestructible wind body, physical body becoming holy, this is the pinnacle that body refiners yearn to reach, and Ding Hao's skill cultivation can also reach this step, I have to say this is a miracle!

"He succeeded!"

"Brother Ding Hao succeeded!"

Liu Nu heard Ding Hao's howling outside, and he finally thought of another question.

"If I choose the second path, I will become the enemy of Brother Ding Hao. Am I really ready to be his enemy?"

Liu Nu and Ding Hao have been getting along with each other for more than ten years now, and they both know each other very well.

Although Liu Nu called Ding Hao his brother, in his heart, he respected Ding Hao very much!

The strong are always worthy of respect!

In terms of cultivation base and strength, Ding Hao has many people who are stronger than him.

But what makes Ding Hao admire is that he has a strong heart!

Ding Hao's heart of a strong man is unmatched by those other strong men. As long as this heart exists, man will conquer the sky, nothing is impossible!

When Liu Nu doubted himself countless times, Ding Hao encouraged him; when Liu Nu wanted to give up again and again, Ding Hao gave him strength!

And now, he actually wants to be an enemy of Ding Hao?

Thinking of this, Liu Nu felt guilty.

It was not because he and Ding Hao had a good relationship, so he gave up. He and Haimei are in such a good relationship, when he encounters a decision about fate, he must also consider it.

He is more important now, he is still guilty!

"If you are an enemy of someone like Ding Hao who has the heart of a strong man, will my end really be better?"

Liu Nu hesitated again in his heart. He knew Ding Hao's methods, Ding Hao's abilities, and even Ding Hao's perseverance!

If someone really knows Ding Hao, he will definitely not be an enemy with Ding Hao.

Liu Nu is such a person.

"If I become the master of Tianfeng Stone, I will become Ding Hao's enemy. In this competition, will I win?"

Thinking of this, Liu Nu let out a breath and almost collapsed to the ground.

That scene suddenly occurred to him...

In the silver armor of the Yishen Soldier, there was a slit in the abdomen like hair, and from this gap, Ding Hao's broken heart and liver and five internal organs rushed out; and there was a gap in the helmet of the Yishen. The scene where Ding Hao's eyeballs were shattered, and his brain pulp was pouring out...

Thinking of this, Liu Nu was in a cold sweat.

"Am I really going to fight against this kind of person?"

"Be his enemy or his servant?"

Liu Nu thought again that he and Ding Hao moved forward in the wind.

Ding Hao smiled and said, "Liu Nu, if you really become a six slave, then I will definitely take you to the fairy world in the future! At that time, we will go to the fairy world together, and then there will be treasures and fairies together! I am a person. I don’t like to be someone else’s slave the least, and I don’t like enslaving others, do you know Jiu Nu? He is already qualified to control his own destiny..."

The scene changed again.

In the wind and sea, there is a light of spiritual power, soaring into the sky.

Sitting cross-legged, Ding Hao stood up abruptly and yelled violently, "I can't help but the heavens will destroy me and I will destroy the heavens! Haha, I finally realized the way of destiny! From today, destiny is in my hands. !"

The scene in front of me flashed past like a small movie.

Over the past ten years, what Ding Hao has done has been deeply imprinted in Liu Nu's heart.

For Liu Nu, he was really convinced by Ding Hao!

Two words, admire!

Against Ding Hao, he has no courage!

"Ding Hao understands the great laws of fate, he controls destiny! Perhaps, he controls not only his own destiny, but also mine!"

"I also want to control my own destiny, but I don't have that ability!"

"I can trust him to become his servant or his enemy... I think my choice is..."


At this moment, in the stormy sea, the gusty wind is still there, and the sea is swept into the sky by the gusty wind.

In the eyes of the storm, the monks had a difficult life.

In the deepest part of the seabed, those sea tribes crawled in the mud on the seabed, for fear of being swept into the sky.

But at this moment, those circling hurricanes suddenly confused the direction!

Bang bang bang!

The hurricane that had a certain rhythm and regularity, now seems to be a giant dragon colliding together!


In the sky, the wind was chaotic.

"What's wrong?" In the eyes of the storm, many monks walked out of the cave, and the scene in front of them shocked them.

The storm that has existed for a long time and has been there for millions of years is actually colliding with each other inside, and is constantly collapsing!

"My God, is this the end of the world?"

In the eyes of the originally quiet storm, there was a crazy hurricane!

"Hurry and hide into the cave mansion!"

Chaos outside!

People hid in the cave and panicked, and when the outside calmed down, they opened the cave carefully and walked out of the cave...

"My God, where's the wind?"

Everyone stayed, all the storms, the hurricanes, and the huge waves were gone.

Instead, there was a peaceful sea. The sky was deep and quiet. The sea also seemed to be asleep. The sea was calm and the sea was like black silk, gently rippling.

"The storm has disappeared!"

"Those **** winds are all gone!" The most excited people are those sea races in the deepest part of the sea.

They lived under the storm all the year round, very miserable, and almost all of them were exterminated. I don't know how many people were torn apart by the wind.

And now, they can also quietly stick their heads out of the quiet sea, climb onto the quiet reef, and play the strings.


Near the No. 200 fixed wind pillar, Xiaozu and others are waiting.

They didn't know that all the true immortals and Taiyi in the combined stage had been killed.

Ding Tianchou is coming, his goal is this group of cultivators, especially the young ancestors, Ding Tianchou wants to kill all these people!

"Xiaozu, you and Ding Hao colluded with each other, today is your time to die!"

Ding Tianchou's eyes were sharp.

But at this moment, bang bang, an astonishing loud noise came out.

Ding Tianqiu looked back at the nearby Dingfeng Pillar. In his horrified eyes, each of the Dingfeng Pillars began to collapse!

With the collapse of the fixed wind pillars, the high-speed circling wind here began to chaos and began to change direction!

The function of the fixed wind column is to fix the wind, keep the wind nearby and never leave.

But when the Dingfeng Pillar collapsed, the core of Fenghai also began to collapse. The wind here began to chaotic, dispersing in all directions, and then blowing further and further, until the unimaginable distance, and finally dissipated in the air out of thin air.

When all this began to rout, the dazed wind and sea walking corpses finally stopped, and their bodies shattered into fly ash.

The entire Feng Hai is undergoing tremendous changes.

(End of this chapter)

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