Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1572: Meet in gambling arena

Chapter 1572 Meet in a gambling arena

Chapter 1570

"It's over, my spirit worm!"

Fat insects are quite concerned about their own spirit insects. You must know that these spirit insects are born from eating large amounts of the mutated powerhouses of the fairy spirit race.

Each one is quite precious, and now it is burned by these true immortals. Although not half that exaggerated, there are still tens of thousands.

"Ahhhhh! I'm going crazy!" The fat insect was furious, "Well, you are really pushing me, then I'll be rude to you."

Among the fat worms, the latest generation of mutant worms has been bred, and like battleships, the stealth-class worms.

"There are not many invisibility-level spirit worms, but they are infinitely powerful. Since you true immortals are too much, don't blame me!"

Kou Xiong Zhenxian and the others are burning happily.

Suddenly a real immortal's face hurt, and he wiped it with his hand, and a blood stain appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Oh my god, I was bitten through my body by a spirit worm!"

You know, the few people present are all true immortals.

A spirit worm crawled to his face quietly, bit his face without being noticed, this is already quite a terrifying thing.

"I was bitten too, looking for death!" Several true immortals shouted almost simultaneously.

"Damn it, it's a small black bug. After biting me, it disappeared." Several real immortals were talking, and another real immortal roared again, "My neck was also bitten!"

While talking, five true immortals were recruited, and only true immortal Kou Xiong was a demon cultivator, and he was the kind of body-refining demon cultivator, so this kind of insect could not bite his body at all.

"A human being with fine skin and tender flesh." Kou Xiong said, "Everyone, this spirit worm is extraordinary, release your armor or spiritual shield for protection."

"Okay." After the five true immortals were bitten, their faces bleed continuously, and after taking the pill, they couldn't stop the bleeding.

"Damn it, what kind of bug is this, it is so powerful?" The five real immortals were all annoyed, and one of them said angrily. "I don't know who is in this battleship. He released such a bad bug and bit him. We, let's not be polite to him!"

The five true immortals were angered, which is a good thing for true immortal Kou Xiong. He immediately said, "Everyone, there is the entrance of this weird battleship, and we will bombard them at the same time!"

"Okay, let's take action with you, blast this battleship away, and see who is inside."

Six true immortals attacked the body of the Worm’s Nest battleship at the same time.

Boom boom boom!

The hundreds of meters long Worm’s Nest battleship was constantly shaking during the powerful attacks. Fortunately, Kou Xiong Zhenxian didn't want to destroy the Worm Nest battleship, so all the attacks were focused on the door.

Bang bang bang, under the fierce attack, the door of the battleship was overwhelming.

"It's over, Master, I can't take it anymore!"

Fat insect was anxious, if Ding Hao did not leave the barrier, he would be attacked by these people into the battleship!

But at this moment, from the depths of the battleship, an aperture of spiritual power opened, and Ding Hao Xiu's base entered the seventh level of the Consolidation Phase.

Then, from the battleship, a soaring spiritual force flew to the highest point of the sky.

Distracted, at the same time feeling.

"This is... Someone understands the law of the Great Way?"

Kou Xiong Zhenxian and the others who were blasting through the gate of the battleship were all taken aback, unexpectedly such a scene would happen.

"Master, you finally realized it." The fat bug breathed a sigh of relief when Ding Hao realized the road.

"What's the matter?" Ding Hao frowned.

The fat insect said before and after, Ding Hao immediately understood that Kou Xiong Zhenxian and others came up to say hello is false, and the idea of ​​wanting to fight their own warship is true.

"Damn, your uncle's, do you have to think about things about Laozi?"

Ding Hao's face became cold, and suddenly stood up and walked out of the quiet room.

Soon after, the door of the battleship opened suddenly, and a young figure came out from behind the door.

"It turned out to be Ding Hao!" All of the six true immortals present were taken aback. They didn't expect that the one who came out was the disciple of Yuhua True Immortal, Ding Hao!

"It turned out to be this guy's battleship, **** it!" Kou Xiong Zhenxian's face was gloomy. He is a member of Ningzhenxianhui. Ningzhenxianhui and Ding Hao have fallen into trouble several times, and he also knows Ding Hao's difficulty.

Since it was Ding Hao's battleship, it was impossible for him to seize the ship.

"Ding Hao Taiyi, I am waiting to see your flying palace, and want to enter and visit, why did you release worms to bite people?" Kou Xiong true immortal villain first complained.

Ding Hao sneered, "This demon cultivator, you are good at hitting a rake! My flying palace is flying in the sky, why are you blocking? The master is in retreat, and you want to rush in and visit? I think you are. Want to kill people for treasure, do you want to be shameless?"

The other true immortals all had embarrassed faces, and one of them came out and said, "Ding Hao, your spirit worm bit my face and the bleeding is endless! It's fine, since it's a misunderstanding, then forget it. "

Several real immortals found out that it was Ding Hao, and there was nothing to say, so they wanted to leave.

After all, Ding Hao is a disciple of Yuhua Zhenxian, and now in the mad alliance, they are in full swing, and they don't want to offend Ding Hao.

But when they were about to leave, Ding Hao coldly snorted, "Then you go, but I tell you, those who bit you are called Hundred Seed Worms! They bite you, and they will give birth to a hundred insect seeds! These insect seeds It's very small, it's hard to notice, when they grow up, they will have spread into your body!"

"What?" The few true immortals who were bitten all looked terrified.

Ding Hao said again, "You are all true immortal powerhouses. Of course, you won't be very worried about these spirit insects. But these insect seeds are very peculiar. Some of them will hatch quickly, and some will lurking in your body for hundreds of times. Years! I think that if a few worms and worms suddenly appear in your body at the critical moment of your breakthrough or against the enemy, this feeling will be very good."

"My God!" Several true immortals paled with fright. Some true immortals swept through their bodies with great gods, and they actually found some insect seeds. "Oh my god, I found more than 50, no There are more than 70 insect seeds! There are 95 now, and 5 more are not found at all!"

Some real immortals looked even more ugly, "It's over, I was bitten three times, that is, three hundred insect seeds are on my body. When will I find this?"

"Little friend Ding Hao, since you planted the insect seeds, did you do anything to help us take it out?" All the five true immortals were dumbfounded. They searched in their bodies for a long time, but they didn't find them in the whole body. Insect seeds.

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "You burned my more than 80,000 spirit worms! Now you still want me to help you take out the worm seeds and dream!"

The five true immortals are about to cry, if these insect seeds lurking in their bodies for a long time, it would be too disgusting! And as Ding Hao said, if a few bugs hatch out of the body at the critical moment of confronting the enemy, and they twist back and forth, the battle will definitely be affected.

"Ding Hao, please help us take out the insect seeds."

"Yes, yes, we can compensate you for the loss of the spirit worm."

These five people are all true immortals, and all have some capital.

Ding Hao said, "My spirit worms are very precious. They all grew up eating the corpses of the mutated powerhouses of the fairy spirit race. Can you afford to pay?"

"We also have a few words about the corpses of the mutant powerhouses of the Immortal Spirit Race." These true immortals also have some inventory in their hands.

Ding Hao stared, "Excuse me for speaking out. All the people here are rubbish. The corpses of the mutant fairy clan in your hands are all of the prince class! What I want is the corpse of the king class. Do you have any?"

"This..." The faces of several true immortals were embarrassed, and the corpses of the fairy clan in their hands were all prince-level.

Several real immortals looked at each other a few times, and finally all their eyes fell on Kou Xiong Zhenxian, "Kou Xiong Zhenxian, you can't ignore this matter, we are all here for you! You also said that the responsibility of offending people lies with you. You must be responsible for solving it!"

"Yes, really immortal Kou Xiong, we are all in trouble because of you, you must say something!"

Really immortal Kou Xiong didn't steal the chicken, but he made a show, his face turned blue and said, "Ding Hao, what do you want?"

Ding Hao said, "Compensate my spirit worm at the price!"

"How much is your spirit worm?"

"One 10,000 combat exploits!"

"I rub!" Kou Xiong Zhenxian almost fainted. Ten thousand combat exploits are not much, but Ding Hao died of more than 80,000 spirit insects. According to this calculation, it is more than 800 million combat exploits! He wanted to give Ding Hao more than 800 million military exploits for no reason! This is terrible!

Seeing Kou Xiong Zhenxian's face, Ding Hao sneered, "If you don't give it, let's see you in the wild!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

As a result, the other five true immortals were anxious and shouted, "Ding Hao Taiyi, you can help us take out the insect seeds! Kou Xiong is true immortal, you can pay compensation at the price! If this matter is caused by the crazy alliance, you still Lose money!"

Zhenxian Kou Xiong's face turned blue. He wanted to grab the Worm Nest battleship, but he didn't even touch the side of the battleship, but he wanted to give Ding Hao more than 800 million combat exploits. This time he was so vomiting blood!

"Friend Ding Hao, everyone makes a friend, 200 million military exploits, this matter is over!" Kou Xiong Zhenxian finally relieved.

Ding Hao sneered, "My spirit worms, each of them is extremely precious! You burned 80,000 to death, 800 million is the last price! Or you will pay me the same 80,000 spirit worms! "

The other true immortals were worried about the insect seeds on their bodies, and they persuaded, "800 million is 800 million. You were planning to give us 200 million each. Now, give Ding Haotai one."

Really immortal Kou Xiong felt that he was about to vomit blood, and he said that I would give you 200 million for each of you after getting the Worm Nest battleship. Now I have not got anything and let me take out 800 million. Isn't that terrible?

But now, there is no way, Kou Xiong said, "Well, 800 million is 800 million! However, the mad alliance prohibits the transfer of military exploits between elders. If you want to take this 800 million, you must enter the gambling arena with me! At that time we pretended to have two tricks, I lost 800 million to you, what do you think?"

Kou Xiong looked at Ding Hao gloomily and said in his heart that you dare? I'm a real fairy. If I do my best by that time, I am afraid that not only will you not get 800 million yuan, but you will lose your life!

(End of this chapter)

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