Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1575: Daughters are so old

Chapter 1575 Daughters are so big

Chapter 1573

"Nonsense, if Ding Feiyang left this Stone of Wind, why did Ding Canghai and others never say it?" Under Zhenxie Zhenxian, someone suddenly jumped out.

Ding Hao said, "In fact, let alone Ding Canghai, the other Ding family members don't know about this!"

"Then how did you know?"

Ding Hao smiled, "Do you forget my treasure hunt in the holy forest and the treasures that the flying fairy left me? When he left me the treasures, he also taught me how to take the treasures! Otherwise, I'm the one who is in a fit period. What got this treasure?"


Ding Hao's nonsense really fooled many people.

"If it is really the treasure left by the true fairy Feiyang for Ding Hao to pick it up, this matter would make sense..."

"I think he is talking nonsense!"

"Even if he is talking nonsense, but his words make sense!"

Being bothered by Ding Hao's arrogance, Zhenxie Zhenxian and the others also turned pale with anger, with nothing to say.

"True evil and true immortal, if it's okay, I'll go first." Ding Hao smiled triumphantly, left Tianmen Mountain and ran towards the Eighth Heaven.

Seeing Ding Hao leave, Zhenxie Zhenxian and Zi Ning Zhenxian both looked ugly with anger.

They originally wanted to force Ding Hao to hand over the Stone of Dingfeng, but they didn't expect Ding Hao to find out what Ding Feiyang said, so they could not find an excuse.

"Damn, this Ding Hao is really cunning, how could the true fairy Feiyang leave him such a message, I don't believe it!" True fairy Zi Ning cursed.

"There is no way if we don't believe it, can't we go to the true fairy of Feiyang to confront it?" Zhenxie Zhenxian cursed in a low voice, "This little beast, he is so cunning, so he talks nonsense in a blink of an eye, and it is reasonable, let We have nothing to say."

"Furious, little beast."

Just when the two people were a little beast, a real fairy from outside flew in and said a few words in the ears of the real evil.

After hearing this, the true evil and true immortal changed his face, "This is an opportunity, the little beast is looking for death by himself!"

Soon after, Zhenxie Zhenxian and Zi Ning Zhenxian both left their posts and came to an unnamed mountain in the distance. Kou Xiong Zhenxian also came in from outside, and the three of them stood on the top of the mountain.

"What, let me fight Ding Hao in the competition field with all my strength?" Kou Xiong Zhenxian was startled.

Although he had threatened Ding Hao before, he did not dare to really attack Ding Hao!

Although it is not a crime to kill other members of the mad alliance in the martial arts field, Ding Hao is the disciple of Yuhua Zhenxian, and now Ding Shu and Ding Lang, the powers of the Ding family, are standing behind Ding Hao. It is conceivable that if the real fairy Kou Xiong kills Ding Hao, he will definitely cause endless troubles.

"The two presidents, I'll lose to him 800 million." Kou Xiong said, if I really kill Ding Hao, I am afraid I will die in the hands of the strong Ding family sooner or later.

"It's not a 800 million problem now." Zhenxie Zhenxian whispered, "The ring with wind in his hand is the core of the storm! If you kill him, bring me that ring, and I will give it to Your 10 billion battle exploits!"

"My God!" True Immortal Kou Xiong was so scared that he almost lay on the ground with 10 billion battle exploits. This number is too terrifying. For ordinary true immortals, it is too far to get such wealth!

However, Zhenxian Kou Xiong thought for a while, and smiled bitterly, "The two presidents, even if I get 10 billion battle exploits, I will have my life to spend? If I lose my life, no matter how much battle exploits, it will only fall on A number on the Mad Alliance token."

"Look at you." Zi Ning Zhenxian sneered, "Since we let you do it, we have the strength to protect you! Behind Ding Hao, there is nothing more than Ding Shu and Ding's family. The Ding's family is still unrested. , How can there be any power to control you? Besides, with your strength, no one except Uncle Ding can do anything to you!"

True evil and true immortal said, "Yes, this Uncle Ding, we will help you block! And you have this tens of billions, I will give you a few more treasures for refining quasi-immortals! Then you will refining a quasi-immortal What are you afraid of?"

"So..." Hearing this, Kou Xiong Zhenxian was quite moved.

The demon cultivator's worship of treasures has always been better than that of human beings. When encountering a real good treasure, the demon cultivator is often unable to restrain his inner greed.

For Kou Xiong Zhenxian, the treasure he yearns for is the quasi-xian weapon!

If he had this tens of billions, plus some natural treasures from the true evil and true immortal, he could then create his own quasi-immortal weapon.

"Quasi fairy!" Kou Xiong's eyes lit up.

The face of Zhenxie Zhenxian was cold, and the secret path demon repair was really flickering.

At the moment he said again, "Kou Xiong is really immortal, I am afraid there is another point that you are not sure, that is, the ring in Ding Hao's hand is still a super good body refining treasure! Think about it, the storm is the holy place for body refining. Then this Stone of Stabilizing Wind is the best for body refining! You kill Ding Hao and grab the ring. Then I will help you inspire Feng Hai and let you fully rebuild in it. I believe that soon you will become a body refining. The famous Er Duan true immortal, even stronger! At that time, who else would dare to move you? Even if the true immortal emerges by then, from the overall situation of the human race, he will not offend you a super strong Er Duan true immortal for a dead person !"

"Good, good." Kou Xiong Zhenxian was fooled by Zhenxie and Zhenxian.

He secretly said in his heart, if I become a super strong second-stage true immortal and have a quasi-immortal weapon in my hand, even the feathered true immortal will not easily do it with me! In this way, this thing can really be done!

Thinking of this, his eyes shot crazily, "Two presidents, I did this! Our shift this year is still one month away. When this month is over, I will return to the Seventh Heaven and enter the battle with Ding Hao. Gamble on the arena!"

"It's almost the same." Zhenxian Zi Ning and Zhenxie Zhenxian looked at each other, and then said again, "Kou Xiong Zhenxian, we told you these things to help you, so don't say everywhere that we let you kill. Ding Hao’s."

Zhenxian Kou Xiong nodded and said, "The two presidents, I know you are for my own good, I will not talk nonsense, this matter is my own decision, killing Ding Hao! But you grab the ring with the wind ring, you But it must be collected!"

"Then, of course, 10 billion, one point of combat merit will not be less, and I will also arrange a hidden place for you to temporarily avoid the limelight." Zhenxie Zhenxian snorted in his heart, and when you do this, I will look for it. This place killed you without knowing it!

Real Immortal Kou Xiong didn't know what Zhenxie was thinking in their hearts, and thanked them, and then ran out to keep the goal.

During the month of guarding the gate, Zhenxian Kou Xiong felt excited in his heart, feeling that he might get rich at any time. At that time, holding a quasi-immortal tool and becoming a second-stage real immortal, it was really awesome.

For the monks, a time is very fast.

What made Zhenxie and Zhenxian happy was that the next batch of people who came to rotate turned out to be Tianxin Zhenxian and other Ji Family Zhenxie!

The true evil and true immortal are ecstatic in their hearts, secretly, this is God's will, God is helping us! Originally, I was worried that Tianxin Zhenxian and others would make trouble, but now Tianxin Zhenxian is guarding Tianmen Mountain, Ding Hao has one less support!

"Kou Xiong, are you ready?"

"Hey, of course I'm ready. It's easy to kill an eighth-level fit stage. With my strength, ordinary true immortals are not my opponent." Kou Xiong true immortal is still very sure, because he is not only a demon cultivator, but also A demon repairing body.

The true evil true immortal nodded and smiled, "I believe you have this strength, your flesh is almost sanctified! The flesh is sanctified, it is amazing, ordinary human true immortals will avoid you when they meet you, let alone Ding Hao's little beast Sacrifice?"

"Hahaha, years of grievances, it seems to be resolved this time." Zi Ning Zhenxian was also very happy. They fought Ding Hao several times, and in the end it was that Ning Zhenxian would suffer, and Zi Ning Zhenxian had been holding back. In one breath.

"The two presidents don't worry, as long as I have this heart to kill Ding Hao, he will die." Kou Xiong Zhenxian was full of confidence.

Just when their group rushed to Seventh Heaven, Ding Hao had already returned to the Seventh Heaven Camp.

"Xiaoyu, when I come back this time, I have prepared many gifts for you."

What Ding Hao brought to Leng Xiaoyu was not only the spirit fruit of Hanshan, but more importantly, the medicine left by Hanshan!

The spirit fruit is paired with a pill, and the pill for cultivation that is refined far exceeds the pill that is currently in the black market in the seventh heaven.

Even the pill left over from the ancient times cannot be compared with it, because even in the ancient times, there is no such immortal aura spirit fruit cultivated by Hanshan.

Leng Xiaoyu's aptitude is also very good. There is also the guidance of the second stage of the Hongjia real fairy Xianyao, plus the rare elixir made from the spirit fruit brought back by Ding Hao. I believe that the speed of Leng Xiaoyu's advancement must be Will speed up!

"Great, I am now at the peak of the sixth layer of God Transformation, and I just use this kind of pill to attack the latter stage of Transforming God!" Of course Leng Xiaoyu was very happy.

In fact, what makes Leng Xiaoyu most happy is that Ding Hao came back safely!

I heard that Ding Hao is back, Huang Hao and Zhang Shasha are also back, everyone gathered in the Nine Heavens Divine Sect, the atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

After the separation of Rhubarb and Ding Hao, they hit the fusion stage in the seventh heaven. Now they have successfully combined. The cultivation base is on the combined three levels, and the combined three levels of the demon cultivation are quite good.

However, Rhubarb was still quite emotional and cursed, "What's the matter, when I saw you fit together, now you have eight levels of fit! I am a step slower than you to fit together, and now I only fit three levels. This difference is too big. Up."

Zhang Shasha laughed and said, "Brother Huang Hao, don't be dissatisfied. Look at me, I'm only in the late stage of becoming a god, I am still far from the fit period, I don't know how much I envy you!"

Ding Hao also laughed, and said, "Your sister-in-law has recently been refining some very effective pills for the transformation stage, and I will give you some at that time, so that you can also improve."

"That's good." Zhang Shasha was overjoyed. Although his cultivation speed has been improved very fast, compared with Ding Hao and the others, he still lags far behind.

At this moment, a shy teenage girl ran in from outside. She didn't speak after she came in, looking around.

The people of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect hurriedly drove forward, "Whose child, this is not a place to run around!"

Who knew that the little girl saw Zhang Shasha, her eyes lit up, and she stepped forward and called, "Father, you are here."

Ding Hao saw it, and suddenly said, "Kill kill, you can do it, I haven't seen it for a while, my daughter is so old!"

Zhang Shasha immediately pulled his daughter over and laughed, "Second brother, you have to speed up."

Two more today.

(End of this chapter)

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