Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1588: Century Gamble (two more)

Chapter 1588 Century Gamble (two more)

Chapter 1586: Century Gamble

Seeing Ding Hao's six-control magic weapon, everyone was speechless.

Even when Ding Hao finally released the eight-control magic weapon, no one was surprised.

Because everyone has nothing to say, Ding Hao is definitely an evildoer, a complete evildoer!

The spiritual power needed for the Eight Control God Soldier is an extremely terrifying number!

Even in the third stage, there are not many who use the eight-control magic weapon!

But Ding Hao did it.

What's more, he not only has terrifying mental power, but his physical body is also a realm of great attainment, and his body becomes holy!

He is the pinnacle of both technical and physical training!

"Ding Hao, I really am a human talent, amazing!" Many of the monks who watched the battle, their eyes have changed from the previous envy, jealousy and hatred to real envy, and even awe!

That's right, when a person is stronger than oneself, oneself will envy and hate.

But when a person is so much stronger than himself and it is difficult to shoot a horse by himself, then there will be real admiration and respect!

This is human nature.

Everyone felt that Ding Hao's future would surely achieve great results.

In the VIP room at this moment, the faces of Zhenxie Zhenxian and Zi Ning Zhenxian can be said to be the most ugly people.

"Ding Hao, there are even eight control magic weapons, this kind of mental power is too horrible!" In the eyes of the true evil and true immortal, a fierce stern light was already shot.

In his heart, Ding Hao has been sentenced to death!

If he had known that Ding Hao was such a genius, he would not target Ding Hao everywhere! But since he has offended Ding Hao and is irretrievable, then the more Ding Hao is a genius, the more he wants to kill Ding Hao! Otherwise, when Ding Hao grows up, how can he survive?

The smile on Zi Ning Zhenxian Qiao's face has completely disappeared. Looking at the battlefield, Kou Xiong Zhenxian is getting more and more disadvantaged. She gritted her teeth and said, "Unexpectedly, Ding Hao really has something to do! Isn't he really good? Want to create a legend of Taiyi defeating the true immortal today?"

"Absolutely, impossible!" Zhenxie Zhenxian's big hand waved down firmly, and said in a deep anger, "Ding Hao will be defeated! Even if Kou Xiong's weapon can't fight him, but Kou Xiong is still a true immortal after all, he If the last blow is to release the small world to collect or suppress Ding Hao, Ding Hao will definitely be over..."

Speaking of this, the true evil and true immortal’s eyes shot crazily, "And I also told Kou Xiong that if he loses this game, there is no way to survive! Therefore, if he fails, he will definitely explode his body and the small world. At that time, I can also drag Ding Hao to die together!"

"Okay!" In the eyes of True Immortal Zi Ning, an insidious glow was also shot.

"In short, this time, Ding Hao is dead!"

At this moment, the odds on the outside betting table changed drastically!

Ding Haotai "one lost one point and one", Kou Xiong Zhenxian "one lost eight and nine"!

The bizarre odds that appeared on Ding Hao just now turned over!

The odds of Ding Hao and Kou Xiong Zhenxian were reversed.

As the battle continued, Ding Hao reversed time and time again. Among all the cultivators present, 90% of them began to be optimistic about Ding Hao!

"Ding Hao can!"

"Although his cultivation is weaker than Kouxiong, I still believe that he will win!"

"If you have a strong mental power, you can cultivate into an eight-control magic weapon; there is also such a powerful body, which is stronger than the body of the demon cultivation!"

"I don't support this kind of person. Who else do I support? I must bet Ding Hao. Even if I lose money, I have no regrets!"

"Come, buy me another 100 million Ding Hao!"

Although most people are starting to favor Ding Hao, the two in the VIP room don't think so.

"Kou Xiong is a true immortal, it is absolutely impossible to fail."

"Even if Ding Hao has a plan for the time being, he is just a reptile in the fit period!"

"Yes, I just bet a little bit less, and now I have a chance, I might as well bet a little bit more!" Zi Ning's real immortal shot a frantic bet in his eyes.

At this moment, the calm true evil and true immortal can't hold back their breath. After all, 50.6 billion pairs are gambled!

He nodded and said, "Okay, then let's make a desperate move this time! How much military exploits do we have in Ning Zhenxian?"

A magic cultivator came up to report, "Report to the president, now all the exploits that we can use in the Ningzhen Fairy Association are on the mad alliance tokens of you and your wife!"

"Good, good." True evil and true immortal took out his mad alliance token, "there are 7.7 billion on top!"

Zhenxian Zi Ning also looked at her token and smiled, "Husband, I am a little bit more than you, I have 9.5 billion!"

"Okay, let's bet this time." The true evil and true celestial eyes are full of crazy colors, and they throw out the tokens in their hands directly, "Help me get the bet points, and all 7.7 billion will buy Kou Xiong wins!"

"Yes!" The Demon Cultivator just took it.

Zi Ning Zhenxian also threw out the jade card, "Bring me the jade card too! Buy all the Kou Xiong Zhenxian and win! Haha, a loss of 8.9, I can get back more than 80 billion with the 9.5 billion I bought this time! "


When Zi Ning Zhenxian and Zhenxie Zhenxian's mad alliance tokens were obtained at the betting platform of the gambling arena, the gambling battle today was pushed to the true peak!

"Crazy, crazy! Have you heard that Ningzhenxian will not only bet 50.6 billion against Jiutian Shenzong, but also bet nearly 20 billion on Kou Xiong!"

"My God! I bet Ding Haosheng! In other words, our opponent is Ningzhenxianhui?"

"Yes, if we win money, almost all of it will be the money of the Ningzhenxianhui!"

"Grandma's, Ning Zhenxian knows these craps, I will win them all, and I will buy tens of millions!"

The gambling arena has gone crazy.

Today is definitely a gamble of the century. Since the opening of the gambling arena, it has never been as crazy as it is today.

The betting amount continues to hit new highs!

This incident has already shaken the entire human society, as well as the entire mad alliance high-level.

"What, Ding Hao is gambling with Kou Xiong Zhenxian?"

"What, now the total betting amount has reached 100 billion?"

"What? And the 50.6 billion battle exploits and Tianshen Mountain that Ningzhenxianhui and Jiutian Shenzong respectively used."

"Oh my god, if all these are counted, the bet for this gambling battle has exceeded 200 billion!"

In the mad alliance, the strong monks, all are crazy.

Never before in history has it been this way. A gambling battle has reached such a terrifying number.

But some monks also put forward their own opinions.

"Everyone, this gambling fight is not in line with the purpose of our crazy alliance! Ding Hao's qualifications are too genius. If he falls on the battlefield, it will be a huge loss to us humanity!"

"Yes, although the 200 billion bet is huge, Ding Hao's value far exceeds 200 billion."

"I apply to immediately stop their gambling fight!"

Ding Hao showed his genius in the gambling fight, so he attracted the attention of all human beings. Everyone wanted to stop the gambling fight for the purpose of protecting Ding Hao.

However, Buer Zhenxian and the others laughed loudly, "I don't see that Ding Hao's little nephew's strength is not trivial. Why stop gambling, Ding Hao won! Everyone, you guys, chat, I will go to the gambling arena. One note! True evil, this old thing, his military exploits, won't win, won't win!"

Fuji Zhenxian finished speaking and left the mad alliance directly and came to the gambling arena.

Although speaking, he is here to bet.

But after he came, he went to the backstage. Many people outside did not know, "This gambling arena is actually the winner's industry!"

True Immortal Fuer snorted coldly, and walked into the background. Many monks who controlled the formation quickly stood up and saluted.

"What the **** is going on today, who agreed to start a battle of life and death?" Fuer Zhenxian looked gloomy and looked at everyone at present.

Suddenly, he noticed that the face of one person present was a little different.

"Come here and search for my soul!"

The man hesitated and walked over, but when he came to Fujin Immortal, he suddenly knelt and howled, "Fuer Zhenxian, in the next moment, confused and collected the property of Ningzhen Xianhui! So this violated the procedure. Just opened the battlefield of life and death!"

"Asshole, you are dead!" Fuer Zhenxian was furious, spit out a black light, and the black light turned into a long knife, cutting the man in half.

"Fuji Magic Sword!" The cultivators present all looked pale.

The manager of the gambling arena was so frightened that he knelt down and walked on his knees, "Fuji Zhenxian, it is because of lax management underneath. It is my fault that this happened."

"Of course it's your fault!" Fuer Zhenxian said sternly, "Ding Hao is a genius of skill, cultivation, physical training, and genius. If something happens to him, can you afford it? Asshole, you are all assholes, I can't wait to cut them one by one. You guys!"

The manager of the gambling arena was so frightened that he was crying, and said quickly, "Or we will stop the fight now, and say that the formation is out of order and come back another day."

"Wrong plus wrong!" True Immortal Fuji screamed, "If we stop now, what is the credibility of our gambling arena? 200 billion bet here, without a single result, how can those monks give up?"

The managers of these gambling arenas are all dumbfounded, and it is not to continue now, nor is it not to continue.

"Fuji-senior, I'm dull, so what are we doing?"

True Immortal Fuer looked at the battlefield and scolded again, "You fools, just keep watching! If Ding Hao prevails, let's continue; if Ding Hao encounters danger, stop the gambling!"

"Yes!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, everyone secretly said in their hearts, it seems that Ding Hao really got the attention, in this way, whether Ding Hao wins or loses, he will not die!

Only then did True Immortal Fuji ease his face, and then said, "You idiots, don't you bring me a paddle?"

"Oh oh oh, yes yes yes."

Soon, a pu mat and a small square table were placed in the main hall. There was still some spirit fruit wine on the table. The real **** Fuji looked at the battlefield. He thought of something and said, "Yes, I almost Forget it! Someone, I still have several billions here, so I'll bet Ding Hao!"

"Senior, Ding Hao only loses one by one now..."

"Then bet Ding Hao, Ning Zhen Xianhui's military exploits, you won't win if you don't win!"

Today, five changes, two chapters will be published. Let's make a little burst, ask for a monthly pass again, 50 monthly passes plus one more, the old rule.

(End of this chapter)

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