Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2084: Death of the World Tree

Chapter 2084: The Death of the World Tree

Chapter 2083 The Death Of The World Tree

When Ding Hao flew out, the situation was very unfavorable to the immortal people, it can be said to be a sharp turn!

The reason is that the "World Tree", the patron saint of the three great demon super powers, has been fighting hard, and an important branch of it was interrupted by the rogue demon Mo Xiaotian!

The World Tree was already very old, and it was already quite strenuous to fight against the three powerhouses. Now that one main trunk is interrupted, it is equivalent to a person's two arms being broken now, and the strength is reduced a lot!

"Haha! What patron saint? What world tree? What stuff?"

Mo Xiaotian laughed loudly, the arrogant laughter spread throughout the immeasurable star field!

"Two fellow daoists, you do your best to help me. The three of us can completely destroy this world tree if we have a cup of tea!" Mo Xiaotian called out loudly.

The golden arm strength is also very energetic, and laughed loudly, "It's cool! That's cool! It's so cool to kill! At the beginning, I was suffocated by Ding Hao's child in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. I have been holding back to this day, and finally it's time to let my breath out! After the World Tree, I will kill all these human immortals! I want them to know, what is respect? What is the strong? What is the price of offending the strong?"

And Tiefengzhan, who followed them, looked at the old world tree with a greedy look, and smiled gloomily, "I heard about it! Every world tree, after his death , Will leave a seed of the world tree! This kind of seed is a good thing! It is said that after many years of cultivation, it can also become a world tree! A world tree can be cultivated into the top planet-level life form, he Can live 200 million years! Good things, really good things!"

Hearing this, the eyes of Mo Xiaotian and Jin Armli also shot a greedy light.

If there are really seeds of the world tree, then obviously the price will exceed the value of the nine-story Mount Sumeru! It is impossible for Mo Xiaotian and Golden Arm to not be tempted!

"Brother Tiefengzhan, I didn't think you really did research!" Mo Xiaotian couldn't help but change his tone.

Tiefengzhan laughed and said, "The seeds of the world tree are spiritual, and if they are enemies they will not be able to collect them! However, I have some means to collect them! Of course, the three of us cannot make them recognize the Lord. So the best way to collect it afterwards is to get the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance for sale, and the property obtained will be distributed by 433. I 4 you 3! How?"

"This way..." Mo Xiaotian nodded after hesitating for a while, "Yes."

"I agree too." Jin Armli was overjoyed in his heart, and thought to himself that he could make a lot of money to avenge Ding Hao this time! After the seeds of the World Tree are sold, he can get 30% of the income, and after the nine-story Xumeshan is sold, he can get half of the income!

Adding the two together, he really gained a lot this time! He thought to himself that if he had these gains, plus his savings over the years, he might be able to purchase a cultivation technique that reached the peak of the middle stage of the realm, or even broke through into the late stage of the realm!

"Okay! Kill the world tree and **** the seeds of the world tree!"

The three powerhouses screamed and launched their final onslaught against the old world tree with all their strength!

Bang bang bang!

The loud noises continued, the shadow of the sword, the light and the shadow of the magic weapon, the power of the rune... all hit the body of the old World Tree!

This old man who had guarded the world for tens of millions of years was finally overwhelmed. His branches were interrupted one by one, and the huge leaves that protected this planet were punched out one after another huge holes!

His body was covered with bruises and bruises, with innumerable cracks, countless black weird runes, like poisonous snakes, penetrated into his body through the cracks, poisoning every part of his body!


The World Tree roared old and feeble.

Hearing this sound in the ears of all the immortals, it was so desperate, as if he was saying goodbye to all the immortals, and also like saying sorry to everyone, he has protected everyone for too long, and now it is time for him to die!

"No!" Tears filled their eyes with many immortals who were fighting.

Although only a few people have seen this world tree with their own eyes, many people know it! Everyone knows that he is the protector of the immortal realm, and the demon clan outside the territories would not dare to be too presumptuous; with him, the immortal realm would have the backbone!

He is like an old grandfather hiding in the dark, always guarding the world, and the hearts of the fairies are full of affection for him.

But at this moment, he is about to die under the hands of the devil while everyone is watching!

The worst is!

The moment he died, he declared the demise of the fairy world!


Among the 39 planets in the immeasurable star field, the smallest and least eye-catching planet.

Suddenly the white clouds dispersed, and a young fairy in white clothes fluttered out!

When Ding Hao flew out, everyone didn't even notice. Because of the chaos on the battlefield, who would have noticed the young fairy flying out of the most remote little planet!

But this person is flying closer and closer!

Whenever he went, there was a fairy and a demon fighting in front of him, he immediately waved his hand, and a sharp blade of light was cut out!

The battle is over immediately!

Amid the heart-piercing roar of that demon, his body split in half, and a weird-colored body fluid rushed from the crack in his body...

The immortal who was fighting with this demon was stunned, looking back, seeing Ding Hao, he was shocked from ear to ear!

Ding Hao did not look back, but continued to walk forward in the void, seeing the fairy and the demon fighting, he once again waved his hand casually, another shocking light of the sword!

He walked along this path, waving his right hand continuously, but his footsteps were not affected at all, and he had already wiped out more than a dozen extraterritorial demons!

"Ding Hao!"

"Ding Hao is back!"

Those immortals who were helped by Ding Hao finally recognized Ding Hao. With his shout, more people also shouted excitedly, "Ding Hao is back! It is really Ding Hao back! So strong, he is so strong now!"

Immortal Emperor Kunlun, who was fighting Ximenhei with all his strength over there, faintly heard the noise coming from behind.

"Ding Hao? What Ding Hao?" Immortal Emperor Kunlun took advantage of the battle gap and suddenly looked back!

I saw the figure of a young fairy, fluttering in white clothes, walking in the void, like walking on the ground, with the knife in his hand constantly cutting out, the footwork of the foot is innocent, and the movements are like clouds and flowing water, all the way, all the demon outside the territory passing by, regardless of size Or which clan from which he was beheaded, there is no difference!

"My God! Ding Hao's strength..." Kunlun Immortal Emperor felt shocked.

Ding Hao's current posture, murder method, and movement footwork are too easy and freehand!

Immortal Emperor Kunlun has experienced countless battles in his life, tens of thousands of battles, large and small, and he has also killed countless people, and he has even seen scenes of killing others... But he has never seen a killing scene like Ding Hao at this moment in his life!

Chic, casual, without a trace of smoke, those ferocious demons were killed by him, as easy as drinking water!

Seeing Ding Hao killing people as if drinking water, all the immortals present were greatly encouraged and shouted, "Ding Hao! Ding Hao is back! King Ding Hao is back! King Ding Hao is back!"

Indeed, Ding Hao's current state of performance is really great, and those demons are simply vulnerable in front of him!

At this moment, the demons of all races also noticed Ding Hao!

Even the three powerhouses of the devil couldn't help but stop and watch Ding Hao!

"Is this Ding Hao?" Mo Xiaotian's eyes were cold.

Jin arm nodded vigorously, and shot a spiteful light in his eyes, "It's this kid! He teased me in the Alliance of Worlds, and then set a trap, used his privileges as VIP members to complain to us, and finally drove us out of the Worlds in public. Alliance, and was suspended for three years! My golden arm is so strong, I have never suffered such humiliation!"

Seeing that Jin's arm strength was stunned by resentment, Tie Fengzhan reminded, "This kid has increased a lot, and he has advanced to the middle stage of the realm master!"

"What?" Jin Armli noticed that Ding Hao's current cultivation has reached the middle stage of the realm master realm!

"What about the middle stage of the realm?" Jin Armli said with a cold face, and said with a smile, "Even though he is also the middle stage of the realm, don't forget, we have three people here!"

"Not bad!" Mo Xiaotian's eyes flashed sharply, "The three of us who have entered the middle stage of the realm for a long time, are you afraid that he is a little guy who just entered?"

While speaking, Ding Hao was already standing next to the old world tree's body.

Ding Hao didn't seem to see the three super enemies in front of him. He lowered his head and stretched out his hand to stroke the wounded body of the World Tree. He sighed, "Old World Tree, I begged to see you back then, but I didn't have the chance to meet! Meet in this situation."

World Tree made an old voice, but it was also very loud. He laughed loudly, "I didn't see you back then because you were too weak, just a little Luo Tianshang, what qualifications do you have to see me?"

Ding Hao could not help but smile when he saw him speak boldly, "You old fellow, you still claim to be a Tier 9 planetary life form, you can't even beat these few realm masters in the middle stage! Are you embarrassed to laugh at me for being weak?"

The laughter of the World Tree became even louder, "Hahaha! Who told me that I have run out of oil and the lamp has withered! I am already a dying person, and the ninth-order planet-level life form can only I have given out this little candle! Fortunately, you have caught up to see me for the last time. If you are one step later, my old thing can't wait for you..."

The louder the laughter of the World Tree, the sadder the immortals present. Everyone knows that World Tree has spent the last breath in order to protect everyone, and now it is finally time for him to leave forever.

The fairies were already crying, and Ding Hao's eyes were full of tears.

He patted the broken body of the World Tree and said, "Hold on for a while! Be sure to hold on! Soon, when I solve the three guys in front of me, I will immediately go to the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance! No matter how expensive the treasure of life extension, I will Buy it for you!"

Ding Hao finished speaking, wiped away his tears, grabbed his big hand in the void, held the golden Emperor Hao's spear in his hand, and shouted, "I'm in a hurry! Come on together!"

(End of this chapter)

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