Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2096: That day Nether (three shifts)

Chapter 2096 That Day Nether (three shifts)

Chapter 2095

"Hey you!"

The female monk was very dissatisfied when he heard the stuttering brother speak to him like this, and flew forward angrily.

However, after flying a few steps, I realized that Junior Brother Stutter didn't follow up this time, but flew downward.

"You!" The female monk also changed direction and flew down. She wanted to follow up with the stuttering apprentice Xingshi, but she didn't know why she couldn't catch up with the stuttering apprentice in front of me!

"Hey, wait for me!"

No matter how the female monk shouted, the stuttering junior did not say a word, the speed of flight was getting faster and faster, and the familiar figure was getting farther and farther, as if a meteor struck the sky and fell towards the mainland!

At this moment, this stuttering junior is no longer himself, his soul is suppressed, and it is Ding Hao's immortal soul that resides in his body.

Ding Hao went down to the world with the help of the body of this stuttering teenager.

After getting rid of the female monk, Ding Hao simply put away the Yukong Spirit Sword under his feet and flew in the sky out of thin air.

Five regions, nine islands and four continents, this is the pattern of the mortal world.

When he came to the sky above the four continents, he began to slow down and fly more slowly. The mountains and rivers below were so familiar with the sects. Everywhere he went, it reminded him that he had left in the mortal world. Memories!

"Come to the Thousand Beast Gate!"

Ding Hao vaguely remembered that he had met several friends here, one was named Gongyangjun, and this person had followed him to Jiuzhongtian; there was also a couple of couples named Wang Jujun and Hu Niang, but they did not follow him. Go to the Nine Heavens, but still develop in the Wan Beast Gate.

Ding Hao didn't intend to go to the Ten Thousand Beast Gate, but he thought that there was also an eighteen bend Nether Formation, leading directly to the underworld.

"Netherworld, fairy world, mortal world, the three realms originally had their own fixed contact method, this nether formation method exists in mortal world, it is a loophole, it is not a good thing! Since I came to the mortal world, help them plug this loophole!"

Ding Hao's figure moved and flew down from the sky, landing directly in front of a magnificent palace.

Back then, Ding Hao asked Ten Thousand Beast Sect to set up a branch here, with the purpose of protecting and guarding the Nether Formation here. Many years later, Thousand Beast Sect is still carrying out its promise to Ding Hao and sending out the most important elder of the sect. The strong, sit here and guard this formation that leads directly to the underworld!

After Ding Hao fell, the will of several ten thousand beast gate elders immediately locked him.

"Where did you come from? This is not your place to stay, leave me quickly!"

Although Ding Hao is the soul of an immortal, his body is the young monk who stutters, and his cultivation has just entered the Yuan Ying stage!

And the elders of the Ten Thousand Beast Gate sitting here are all Hua Ding Ding Ding Zun, even the Gods of God!

However, under the lock of the will of these powerful men, Ding Hao just smiled and said, "Dear friends, you have been guarding here for many years, you have worked hard! I am here today to help you settle down once and for all, so that you can practice safely in the future. Become an immortal, no longer have to spend time guarding the Nether Formation!"

"Haha! What are you? An arrogant child!" The Dingzun divine being sitting here sneered. He didn't believe it, and then he heard his will, "Quickly get out of here, otherwise we don't care where you come from. Let’s take you down first!"

Ding Hao was stunned, wondering why these people couldn't tell the truth! No matter, go in and close the Nether Formation by yourself and plug the loophole!

He continued to walk inside. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the female monk who was with him found this place, fell beside him, grabbed his arm and said, "Junior brother, are you crazy? You ran here all right. Why? Come back with me quickly!"

Seeing this female monk, the elders of the Ten Thousand Beast Gate who were in the town even knew her, and a voice came from the palace, "It turned out to be the little baby of the Tang family of Jiulie Daozong, quickly roll back to your Lieyang Mountain! There's nothing to look for here, otherwise your sir will not be polite to us if we come!"

Ding Hao heard this, and his heart moved, "Jiulie Dao Sect and Lieyang Mountain are related to me! Is this female monk a descendant of Tang Pengcheng's family?" Ding Hao looked back at the female monk, his face There is actually a faint shadow of Tang Pengcheng back then.

Seeing an acquaintance, Ding Hao sighed in his heart. He drew his arm from the female monk's hand and said softly, "You wait for me here, and you have something to tell you later! I'll go back!"

Ding Hao finished speaking and strode towards the grand palace in front of him.

"You!" The female monk stood there still, she faintly felt that the younger brother she knew very well, now seemed to be a different person!

"Bastard! Don't think that you are a disciple of the Jiulie Dao Sect and you can run wild in my Ten Thousand Beast Gate!"

The Dingzun gods who guarded here were a little angry, and a wave of mental power was suppressed!

But Ding Hao is the will of an immortal, how could it be suppressed by them?

"Some Dao deeds!" All the Ding Zun gods found that they couldn't suppress it with mental power, and were a little angry. Suddenly, golden light flashed continuously, and they released a net-like treasure to catch Ding Hao alive.

Ding Hao didn't fight back at all, but still walked inside. Those net-like treasures came to Ding Hao, felt the strong breath, and did not dare to approach Ding Hao at all!

"What's the situation?" All the Dingzun and Gods were shocked, one by one, appeared around Ding Hao.

"Everyone." Ding Hao continued to walk inside, and said again, "I came here to help you once and for all. After closing this passage, I will leave immediately!"

Although Ding Hao said this, these Ding Zun gods couldn't believe it at all. Instead, they were even more suspicious, "Where do you come from? Want to open this channel and release the monsters of the Netherworld?"

Ding Hao felt that he couldn't reason with these people at all. He pinched a few magic tricks in his hand and suddenly formed a golden mask around his body.

Then he wore the mask, strode forward, and walked directly into the magnificent palace.

The guarding Ding Zun and Divine Sovereigns finally started to take action with all their strength after repeated useless warnings. All kinds of treasures, swords and shadows were all beheaded on Ding Hao's body!

"No!" The female monk shouted in shock.

However, she soon discovered that no matter how these powerful Ding Zun deities attacked, she could not harm her stuttering junior! Even the gods release the strongest divine realm space and strike the young man without hurting one of his hairs!

"My God, how strong is he!" The female monk was stunned. The stuttering young man who she had looked down on at first, now has such a strong defensive ability! I feel like my master is inferior!

"What's the situation?" The guarding Dingzun and the gods were all dumbfounded and pale. They had already used the strongest attack, but there was no resistance at all. No matter what you hit, you can't hurt him!

Ding Hao quickly walked into the palace and came before the Nether Formation.

In this formation, there is a black cloud, it is the formation spirit that controls the formation!

Zhenling's personality has always been rebellious, and it is difficult for the guarding Ding Zun deity to see him. Only when the head of the Ten Thousand Beast Gate comes personally, the black cloud will emerge!

When Ding Hao came here, he just waved his big hand and swept the Nether Formation in front of him with his big sleeve, without even hitting any runes. The formation was violently twisted, and the group was always unruly. The black cloud was also frightened and flew out quickly.

Ding Hao ignored them and continued to cast the spell, and the Nether Formation in front of him quickly disappeared!

What appeared in front of everyone was a huge hole, and it was clear that there were many golden horn beasts in the Netherworld.

"No!" All the elders of the Ten Thousand Beast Gate present shouted in shock, they thought Ding Hao was here to release the Underworld Beast.

However, what Ding Hao did was just the opposite of their imagination!

Ding Hao waved his palm and slapped out a golden palm of those monsters that made the mortal people disgusting. Wherever the golden palm went, all the monsters were photographed into fly ash! Immediately, Ding Hao played the magic tricks one after another. All these tricks were profound tricks that the mortal world had never seen before, and could not understand them!

When these tactics penetrated into the huge hole, I saw the space here, slowly shrinking, filling up more and more, and finally the hole disappeared, and the passage between the mortal world and the underworld was completely blocked!

"My God, this method is simply a fairy method!"

No matter how stupid the Ding Zun and the strong gods were, they could see how extraordinary this young man was!

It’s not a big deal to slap all the underworld beasts with one palm. What is really powerful is to repair the space, block the passage between the mortal world and the underworld at will, and restore the space. Even the true immortal in the third stage cannot do it at all. To this point!

"Senior, how offensive you were just now, please be respected by us!" Ding Zun and the gods and powerful men suddenly knelt in front of Ding Hao, expressing apologies!

Their strength is worse than those of the Nether Giants, Ding Hao can slap the Nether Giants to death, and can also slap them to death! They just launched so many attacks like Ding Hao, Ding Hao didn't even make sense! Imagine if Ding Hao slapped back, they would all turn into fly ash!

"It's okay! Get up!" Ding Hao waved and lifted them all to stand up with a strong force. Ding Hao said again, "I want to tell you a good news. Now that the ascending channel is repaired, it can ascend normally! I hope you, well. Cultivation, soaring into a fairy!"

Hearing this, these people suddenly understood that the young man in front of him was really an immortal!

Boom! They all knelt to the ground again, "I have seen a fairy!"

Ding Hao did not deny, he raised his hand to the black cloud in front of him, and said, "Array spirit, you have guarded this formation for so many years. I will give you a good fortune to help you cultivate a human form! But can you cultivate into a fairy? It depends on your own ability!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he grabbed it with a big hand, regardless of whether the black cloud was willing or not, it fell into Ding Hao's hand. After being kneaded by him for a while, Ding Hao formed a black figure. Ding Hao raised his hand to hit his body with several techniques. Suddenly the black figure slowly began to solidify...

After doing this, Ding Hao walked out of the palace and said to the stunned female monk, "Go, let's go back to Jiulie Dao Sect, I really haven't been to Lieyang Mountain for a long, long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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