Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2117: The little prince

Chapter 2117 The Little Prince Manke

Chapter 2116 the little prince

"what is that?"

When the transformed Star Nest flew across the sky, the demons below looked at the sky in surprise, watching this huge flying palace pierce the sky with a terrifying speed.

"Haha! My Star Nest is bigger, and I use more Landi Pulp, but it doesn't look cumbersome, but it flies higher and faster!"

The Crystal Blue Treasure Boat of the Three Lives War Wolf is small and flexible, but in this world, it can only fly at high speed by sticking to the ground.

Ding Hao was originally worried that his Star Nest was too large and bulky; but now, all of Ding Hao’s worries were false alarms. He used more Landi Pulp to make the Star Nest fly faster and more. high!

A huge star nest crossed the sky of the blue crystal boundary, and a huge light curtain appeared in front of Ding Hao.

Above the light curtain, there are constantly various topographic maps appearing, this is the map of the blue crystal boundary.

As the Star Nest flew more and more places, the map in front of Ding Hao became more and more perfect.

"Other people's flying palaces can only fly close to the ground, and the flying speed is not fast, so it is very difficult to compose a map! As the first batch of treasure hunters to enter, the three-life war wolf did not produce a complete copy. Instead, I was the first to open the entire map of the blue crystal boundary."

Ding Hao looked at the increasingly complete map in front of him, and he became more and more aware of the shape and characteristics of this world.

"The blue crystal boundary has a length of 350 million kilometers and a width of 350 million kilometers. This is a completely square land space!"

Detecting the length and width of this world, Ding Hao raised his brows, and doubts arose in his heart.

"The Three Lives War Wolf said that the abandoned world is formed naturally and compressed for hundreds of millions of years! This is a coincidence! The compressed length and width are the same, or a standard square?"

Ding Hao, who was puzzled, began to observe the entire map, his expression even more shocked.

"No, this is definitely not a natural formation!"

Ding Hao was surprised to find that if you look carefully at this square map, after you mark the peaks and valleys in different colors, you will find that the map is like a huge portrait. On top of this portrait, a picture is drawn. A fangs beast with wings on its back!

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao felt stunned at his discovery.

He then carefully studied all the possible locations of Lan Di Jiang on the portrait, "We used to excavate Lan Di Jiang's crater, and it turned out to be an eye in the portrait of this huge fangs beast! Your uncle, stay here? What kind of secret is there?"

If the map of this world is a huge portrait, then every location where Landi pulp is produced is an important part of the portrait.

"Is this world created by someone deliberately?"

"If someone deliberately creates such a world, what is the purpose!"

In Ding Hao's doubts, Fat Worm sent him a message.

"Master, someone is approaching from below, as if the visitor is not kind."

Ding Hao immediately let go of his thoughts, and he saw a tall and fat figure outside, standing on a flying palace like a blue platform, and quickly chasing him.

"Damn it, this guy again!"

The one who flew over was the tall late-stage powerhouse Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf had met. At that time, Ding Hao deceived him to say that he was already at the mid-term peak, only to pass the level. He didn't expect to meet him again by chance.

The strength of this person is quite high. Ding Hao didn't want to fight with him, so he ordered Fat Bug to leave quickly.

But what people didn't expect was that this tall guy shouted loudly from behind, "Ding Hao, kid in the fairy world, stop for me!"

"What's the situation? How does he even know my name?" Ding Hao's expression suddenly changed. Although the two had met before, they didn't give each other their names. How could this person know his name?

"Keep flying speed."

"Send me to the end of Star Nest!"

Ding Hao immediately issued two orders to let Star Nest continue to fly. At the same time, he himself came to the tail of Star Nest, a small hexagonal door opened, and Ding Hao fluttered out in white, "I don't know what you call it? "

The tall guy did not report his family, but continued to sneer, "The child in the fairy world, control the destiny of the fairy world, enter the world master realm, and even enter the middle of the world master realm for a few days! You can be blessed by God in your world , You can't get the blessing of God in the world of others, you actually tricked me into saying that you are the mid-term peak! You boy, dare to fool Lao Tzu?"

"You know so clearly..." Ding Hao frowned. Not only did this person know his name, but he even knew the privacy of the immortal world. Ding Hao quickly thought of a possibility, "Who did you hear about these? Is it because I am rebellious in the fairy world?"

It is impossible for a foreign demon to know these things about Ding Hao. The only possibility is Ximenhei, who has escaped from the immortal world and has never heard from him!

"You are smart!"

The tall guy waved his hand, and standing on the blue platform under his feet, a black-clothed old man described as withered, he was really Ximenhei!

"Ding Hao little beast! I didn't expect to meet again! You actually lied to us Prince Manke, you are looking for death, the mid-term peak, how can your little beast reach the mid-level peak so quickly?" Simon Black looked at Ding Hao bitterly. He said loudly, "The little prince Manke, Ding Hao has a lot of treasures in the little beast! He not only has the inheritance of the master ancestor of Zhongxing in the fairy world, but also the inheritance of Xing Wushuang! He has a lot of inheritance in his hands, killing him , Thinking of these inheritance..."

Before Ximen Hei's vicious words were finished, the tall and fat Manke cursed, "Shut up! I am the prince of the barbaric world. What kind of inheritance do you want? I don't care about these **** inheritance!"

With a word of Manke, Simon had nothing to say.

He went on to say, "Ding Hao boy, I didn't come to you today for your immortal heritage! I just want to ask you a word, Heiheng of Jiuyou Temple Mountain, but you killed it?"

"I came here for this..." Ding Hao frowned suddenly and asked, "Are you going to avenge Hei Heng?"

"It's my shit." Manke cursed again, and said, "Boy, I'm here to buy his body from you! How much is it? You make a price!"

"Come and buy Heiheng's body?"

Ding Hao's expression changed, and he suddenly felt that Hei Heng's body might be extraordinary!

He immediately sent a message to Fat Bug and asked, "Have you eaten Heiheng's body?"

"I haven't started eating yet!"

"Then save it for me first!"

The appearance of the little prince Manke reminded Ding Hao that Hei Heng's body may be of extraordinary value!

Neither Ding Hao nor Sansheng War Wolf noticed this before, now think about it, Hei Heng is not a demon! He is a special life form! The corpse he left behind will probably have an amazing effect!

Thinking of this, Ding Hao was even more unlikely to sell the body to Manke.

"Little Prince Manke, you may be mistaken. I don't even know anyone called Heiheng! I am a little ordinary cultivator. Even a little prince who has never heard of you, I dare not Offended, how dare to kill the genius of Jiuyou Temple Mountain? Little Prince Manke, I warn you, don't spit people!"

Manke was so angry that he almost vomited blood, the human immortal in front of him was really cunning.

"Ding Hao, little beast, don't be a rascal, do you dare to tell the truth? A lie, shameless! Don't believe him, the little prince Manke. He always tells lies, not the truth!" Simon Hei He stood there again and spoke insults.

Ding Hao looked at this person with a cold look in his eyes. The rebellion of this immortal world was even more vicious than the demon outside the domain.

Manke nodded and said, "Human children, you may not know! What is the ending of provoking the Jiuyou Temple Mountain, you will be chased by them, and the whole world will chase you down! Wanted reward! You have nowhere to run away. What's more, you still have your immortal world. You don't want to bring troubles to your world! I have heard that you value your world very much!"

Ding Hao's face was even colder. These words must have been told to him by Ximenhei. This guy Ximenhei betrayed the immortal world like this, it was too much!

Seeing Ding Hao not speaking, Man Ke said again, "Let's do it! You hand over Hei Heng's body to me, and I can introduce you to become a full member of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance! Even I can help you become a genius of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance Member! At that point, Jiuyou Temple Mountain does not dare to mess around. After all, the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance is also one of the three powers in the endless world. What do you think?"

Ding Hao snorted coldly, "You don't need to worry about this. I remind you again, Hei Heng was not killed by me, and the body is not here!"

Ximenhei, who was standing below, became uproarious again, "Little Prince Manke, he is lying, he must be lying!"

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao hated this person simply.

At the moment, Ding Hao grabbed a big hand and took out a piece of Blue Emperor Crystal and said, "Friend Manke, I want to make a deal with you! You sell me this slave, a piece of Blue Emperor Crystal!"

A low-level slave of the realm master realm like Ximenhei is not worth any money at all. Ding Hao took out a piece of Blue Emperor Crystal, which was considered a super high price.

However, the little prince Manke resented Ding Hao for refusing to sell Heiheng's body, and snorted coldly, "Fuck off! If you don't sell me, how could I sell you? Do you think I am short of money?" Snatching it in his pocket, he grabbed a larger Lan Dijing and stared, "Do you think I don't have it? I still said the same thing: Give me Hei Heng's body, we are friends, everyone is easy to say! Otherwise, , Then there is nothing to say, I see you once and beat you once!"

Ding Hao sneered, "How can you be a friend if you try to buy and sell? You are not rare for me!"

Manke can't wait to kill Ding Hao now, but Star Nest's flying speed is so fast, he just can't catch up!

But while they were talking, the world below the Azurite Realm suddenly heard an earth-shattering roar.


The roar shook the mountain, and the whole world began to twist and turn!

"What's the matter?" Manke's expression changed.

Ding Hao thought of something, and quickly got into the star's nest, "Fat insect, immediately raise the height and approach toward the exit!"

(End of this chapter)

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