Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2121: True friend

Chapter 2121 True Friends

Chapter 2120: True Friend

He didn't look at the things Ding Hao gave him.

Because in his feelings, Ding Hao's cultivation level could not have anything good!

It does not mean that Shiluo looks down on Ding Hao, but that Shiluo has been involved in trading in the endless abyss for a long time and has seen too many good things!

So Ding Hao put something in the space ring and gave it to him, he didn't even look at it!

It was a ghostly messenger, and he suddenly discovered that there was a blue emperor pulp the size of a child's head in that space ring, which was hovering quietly at this moment, just like a strange blue gem, emitting a seductive dim light!

"My God! This kid gave me this kind of thing. Does he know how much this thing is worth in the market? Does he just use it as a gift? This kid is too Meng Lang!"

Although Shi Luo said Ding Hao and Menglang, he didn't know how happy he was!

"I have served as a manager in the Ten Thousand Worlds Alliance, and I have helped many people for so many years! But at the critical moment, few can help me! Ding Hao, I didn’t take him too seriously, I just wanted to Invest a little affection and time in him, but I didn't expect him to treat me this way!"

Thinking of this, Shi Luo couldn't help but flushed, and then think about it, when Ding Hao talked to him just now, that awkward expression...

"Oh! I'm a jerk! I don't know if Ding Hao is angry with me?"

Shi Luo couldn't help but feel ashamed, and hurriedly sent a message to Ding Hao through the Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet, "Ding Hao, you haven't left the endless abyss yet!"


Ding Hao is inquiring about in the endless abyss. Although the treasures of Landi pulp are being bought everywhere, and banners are everywhere, Ding Hao always inquires about the market price before preparing to sell! In addition, Ding Hao didn't want to sell for money, he wanted to use Landi Pulp for a treasure that could quickly cultivate into the mid-stage peak or even the late stage!

When Ding Hao received the news from Shiluo, he was in front of the Danjie store and was in contact with Dentianfo, asking if there is any precious medicine in Dantianfo.

"Brother Ding Hao hasn't left yet!" Shi Luo was overjoyed, "You stand there and don't move, I will come!"

As the manager here, he has the authority to quickly find Ding Hao's location and use Golden Light Transmission.

Just in a blink of an eye, a golden beam of light fell, and he was already standing in front of Ding Hao.

"Brother Shiluo." Ding Hao couldn't help but wonder when seeing Shiluo coming in a hurry, "Brother Shiluo, aren't you busy? It doesn't matter, you are busy with you, I really have nothing to do."

Seeing Ding Hao's sincere expression, Shi Luo felt a little bit embarrassed, and smiled bitterly, "Brother Ding Hao! Brother, I'm sorry! Brother just treated you slowly! I'm really sorry, I was so busy at that time because a senior benefactor entrusted me to buy it. Lan Di Pu, so I didn't take your business seriously! Who knew just now, you gave me such a big piece of Lan Di Pu..."

Shi Luo is still talking to Ding Hao, and the Dantian Buddha of the alchemy realm has hurriedly flew over, "Ding Hao, I heard that you are going to use Lan Di Jelly to buy breakthrough pills, haha! I've come to talk to you personally. It's easy to say everything, we have all medicines in the pill world!"

The Dantian Buddha in the Dan Realm is usually boastful, and he always stands in front of his shop when discussing business with him, and he usually does not show up.

But today was different. He heard that Ding Hao was going to use Landi Jelly to buy the pill, so he hurriedly entered the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance from outside to talk to Ding Hao.

Shi Luo saw that Dan Tian Buddha was coming, and he was nervous, and he quickly stopped Ding Hao, "Ding Hao, now Lan Di pulp is one price a day, you can't sell it indiscriminately, otherwise you won't be able to get back if you lose!"

Dan Tianfo suddenly became furious, "Shi Luo, how do you talk? I asked how you talk? Will my Dan Tianfo make Ding Hao lose? I have been doing business here for so many years, who have I lost? ?"

"No." Shi Luo was quite embarrassed, but he was afraid that Ding Hao's Lan Di pulp would be sold casually. He quickly pulled Ding Hao into the golden beam of light, "Ding Hao, let's go to my room and talk."

"Hey, don't go!" Dan Tianfo was also anxious. He came from such a long distance, just wanting to buy Lan Di pulp from Ding Hao.

Now that Ding Hao is being dragged away by Shi Luo, he must not allow it. He said loudly, "Shi Luo, let me tell you, if you take Ding Hao away today, our friends won't have to do it in the future!"

"This..." Shi Luo couldn't help but hesitate.

Ding Hao laughed and pulled Dan Tianfo into the golden beam of light. He smiled and said, "Everyone is a friend. It's easy to say, Brother Shiluo and Brother Tianfo, you want to buy Landi pulp, Ding should Can meet your needs!"

The golden beam of light quickly recovered, and in a blink of an eye, the three of them were already standing in the magnificent transparent hall.

After standing still, Shi Luo said in amazement, "Ding Hao, I hear you as if you have a lot of Blue Emperor paste?"

Ding Hao said, "It's not a lot, it's a few! This time a friend and I entered the Azurite Realm, discovered some springs, and got some Landi Pulp! I was going to sell it here, but I don't know the market. So I was the first one to contact you, Brother Shiluo, and want to inquire with you. Please help me sell Landi Pulp for a good price!"

Listening to Ding Hao's words, Shi Luo couldn't wait to slap himself in the face.

He went around begging gods and worshiping Buddha, wanting to buy some Lan Di pulp, but who knows? Ding Hao had a lot of Lan Di Pu here, and he took the initiative to look for him, but he refused!

"Brother Ding Hao, I'm stupid! I told people all the good things over there. I wanted to buy a little Blue Emperor Pulp, but I can't buy it now! But you came to me on the initiative, but I turned you away... "

Hearing what Shiluo said, Dan Tianfo cursed loudly, "Then you still have the face to talk here? Get out, get out! Now it's time for me to talk business with Ding Hao, you walk away!"

Shi Luo was also a little angry when he scolded him, and replied, "What's your business? You talk to him about business, and I also want to talk to him about business. I can guarantee that the price I will pay is definitely higher than you!"

Dan Tianfo laughed, "What price can you offer? You are nothing more than taking out a lot of universe crystal tokens, but did you know? There are many things in this world that money can't buy! Ding Hao, he Now he doesn’t need Universe Crystal, what he needs is his cultivation base! Only the precious pill of our alchemy realm can improve his cultivation out of thin air, let alone help him break through to the mid-term peak, even if he breaks into the late stage of the realm master, I have some grasp!"

"So!" Ding Hao's face was surprised.

Not to mention, what Dan Tianfo said is right. Ding Hao doesn't need Universe Crystal at all now, just needs to improve his cultivation!

If Dan Tianfo really has the right medicine, Ding Hao will definitely trade with him!

However, Shiluo spoke at this moment.

"What's the use of just the cultivation base? There is no one to guide you in cultivation, no more inheritance, no backing behind, it's hard to go anywhere!" Shiluo said, "Ding Hao, I want to buy Lan Di pulp this time. Yes, it is one of my senior benefactors! He is a prince-level genius in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance and enjoys the honorable treatment that the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance provides!

Den Tianfo was a little shocked, "Senior of such a high level!"

Ding Hao was a little surprised when he heard this. You must know that Shiluo and Den Tianfo are both True God level cultivators and are both official members of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. They are both shocked and respected. Then this person should be in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. Quite powerful!

Shiluo said again, "This senior is good to me, I want to have a good relationship with him and get a recommendation right! Recommend a disciple for him, to tell you, I want to recommend myself!"

"Prince-level genius! How high does he have to cultivate?" Ding Hao was shocked. Shi Luo is already at the early stage of the True God level, and he wants to be his disciple!

"Unfathomable!" Shiluo said, "Now I have decided to introduce Ding Hao to my senior benefactor. I believe my senior benefactor can also help Ding Hao enter the mid-term peak or late stage, and even accept Ding Hao as his apprentice!"

Ding Hao hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Brother Shiluo, this is the path you left for yourself. You don't need to give it to me. I feel ashamed! No, really no!"

Dan Tianfo laughed bitterly, "Ding Hao, if this is true, then I suggest you do what Shiluo said! Become a disciple of a prince-level genius, then you can become a palace master-level by mixing for a few years. Genius! Then you can't buy the treatment and honor you enjoy in the alliance with any money!"

Ding Hao still refused, "No, this is the path left by Brother Shiluo, how can I get a kick in the middle?"

Although what Shiluo said was tempting, Ding Hao wanted it too. Hei Heng, who was killed by Ding Hao before, once said that he was the Hallmaster-level genius of Jiuyou Temple Mount. If Ding Hao can become the Hallmaster-level genius of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, then there is no need to be afraid of coming from Jiuyou Temple Mount. 'S revenge!

However, Ding Hao was unwilling to accept it. This was Shi Luo's own future. Shiluo has given Ding Hao a lot of help over the years, and has never gotten any benefit from Ding Hao. How could Ding Hao take away the back of others!

Ding Hao said again, "Brother Shiluo, the Lan Di pulp I gave you just now, you can give it to your senior benefactor, strengthen the relationship, and become his disciple in the future! If you don’t have enough Lan Di pulp, I can Give you some more!"

Shiluo was so moved that she quickly said, "Those Lan Di pulp is enough! But I can't accept it! I can't borrow your things to offer Buddha, I still want to give it to my senior benefactor in your name, and Introduce you to him!"

Ding Hao said, "Brother Shiluo, my cultivation level is not enough, I really don't worry, just wait for you to become a genius at the palace master level and remember to pull the brother."

"No, no, no, my qualifications are not as good as you, so you should go."

Seeing the two of them being humbly with each other, Dan Tianfo laughed, "You...looks eye-catching! Friends who do this are considered to be affectionate and righteous, you are both good friends! That's all! Forget it, this time I won’t compete with Shiluo for the Blue Emperor Paste. Anyway, you two friends, I’m settled by Dantian Buddha!"

Seeing that Dan Tian Buddha was about to leave, Ding Hao smiled, "Don't go! I have settled your friend, and I have enough Lan Di Pu for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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