Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2142: Sharon

Chapter 2142 Shalun

Chapter 2141 Sha Lun

"Good, good! Really courageous! The ninth in the league, your disciple is not very qualified, but you still have courage."

From the huge black cyclone, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou's answer came.

The Ninth Mountain said, "Being my disciple, if he doesn't even have this courage and courage, then he is unworthy! Okay, I am desperate to know, what kind of disciple do you want to accept?"

Not to mention the Ninth Mountain Lord, the hundreds of people present at the scene are all looking forward to the answer!

Jiuyou Saint Ancestor, the founder of Jiuyou Temple Mountain, a special life form of Tier 9 Galaxy, his strength and qualifications have stood at the pinnacle of the endless world! If you can become his disciple and get his full training, then your future achievements will be extraordinary.

"Who the **** is fortunate enough to be his disciple?"

"You come out!" Saint Ancestor Jiuyou slowly said.

In his words, a cultivator standing behind the prince-level geniuses on the Jiuyou Temple Mountain walked out. His figure is not tall, with a human-like appearance, but it is not exactly the same.

The most special thing is that his body is covered with black scales. This is a very strange cultivator from a race that many people don't know.

"What? Shalun, why are you walking out?" A prince-level genius on Jiuyou Temple Mountain couldn't help but yelled loudly.

The cultivator covered with weird black scales turned his head back and sneered, "Teacher, this is the last time I call you teacher! Actually, you are not worthy to be my teacher! You have not discovered my qualifications for so many years, just Give me some basic exercises! Only a strong person like Saint Ancestor Jiuyou is worthy to be my teacher!"

When Sha Lun said this, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou coldly snorted, "What? Are you unwilling to give this disciple to me?"

"Yes, I am willing!" The prince-level genius was so scared that he knelt down and expressed his willingness.

"I have seen the teacher." Sha Lun saluted like Jiuyou Shengzu in a strange posture.

Saint Ancestor Jiuyou then said, "League Old Nine, this is my new personal disciple! His name is Shalun, and his current cultivation level is also in the late stage of the realm master realm! It is similar to your disciple Ding Hao, 1 After ten thousand years, let them fight, what do you think?"

"What is the origin of this Sharon?" All the people present frowned.

Even the ninth mountain lord can't tell what world Sharon is from and what race is it?

Before the Ninth Mountain Lord agreed, he couldn't help but ask, "This person, is this a mutant race born in which world?"

In some worlds, because of some special reasons, there will be mutated races, which are very special and cannot be recognized by others. In everyone's opinion, this guy named Shalun is probably from a demon clan like the Golden Armored Demon Race, but the golden armor on his body has mutated into a black armor.

Ding Hao secretly said in his heart: If this Sharon is really a golden armored demon, then he is really not afraid at all! There were also many golden armored demons who died in Ding Hao's hands, and Ding Hao didn't care about more deaths!

But the answer is not so.

In the huge black cyclone, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou laughed loudly, "Shalun is not from any world, he is actually a special life form! It's just because he looks too much like your ordinary life, so I didn't pay attention at first. When I got to him, I didn't realize that it was a special life form until he took the initiative to speak to me! According to the rank of the special life form, he is now the first rank of the Galaxy!"

After Jiuyou Saint Ancestor finished speaking, everyone present was dumbfounded.

"My God! He turned out to be a Galaxy-level life form?"

"Hahaha!" The wild laughter of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou echoed in the void, "Alliance Old Nine, I am a little thank you now! Thanks to you sending someone to kill the mountain demon, I will receive a better disciple Sharon is so special. If he hadn't taken the initiative to talk to me, I really didn’t find such a good seed on our Nine Nether Temple Mount! Even Sharon didn’t know himself. What's so special about him! Lian Jiu, look at the black scales on his body, look carefully at the are lost!"

Amidst the crazy laughter of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou, the huge cyclone slowly shrank, and the people on Temple Mount Jiuyou were all surrounded by Sha Lun alone, leaving here, there was no one left!

Perhaps for the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor, discovering a Sharon this time would even cost him a newt and earn many times!

For the Ninth Mountain Lord and the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, this trip was really nothing. The beaming faces of everyone were not so pretty when they went back!

"Ding Hao, everyone present, now everyone returns to the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!" Even the ninth mountain lord had a gloomy expression and slowly disappeared.

On the way back, the Prince-level geniuses of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance kept talking.

"It's over, this time I'll lose!"


"Don't you see the face of the Ninth Mountain Lord when he left?"

"Our Ten Thousand Realms Alliance will definitely lose face this time. There is no way, there is really no way! That Sharon is a special life form, a galaxy-level life form! My goodness, I tell you I have been scared to death! 1 Ten thousand years later, who knows what realm the Galaxy-class life form will cultivate under the full effort of the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor?"

"Don't dare to think, really don't dare to think!"

It's not that the geniuses of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance deliberately vilified Ding Hao, it is indeed that Ding Hao is incomparable with others!

"Galactic Special Life Form, Ding Hao, what are you going to do?" On the way back, in the Star Nest, Prince Luo and the others both frowned.

Gu Feng sighed, "What else? I really didn't expect that Saint Ancestor Jiuyou is too shameless! It's too unfair! Ding Hao is an ordinary life form, a member of the fairy clan! From the perspective of cultivation. , How does it compare to a special life form? And it’s still a galaxy class... my god, do you know what a galaxy class means? That means that in the entire endless world, there is no human aptitude and future development, and can be Compared to them..."

"Haw!" Qiuyue interrupted unhappily, "you know that you will be aspiring to others and destroy yourself!"

"No!" Gu Feng Heng smiled bitterly, "If it weren't for such a living body, of course I would totally believe in Ding Hao, but now he is such an opponent! Seriously, I have no confidence at all, let alone one percent, Even if it is one in ten thousand, or even one in ten million, there is no possibility of winning!"

Although he said this very rudely, the few people present were silent, because this was a fact, and Ding Hao did not refute it.

In fact, at this moment, Ding Hao didn't have a heart at all.

Just as Gu Fengheng said, if the disciple chosen by Saint Ancestor Jiuyou is not Shalun, Ding Hao is really confident; but he did not expect that a monster like Shalun would appear, which looks similar to a normal life form, but it is actually a monster. Galaxy-class life form, the most qualified life in the endless world, how does he compare with him?

"Oh!" Everyone sighed. Prince Luo and the others looked at Ding Hao and didn't know what words to use to comfort Ding Hao.

Li smiled bitterly, "Ding Hao became an official disciple of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance and a genius at the Palace Master level in a short time, and soon became a personal disciple of the Ninth Mountain Master, a prince-level genius. I originally wanted to congratulate him. This is happiness and sorrow. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in the end?! Alas!"

Everyone smiled bitterly and shook their heads, but at this moment, Ding Hao let go of the entanglement in joy, and laughed, "Big brothers, don’t be so frowning! Even if my qualifications and all aspects are not as good as Salron, then we At least 10,000 years!"

Hearing what Ding Hao said, everyone relaxed.

His words are not wrong, no matter how the duel is 10,000 years later, Ding Hao still has a long period of time to practice; in these 10,000 years, many changes will happen again, who knows that by then How is the situation?

Prince Li Tuo smiled and asked, "Ding Hao, I have a question to ask, you must answer honestly!"

Everyone is no longer entangled in the duel, and naturally thinks of another very important thing.

Before Prince Li Tuo asked, Gu Fengheng simply asked, "Ding Hao, did you kill the mountain demon?"

"Yes, you and us must tell the truth!" Chiu and Qiuyue also said with a smile.

Prince Luo said from the middle, "Everyone, I am afraid there are still some things that need to be concealed in this matter. If Ding Hao is inconvenient to say, then don't say it."

"How can I do it?" Prince Li Tuo was more headstrong, and urged, "Ding Hao, if you don't tell me, I won't want to improve my cultivation in the future! I'm thinking about this doubt all day, you must tell me! Otherwise, can you tell me in private that it's okay to be alone?"

Ding Hao looked at the curious babies in front of him and smiled, "Everyone, I treat you as friends, so I must tell the truth to you! But before I say it, I also want to tell everyone that I have a certain secret. You can’t ask for more details, how?"

Gu Feng nodded and said, "Of course! Every cultivator has his own secrets, fighting methods, weapons, special abilities, and cultivation techniques. These are all his own secrets! Some secrets won’t work! So we I won't force the details, I just ask you one sentence, did you kill the mountain demon?"

Ding Hao really regarded these people as friends, and simply answering such questions, Ding Hao didn't need to be too careful.

"Yes, I killed the mountain demon!" Ding Hao finally nodded.

Prince Li Tuo asked again, "Did the Ninth Mountain Lord quietly send someone to hide in the dark?"

"No!" Ding Hao smiled and shook his head, looked at the few people in front of him, and said word by word, "Although some methods of the ninth mountain lord were used to kill the mountain demon, I was the only one in the process of killing the mountain demon. One person present!"

"What? That means you killed the mountain demon alone?" All the five people present took a breath of air, and they looked at Ding Hao again, their eyes were completely different.

Prince Luo nodded and said, "No wonder the Ninth Mountain mainly accepts you as a disciple. It seems that you also have extraordinary means! I am not too worried about the duel 10,000 years later!"

(End of this chapter)

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