Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2145: Expectations of Sharon

Chapter 2145 Expectations of Shalun

Chapter 2144 the hope of Shalun

What Ding Hao wants to obtain is naturally the "Wushuang scroll, post scroll" left by Xing Wushuang.

This time, Ding Hao had the authority and didn't need to go to the endless abyss at all.

As long as the password left by Xing Wushuang is entered through the Wanjie bracelet, someone will send the space ring left by Xing Wushuang directly to Ding Hao's temple, and the spirit of the temple will send it to Ding Hao's training room.

"Okay, this is for delivery." Ding Hao accepted the space ring and took out some cosmic crystal tokens for the spirit of the temple to give to the delivery man as a tip.

The door to the training room was closed, Ding Hao sat back on the jade pad and began to watch Xing Wushuang's last gift.

The first thing that catches the eye is a lot of heavy books.

"Wushuang scroll, back scroll!" Ding Hao's eyes lit up.

Entering the late stage of the realm of the realm, what Ding Hao needs is this precious exercise!

As Ding Hao's strength grew stronger, his need for Cosmic Crystals had decreased a lot!

This is a very simple truth, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he can earn more and more universe crystals. As for the universe crystal Xing Wushuang left him, he was not as enthusiastic as before.

Speaking of which, Xing Wushuang is also a wonderful person.

In the gift she left this time, there was no Universe Crystal Token. In that space ring, apart from a set of thirty thick books, there was also a transparent jade and jade flower.

"Unexpectedly, this time I didn't leave the universe crystal."

Ding Hao's expression was strange, he took out the jade card and used his own strength to spur him, and soon Xing Wushuang's familiar long golden hair appeared.

"My inheritor, this time I did not leave you any Cosmic Crystal tokens! Because I believe that after you cultivate to the late stage of the realm, you no longer need me to leave you Cosmic Crystals! If you are now , And counting on the Universe Crystal I left for you, then you are not a qualified inheritor!"

Ding Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth. Senior Xing Wushuang is still so individual, telling the truth.

However, as Xing Wushuang predicted, Ding Hao does not need the Universe Crystal now.

The Xing Wushuang in front of her was just an image she left behind, not even her will. Ding Hao couldn't talk with him, so he continued watching quietly.

Xing Wushuang’s image said again, “In addition to my inheritance of the practice, another gift I left to you this time is this jade card! You take this jade card and enter the Alliance of Ten Thousand Worlds to find one of the nine mountain masters. Any one of them, this is my recommendation letter to you, and you can use it to become a full member of the Alliance of All Worlds!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao smiled slightly.

To say that Xing Wushuang is really thoughtful, she has counted as her inheritor, and after reaching the late stage of the realm master realm, she just meets the minimum standard of a formal member of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance! So she left, this letter of recommendation to let her inheritors join the Union of Ten Thousand Realms and become a full member!

"Senior Xing Wushuang, thank you for your arrangement! However, I have not only joined the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance with my own ability, but also become a direct disciple of the Ninth Mountain Lord. Your letter of recommendation is no longer needed. , But I still sincerely thank you, thank you!"

Ding Hao is really grateful to Xing Wushuang. Without this Wushuang scroll, he would not have achieved what he is today!

"Senior Xing Wushuang, I really look forward to the day when I can see you with my own eyes and thank you!"

Although there was only an image of Xing Wushuang in front of him, Ding Hao still saluted very respectfully, and then he put the jade card away.

After he put the jade card in his bag, he immediately opened the formation next to the jade pad.

"Sink the temple into the belly of the mountain and start the practice mode of retreat!"

Boom boom boom.

Amid the low roar, on the Ninth Mountain Range, Ding Hao's magnificent temple slowly sank into the belly of the mountain.

When the temple sank completely, only the huge statue of Ding Hao remained on this hill.

Like many people, Ding Hao began to practice his retreat in the Alliance World.

The flight pedal made of transparent spar shuttles back and forth in the sky of this world.

Two tall and savage figures flew over from nearby.

Looking at the majestic statue of Ding Hao, Manke cursed, "Why? Why is his cultivation level the same as mine, so he can enjoy Prince-level treatment? And I'm just a palace master! Why is this? My strength No worse than him, and my qualifications are no worse than him. How can I be worse than him?"

Manke has always been very dissatisfied with Ding Hao.

Because this guy had conflicts with him when he was in Azurite! In order to compete for the body of the undead demon, the two also fought!

The most important thing is that Ding Hao even killed his servant Simon Hei in front of him, and finally escaped safely. This is simply a stain in Manke's life!

I thought it was over.

But I didn’t expect Manke to meet Ding Hao again, and in front of so many people, Ding Hao turned out to be in the limelight. Seeing Manke was envious and jealous, his teeth were itchy, and he wanted to bite Ding Hao. It would be refreshing to change his position .

"Do you use these complaints?" Bai Man snorted coldly, looked at the main peak of the Ninth Mountain Range, and said, "Who would call someone a good teacher! With Ding Hao, what a little fairy? How can you be able to kill the mountain demons!"

Regarding the surrounding legends, Ding Hao killed the mountain demon alone, and only then did he get the respect of the ninth mountain lord...

Regarding these, Bai Man and Man Ke did not believe it at all. In their opinion, the Ninth Mountain Lord had arranged for someone to hide nearby. Ding Hao led the Mountain Demon into the encirclement, and then the Mountain Demon was caught by that. Kill the strong!

"In my opinion, the Ninth Mountain Master accepted Ding Hao as his disciple, not because he took a fancy to Ding Hao! Rather, he used this excuse to prevent Saint Nine You from searching for the soul of Ding Hao!" Bai Man whispered again.

"This way..." Manke nodded slowly, "At that time, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou was forced to search for Ding Hao's soul. The Ninth Mountain Lord couldn't refuse at all. Only then did he come up with a temporary solution and lied to accept Ding Hao as a disciple ! Otherwise, the Ninth Mountain Lord sends someone to hide in the void, and the secret of assassinating the Mountain Demon will be exposed!"

"I guess so." A smug smile appeared on Bai Man's face.

Manke thought about it again and said, "The Ninth Mountain Lord’s decision is not wrong, but who knows, the Nine Nether Saint Ancestor is not stupid! He even thought of a duel after ten thousand years. Haha, I guess the Ninth Mountain Lord I must regret it now!"

"Hahaha! The wise man is thinking about it, and there must be a mistake, and the ninth mountain lord is no exception!" Baiman and the others thought they had guessed the secret behind them, and they all sneered proudly.

Manke looked at the huge white statue of Ding Hao, and said contemptuously, "He will practice in retreat as soon as he comes back, but what's the use of it! How does he compare with Shalun? People Shalun is a genius, and Ding Hao is simply a mediocre. , Stupid! Ten thousand years later, I think he can't beat me after ten thousand years!"

Bai Man groaned for a while, and then guessed, "The Ninth Mountain Master has really regretted accepting Ding Hao as his disciple! If this is the case, the Ninth Mountain Master is likely to re-search for a disciple with similar strength. Chance!"

"This..." An excited smile suddenly appeared on the face of the little prince Manke.

Originally, with his aptitude and strength, he could never become a disciple of the Ninth Mountain Lord!

But now, Ding Haotai is useless, the ninth mountain lord will definitely choose a general from the dwarf, and choose a new disciple! Then the little prince Manke saw the opportunity. If he could show his face in front of the Ninth Mountain Lord and crush Ding Hao, the Ninth Mountain Lord might pay attention to himself!

Seeing the look of expectation on Manke’s face, Baiman smiled, “It seems that I also want to invest in you. I have a large supply of all the exercises and medicines you need! Eight hundred years later, it happens to be the animal cave. The day when your cultivation starts! During this time, you should practice hard and strive to enter the True God Realm when the Beast Cave opens! I think Ding Hao will definitely enter the Eternal Beast Cave at that time! At that time, you will be in front of everyone Crush him well and attract the attention of the major mountain masters! Even if you can't become the disciple of the ninth mountain master, and become the disciple of other mountain masters, it is amazing!"

"Cultivation in the Beast Cave!" Manke was excited, "Then I will work hard to cultivate. Then I will use my strength and realm to crush Ding Hao so that all the mountain owners can see it. If I can become a mountain owner's personal biography Disciple, you will never forget Uncle Baiman!"

"That's good!"

Two rays of light flew to a certain mountain range, a certain temple.


Just when Ding Hao returned to the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance and worked hard to practice in retreat, in the remote place of the turbulent flow of time and space, a towering mountain stood in the turbulent flow of time and space.

On the Jiuyou Temple Mountain, a cultivator covered in black scale armor, a bit similar to a golden armored demon, but without wings on his back, was kneeling on the highest peak of this mountain.

In front of this mountain, the black mist is circling slowly, a black hole of smoke, huge, bright electric light shines out from time to time, there is a faint rumbling sound, occasionally leaked breath, more It is frightening.

"Shalun, take off a scale from your body and put it into my cyclone."

Under the order of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou, Sha Lun tore off a scale on his body and threw it into the huge black cyclone in front of him with flesh and blood.

Boom boom boom.

When the scales were thrown in, the huge cyclone immediately produced a violent reaction, thunder roaring, electric light flashing, white light, as if to tear the cyclone away at any time.

After a while, the voice of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou came again.

"Well, Shalun, I already know your origins!" Jiuyou Holy Ancestor said, "Your qualifications are no less than mine! And more importantly, your body size is much smaller than mine! For special life forms, the greater the strength and the smaller the body, it is best to transform into a human form! This is the best! And you have all these characteristics, I believe that your future development will definitely surpass me! As for you to kill Ding Hao , That's just a small goal, I will definitely cultivate you to have enough strength to reach the other side and show off your style in the Holy World!"

Shalun was immediately ecstatic and kept kowtow, "Thank you teacher, thank you teacher, thank you teacher!"

Today’s four changes, two chapters will be published first. Friends who have monthly ticket recommendations, please move your little hands, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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