Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2160: Crystal Swallowing Beast Tier 3

Chapter 2160 Crystal Swallowing Beast Tier 3

Chapter 2159 Crystal Swallowing Beast Tier 3

"This is also..." The Craftsman God also hesitated.

He had the same idea as Da Hei, Ding Hao needs to be protected by others when he enters the primitive ruins. What's the use of talking to Ding Hao!

Thinking of this, the Craftsman God immediately said again, "You ask Ding Hao, who is there to protect him? I am familiar with the powerhouses in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. If I am an acquaintance, I can find friendship with him!"

However, before the news of Da Hei had been sent, Ding Hao had already sent back a message, "With my ability, killing the cubs of the Primordial Meditation Beast is not a problem. It is not so easy to kill the adult Primordial Meditation Beast! "

"What?" Seeing this news, the expressions of God Craftsman and Da Hei were all shocked.

"You mean, the large number of primitive meditation beast cub shells sold in the quest point store were all killed by you?" Da Hei didn't believe it at all, and immediately sent the news and looked at his teacher, Craftsman God. , The eyes of both of them are completely incredible.

In their opinion, it must be impossible for Ding Haoguang to enter the primitive ruins, how could it be possible to kill the primitive life in it!

"Yeah! I killed them all, is there anyone else?"

Ding Hao's reply made them even more stunned.

When this matter was confirmed, the Craftsman God couldn't help but sigh, "Ren Zu, this guy was very abnormal back then, I didn't expect his disciple to be even more abnormal!"

"Haha!" Da Hei couldn't help laughing. He believed that Ding Hao was not bragging, and he sent a message to Ding Hao, "Prince Ding Hao, now my teacher wants to buy some large pieces or complete adult primitive meditations because of building needs. Beast carapace, can you get it for me?"

"This..." Ding Hao hesitated.

If you want to kill the adult primitive meditation beast, you may need the Third Mountain Lord to take action. However, the third mountain lord is busy comprehending the patterns on the carapace, and it is impossible to do it for the craftsman god. Even if the artisan **** has some old relationships in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, the third mountain lord cannot owe him any favor. !

"Prince Shahei, I'm not sure about this matter." Ding Hao sent back a message, "My current strength can only kill the cubs of the primitive meditation beast. I don't have that strength for the adult beast..."

Upon receiving this news, the craftsman **** beside Da Hei also saw clearly.

The Artisan sighed, "It seems that God's will is so! Ding Hao is only a cultivation base in the late stage of the realm master. He can kill the young beasts is already incredible! How can he force him to kill the adult behemoths!"

However, Ding Hao's message did not finish, so he sent another one.

"Prince Shahei, I am going to hit the peak of the final stage of the realm in the near future! If the impact is successful, I want to practice with adult beasts! I can't guarantee that I will succeed at that time. If there is a handy weapon, say Maybe I can try it again!"

"This way!" The eyes of God of Craftsman and Dahei both lit up.

Da Hei quickly asked, "Even if you enter the final stage of the Realm Master Realm, you are still within the Realm Master Realm! You have not yet entered the True God Realm. It is really difficult to kill an adult primitive meditation beast! I know How terrifying the primitive ruins are, I advise you not to take risks!"

"Haha!" Ding Hao smiled.

If it is inside the primitive ruins and wants to kill the primitive meditation beast, it is impossible even in the true gods; but Ding Hao now has a way to take advantage of the chaos to drag a primitive meditation beast out of the ruins and into the turbulence of time and space. !

Killing in the turbulence of time and space is much easier!

This is Ding Hao's secret. He didn't want to tell others, but replied, "Of course I have my own way!"

"This..." Da Hei couldn't help but hesitate.

The Craftsman couldn’t wait to say, “This is easy! It will take time for him to reach the peak of the final stage of the Realm Lord! When he rushes through the barrier, I personally take action to help him build a rune weapon that he can use! But there is one Request, that is, the carapace obtained by the adult primitive meditation beast he killed, all sold to me at the market price!"

"it is good."

Da Hei immediately sent the news to Ding Hao. Ding Hao certainly agreed. He had also contributed the carapace he obtained to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms. Now it is sold to the Artisan God, the price is only higher. What else is there to disagree!

"Great, then you let him work hard, and within three years of weapons, I promise to build him the best rune weapon!"

With the assurance of the craftsman god, Ding Hao was also in a good mood.

Tai Hei asked again, "That's it, you practice hard, and after you break through, contact me."

When the conversation was about to end, Ding Hao suddenly thought of a question, and then asked, "Da Hei, when I saw your last name, I thought of a question. I have a weapon here. There are two moves, both of which are called Na Po. People! Dare to ask who this Napo is?"

Seeing Ding Hao's question, the old face of God Craftsman blushed.

Na Hei sent the message, "Na Po is my wife."

Ding Hao was dizzy, and he didn't expect this to happen.

The reason why he asked this question was because the fifth sword of Huangbadao's right hand was called "Napo Lian Zhan". This is the same as the first right hand "Rai Po Step Zhan". Both techniques have the name of Na Po!

Ding Hao was watching the fifth sword of Huangbadao's left and right hands recently, so this question came to mind.

Seeing Ding Hao’s question, the Craftsman God also understood, and nodded, "Da Hei, ask, is the weapon in his hand the eight swords?"

Ding Hao quickly answered, "Exactly."

The craftsman raised his hand to grab a piece of wisdom light, and threw it to Da Hei, and said, "Give this to him. After all, he is a disciple of Renzu. This is regarded as my meeting gift for him."

The Light of Wisdom is not a physical object and does not need to be handed over in person. It is sent directly to Ding Hao through the official member system.

After Ding Hao received it, he thought about it and felt ecstatic.

"This is a combat technique, and it is the inheritance left by the strong Napo. It includes not only the two moves, Napobuzhan and Napolianzhan, but also more moves! These moves and the eight swords Both the left and right hands are connected with the eight swords. After learning this combat technique, I can unlock all the sword techniques of the emperor eight swords, and it is easier!"

"Thank you Senior Craftsman!"

After Ding Hao thanked him, he stopped chatting with Da Hei, but began to buy three holy waters.

To hit the peak of the final stage of the realm, you must use holy water. It can be said that Ding Hao's breakthrough speed is very fast! Without the help of these top foreign objects, Ding Hao could not have such a rapid breakthrough speed!

"This time I will buy 1,000 drops of each holy water stock solution!"

Ding Hao used 100 drops for the first bath with holy water; 200 drops for the second bath; now for the third time, Ding Hao is going to greatly increase the concentration and come with 1,000 drops!

This price is not cheap!

Each drop of holy water is 100 mission points, 1,000 drops is 100,000 mission points!

Three kinds of holy water, 1000 drops of each, then 300,000 mission points!

Ding Hao's savings over the years, plus the gains gained this time, have all contributed to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms, and only then barely collected 300,000 mission points!

"Enter the endless abyss!"

Ding Hao entered the endless abyss to pick up the goods, and soon, three huge bottles appeared in his hands.

Just when he picked up the goods, there were some foreign cultivators from different worlds around who were talking together. It just so happened that they were also discussing the price of holy water. Of course, what they were talking about was the holy water that had been mixed with water, the holy water Ding Hao got from Mo Xiaotian!

"I tell you, the real precious thing is the original holy water. The one bought here can only be purchased by official members! You need to use precious mission points, each drop is very precious, one drop can be mixed with 1000 drops of water..."

As they were talking, they saw Ding Hao got three huge bottles.

"My God, is he also holy water?"

"Oh my god! That's holy water original liquid! Didn't it mean that every drop is very precious? How could he get so much at once?"

"Also, didn't you say that only regular members can buy it? Where did he buy it?"

Cultivators of different races from different worlds all looked at Ding Hao with shocked and envied eyes. They could get a drop of holy water mixed with water, which is already very remarkable, but who knows, someone took out so much holy water at once.

Among the people discussing, some people knew Ding Hao and whispered, "You idiots! Do you know who he is? How do you compare with him? I tell you that he is the ninth mountain of the nine giants of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance. The Lord’s personal disciple, the youngest Prince-level genius, Immortal Ding Hao! I ask how you compare?"

"My God!" After hearing Ding Hao's identity, these foreign cultivators looked at Ding Hao with a little more awe and respect.

Among these alien cultivators, there are also some from the Golden Armored Demon Race, these demon races that have invaded the fairy world!

When Ding Hao's reputation spread, these invading demons had to weigh them. When they wanted to launch an aggression against the immortal world, they would take this into consideration, and abandon the immortal world and choose other goals! As for those demons who have suffered a great loss in the fairy world, they can only bear the hatred in their hearts and dare not think of revenge anymore!

Ding Hao didn't care about these people, and used the bracelet to leave the endless abyss.

After returning to the Star Nest, he was ready to take a bath again.

This time the bath was terrific. 1000 drops of water were put into the training cabin, and the ratio reached 10 to 1000! That is to say one percent concentration!

This concentration is quite high for the realm of the realm. If the latter stage of the general realm is absolutely too much.

But Ding Hao is different. He has been baptized in a holy water bath twice, and has gone through the experience of primitive ruins!

Just when Ding Hao was about to enter the training cabin, he received another piece of good news from the Galaxy Ring.

"Master Ding Hao, just now, the Crystal Swallowing Beast has completed its breakthrough and has officially entered the third tier of the Galaxy!"

"Haha! Good good!" Ding Hao laughed loudly.

The crystal swallowing beast enters the third tier of the Galaxy, which means that Ding Hao can use it in many cases!

As for the promise to help the Dark Purple Demon Race, it is time to be fulfilled, "Dark Purple Demon Race people pay attention, when I finish my practice in the primitive ruins, I will go back and help you fulfill the promise!"

Suddenly there was a cheer in the Galaxy Ring!

(End of this chapter)

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