Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2162: Wanbao is colorless (please ask for votes)

Chapter 2162 Wanbao is colorless (three more votes)

Chapter 2161 Wanbao Colorless

A mirage, a valley, a huge manor.

From the manor, the sound of banging forging continued to be heard, and the sound was so clear and loud; and outside the manor, there are countless cultivators of various races, holding different drawings, wanting to enter the manor. Ask the owner of the manor to help him build weapons.

This is another well-known craftsman in the mirage world, named Ghost Craftsman.

After the master craftsman sealed the furnace, the master craftsman became the most famous craftsman who built the demons. Every day outside his manor, there are countless cultivators with different drawings and various rare materials from the endless world. , Ask the craftsmen to help them build weapons and armors.

Although the craftsman ghost is very busy, he is in a good mood. Seeing those strong men whose cultivation base is much higher than him, he should be polite and polite in front of him, and even ask him to build treasures in an imploring tone. His pride is very satisfying.

But recently, he received a message that someone passing by the craftsman **** was building a magic palace, and he heard the sound of thundering and forging from time to time.

It is said that this sound has been ringing for three years, which means that the craftsman **** has reopened the furnace to create treasures for people!

Craftsman ghost and craftsman god, the two learned from the same school, and the craftsmanship is between the two, but the craftsman **** is slightly better! When the craftsman **** did not seal the furnace, he was recognized as the first person to build the demon clan, and the craftsman ghost was recognized as the second person to build the demon clan!

The ghost of the craftsman has always been very dissatisfied!

Fortunately, the craftsman seals the furnace and no longer builds weapons for people, so the craftsman ghost becomes the veritable first person to build the demons!

But now that he heard that the Craftsman God had reopened the furnace, his heart became nervous, afraid that the Craftsman God would re-enter the gate and steal his first person title and honor!

"He has been in retreat for so long. He has been in our business. If he doesn't advance, he will retreat. If he doesn't build for a long time, the craftsmanship will be unfamiliar! If he used to say he was slightly better than me, I would admit it; but now, he has been closed for so long Now, the craftsmanship must be under me!"

Although Artisan Ghost said so, he was still a little nervous.

But he likes to turn tension into motivation, and he thought to himself: The master craftsman has been building for three years, and the treasure he built is about to be completed; and the top giant sword I built , Has been built for three years, and is about to succeed!

"I must build it well, and sprint at the end to turn this giant sword in my hand into a terrifying, peerless soldier! Strive to be born at the same time as the treasure created by the craftsman and let everyone in the entire mirage world see it. Who built the peerless magic weapon, more extraordinary? Who is the real first person to build the Demon Race?"

With this idea in his heart, the craftsman became more serious, focused, and used all his crafting skills to build this peerless magic weapon!

As time passed day by day, the sound of forging from the manor still sounded constantly, crisp and loud.

The craftsman ghost's forging has come to an end. On this day, auspicious clouds are constantly gathering over the manor!

"This is..." The cultivators of all races who were waiting outside the manor all looked towards the sky and looked calm. Judging from their insights, it is not difficult to see that these auspicious clouds were created by the craftsmen!

An old man with a voice like Hong Zhong laughed and said, "Is this another top-level artifact of the master craftsman, ghost and Taoist, successfully created?"

The disciple of the craftsman ghost who was in charge of the reception smiled proudly, "Senior, this peerless magic weapon created by my teacher has not yet succeeded. It is now the most critical moment."

When he said that, everyone present was shocked.

"Fantastic! I only heard that the magic weapon was successfully built. At the moment of birth, there was a vision in heaven and earth, congratulations on the birth of the magic weapon; but I have never heard of it. The crafting craftsmanship is truly touching and shocking!"

The disciple of the craftsman’s ghost, he was happy when he heard others say this, but he pretended to be humble and said, "Where is it? My teacher has created treasures before, and there has never been such a vision of heaven and earth. This is the first time I have appeared. His craftsmanship has been upgraded a lot!"

The cultivators of all races present quickly complimented and said, "That's really congratulations. Congratulations, the craftsmanship and the daoists have upgraded their craftsmanship again, and now they are definitely the first person to build the demons!"

The craftsman ghost has also sensed that there is a cloud of auspicious clouds in the sky outside the manor, and his heart is happier, and the movements in his hands become perfect. "I didn't expect it. It seems that my craftsmanship has improved a lot! This makes me more With confidence, the craftsman, you just open the furnace, I am not afraid of you, and now my craftsmanship has surpassed you!"

In the sky, there are more and more auspicious clouds, and the golden light is all over the sky.

This kind of sight attracted all the famous craftsmen in the mirage world, and more and more people came. Looking at the crafting workshops in the manor, they were all in awe and envy!

Someone also chatted in a low voice, "Senior Craftsman, the magic weapon created this time, I am afraid it will be recorded in the history of my demons forever!"

"Yes, the peerless magic weapon has not yet been successfully built, it has attracted auspicious clouds, which is almost unheard of!"

"I heard that the Craftsman God has opened the stove again recently, as if he is going to help an old friend's disciple build a magic weapon!"

"Funny! The craftsman has sealed the furnace for so many years, and he still doesn't know how to make it? He is no longer comparable to the craftsman!"

"Haha! It seems that the craftsman ghost is now recognized as the first person to build the demons!"

While everyone was waiting for discussion, in the depths of the manor, a huge jewel suddenly burst into the sky, and a hearty laughter came. The golden clouds in the sky split, shooting down ten thousand golden lights, bathing the entire manor in nobleness. In the light!

Everyone on the scene exclaimed, "The **** soldier is born, the heaven and the earth celebrate, my God, this is probably also the title of the craftsman who is worthy of creating the first person of the demons! As for the craftsman gods and his ilk, he is incomparable! "

"Hahaha!" Hearing the words outside, the ghost craftsman vented all the depressed emotions in his heart for many years. His self-confidence reached the peak, holding a gorgeous giant sword in both hands, and strode out of the manor. "Everyone, this This is the magic weapon I just built, everyone, please see!"

At the same time, just hundreds of thousands of miles away, among the rolling mountains and the gap between two steep cliffs, in the depths of an ancient palace, a mottled door suddenly opened, and the craftsman **** with joy Came out.

Da Hei, who was waiting outside the door, quickly stepped forward, "Teacher, what grade?"

A weapon is successfully built, and the craftsmanship of this weapon can be divided into many grades to determine the strength of the builder.

"Successful, you have to wait for the enlightenment to find out what grade!" God of Craftsman smiled slightly and quickly took a few steps forward.

When he stood in the sunlight coming from outside, he flipped his hands and took out this strangely shaped double knife covered with lines and star-point runes!

At the moment he took it out, the entire mirage world was shaken, a loud noise came out of thin air.

Looking at the sky above the manor of the craftsman ghost, all the auspicious clouds were torn in an instant, and the power contained in it quickly left and went straight to build the magic palace!

"What's the situation? What's the situation?"

The cultivators of all ethnic groups who were just about to send out congratulations were all at a loss, wondering what happened?

However, those craftsmen who are also building demons have guessed something, "Could it be that someone at the same time created a more peerless magical blade, so heaven and earth auspicious clouds, all rushed to congratulate!"

The disciple of the craftsman ghost shouted angrily, "Don't talk nonsense? In the entire mirage world! The whole demon race! Who else has craftsmanship that can exceed my teacher?

This sentence of him was originally a rhetorical question, but when everyone present heard it, it became a question.

"Whose craft can surpass the craftsman's ghost? That's only the craftsman god!"

Many people have already thought of this, but for the sake of face, it is hard to talk more.

The ghost of the craftsman's face was so embarrassed, he had already guessed that the gods who were born at the same time should be the **** of craftsmen!

However, he still felt a little comforted, "Even if the craftsman **** soldier was born and led away the auspicious clouds from heaven and earth, these auspicious clouds came to congratulate me first. Therefore, in this way, I am not necessarily better than this peerless **** soldier. His difference!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Everyone nodded in agreement, "Even if the craftsman is also creating a peerless magic weapon, the heaven and earth auspicious clouds rushed to congratulate, it can not be said that the craftsmanship of the craftsman is more than the craftsmanship, it should be said to be equal. !"

But at this moment, from the small plain city outside the nearby valley, several senior craftsmen who built the demons flew.

"Everyone, there was a loud bang just now, the magical blades I was building were all shattered at that instant!"

"What?" All the people present were stunned, wondering what this meant?

Another senior craftsman said, "I heard that at that moment, all the treasures being built in the entire city were shattered! There are also people, a treasure that has just been built, and there are many cracks on it! Nor! I know, is there such a problem in our entire mirage world..."

Hearing the craftsman's words, the ghost of the craftsman's expression was shocked, and he quickly lowered his head to check his own peerless giant sword that had just been built.

Following his gaze, everyone looked at the giant sword, and saw that at the sharpest tip of the giant sword, an ugly crack appeared at some point!

"My God? Not just now, what's wrong?" All the cultivators of all races were dumbfounded.

Especially the master of this giant sword, the cultivator who entrusted the ghost craftsman to build the giant sword, felt extremely distressed and anxious, and asked loudly, "Fraud master craftsman, tell me! What happened? Why? Will it be like this?"

The craftsman ghost also paled, and he paused for a while before saying, "This should be the most terrifying world vision in the legend of the demons we created!"

When he said this, all the craftsmen present all blurted out, "Could it be that one treasure was born and Wanbao was colorless!"

The master of the giant sword still didn't understand, "What is the birth of Wanbao colorless?"

Someone opened the mouth to explain, "That is to say, when the most perfect magic weapon is born, at this moment, the magic weapon that is being built in the entire mirage world and the magic weapon that has just been built feel incomparable and shameless. So I am broken and damaged!"

"Oh my God, how perfect is this born treasure!"

Third watch, there is a chapter in the evening!

(End of this chapter)

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