Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2168: Meditation bubbles, get it!

Chapter 2168 Meditation Bubbles, get it!

Chapter 2167 Meditation Bubble, Get It!

Ding Hao couldn't bother to hide his figure, and accelerated backward, much faster than before.

Fortunately, at this time, the ancient beast was also moving on its own, and did not notice Ding Hao who was acting below.

Of course, Ding Hao didn't dare to be too presumptuous, otherwise it would alarm the ancient beast and the consequences would be disastrous!

Puff puff!

When Ding Hao hurried to the place where he was waiting, he saw more than a dozen circular bubbles spurting out of the top of his head.

These bubbles are much larger than those ejected by the medium-sized primitive meditation beasts, and the bubble walls are much thicker!

Ding Hao has seen the meditation bubbles sprayed by the medium-sized primitive meditation beasts, which are very thin, so they burst immediately after coming out and cannot be collected; while the meditation bubbles sprayed by the ancient beasts have much thicker cell walls, so after they come out It will not burst immediately, just so Ding Hao can collect it!

"Meditation bubbles!" Ding Hao's eyes shot a strange glow.

He is here, waiting for 315 years, just to wait for this moment!

The ancient beasts sprayed a total of 13 bubbles this time, of different sizes. There are seven colors of brilliance flowing outside the bubbles, and the radiance is radiant, which is extraordinary at a glance!

"Hurry up! Get it!"

According to the teacher of the Ninth Mountain Lord, there are tricks to collecting meditation bubbles!

The most powerful space treasure should be used to put all the bubbles spit out by the ancient beast into the bag!

Never, something is missing!

Because the meditation bubble sprayed by the ancient beast, although the cell wall is very thick, it will not explode; however, it is still a bubble after all, and it will explode immediately when it encounters anything! Immediately after the explosion, the terrifying meditation power contained in it will also be released!

In that case, the receiver will immediately enter a long-term meditation state, which is simply a dead end.

"Close! You can't leave a meditation bubble!"

"Come and close!"

At this moment, Ding Hao counts on every second, he can no longer take care of hiding his figure, he must completely put away these thirteen bubbles in the shortest time!

Ding Hao used the Galaxy Ring.

This thing is already the most outstanding space treasure, Ding Hao puts the bubbles into the ring one by one, and they are located in different locations in the Galaxy! The collection is scattered, there are no other objects in the vicinity of the collection place, thousands of miles away, to prevent touching and bursting!

With Ding Hao's continuous urging, the Galaxy Ring quickly collected the bubbles one by one into different positions. However, when Ding Hao received eleven, he was suddenly shocked to find that the remaining two bubbles were about to collide. together!

"not good!"

Ding Hao's reaction was very quick. He knew that if these two bubbles collided, they would burst immediately, and he would immediately fall into a state of meditation, then he would be dead!

"I would rather let them burst in the galaxy ring than burst outside!"

"Give me!"

Ding Hao's thoughts moved again, and the remaining two bubbles were simultaneously collected into the Galaxy Ring.


When these two meditation bubbles entered the Galaxy Ring at the same time, they exploded at the same time.

The powerful meditation power is instantly transmitted in this vast starry sky!

However, fortunately, Ding Hao placed the income of the two bubbles in the most remote place of the Galaxy Ring, so even if the meditative power in it is released, it will not have much impact on the cultivators living in the Galaxy Ring!


The earth-shaking roar came from Ding Hao's head.

When I lifted my head, I saw the ancient beast’s huge circular mouth full of teeth, suddenly opening, roaring, spouting a frenzied air current; its pair of strange eyes like wooden stakes also pointed towards Ding Hao, from all directions. Amazing black tentacles also rushed crazy!

"Your uncle! I was discovered by it!"

Ding Hao was very nervous. He used the galaxy ring to collect all the meditation bubbles ejected by the ancient beast. It was inevitable to alarm the ancient beast!

As for the escape plan, Ding Hao had already planned, but at this moment, he was still quite nervous.

"Let it go! Let it go! Let it go!"

According to the records in the memoirs of Prince Wanji, magic arrays and similar spells have limited effects on ancient beasts, but they are still effective!

Ding Hao immediately released all the magic arrays and spells he had bought in the mission point store. These magic arrays and spells were all very high-end in the mission point store!

It has no effect on such a powerful life as the ancient beast, and a treasure of too low grade.

So this was purchased by Ding Hao at all costs, and it can be said to be the most advanced and precious magic array spell in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance.

When this large number of phantom arrays and spells were released at the same time, the light and shadow in front of him suddenly became chaotic.

Various phantom arrays, strange and weird, produce different colors of light and shadow. These lights and shadows are still expanding. Human shadows, swords and swords shadows, scenery silhouettes, various strange life forms, and huge life scenes all appear suddenly at this moment. ; And those spells, amidst these chaotic lights and shadows, produced a large number of fireballs, ice cubes, colorful rays, and golden runes!

In short, when all these are intertwined, a chaotic and gorgeous effect is produced.

Seeing all this, the old life form such as the ancient beast was taken aback!

It has never seen these strange and messy things!

However, it does not have an IQ, nor can it think, it will only act on its own instinct, and its instinct is to tear everything up and eat everything up!


The roar sounded again, and violent air currents spurted from its mouth!

Its huge circular mouth opened to a very terrifying size. I am afraid that no one living person can see this strange scene except Ding Hao!

When the huge mouth of the ancient beast opened to its limit, Ding Hao clearly saw that its huge mouth was covered with dense strange patterns!

"These patterns..." Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

Because he noticed that the patterns on the carapace of the primitive meditation beasts that the third mountain lord had been pondering all day were similar to the patterns in the mouths of the ancient beasts. However, the patterns in the mouths of the ancient beasts are more complicated, complicated and mysterious!

"Did these ancient beasts cultivate all the patterns on their carapace into their bodies?" This thought flashed in Ding Hao's heart.

But here, he can't tolerate it.

The angry ancient beast stretched out thousands of black tentacles and rushed frantically to tear all the weird lights and shadows in front of them to pieces!


A large number of black tentacles rushed in frantically, reaching into the large area of ​​light and shadow!

And in the gap between the black tentacles, a figure of a fairy in white, interspersed out, hung out from the gap between the black tentacles!

boom! The earth moved and the mountains shook, and the light and shadow were shattered.

Those fierce tentacles hit everywhere, even the light and shadow in the void, they were instantly shattered.

As for the fireballs and ice cubes released by those spells, they had no effect at all and shattered instantly.

And the figure of Ding Hao running wildly also appeared suddenly under the gaze of the ancient beast.


The roar of the ancient beast once again became huge. Obviously, Ding Hao's escape has made it angry!

"My God, what should I do?"

Behind Ding Hao, there were an astonishing number of black tentacles; and in front of Ding Hao, there was another group of black tentacles that did not know how many tentacles came surging.

From a distance, it was like two huge black waves rolling towards the center, Ding Hao's figure was just a small white spot in it, unable to resist at all!

"Your uncle, it's too scary!"

Ding Hao's mouth was dry, and he immediately began to implement the second step of the escape plan.

"Puppet, come out for me!"

The large number of puppets that Ding Hao bought in the quest point shop now works.

These puppets are more lifelike and amazingly powerful than those created by Jiang Wen's family in the fairy world! Many of the puppets were made directly from the corpses of certain demons. They were very real. Ding Hao bought nine varieties and more than 180 puppets!

Now, Ding Hao released most of the more than 180 puppets together and ran in all directions.

These puppets are of different races and have certain fighting capabilities, and each of them is extremely powerful.

The scene in front of him was once again chaotic. The cultivators of various demons flew in different directions, and when they encountered the black tentacles, they rushed directly to fight without dodge!

Among the many figures, Ding Hao, dressed in white, stood there without moving.

Because at this moment, the space in all directions has been filled with black tentacles, just like in the ocean, with tides all around the body, there is nowhere to escape, Ding Hao can only wait temporarily!

Soon, he saw an opportunity.

Bang bang bang!

These 180 puppets, although they are all fine products sold by the powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, they are completely vulnerable to the ancient beasts.

The ferocious tentacles of the ancient beasts were slammed, and some were smashed in an instant, some were directly smashed, and some were torn to pieces by those slender tentacles, various methods of death; but in the end, they all ended in the same way. , That is, being sent into the huge mouth of the ancient beast by the tentacles, swallowed and enjoyed, and become food!

When these tentacles stretched out into the mouth of the ancient beast, Ding Hao saw the gap, that was his chance to escape!


Ding Hao's figure in white quickly flashed into the gaps of several huge tentacles, and rushed towards the outside with extreme speed.

However, it is very difficult to escape the clutches of the ancient beasts!

The 180 puppets only delayed for tens of seconds, and they were all sent into the mouth of the ancient beast. The only living creature left was Ding Hao.

The remaining black tentacles are still in hot pursuit, very fast!

"It's too hard to escape!" Ding Hao was horrified, and now he knew that it was really too difficult to escape from the hands of the ancient beast.

Fortunately, he still has a third step plan.

Most of the puppets he bought were released just now, and a few are left. This is the third step of the plan.

"Fat bugs, it's only a desperate move now! The silkworm is a good thing, but it has already reached the point of losing the car to protect your handsome!"

For hundreds of years, the fat worm has long evolved successfully, and it immediately ordered every silk-destroying worm to get into a puppet!

Ding Hao released all the five puppets again!

(End of this chapter)

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