Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2175: Rescue Xiaobi

Chapter 2175 Rescue Xiaobi

Chapter 2174 Rescue Xiaobi

Xiaobi had a dream, as if she had returned to the small world of Kyushu. She was just a tiny demon vine, utterly muddled all day long, wondering what to do?

In this state of confusion, after countless years, what does she seem to be waiting for?

"What am I waiting for? It seems I can't remember!"

In this confusion, suddenly, her eyes brightened up, and the familiar figure first appeared in front of her.

"Dad!" Xiaobi blurted out. At this moment, she suddenly recalled everything she had experienced.

She was imprisoned in a still coffin because the seed of the World Tree was used as a host. What she was waiting for was not someone else, but Ding Hao, to solve all this for her!

She doesn't know how many years have passed. She stayed in a still coffin for more than 1,000 years!

"Don't speak, listen to Prince Sudinan's guidance!" Ding Hao knew that time waits for no one. When he opened the still coffin, the seeds of the World Tree woke up and began to absorb the spirit crazy from Xiaobi's body. force!

"Prince Sudinan?"

Xiaobi was confused, and then noticed that not far behind her head, there was a demon cultivator sitting cross-legged.

At the same time, a strong spirit and will came into her mind, "Xiaobi, I am Prince Sudinan, we are helping you solve the world tree seed! Now there is no time to explain to you too much, you must completely According to my guidance, follow my arrangements, don't have any doubts or rejections!"

Xiaobi didn't know any Prince Sudinan, but she looked at Ding Hao standing next to her, and she felt relieved.

She closed her eyes and completely obeyed Sudinan's instructions!

"Can Dad really save me?" Xiaobi was worried.

According to what she can know, it is difficult for her to survive!

For her, the seed of the world tree is too powerful, it is a kind of planet-level life form with very tenacious vitality, which has the strength above the realm master realm when it was first born! And until now, Xiaobi hadn't entered the realm of the realm with her cultivation base!

Moreover, the World Tree is a planet-level life form, a plant-type special life, and its vitality is very tenacious; Xiaobi is just a demon vine. If she hadn't obtained the fairy body of the fairy vine, she would have difficulty even entering the fairy world.

But even so, the immortal body that the fairy vine transforms is not very qualified, so how can it be the opponent of the world tree seed!

Xiaobi's heart is actually very desperate. She can feel that the seed of the world tree has covered every corner of her body with its root system, absorbing nutrients from her body madly!

She felt that she was dying, and she might die very ugly!

But at this moment, the voice called Prince Sudinan heard in her ears. Xiaobi did not know this person, but she believed that her father would not harm her, so she obeyed Sudinan’s orders without a trace of suspicion and Revolt.

"Now, you don't care about your physical body, use your mental power to learn this technique in the shortest possible time, and practice immediately!"

Xiaobi didn't know what kind of exercises Sudinan sent to her so anxiously, so she started practicing when she asked her to practice.

This should be a spiritual power exercise, the main purpose is to completely disperse her spiritual power and become countless billions of copies!

Xiaobi didn't know if her mental power was broken down into countless billions of parts, and whether she would be able to recover as before, but she didn't doubt at all, or even inquired, and immediately began to practice.

In fact, Su Dinan is ready, if Xiao Bi asks, he will explain to Xiao Bi in the shortest time.

However, he did not expect that Xiao Bi had complete trust in him.

He nodded, "A very obedient little girl, I will definitely save you!"

Spiritual power exercises have never been so easy to practice. Xiaobi spent the shortest time reading this exercise, but it was not so easy to practice.

"It's okay, if you don't understand, you can ask me!"

Su Dinan has made sufficient preparations for the questions that Xiaobi raised during the practice.

Sure enough, Xiaobi could say that he didn't know this exercise from the beginning, and it was difficult to practice. The first sentence was explained for a long time.

During this period of time, Ding Hao couldn't help at all. He could only stand beside the still coffin and watch quietly.

A little bit of time passed, in the teaching of Sudinan, a whole day of twelve hours has passed.

Xiaobi hasn't fully learned this technique, nor has he started practicing!

Ding Hao noticed that there was already a layer of sweat on Sudinan's forehead!

It is not easy to make a strong man in the late True God Realm sweat! Su Dinan has never sweated in his own practice, but now it is more difficult to practice for others than to practice himself! And this kind of exercise, others can't help, only through the exchange of ideas, let Xiaobi learn it!

"Dad, am I stupid? I still can't learn it, I feel I'm going to die soon!" Xiaobi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Ding Hao.

Ding Hao is also sad now. His feeling is more intuitive. He clearly sees that Xiaobi’s originally fair girl’s skin has grown many ugly black marks. Those are the roots of the world tree that have begun to thrive. The capillaries also have tiny roots, which can be seen by the naked eye now, as if they are about to pierce Xiaobi's skin and grow out.

"I didn't expect the World Tree to grow so fast?" Ding Hao looked horrified.

Sudinan’s voice heard in her ears, “As long as the World Tree has enough nutrients, it will grow faster and faster! It will soon be faster! When there is no time, you immediately let her calm down and concentrate on practicing the exercises! "

"Okay." Ding Hao nodded, stretched out his hand, stroking Xiaobi's long blond hair, saying every word, "Dad will be with you here, you won't die, follow the instructions of Uncle Sudinan well. Cultivation, Dad believes you can pass this level! Believe what Dad said?"

"Yeah." Xiaobi closed her eyes obediently and began to practice again.

Ding Hao's hand kept touching Little Birou's long hair, and his heart was actually more anxious. Just as Su Dinan said, this matter is irreversible, and Su Dinan cannot guarantee absolute success. Ding Hao saw that the black roots in Xiaobi's skin became more and more frightening, and he felt anxious and sad. He couldn't help but start worrying about how sad he would be if Xiaobi really died?

Xiaobi was the first to follow him, not his friend, but his relatives. After so many years, Ding Hao's feelings for Xiaobi are even closer than his own children! If Xiaobi really has two shortcomings, Ding Hao feels that his mood will also be severely damaged!

Just when Ding Hao's thoughts began to be confused, Su Dinan's ears suddenly heard a surprise cry, "It's successful! My God, she finally learned this technique, she has already started to practice!"

Ding Hao was awakened by this sound, looked down again, and found that Xiaobi's condition had reached a very dangerous level.

The beautiful Xiaobi has become quite terrible now. Her skin is covered with black roots. The whole person is like a black mummy. It is very terrifying. The blood color of her skin is quickly disappearing, and her body is beginning to become dry and hard. Withered wood, those black roots may pierce her skin at any time and grow out!

"Have you started practicing? What should I do now? Do you want to release meditation bubbles?"

"No, no! Don't worry, it's not time yet!" Su Dinan was also very nervous this time, life and death are on the front line, and he wanted to save this obedient blonde girl. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "You are ready at any time and wait for my news!"

It was really like years now, Ding Hao's hand touched Xiaobi's little head, and the touch had begun to become hard, as if he was touching the trunk of the World Tree.

Ding Hao felt quite uncomfortable watching the living Xiaobi become like this. Just when his mood was about to collapse, a pair of green shoots suddenly grew out of Xiaobi's mouth...

"Asshole!" Ding Hao's eyes became extremely gloomy.

At this moment, he can’t care that this young shoot is a descendant of the old world tree. The contribution of the old world tree to the fairyland has nothing to do with Ding Hao. Ding Hao can’t wait to use his own power to destroy the pair of shoots and kill this nasty plant. !

But at this moment, Su Dinan's voice came in his ears, "Don't be emotional! If successful, this shoot will be Xiao Bixin's body!"

"If it fails, I don't care what world tree it is, and I will kill it!" Ding Hao's eyes were extremely ferocious at this moment, and he asked again, "Do I need meditation bubbles?"

Sudinan said, "No, it's not yet time!"

Ding Hao was really about to collapse. He watched Xiaobi being sucked dry and slowly dying, but he was helpless!

However, a situation that made him even more anxious occurred again. At this moment, the entire temple was shaking!

A powerful will was suddenly released from a huge black hole in the alliance world. All the closed formations in the alliance world were instantly penetrated by this force, and everyone felt, "My God, what a powerful will! This must be the opening of the beast cave, the will of the eternal beast predecessor has flooded the world!"

The expressions of Ding Hao and Su Dinan also changed. They were also waiting for the door of the Beast Cave to open, but they didn't expect that the time to open the door was so unfortunate, at the most critical moment of Xiaobi!

"Don't worry, don't worry! The door to the animal cave is only open, there is still a lot of progress, it should be too late!" Su Dinan is comforting Ding Hao, but also comforting himself.

Ding Hao gritted his teeth and said to his heart that even if he didn't participate in the animal cave cultivation, he must save Xiaobi.

Suddenly, Sudinan's voice came over, "Hurry up, meditation bubbles! Hurry up!"

Ding Hao was overjoyed and quickly released the meditation bubbles from the galaxy ring with his mind, and the position of release was on the golden funnel-shaped light beam!


I saw that huge colorful bubble burst on the upper part of the funnel-shaped beam of light. The meditative power generated was immediately suppressed by the formation, and all was pressed into Xiaobi's mental power!

Sudinan said again, "Not enough, continue!"

Two changes today, it will break out tomorrow, so stay tuned!

(End of this chapter)

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