Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2177: Buy for six months

Chapter 2177 Buy six months

Chapter 2176

Xiaobi is very strange, why can she only control a few branches of the World Tree?

"This is normal." Sudinan said, "Although your mental power is successfully condensed in the body of the world tree, you have not completely controlled the world tree. Next, I will pass you a practice technique. In the days to come, you have to work hard to practice this exercise, it will help you gain control of the entire world tree, and then it will be completely successful!"

"It turned out to be like this." Xiaobi understood. Now she hasn't really succeeded completely. When she controls the entire World Tree, that's when she is truly reborn! She nodded vigorously and said, "Well! I understand, I also took that fairy vine slowly back then!"

Su Dinan smiled and said, "The World Tree is a special planet-level life form. It is not an ordinary fairy vine to compare. Come on, I will teach you the exercises!" Su Dinan finished, "This exercise has another One function, after you take control of the entire world tree, you can grow into the shape you want according to your own needs! Even restore your original little girl's appearance!"

"Great!" Xiaobi shouted excitedly, "Then I don't need to be a tree forever."

It turned out that she was still very worried in her careful thoughts. If she was always the image of a tree, it would be really sad! Even if the strength is strong and the qualifications are good, it is not good!

Now that Sudinan said, she finally felt relieved.

"Okay, I will learn exercises from Uncle Sudinan now!"

At the moment, Sudinan taught Xiaobi the exercises.

At this moment, Ding Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Xiaobi's affairs had come to an end! The most dangerous moment has passed, and what is left is Xiaobi's long-term cultivation, slowly taking the body of the World Tree into his bag, with the exercises taught by Sudinan should not be a problem!

At this moment, Ding Hao also received the news from Da Black.

"Brother Ding Hao, are you there? My teacher has created all the souvenirs you want!"

"So fast!" Ding Hao frowned. If he could give this gift to his friends before practicing in the animal cave, then after entering the animal cave, it would be of great help to their cultivation.

"Then meet in the endless abyss, right away!"

Taking advantage of the time when Su Dinan was teaching Xiaobi the exercises, Ding Hao went quickly and returned, and when he entered the endless abyss, he saw Da Hei already waiting for him inside.

"This was created by my teacher himself!"

"so beautiful!"

Ding Hao took a necklace made by the craftsman, and his eyes lit up.

The teeth of the ancient beast were originally crystal clear, showing a very touching milky white color, and now the craftsman **** gave it a white light chain. With Ding Hao's eyes, it can be seen that this chain is also a very precious metal! Between the necklace and the teeth, there is a base made of a small piece of the original meditative beast carapace from the original ruins of No. 1206. It is also very beautiful. As long as there is light, it will flash in seven colors. !

And on the root of each tooth, there is a very clear red mark.

This red mark is the special mark of the God of Craftsman, which not only shows that this treasure was made by the God of Craftsman, but also enjoys the priority of crafting and preferential rights. This is an honor that money can't buy!

"Great! Thank you so much!"

Ding Hao accepted the necklaces one after another, then picked one out of them and handed it to Da Hei, "Brother Da Hei, this one is for you!"

What Ding Hao didn't expect was that Da Hei laughed, and pulled out the same necklace from her clothes, "I know you want to give it to me, so I'm not polite. I got one first!"

"Haha! You are really welcome!" Ding Hao's entangled mood instantly opened up when he met such a cheerful person, and he laughed.

As they received the items, many cultivators from the endless abyss gathered around, looking at this chain of necklaces enviously, some cultivators thought they were rich and boldly came up to ask the price.

Ding Hao snorted coldly, "Only for friends, no more money will not sell!"

After speaking, he and Dahei held fists and said goodbye, "Brother Dahei, I am afraid it will be three thousand years before we meet next time!"

Da Hei laughed, "Three thousand years, then I am afraid we will not see! I have reached the peak of the true gods, and can already cross the endless sea to the other shore! After three thousand years, I will die, or I will be in the holy world. !"

"What? So fast!" Ding Hao looked at Da Hei in shock.

Tai Hei laughed and said, "Although my cultivation level and strength may be a bit short, I still decided to try it!"

"Okay! Good luck! Friends!" Ding Hao once again held a fist solemnly, then turned and left!

"Goodbye, friend!" Tai Hei did the same, after holding his fist, turned and left.

Ding Hao walked out of the endless abyss and returned to his temple. Sudinan almost finished teaching Xiaobi.

"Xiaobi, I don’t have time to talk more! Soon, your father and I will enter the animal’s den and practice for three thousand years! For your exercises and cultivation experience, you can understand it yourself. When we come out, hope You have grown into a towering tree!"

Ding Hao had prepared the place where Xiaobi practiced, which was in the back mountain of his temple.

There is a very quiet and safe place where Xiaobi grows freely. No matter what he looks like, no one will dare to do anything in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance! And Xiaobi is in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and its root system can madly absorb the world power of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, so there is no need to worry about the power being sucked up! Here is her most suitable place to grow!

Xiaobi's original body had been completely wrapped into the root system and could not be taken out. Ding Hao planted it together with this crystal clear little tree on the back mountain of the temple.

"Xiaobi, practice hard!" Ding Hao stood by the small tree and touched the trunk of the small tree with his hand, his gaze looked at the huge black beast cave.

There, a huge list has slowly risen, and above the list is a ranking of all the cultivators who enter the beast den, Ding Hao's name has not yet been ranked!

Ding Hao was only on the huge list, and said, "Dad’s name will be listed on this list sooner or later! You must also be at the top! Xiaobi, you have to cultivate, grow up, and grow taller. You can see farther, you can see the top of this list, with the name of Dad!"

"Yeah!" Xiaobi nodded sensibly, and said, "Dad, don't worry about going! I will definitely grow up and grow taller and look at your name every day!"

"Okay!" Ding Hao patted the tree trunk, then stepped on the flight pedal and flew side by side with Su Dinan towards the animal cave.

The first mountain leader erected the list, which means that the geniuses of the alliance have begun to enter the field.


Amid the earth-shattering roar, a black abyss with a diameter of one million kilometers stretched out a head like a giant dragon.

All the cultivators of all races who participated in the training this time have all stood on the flight pedals. Seeing this terrifying and huge dragon head, they were shocked, "Is this the predecessor of the eternal beast?"

Ding Hao and Su Dinan are like two meteors, quickly cutting through the sky and rushing here.

"What a huge figure!" Ding Hao looked at the huge head of Eternal Beast, shocked in his heart. This behemoth's head is a bit like a dragon's head, but it is definitely not a giant dragon. Its body is extremely large and changeable. The dragon's head should be just one of its appearance!

"Senior Eternal Beast." The boss of the nine giants, the first mountain owner, was very polite to this powerful being. He orally called senior, clasped his fists and bowed, pointing to the crowd behind and said, "There are a total of 35 late True God Realm geniuses. There are 544 mid-term geniuses and 6619 early-stage geniuses who are about to enter the beast cave to practice. Please give them the beast cave tokens from the eternal beast seniors, and polish them well!"

"Yeah!" Eternal Beast made a human voice, but it didn't say much, nodded, and his body shook.

Suddenly, a block of tokens the size of dragon scales flew to the hands of the geniuses present. It was a translucent token of aquamarine mixed with blood red, like agate jade!

The first mountain lord turned his head and said, "Immediately drop blood to recognize the lord! Cultivating in the beast cave, if you encounter any danger, or if you want to give up halfway, you can crush this token! Senior Eternal Beast will immediately take you in Give it away without damage! If you don't crush the token, then you will die in the beast den without anyone taking care of it! Remember this, everyone!"

"Yes!" The earth-shaking roar of geniuses resounded everywhere.

"This is the Beast Cave Token!" The little prince Manke stood beside Bai Man, ecstatic in his heart, he also had the opportunity to enter the Beast Cave to practice! If it is done well, after three thousand years, he should be able to enter the late True God Realm!

When it reaches the late stage of the True God Realm, it is really powerful!

Standing next to him, Bai Man whispered, "I am in the middle stage of the True God Realm. After entering, I and you are not in the same area. Take care!"

"Uncle Baiman, don't worry! In the first area, the sea of ​​clouds and green fruits, fighting between cultivators is forbidden. It is very safe. I will work hard to cultivate to the middle stage, and then we can meet!"

"That's good!" Bai Man nodded in satisfaction.

After receiving the token, everyone is ready to step on the flight pedal under their feet and enter the huge beast cave.

But at this moment, the eternal beast like a huge dragon head uttered a roar, "You! Why are you mixed in the crowd, you are not qualified to get my beast cave token!"

Everyone looked back, and saw a white fairy standing on the flight pedal.

"Haha! It's Ding Hao!" Manke couldn't help laughing. "This kid is really shameless. He wants to refill his count and come in and practice with us! But he didn't know! He gave blood to the beast den When acknowledging the Lord, Senior Eternal Beast will test everyone's true cultivation! He will be exposed if he does not reach the realm of true gods. What do I think he has to say?"

Today's four changes, two chapters will be published first, in the new week, there is a monthly ticket to support the steamed buns! Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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