Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2182: Someone breaks (the leader adds more)

Chapter 2182 someone broke through (the leader adds more)

Chapter 2181

The sea of ​​clouds is vast, and several powerful men are surrounding a cloud beast to attack and kill with all their strength.

The sound of booming is endless, and the sword and shadow cut through the sea of ​​clouds.


Soon after, with a mournful roar, this behemoth, which was as tall as a dozen-story building, collapsed.

After the Yun Beast was beheaded, its body would immediately disintegrate and turn into large gray clouds, which merged into the surrounding sea of ​​clouds and disappeared without a trace.

The only thing that appeared in front of everyone was the green fruit.

"It's another bifruit!" The several powerful men who besieged the cloud beast cheered at the same time.

If Ding Hao were here, he would definitely be very happy, because these powerful men are all his friends.

Three Lives War Wolf smiled and said, "It should be my turn this time!"

"Yes, it's you!" Shi Luo nodded.

In killing this cloud beast, the one who contributed the most was a sturdy alien cultivator named Lei Xiao who followed the Prince Qing team. Lei Xiao contributed the most, so only he could pick up this bifruit! After he picked it up, the restriction on the fruit was lifted. He lifted his hand and sent it to the front of the three-life war wolf, "In order, this time belongs to you!"

Everyone formed a team to besie and kill Yun Beast, and the Piguo obtained was distributed in turn.

This distribution method is not completely fair, because the size of the biscuits obtained each time varies, some people get slightly larger biscuits, while others get relatively small biscuits. But fortunately, in their team, everyone is friends, and there will be no conflicts!

They have entered the beast den for six months of cultivating, and now they have occupied an independent island. All the cloud beasts that spawned around the island are killed by them. Around this small island, there were not many cloud beasts, but it was just enough to kill a few of them. If there were too many, they would still be difficult to deal with.

After killing this cloud beast, everyone flew back to the island.

On the way back, Shiluo said, "It has been six months now, and I don't know if Ding Hao has made a breakthrough?"

Lei Xiao pointed out, "Exactly six months! According to the deal between Ding Hao and the Eternal Beast senior, if he succeeds in breaking through within these six months, he can stay and continue to practice! If he cannot break through until today, Then he will be driven out of the animal den! I don't know if he has successfully broken through?"

"I feel he will succeed!" Sansheng War Wolf said.

Although the Three Lives Wolf Warriors were very confident in Ding Hao, it was still quite a risk to break into the realm of the true gods in six months! It took more than ten years for the few people present to break through and enter the realm of true gods!

Three Lives War Wolf hesitated and said, "It's just that after every breakthrough, he will send me a message to inform me. I don't know why this time, until now, he has not sent me a message! It is really worrying. !"

Shi Luo frowned and said, "Ding Hao is too big. When he was trading with this eternal beast senior, he should buy more time! Six months, too little, too little! I believe he broke through and entered the realm of true gods. No trouble, but as long as six months, it is really dangerous!"

Dan Tianfo said, "After we return to the island later, we will send a message to Ding Hao, asking if he has a breakthrough?"

Sansheng War Wolf nodded and said, "This is the best way. Regardless of whether he succeeds in breaking through or not, give us a message and let us rest assured!"

They didn't know that Ding Hao had made a breakthrough as early as a month and a half ago.

However, after Ding Hao succeeded in breaking through, the Ninth Mountain Lord who was the first to contact, obtained a training textbook on the original Dao pattern from his hands!

After contacting the teacher, Ding Hao began to watch and learn this training textbook. In fact, Ding Hao had long been preparing to send out good news to tell the Three Lives Wolf Warriors, but after Ding Hao picked up this training textbook, he forgot to sleep and eat, and was completely immersed in this complicated and weird textbook. The images made Ding Hao obsessed with it.

When he was in the mortal world and the immortal world, he had studied the Dao pattern, and in the deepest part of the forbidden sea of ​​the immeasurable star in the immortal world, he also studied the original Dao pattern of the immortal world! He was originally very interested in these, but now the teaching material given to him by the ninth mountain master just answered many questions he didn't understand before. Therefore, the more he watched, the more engaged he was, and he was in a state of ecstasy. No message was sent to the Three Lives War Wolf.

A few days later, the Three Lives War Wolf and the others couldn't wait for a response, and they were all desperate.

"It seems that Ding Hao still failed to make a breakthrough in the end, alas!" Everyone sighed, and then continued to search for the Slaying Cloud Beast nearby, putting the matter down completely.

Soon after, on another island, Manke who got the news burst out laughing.

"Haha! I said, what Ding Hao genius is a liar at all! The cultivator from the fairy clan does not have any advantage in cultivation at all, and he is so self-righteous, throwing out three meditation stones and stuns the eternal beast... Thinking about it now, it's funny! The more I think about it, the more funny I get! Ding Hao, an idiot, not only failed, but lost three meditation stones for nothing. It's so stupid. Let me laugh for a while!"

Looking at the happy Man Ke, Bai Man also nodded slightly, "Since Ding Hao, the obstacle in front of you, has been removed! Then the problem is easy to handle. I will contact some close colleagues as soon as possible and ask their teacher Several other members of the nine giants made suggestions. Everyone asked the Ninth Mountain Master Ding Hao to replace him with you! You must practice well!"

Manke, who was laughing loudly, also stopped the laughter, and his face became solemn, "Uncle Bai Man, you are right to remind! Although Ding Hao failed to break through, I have to practice hard! I want everyone to see me Manke He is also a true genius. As for Ding Hao, I will definitely trample him under my feet! I am unhappy looking at him, if I have a chance..."

A stern smile appeared on Manke's face.

Time passes day by day, month after month, year after year!

A small crystal tree with pink makeup and jade in the alliance world is growing vigorously. After Xiaobi got this new body, she has not completely controlled the world tree!

But fortunately, her mental power has been greatly improved, and there is a precious exercise taught to her by Su Dinan. I believe that she completely controls the world tree and becomes its sole owner. This is a matter of time!

Xiaobi is not worried about her cultivation. What she thinks in her heart is, "I must grow up well, the longer I get, the higher I can look at the three lists, Dad's name!"

Her current height has grown to more than three meters, the height of one floor, she can vaguely see the top part of the three lists!

"It seems that I haven't seen my father's name on the three lists! It seems that I have to grow taller!"

Unlike Xiao Bi, who is struggling to grow taller, Xing Rubing is able to come to the front of the three lists and watch the full picture of the list!

She would come here once a month to see how many senior Ding Hao she admired in her rankings.

However, to her disappointment, since Ding Hao’s name changed from gray to gold, it was still at the bottom of the list, 6619. The number behind Ding Hao’s name was zero from beginning to end, unchanged. Over.

"It's really weird! Senior Ding Hao has made a breakthrough for several years, why his ranking still doesn't move? According to reason, his character is not the character of a queen! What happened to him, why did he rank first? Didn't it increase?"

Those who have seen this list are a little bit confused. I don't know what happened to Ding Hao?

In fact, Ding Hao has been studying with great concentration in the past few years. The teaching material of Dao Wen is not easy to learn. It takes time!

It took more than five years for Ding Hao to finally finish studying this textbook on Dao Wen.

And in the past five years, everyone has forgotten Ding Hao's existence, and they are all working hard to kill Yun Beast, win Bi Guo, and cultivate themselves!

Also during these five years, the first genius to advance from the early stage of the True God Realm to the middle stage of the True God Realm appeared, and that was Prince Jin, the personal disciple of the Eighth Mountain Lord. This person has extraordinary aptitude. Xiu-ben has already reached the peak of the initial stage of the True God Realm. After entering the beast cave, he will slaughter the cloud beast aggressively and obtain an astonishing amount of bifruit!

He used these green fruits for cultivation, and the effect was even more effective. In five years, he broke through the middle stage of the true **** realm.

After Jin broke through, he didn't need to continue to practice in the Yunhai Biguo area, but was sent directly to the second area eternal relic by the eternal beast!

There, there will be more treasures waiting for him to find and find, and his cultivation will be more cruel, and he can fight directly with others!

After Jin left, only 6,618 practitioners remained in the Yunhai Biguo area.

When the rest of the people saw Jin's departure, everyone's hearts were full of fighting spirit. No one felt that they were worse than others. They believed that as long as they practiced hard, they can break through and enter the middle stage of the true **** realm, and they can also be sent to the "Eternal Relics" for cultivation!

The Three Lives Wolf Warriors were also quite encouraged, and they all made up their minds secretly, practice hard, get a lot of Piguo, and strive to enter the previous list earlier!

And just as they worked hard to kill the Yun Beast and practice hard, Ding Hao finally completed the study of the Daowen textbook, and he took a long breath and opened his eyes.

"This textbook is really amazing! The difficult problems in the Dao patterns that I have studied in the past have the answers now! The textbook compiled for me by the teacher is really hard work. , I can understand a lot of simple images and patterns!"

"Teacher, I have read the textbook. When you have time, you will send me the technique of the golden body pattern and phase pattern. You are ready to start practicing."

After Ding Hao sent a message to the teacher, the Ninth Mountain Lord, he found that his mailbox was full of letters from friends.

"Oh my God, it was sent to me five years ago!" Ding Hao couldn't help but smiled awkwardly. He was too fascinated to read the classics, and he forgot to tell his friends the news. "For such a long time, they must all Think I was kicked out of the beast den? Then I won't reply to the news. I suddenly appeared after turning around and gave them a surprise!"

This chapter is the addition of the leader, thanks to the great reward of the leader of the Dragon God.

Thanks again to the one who gave me a reward today actually loves you very much, thanks! Thank you brothers and sisters for the recommended monthly tickets. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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